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Finding/Starting a career at 30?

Posted by Snowe 
Finding/Starting a career at 30?
April 25, 2015
Hello everyone! Boy has it ever been a while! x.x Hope the BF members have been swell through all of life's ups and downs.

With my 30th birthday coming up in June (seriously, how did that happen??), I've been thinking a lot lately about life and what I feel like I should be doing with it. I've got an insatiable wanderlust, am nocturnal, and it's just hard for me to be in one place for longer than 6 months. Despite all that, I want to find employment in a field that I will thrive in and not succumb to the depression and anxiety my PTSD throws at me. But where do I start? I feel like I have no clue what I will enjoy doing. I've been working retail throughout my entire job history and absolutely hate it but it's all I know. I'm stuck because I let my anxiety get the best of me and I basically talk myself out of trying new things because I'm afraid I'll fail. I think I want to be involved in animal rehabilitation but unfortunately it's predominately volunteer work. I finally stopped procrastinating and got my GED last winter but feel like I'm too old to go back to school for years and years.

Does anyone have any tips on how to figure out new areas of interest? Or nice boring, low stress jobs suited for those with depression/anxiety? Any advice would be greatly appreciated ^_^
Re: Finding/Starting a career at 30?
April 25, 2015
Does anyone have any tips on how to figure out new areas of interest? Or nice boring, low stress jobs suited for those with depression/anxiety? Any advice would be greatly appreciated ^_^

A few weeks back, I had an interesting discussion with one of the computer programmers where I work. I haven't paid much attention to the field, being that I hope to quit work next year, but she was practically poking me with a cattle prod to leave the operations field, where I've spent the last 30 years, and go into programming.

"Go onto eBay and get a COBOL book! It's not hard to teach yourself, Dori, especially with your background!"

Apparently, US-based computer programmers are seeing a resurgence of job openings - especially those who are willing to work on a contract basis. This female programmer, same age as me - 55, is thinking about leaving her current position in another year or so, after she is eligible for retirement from this particular employer, and becoming a contract programmer, working only as many months as she likes, in different parts of the country. She's single, has no kids ... she's free.

Computer programming is made stressful by management, otherwise it's not that bad in itself. If your mind/personality has a facet for organization and logical thinking (I'm a person who seems to be perpetually head-in-the-clouds but also very organized) you might look at that.
Re: Finding/Starting a career at 30?
April 26, 2015
Aw, you're never too old for school! Fuck, for the first year I was in grad school, I was the youngest person out of everyone in my program at like 23 or 24. My classmates ranged in age from 30 to 70. All I'll say about college, should you decide to pursue it, do not take out private loans if you need to do financial aid. Federal loans are okay, but private loans will wreck your shit forever. There's also the option of auditing classes at a reduced rate per credit so you can cherry-pick what you want to learn without the threat of failing grades (since homework is usually optional) and without all the bullshit required filler classes. If I had the money, I wouldn't mind auditing the graphic novel making class at my last school, but since the fuckers charge the same amount per credit for auditing classes as they do for normal classes, I just can't. I'd have to take out more loans.

But a career that's on the low-stress side is a tough call. Desk jobs tend to not be too bad, especially if you don't have to interact with customers face-to-face. Of course, even a job that's supposed to be not too stressful can be made very stressful by the wrong kind of manager. I know it's not a career, but cold calling is the easiest, most boring job you can probably ever have. A retard could do it. The pay sucks, but it is easy to do.

I used to do that shit, but it wasn't the job that made me stressed out - it was my cunt of a boss. She'd forbid me from doing anything but talking on the phones and I was going nuts from boredom on the clock because cold calling is not a job that requires undivided attention. Every day, I'd go in and think, "I wonder what she's gonna bitch at me about today." I got so stressed that I was going in to work every morning nauseous and I was worried it was morning sickness. If that cunt had just left me the hell alone, I might have worked there longer.

And I understand the feeling of trying new things because of a fear of failure. I'm the same way. I'm willing to try new things that would have minor consequences if I don't like it or fuck it up, but when it comes to work? I'd rather stick to what I know or what I think/know I can do. Unfortunately, a lot of careers do require some kind of education because many employers like seeing a degree on your resume, but then they turn around and won't hire you because your degree means they have to pay you more. Because America.

It's a tough call to make if you're on the outside looking in. Jobs that seem not too stressful could easily be very trying because we as onlookers don't know what the job entails. The position of librarian might seem easy-peasy, but I'm sure it's not as much of a gravy job as people think.

I looked at this list and many of these jobs are not stress-free.

I apologize if I couldn't provide much in terms of advice or guidance. I'm kind of in the same boat you are, only I never really had a career to change from. smiling smiley I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do, but alas, my lack of self-esteem means I look at EVERY job and go, "I can't do that, I'll screw it up." Even with stuff I can do. I've done a lot of art for folks who say they love it, but I can look at it and think, "This sucks, I can find ten things wrong with it, this person is a moron for giving me money for this hot mess, I wouldn't pay for this."
Re: Finding/Starting a career at 30?
May 07, 2015
Thanks for your input! I found a job advertised on craigslist for entry level aircraft assembly. I love working on cars, getting my hands dirty, taking things apart and putting them back together so I figured I'd apply. I have an interview tomorrow afternoon. I hope it goes well. It's a year contract and the pay starts at $11/hr, much better than anything my local retail chains can offer. The only thing I need is some basic hand tools, they gave me a list of what I'd need and thankfully I already have a good amount of what is needed just from what I use on cars. I am not getting my hopes up but I am still excited about it. I have really only ever done retail so I have to really sell my mechanical skills that I have been learning on my own. My reference/person who has been teaching me about cars is an aircraft mechanic himself and told me he thinks I could totally do this job. My depression/anxiety is low right now so I am pretty confident I can rock this interview. Fingers crossed!
Re: Finding/Starting a career at 30?
May 08, 2015
Thanks for your input! I found a job advertised on craigslist for entry level aircraft assembly. I love working on cars, getting my hands dirty, taking things apart and putting them back together so I figured I'd apply. I have an interview tomorrow afternoon. I hope it goes well. It's a year contract and the pay starts at $11/hr, much better than anything my local retail chains can offer. The only thing I need is some basic hand tools, they gave me a list of what I'd need and thankfully I already have a good amount of what is needed just from what I use on cars. I am not getting my hopes up but I am still excited about it. I have really only ever done retail so I have to really sell my mechanical skills that I have been learning on my own. My reference/person who has been teaching me about cars is an aircraft mechanic himself and told me he thinks I could totally do this job. My depression/anxiety is low right now so I am pretty confident I can rock this interview. Fingers crossed!






“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Finding/Starting a career at 30?
May 08, 2015
I am pretty confident I can rock this interview. Fingers crossed!

Re: Finding/Starting a career at 30?
May 11, 2015
Update! My phone interview was great but the in-person one didn't go over as well as I wanted. She took one look at me and pretty much that was enough for her. I wore a plain blue top and black dress pants, barely any makeup, and only straightened my hair. It's not like I was all dolled up! She didn't really seem interested in ANYTHING I had to say. But it was a group interview and the two other people there were both men and BOTH played the kid card on why they wanted a job with the company. They had kids to feed, one had one on the way. Are you fucking kidding me... Ugh.. So it's cool to give breeders a great job leading into a career because they have fuck trophies? She basically waved me out of the room with a "You'll hear from the contractor on Monday with feedback, I'm going to keep these two here longer to ask them a few more questions." It pissed me off more than anything. She started the interviews late because she was on the phone with someone about her kids t-ball practice being rescheduled or whatever. -.- I called the contractor and let her know how it went and we both laughed about her suggesting I play the cat card next time. "Tell them you have furry mouths to feed! Tell them you want a career so you don't become a crazy cat lady!" She called me this morning to let me know I wasn't offered the job and she was ticked off that they gave her zero feedback as to why. The other two applicants weren't more qualified for the position and one showed up in blue jeans ffs. But I didn't have that almighty kid card. The "best" reason to have a career. Hopefully I calm down about it, but for today, I am just irritated as hell over it
Re: Finding/Starting a career at 30?
May 13, 2015
Aw shit, I'm sorry to hear the second interview didn't go well. Sounds very much like breeder favoritism at work, or maybe the person interviewing you felt threatened by the possibility of another woman (competition) working there.

Breeders are the worst kinds of people to hire because they're glad to cut corners, leave early and come in late all due to their brats. But if you're dealing with a breeder employer, I think they'll almost always discriminate against those who they feel have no kids. Gotta help out a fellow breeder and all that crap. They also feel that their own kind "deserve" jobs more than we do because they have brats. Because, you know, there's no way an unchilded person could have dependents like ailing relatives or pets.

Fuckers. I hope the breeder they hire turns out to be the laziest piece of shit ever and they drag down production.
Re: Finding/Starting a career at 30?
May 14, 2015
They had kids to feed, one had one on the way.

So he thought it'd be a good idea to have another kid when he doesn't even have a job to support it. Totally sounds like an intelligent, responsible employee...
Re: Finding/Starting a career at 30?
May 16, 2015
Snowe, think of it this way - you dodged a bullet. Does this really sound like the kind of place where you want to work? I know it wouldn't to me. I've been in your position numerous times, and transitioned to a sort of new career last year in my mid-30's. Give it time, and don't be hard on yourself. It sounds corny, but the right gig will come at the right time. Sometimes it just takes a while, and happens when you least expect it.
Re: Finding/Starting a career at 30?
July 22, 2015
I'm 3 years shy of the 30, BUT I'm pretty much in the same pickle as you, I have depression from 2 years of being rejected weekly for jobs, inflammatory bowel disease that can be set off by stress and make me so sick I can't even stay awake more than 4 hours a day when its in full swing life threatening mode, ad to it my ocd hand washing, phone phobia, sound and sleep anxiety, permenat injuries and overweight appearance, yep a great big mess of shit people don't wanna hire.

While I can hide most of these, lose weight or shift the focus away from certain situations or questions well enough to get interviews, I have a few career problems.

.worked for family for ten years -employers don't count this as real work, even though it's much harder
.large range of skills -I'd really just like an entry level low stress job, but employers won't give me the time of day because I would cost to much to do a lower grade job
.I can't be what I spent 7 years training to be - I'd love to be a personal trainer, but my injurys have made that not possible now, so now I've got no idea what I want to do
.I'd love a job where I don't have to answer phones or serve customers -I doubt many non labour jobs have this

I don't have the financial resources after my medical condition required 2 bouts of surgery last year while I'm unemployed, to just wind up in a job that's going to cause me stress that could flare up my condition, so while I'm not trying to be picky I still have to chose wisely which jobs to apply for.

My cover letters are up to par, my resume is professionally done and represents me well, I dress clean and professional for interviews with simple make up and hair style to suit, I speak clearly and fluently, the only thing I seem to fuck up each time is, I get anxious, I've read heaps of interview questions and practiced my answers but I still become like a hazy fog in my head once im in the interview room, I feel like soon as the interview starts, I kill it with my words without realising because I'm to anxious to think straight.

Last year alone, I applied for over 900 jobs, even while sick and between hospital visits, no luck, this year I'm at about 300 applications, few interviews, still no luck, even though I don't mention ANY of my conditions, nope. Honestly in just tired of searching and getting rejections without even talking to them first, I really feel like I've been left behind by the world from around the time I got sick last year.

I'm sorry for the rant, but I've just been trying so hard to get work dispite my conditions, but I feel like I'm really getting nowhere, and like maybe there's a type of job out there that I'm overlooking that suits me or that I could create. I just needed someone to hear me out and give me some tips or ideas I might not have thought of.
Anonymous User
Re: Finding/Starting a career at 30?
July 27, 2015
Warning massive ramble ahead, I'm kinda fried at the moment :drool

@exile - I feel your pain, job hunting is an utterly soul destroying activity at times. Over the years, in my search for a better job I've had hundreds of rejections and no replys. It may not necessarily be you personally that is not getting you the job (if that makes sense). Competition for jobs is crazy these days and many times places have already earmarked whom they want to fill the role and the whole application process is just a formality. Try not to take it personally, though that is easier said than done. The jobs I've managed to land recently have been because I either know the manager or know someone who knows the manager and is willing to do me a favor. Have you any relatives or friends who could put in a good word for you at some place?

@snowe - I was in a similar place to you just over a year ago and I'm nearly 30. Me and my OH were both in dead end jobs working at an office and in the evenings I was trying to build a freelance career in illustration and beggining to get some success. We were both sick of our going nowhere life which wasn't really funding our rather basic (by choice) lifestyle. I was comming to the realisation that although I loved art and was good at it, it was not the career for me. In the end I got offered redundancy from my job and we decided that we had had enough and wanted to make a change. In the end we decided to both go to university and study for completely new careers, we planned out our finanaces in advance and figured we could just scrape by for three years if we really pared down our life.

So, I'm due to start my second year in September and so far it's been doable. It's been effing hard work and not to mention scary as hell! My old job and my art especially, defined me as person (even though I wasn't happy with it) and tearing down that person and that life and attempting to build a new one is frankly terrifying to me. Also having no life what so ever has been grating even for an introvert like me. At the moment during the summer I'm working three jobs to try and save some money so that we have enough money to live off for the next uni year (as is the OH) as well as gaining experience in the field I want to work in. So it's pretty tiring. Not to whinge, this is what I signed up for, I'm just telling it as it is.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that 30 is not too late to change career (most of the people on my course are older than me or the same age and in the same situation) but that it isn't easy and times will be tough. But if you think you can do it, go for it! I keep telling myself that I'd be forever regretful/resentful if I didn't do this. I would love to say that it's worth it in the end but I'm not there yet. However I'm happy to lend you guys support and any advice when I can give it. Good luck to all of you in your endevors grinning smiley

Also this experience has re-enforced my decision not to have kids! I couldn't have imagined trying to do all this with sprogs in tow. ****shudder*****
Re: Finding/Starting a career at 30?
July 28, 2015
Warning massive ramble ahead, I'm kinda fried at the moment :drool

@exile - I feel your pain, job hunting is an utterly soul destroying activity at times. Over the years, in my search for a better job I've had hundreds of rejections and no replys. It may not necessarily be you personally that is not getting you the job (if that makes sense). Competition for jobs is crazy these days and many times places have already earmarked whom they want to fill the role and the whole application process is just a formality. Try not to take it personally, though that is easier said than done. The jobs I've managed to land recently have been because I either know the manager or know someone who knows the manager and is willing to do me a favor. Have you any relatives or friends who could put in a good word for you at some place?

No I do get that some places just interview everyone as a formality, I actually had one place tell me that, I was so pissed after that interview, wasting my fuel, time and effort for a formality to someone else. It is all about who you know not what you know these days, which is such bull crap, my partner works for my last work place that shafted me, so he's a dead end, his family live to far south to be practical recommendations for where we live, my family and freinds look
down to me as if I'm scum because I won't pretend to like my dad in public regardless of how much of a prick he is for the humiliating way he fired me for somthing he did wrong, I can't use my 10 year most successful employment as a reference which is helping to srew me over, but i should act like nothings wrong because that's what good little daughters should do, and then theirs the fact I don't want babys, so I'm god awful in their eyes.

And my previous coworkers mostly have all worked for and been fired by my dad, so they hate me by association. So no, I don't have any good recommendation people, or socail/family support network, which stands out like a red flag I'm sure. The stupid thing is, I'm not good at interviews, I'm good at the job, if someone actually hired me they'd find that out and never want me to leave, but formailtys. You know I had one place tell my employment officer, that they don't hire women over size 12, even though the skinny little things have no work ethic, bitch about everything being to hard and they have a high staff turnover.hitting over the head with a hammer
Anonymous User
Re: Finding/Starting a career at 30?
July 28, 2015
No I do get that some places just interview everyone as a formality, I actually had one place tell me that, I was so pissed after that interview, wasting my fuel, time and effort for a formality to someone else.

Wow that sucks and they actually had the nerve to say it. In the UK I think it's a requirement to go through a recruitment process with outside advertising even though the job is going to go to an internal candidate. It's bloody stupid. I don't think companies realise the impact that this can have financially and mentally on people, especially the unemployed. Either that or they don't care. I'm sorry that you have nobody backing you up, that must be pretty hard, especially as you say that you do have a good employment history and a work ethic sad smiley

Also, fuck these guys with a rusty chainsaw:

. You know I had one place tell my employment officer, that they don't hire women over size 12, even though the skinny little things have no work ethic, bitch about everything being to hard and they have a high staff turnover.hitting over the head with a hammer
Re: Finding/Starting a career at 30?
July 28, 2015

Wow that sucks and they actually had the nerve to say it. In the UK I think it's a requirement to go through a recruitment process with outside advertising even though the job is going to go to an internal candidate. It's bloody stupid. I don't think companies realise the impact that this can have financially and mentally on people, especially the unemployed. Either that or they don't care. I'm sorry that you have nobody backing you up, that must be pretty hard, especially as you say that you do have a good employment history and good work ethic sad smiley]

I think the one that told me it was just a formality, had already picked their person, and didn't want their time wasted by people calling back about if they got the job, so they just flat linned the interview. It is silly how much they waste on something they didn't need, but its to look fair, and I know of a few people who've nearly lost their jobs trying to move on, because of the stupid multi interview, plus tests over a week, if they hadn't got the new jobs, they sure as hell didn't have their old ones to go back to. That kind of messing around can ruin lives.

I remember hearing some woman say she interviewed as 3 males and 3 females, because the company was an equal opportunity company, but only the men were hired, great, such diversity, might as well tell them their wasting their time that could be spent interviewing elsewhere.

Yeah it has been pretty hard with no support network, when it really gets tough, and I lose hope and become depressed, but I can't rough it out with freinds or family like others do, so insted, back to the job search I go. It's been 2yrs, eventually some one will give me a go, I just hate the endless thoughts and feelings of (what did I do wrong, what was it this time that caused me not to get it?)
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