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You can't leave your Pedo-Bear husband!

Posted by addiea raine 
You can't leave your Pedo-Bear husband!
June 05, 2015
In light of the Duggars and several other incidents of the devoutly religious, this little gem popped up in my feed. Not exactly CF issue but I thought it would be of some interest in seeing just how far the religious would go to cover any misdeeds and perpetuate the woman as a second class citizen.

No divorce for you else you will be punished!
Re: You can't leave your Pedo-Bear husband!
June 05, 2015
If you're unhappy with the church you're attending, can't you just not go anymore? I don't really understand what this woman is bloviating and snotting over.

I love how she signed so many sexist documents to join a sexist church, voluntarily engaged in a sexist cult, then got into a snit fit when she was treated by her sexist church leaders as less than an autonomous human being. sarcastic clapping
Re: You can't leave your Pedo-Bear husband!
June 05, 2015
I think most churches are sexist anyway. This one went over the top with that "submit to the Elders". If one didn't know what they meant it would actually sound kinda kinky grinning smiley. As much as I despise sprogs, how any person even of thenut religious can be ok with sweeping child porn under the rug is beyond me. And then basically blame the twit wife for her husbands misdeeds. It's scary to see just how spread out this mentality is from the Duggar camp to this. Wonder if people will ever wake up about cult-like religion?
Re: You can't leave your Pedo-Bear husband!
June 05, 2015
If you're unhappy with the church you're attending, can't you just not go anymore? I don't really understand what this woman is bloviating and snotting over.

I love how she signed so many sexist documents to join a sexist church, voluntarily engaged in a sexist cult, then got into a snit fit when she was treated by her sexist church leaders as less than an autonomous human being. sarcastic clapping
I was stalked by the church I was raised in for 15 years after I last attended as my parents insisted.
What this lady does not seem to realize is that there is legal precedent to recover damages for their refusal to recognize her termination of membership. As they attempted to engage in disciplinary action AFTER she had informed them to consider her not a member anymore, particularly in informing the rest of the membership that she should be shunned, they are highly liable as established by a court case in Oklahoma around 1984.
Helps to know your rights.
Cults will cult, especially if you don't know your rights.
Once I learned I could resign my membership, I did. I seriously didn't know I had the option for 15 years after leaving that stupid cult. I really thought I could just walk away, as most people do from non-cults.
They came looking for me by name, they were there to "reactivate" me. Not even realizing how culty that sounds.
Re: You can't leave your Pedo-Bear husband!
June 20, 2015
It sounds like they are stalking and harassing her. Also, misguided or not, it may be that this woman's entire network of friends and support groups were within the church. Can you imagine being suddenly shunned by all of your loved ones? Especially while it souns like pedo-freak is being coddled and "treated" and showered with sympathy. So backasswards.
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