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Gas prices? Sound off on what you pay

Posted by Dorisan 
Gas prices? Sound off on what you pay
December 20, 2014
I just have to open a thread on the excuse of a mouth dropping experience.

I paid $1.84/gal for gas, yesterday. doh face How long has it been since gas was under $2/gallon? I can barely remember. I think it was the early 2000s.

Granted, I used some gas awards given by a grocer - 5 cents off/gallon with each $100 purchase. Add in some extra Xmas awards given by the store and I had a sizable award, but when I checked that balance and the area gas prices, I asked Dh if our Big Ass Truck â„¢ needed gas. We rarely use it except for trips to the dump and the hardware/garden store, so months can go by without needing to fill it up. When Dh checked and said "down below half a tank," I said "we're going to go get some gas!" Even he had to open the door and flourish the receipt after paying for the fuel.

Gas prices in our area have generally been ~2.29 - 2.39 per gallon. Kinda bummed. I wish we were in a situation where we could start full-timing in our RV. Back when we bought it, I did a future calculation of gas costing $4/gallon. Hopefully nothing blows up and gas prices stay at this level for awhile. It helps our savings when I am able to scale down the budget for cost of transportation.
Re: Gas prices? Sound off on what you pay
December 20, 2014
And I thought $2.33 was good! Way to work those rewards!
I never thought I would see $2.33 again, personally. My husband says it is all down to Saudi Arabia flooding the market in order to 'starve out' the rebel groups that thought they could turn a profit on oil they came by dishonestly.
Not sure I understand what's going on, my husband finds some interesting ideas online. But if this is the case, it won't last at these prices. sad smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Gas prices? Sound off on what you pay
December 22, 2014
It dropped to $2.99 here. Thirty miles away it is 30 cents cheaper, more with rewards from a grocery chain. Total ripoff here.

Wait, you fulltime RV? way cool. This year moved into a silver Avion trailer after redoing most of it (still have some more mods to finish up). Love, love, love my long, long trailer (35' 10"). One day hope to travel with it, but can't yet.
Re: Gas prices? Sound off on what you pay
December 22, 2014
32' class C, with bunk beds for the dogs grinning smiley

There's a thread describing our purchase somewhere on the Patio.

Our target date for tossing the lines to the dock and getting underway is spring 2016. Gotta get Dh on Medicare so that I'm not paying $600/month just for his medical insurance.

We have a disparity of prices, too. Here at home, it's 2.49, but 50 miles away it's 2.21. With our small Scion, it doesn't make such a difference - around $2 savings for each tank fillup - but it's the principle angry smiley
Re: Gas prices? Sound off on what you pay
December 22, 2014
Last fill up on the 15th we paid $1.649/gal after our gas points loyalty card through the grocery store. Gas price was 2.449/gal.
Re: Gas prices? Sound off on what you pay
December 28, 2014
$2.13 is the cheapest I've seen around here.
Re: Gas prices? Sound off on what you pay
December 31, 2014
Paid $1.99 a gallon in Tennessee on the way home yesterday.
Re: Gas prices? Sound off on what you pay
January 01, 2015
100.9 ¢/liter 2 days ago. And this is actually an improvement over the last few months. Heck, probably all of the last couple of years.
Re: Gas prices? Sound off on what you pay
January 01, 2015
And I thought $2.33 was good! Way to work those rewards!
I never thought I would see $2.33 again, personally. My husband says it is all down to Saudi Arabia flooding the market in order to 'starve out' the rebel groups that thought they could turn a profit on oil they came by dishonestly.
Not sure I understand what's going on, my husband finds some interesting ideas online. But if this is the case, it won't last at these prices. sad smiley

I find all this kind of scary. That seems to be a logical reason, Presto. I've been researching myself, because this kind of good economic news (for the West, anyway) just seems too good to be true.

Another reason is supply and demand, which also makes sense. Also, North American oil shale is hitting the market.

And, true to American stupidity, truck and SUV sales are up because of the lower gas prices


When people show up to the dealer lot, they're thinking about their gasoline budget for the week, not what it might look like in three to four years, when they're stuck with the same old vehicle.

I wish I could find the blog post, it was hilarious, but apparently mothers have adopted the same attitude toward mini-vans that men have had for years. Their new choice of urban assault mommy vehicle? The TAHOE!!

The way the guy wrote it showed his clear dismay that his wife, instead of opting for something more economical to drive, squawked "TAHOE!" each time he tried to present a choice he researched. "TAHOE!" It's what all the other mothers drive now. "TAHOE!" You can't expect your wife to take her place in the typical mile long queue to pick up the brats at school in anything else. "TAHOE!"
Re: Gas prices? Sound off on what you pay
January 01, 2015
Costco regular is 1.78. My Pug Bus requires premium which is 2.11. I think it was 2002 when qw last saw these prices.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Gas prices? Sound off on what you pay
January 05, 2015
$1.97/gallon today in NJ. And, we don't pump our own gas here smiling smiley
Re: Gas prices? Sound off on what you pay
January 06, 2015
$1.97/gallon today in NJ. And, we don't pump our own gas here smiling smiley

Oregon, too, I think.

While it wouldn't bother me to to not have to handle a nasty gas pump for a car, I have a problem picturing someone who needs gas for their motorcycle. Filling one of those up is way tricky, pumps don't shut off when the tank is full (as I found out sloshing gas all over the outside of my bike and my shoes several times when I was learning to ride), you have to peer down into the tank to watch the gas rise. What is the biker supposed to do, dismount and step away? Most riders I know would absolutely refuse to allow a stranger to gas their bike.
Re: Gas prices? Sound off on what you pay
January 06, 2015
$2.18 yesterday! Costco in WA. I have seen other suppliers match Costco prices before, but right now they are a good 9 cents a gallon cheaper than everywhere else I pass in my daily trips.

You can get some kind of exemption for motorcycles and pump your own in OR. But I'm in WA, so I only hear about it secondhand.

I drove trucks for a while, and had a special card for pumping my own fuel in OR. smiling smiley
Don't think I ever stopped for fuel in NJ, but truckers pump their own everywhere I've ever been. Some help would be nice for solo drivers though, there are pairs of pumps for each truck, one on each side of the drive up. I drove team though, so I always pumped one side while my partner did the other.
Re: Gas prices? Sound off on what you pay
January 07, 2015
$2.25 for Regular.
Re: Gas prices? Sound off on what you pay
January 12, 2015
$1.88 yesterday at Costco.
Re: Gas prices? Sound off on what you pay
January 25, 2015
Passed a station for $2.19 on my cab ride.
Re: Gas prices? Sound off on what you pay
January 25, 2015
I saw $1.95 well outside of town, I guess we were 30-40 miles away from the last major city in a different county.
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