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A Bit Off-Topic - - County Clerk Kim Davis

Posted by louiedalump 
A Bit Off-Topic - - County Clerk Kim Davis
September 03, 2015
Mods: we have a place for off-topic discussions. It's called the Patio.

It always seems strange to me that when the religious nutcases try to ram their religion down everyone else's throats, that's "freedopm of religion," BUT, whenever anyone else objects to them ramming their religion down everyone else's throats, that's "discrimination against Christians." They just never figure out that the road runs both ways.
Re: A Bit Off-Topic - - County Clerk Kim Davis
September 03, 2015
Ugh, don't get me started. I was born, raised and lived a great deal of my adult life in Kentucky. I grew up far from eastern Kentucky but a good friend of mine grew up in Morehead (the county seat of Rowan County). His inside scoop was really enlightening.
Dumb bitch didn't care much about the "sanctity of marriage" when she was with spawn while married to husband 1. She gave birth and pressured husband 2 to legally adopt the spawn (twins actually). DNA later determined the twin spawns were the biological children of the man who became husband 3. At some point, she ditched him, married husband 4 and found God.
It is another case of "I lived my life as I pleased but want to deny everyone else to do so."
I respect anyone's right to not officiate any marriage they disagree with from a religious organization. What this dumb bitch doesn't grasp is she isn't at her job to serve her religion. She is there to serve the public who pays her salary. Her objections are easily rectified by her finding another job.
Religion is not a disability. The right to practice one's religion does not extend to other people's rights to obtain a legal, civil marriage.
The problem with removing her is that this is an elected position in Kentucky and the recall process is long and difficult. By the time her recall is put on the ballot it will be 2016 when she comes up for reelection. The best thing that can happen is that the judge chucks her in jail until she quits.
The part I find hilarious is the judge who just chucked her in jail is the son of former Senator Jim Bunning and is a W appointee. Now he is under federal marshal protection due to death threats.
I don't care who marries or who screws who. I object to religion being dragged into civil positions or health care. If a Catholic priest had declined to marry my husband and I because neither are Catholic then I am fine with that. We should, however, be able to have a civil marriage if we choose that. This woman's absurd claim is akin to a blind man claiming his rights are being violated due to not being able to become an air line pilot or a secret service agent.
She needs to get over it. If she can't perform a primary function of her job she can resign.
Re: A Bit Off-Topic - - County Clerk Kim Davis
September 03, 2015
If a Catholic priest had declined to marry my husband and I because neither are Catholic then I am fine with that. We should, however, be able to have a civil marriage if we choose that. This woman's absurd claim is akin to a blind man claiming his rights are being violated due to not being able to become an air line pilot or a secret service agent.
She needs to get over it. If she can't perform a primary function of her job she can resign.

This is one of the reasons I support gay marriage. I am a Christian and I do not object to gay marriage on moral grounds, but usually I cannot make others concede that this is a valid point when we argue. That is when I have this as a backup counter argument - I do not object on moral grounds but, if someone does, they have no reason to object on legal grounds. This is, after all, what we are debating, a legal matter not a moral one. People like her irritate me - she goes around making a scene about gays and supports a stereotype.
Re: A Bit Off-Topic - - County Clerk Kim Davis
September 03, 2015
I wonder if her religion will stop her becoming someones prison bitch?
Re: A Bit Off-Topic - - County Clerk Kim Davis
September 03, 2015
I'm waiting for a clerk to deny a concealed carry license due to his/her sincerely held religious belief as a Quaker.
Re: A Bit Off-Topic - - County Clerk Kim Davis
September 04, 2015
I'm waiting for a clerk to deny a concealed carry license due to his/her sincerely held religious belief as a Quaker.

That would be interesting. These same conservative people would be up in arms. Religion is only valid if it fits the agenda.
Re: A Bit Off-Topic - - County Clerk Kim Davis
September 04, 2015

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: A Bit Off-Topic - - County Clerk Kim Davis
September 04, 2015
I'm waiting for a clerk to deny a concealed carry license due to his/her sincerely held religious belief as a Quaker.

That would be interesting. These same conservative people would be up in arms. Religion is only valid if it fits the agenda.

Well, if you are at a cocktail party and get into a discussion about Quakers** and guns, you should be prepared for a rebuttal smile rolling left righteyes2


It's a subject that the sect does a lot of talking about, but there is no one line of thought among them. Mostly they are about responsible ownership over outright banning of guns.

**Quakerism interests me because it was a BIG component of my family history. I'm a direct descendant of Thomas Wynne Dh and I have also researched Quakerism in a view of being part of a fellowship, but most of the groups of Friends in our area sound more like Southern Baptist Lite.
Re: A Bit Off-Topic - - County Clerk Kim Davis
September 04, 2015
Oh, and talk about a position that is rife with nepotisim. Kim Davis took over the post from her mother. Davis son is also a deputy of that office who will follow his mother's line but not suffer consequences.

And I love how this site words the situation


The shit clearly didn't fall far from the asshole.

ETA: this event and others of its vein have forced GoFundMe to set a policy

Oh, and the bitch makes $80k a year
Dumb breeder clerk in jail for not doing her job
September 05, 2015
A Kentucky county clerk is refusing to issue any marriage licenses because she recently found God and believes in the sanity of marriage. While she sits up on her perch looking down at a gay couple who have been together 20 years she has quite the past that does anything but show her sanctity of marriage beliefs.
She got knocked up right out of high school and married hubby 1. While still legally married to hubby 1 she got pregnant again. She got a divorce and married hubby 2 while pregnant. She pressured hubby 2 to adopt the twin spawn. He did but the children are the product of the man who became hubby 3. She spawned a few times with hubby 2 then divorced hubby 2 to marry hubby 3. Then she divorces hubby 3 and remarrieshubby 2.
She is a walking episode of Maury Povich.
After finding God, she thinks gay marriage isn't marriage and cites the Bible. After the Supreme Court ruling she refuses to issue marriage licenses or allow her staff to. Couple gets help from the AC LU and sue. Since this is an elected position the only way to remove her is recall election, impeachment or she resigns. It goes through the federal court and appeals court then the Supreme Court refuses to hear it.
At this point, the original federal judge called her into court and told her she would be in contempt if she didn't do her job or quit. She didn't and two days later he called her back and had her arrested for contempt. The judge, who is a Republican appointee of George W and son of former Senator Jim Bunning is under federal Marshall protection because of death threats.
The first thing about this story that kills me is the hypocrisy. She wants to live her life as she pleases and then judge others for doing the same. The other thing that ticks me off is the serial breeding she did with her revolving door of men in a small county eastern Kentucky coal country that has an unemployment rate over 20%. The only decent paying jobs there aside from doctor, lawyer or mining engineer are civil service jobs or jobs at the small state college. I also think it was unfair to drag kids into her shit show life.
Selfish, idiot breeders only think of themselves.
On the plus side, the gay couple did finally get their licenses.
Re: A Bit Off-Topic - - County Clerk Kim Davis
September 06, 2015

Oh, and the bitch makes $80k a year

80K a year and all I have to do is give marriage licenses to people? Sign me up! I'll trade her. I get to deal with lovely couples all day long, both gay and straight, and she can have my shitty Walmart job. Oh wait, there are gay people there, too, she might not like it. We'll see how her freedom of religion flies when she refuses to sell life-preserving prescriptions to our gay customers.
Re: A Bit Off-Topic - - County Clerk Kim Davis
September 06, 2015
Hilarious memes

Considering the income levels for Rowan County, Kentucky, that bitch is living high off the hog on $80K/year.


The median income for a household in the county was $33,081. Males had a median income of $26,777 versus $20,104 for females. The per capita income for the county was $13,888. About 15.90% of families and 21.30% of the population were below the poverty line, including 20.80% of those under age 18 and 16.20% of those age 65 or over.
Re: A Bit Off-Topic - - County Clerk Kim Davis
September 07, 2015

Just click it! waving hellolarious

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: A Bit Off-Topic - - County Clerk Kim Davis
September 07, 2015
Broken clock and so on and so forth. Even weirder is that WBC isn't that wrong; Davis is an adulterer, but not because she remarried after divorcing (multiple times), but because she did some extramarital fucking. To top it off, they are asking a relevant question, albeit in their twisted logic: What if somebody denied Davis her 3rd or 4th marriage certificate because they believe that frequent divorcing and remarrying violates the sanctity of marriage and/or are a Catholic that doesn't believe in remarriage after divorce?

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: A Bit Off-Topic - - County Clerk Kim Davis
September 08, 2015
Judge let her out....but if she interferes with license issuing it is back to the pokey for her. You know she will...she already said she was going to.


From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: A Bit Off-Topic - - County Clerk Kim Davis
September 12, 2015
Something I saw in one my atheist blog websites: "YOUR religion is not MY government!"

Davis needs to be taken off the payroll but I wonder if that can be done retroactively when the Kentucky state legislature comes back into session next January. They can impeach her and remove her from office. Davis is a disaster.
Re: A Bit Off-Topic - - County Clerk Kim Davis
September 14, 2015

Translation - comply or the gravy train is over

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: A Bit Off-Topic - - County Clerk Kim Davis
September 14, 2015

Translation - comply or the gravy train is over


Davis said in her statement that marriage licenses would now say they were issued "pursuant to federal court order."

And one day they will become treasured artifacts because of that, symbols of how bigots like her were trounced.
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