Another nuclear sob story - Now with 5 kids.
November 07, 2015
As you know, I follow nuclear power news and another facility in NY will close - but the big story is, what will happen to this family with 5 kids by the time he's 29? Why even bring up their 5 kids in the first place? Here is what Moo says:

14 hours ago

@aspretto- who are you to judge on when we should have children? No where was it ever stated that we can't afford them, we do just fine or we wouldn't have 5 and I wouldn't be a stay at home mom for 6 years! Never once did the article state that my husband wouldn't find new employment within the entergy fleet- he has three degrees to ensure he will always have a well paying job that will forever support our 5 children! Here's a thought for you- don't ever have children yourself!

Well that last sentence works for me, but what happens when hubby becomes a meter reader (if they even do that anymore) and YOU have to be a barista at Starbucks?

Is this another breederific industry like police, military?
Re: Another nuclear sob story - Now with 5 kids.
November 09, 2015
The mother who is the subject of the article is all over the comments. According to her, her husband has a white collar job and three degrees and he will likely find a job somewhere else at another nuclear plant. When people asked the inevitable question, why have five kids when someone's job is not stable, she's on the defensive and unfortunately she's getting a lot of udder rubs about her "beautiful family." (A beautiful family of BOYS--she's brewing #5 and it's a boy too. These idiots probably won't stop trying until Moo's uterus prolapses or they get a giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl.)

I'm not rubbing her udders or engaging her at all because I don't troll websites and frankly, it's wasted time. Anyone who is stupid enough to have five kids in this day and age is probably thinking we can all fit into Texas and eat feces and drink piss.

And I did notice that Dud is not wearing a wedding ring. Maybe he's ready to cut out--too bad she had her first kid at 20 and probably couldn't support herself, let alone five kids.
Re: Another nuclear sob story - Now with 5 kids.
November 09, 2015
I don't think she can support herself, that maybe she went to college to get her MRS, bred with Brian, and now he is going to be humiliated, with 3 degrees he will get to call somebody to pay their Entergy bill, clean Entergy toilets, wash Entergy trucks, scoop food in an Entergy lunchroom, all because Candice probably cannot get a job at a Starbucks because she doesn't know how to boil water. And they probably won't hire Brian with his tattoos and hairy spider legs showing. All I can think is Bwahh ha, ha, ha!
Re: Another nuclear sob story - Now with 5 kids.
November 18, 2015
Didn't Homer Simpson work at a nuclear plant?

And three degrees? Bitch please. She's probably referring to his GED and his two vocational school diplomas. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but there's no fucking way this guy has a PhD in ANYTHING by 29 with that famblee in tow, let alone nuclear engineering. My grandfather was a nuclear physicist with a PhD, and I can tell you that those guys don't work "down at the plant."
Re: Another nuclear sob story - Now with 5 kids.
December 25, 2015
And three degrees? Bitch please. She's probably referring to his GED and his two vocational school diplomas. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but there's no fucking way this guy has a PhD in ANYTHING by 29 with that famblee in tow, let alone nuclear engineering. My grandfather was a nuclear physicist with a PhD, and I can tell you that those guys don't work "down at the plant."

Its been my experience that a lot of these degree types, Include Seminars, 3 hr class certificates, GED s, various certificates, as degrees. And my favorite: The "Jail House PHD" This is an individual who did some jail/prison time and spent most time in the Prison Library reading bits and pieces about various things. Thus knowing just enough to bullshit about it.
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