Do you guys think social norms / conventions are bad?
I ask here because childfree-dom is something that goes against societal conventions {children are a woman's greatest achievement, women should stay home with the kids, women shouldn't work, and all the other bs}.
I can't decide how I feel.
On the one hand, a think a universal standard of behavior is good. When I let someone into my lane and they don't wave, I think they're rude {you knew your destination when you got into the car, you should enter lanes accordingly, rather than crossing over 3 lanes}. When someone holds a door because I'm close behind them, I think they're polite.
On the other hand, lately I've been getting the short end of the stick. On two separate occasions, guys that have said really gross sexual stuff in the past have chastised me for swearing. Maybe it's just because I'm asexual, but I find sexual comments 500x more offensive than 'shit,' 'damn,' and 'fuck.' I locked myself out of the car at the pet store, and had someone pick me up and drive me home. When we got there, they said they will get the dog food "because you're a lady". I grabbed it out before they did and carried it inside. It irks me that women are expected not to swear, and are expected to be unable to do labor. The dog food bag is less than 50lbs. I can manage about 50.
Do you think social norms are good or bad? Are they okay, in so much as they aren't gendered?
Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.