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American politics 2016 cluster thread

Posted by cfdavep 
American politics 2016 cluster thread
November 08, 2016
I was talking to a guy this morning who said that Trump probably ran "for fun" because he has the $$$ to do so and that if he wins he will probaly sit back and let Mike Pence take over. His right hand man is MAJOR conservative pro-liar so that was not a fun thing to hear. So it looks like Mike Pence could be the next president only not in name just every other way.
Re: If Trump gets in
November 08, 2016
I've been saying all along that he really does not want the job. Its just an ego thing. More worried Pence will get in and it will only be a matter of time til The Red Centers open and start fertility testing of all womben.
Re: If Trump gets in
November 08, 2016
God, I hope this works, because I voted for this guy. He seemed like a refreshing break from the usual conservatives and liberals, but I really dislike having a major biblethumper in power. Oh, wellsad smiley

Honestly, how much progress could Pence make? There's a lot of people who don't identify as Christian now.
Re: If Trump gets in
November 08, 2016
I seriously doubt that anything is going to change. What turned me off with Clinton (besides the scandals) is the fact that she wanted to double the child-tax credit. Sorry but fuck that noise. It's bad enough they get a tax credit for shitting out a loaf, now we're supposed to pay double that.


"It is better not to look like what you are; it is better to look like a bourgeois woman because then all the doors are open for you and then you can just go and make hell." - Marjane Satrapi
Re: If Trump gets in
November 08, 2016
The Onion has been at it with Hillary's Kaine for a while now.

It wouldn't be so bad if Trump choose a normal person for VP, but I guess you have to appease the fundie crowd for the votes. Someone was shot near a voting station in CA today.
Re: If Trump gets in
November 08, 2016
Let's assume for a moment that Roe V. Wade doesn't change (and it probably won't)... Clinton wants to increase the child tax credit, Trump wants to extend tax credits for daycare. Clinton also wants "free" preschool and some form of "free" college. (Ergo, you and I pay.)

Trump is the lesser of the two evils, when it comes to childfree people. Both candidates scare the hell out of me. strong shock
Re: If Trump gets in
November 09, 2016
My best friend and her husband are die-hard shitlord Trump supporters.

There's going to be no living with them after this night.
Re: If Trump gets in
November 09, 2016
the noodler
My best friend and her husband are die-hard shitlord Trump supporters.

There's going to be no living with them after this night.

If she's your best friend than she's obviously pretty important to you. Don't let politics get in the way of solid friendships. I've learned that in this life, if you've got a good friend, keep 'em in the fold. friendly hug
Re: If Trump gets in
November 09, 2016
the noodler
My best friend and her husband are die-hard shitlord Trump supporters.

There's going to be no living with them after this night.

If she's your best friend than she's obviously pretty important to you. Don't let politics get in the way of solid friendships. I've learned that in this life, if you've got a good friend, keep 'em in the fold. friendly hug

Her dh actually was kinda forced to go to a trump party in NYC and they ended up with car trouble (my BFF didn't want to go or wasn't invited not sure). Anyway, friend that I am, offered to drive the 20+ miles to her house so she could vote.

And actually when they first moved back and their viewpoints were totally opposite from our POV and some things were downright offensive. But BFF told me that no matter what I read or hear of her DH in the news, is to remember how they treat me and my dh.

And they do treat us well.
Very well.

Eta: Yea. They're keepers as friends. Crazy ammosexual right wing alt right trad nationists, but BFF feeds us well and has always been there for us. She was my awesome bridesmaid and I introduced her to her DH 15 plus years ago so we have many ties that bind us in friendship.

Thanks to S54 for keeping it in perspective.
Re: If Trump gets in
November 09, 2016
So the sexist, racist bigot beloved of the religious reich has beaten the racist war-mongering banker crony. I don't think there was any outcome that I would have appreciated once the two horses were chosen.
Re: If Trump gets in
November 09, 2016
Pence got me when he Tweeted out a picture of his beagle who had recently passed away and said he was campaigning with a heavy heart due to losing Maverick. Anyone that loves his dog that much can't be all bad.
Re: If Trump gets in
November 10, 2016
the noodler
If she's your best friend than she's obviously pretty important to you. Don't let politics get in the way of solid friendships. I've learned that in this life, if you've got a good friend, keep 'em in the fold. friendly hug

And actually when they first moved back and their viewpoints were totally opposite from our POV and some things were downright offensive. But BFF told me that no matter what I read or hear of her DH in the news, is to remember how they treat me and my dh.

And they do treat us well.
Very well.

Eta: Yea. They're keepers as friends. Crazy ammosexual right wing alt right trad nationists, but BFF feeds us well and has always been there for us. She was my awesome bridesmaid and I introduced her to her DH 15 plus years ago so we have many ties that bind us in friendship.

Thanks to S54 for keeping it in perspective.

You guys are better people than I. This election brought out a nasty side in a few of my friends and I have no patience for that kind of shit in my life.

I don't want to associate with people who, say, prioritize the life of a hypothetical fetus inside my body over mine (just an example, not an actual case). Some views put way too big of a rift between people.

I don't have low self-esteem. That's a mistake. I have low esteem for everyone else.

Cracked writes a "Don't Panic" article about Trump
November 09, 2016

It is a pretty good article on how Trump probably can't do much concerning gay marriage or abortion, and that at the beginning people tend to think it is all over for them.
Re: Cracked writes a "Don't Panic" article about Trump
November 09, 2016
Half of America did not, in fact, just reveal themselves to be closet Nazis.

Bullshit article. Very few Americans can be classified as Nazis or having Nazi-like thinking. The extreme few that do probably did vote for Trump. But voting for Trump does not equal the voter being a Nazi. More importantly, this is the same damn country that it was 8 years ago. Did these same "Nazi's" elect Barack Obama, our first black president? Because without the white vote, he doesn't win. No way, no how.

It was a change election and although Trump may have been a pile of dog turds, his opponent was a pile of pig vomit. Most Americans felt that the choices being offered were terrible. Many of them tired of seeing jobs shipped overseas. Tired of rampant illegal immigration. Tired of PAYING (quite literally) for the costs of shipping said jobs overseas via tax breaks, and tired of PAYING for the costs of illegal immigration.

Rejecting the notion that our tax dollars should not subsidize tax breaks for companies to move overseas does not make a voter a Nazi. Rejecting the idea that illegal aliens should be permitted to run across the border, crowd our schools and hospitals, place wear and tear on our infrastructure, and do it at our expense? Sorry... that doesn't make you a Nazi.

Sans the debates, Trump spent much of his campaign hammering home core issues of illegal immigration, job creation, and reworking trade deals to benefit the US. Clinton (via the left wing commentators and talking heads) simply stated that anyone who would vote for such a man was in fact a racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, islamophobic, troglodyte. Sorry folks, that ain't a fuckin' campaign message. That doesn't inspire anyone, particularly coming from a person who had such a low approval rating to begin with.

And on top of that, she wanted to increase our refugee population by a whopping 500+%! These are people who come from a region of the world that hates western democracy. Many oppose women's rights, gay rights, free speech, and basically human rights of any kind. While I sympathize with their suffering, I'm curious why a country like Saudi Arabia couldn't take them in? Why America? Why now?

Please don't take this as endorsement for Trump. His "parent friendly" attitude toward child care and child tax credits are appalling. But we've got to get away from this stupid notion that if you don't endorse every nonsensical far left idea you must be a Nazi.

And don't think that this kind of flawed thinking couldn't bleed out into our population at some point. With so much of politics now being framed as "for the children," don't be surprised when WE are called "Nazis" for not wanting to have our money taken from us to fund "free" childcare, or "free" preschool, or "free" college, or "free" healthcare for the "kids" until they reach the new adulthood age of 47, or a new Taj Mahal of k-12 school facilities when there's absolutely nothing wrong with the current buildings.

Please forgive the rant, but one of the things I really like about this board is the ability of so many of the posters to stick with the facts, even if those facts are unpleasant. A writer who compares almost anyone with a political party that slaughtered millions of people is beyond the pale and should be laughed out of the political arena. And again, I write this mainly because if the dominoes fell another way, WE might be the ones unfairly given the "Nazi" label.
Re: Cracked writes a "Don't Panic" article about Trump
November 09, 2016
I originally wrote something about taking this thread to the Patio, but if we can discuss how this relates to CF-dom, then continue.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Cracked writes a "Don't Panic" article about Trump
November 11, 2016
Half of America did not, in fact, just reveal themselves to be closet Nazis.

Bullshit article. Very few Americans can be classified as Nazis or having Nazi-like thinking. The extreme few that do probably did vote for Trump. But voting for Trump does not equal the voter being a Nazi. More importantly, this is the same damn country that it was 8 years ago. Did these same "Nazi's" elect Barack Obama, our first black president? Because without the white vote, he doesn't win. No way, no how.

It was a change election and although Trump may have been a pile of dog turds, his opponent was a pile of pig vomit. Most Americans felt that the choices being offered were terrible. Many of them tired of seeing jobs shipped overseas. Tired of rampant illegal immigration. Tired of PAYING (quite literally) for the costs of shipping said jobs overseas via tax breaks, and tired of PAYING for the costs of illegal immigration.

Rejecting the notion that our tax dollars should not subsidize tax breaks for companies to move overseas does not make a voter a Nazi. Rejecting the idea that illegal aliens should be permitted to run across the border, crowd our schools and hospitals, place wear and tear on our infrastructure, and do it at our expense? Sorry... that doesn't make you a Nazi.

Sans the debates, Trump spent much of his campaign hammering home core issues of illegal immigration, job creation, and reworking trade deals to benefit the US. Clinton (via the left wing commentators and talking heads) simply stated that anyone who would vote for such a man was in fact a racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, islamophobic, troglodyte. Sorry folks, that ain't a fuckin' campaign message. That doesn't inspire anyone, particularly coming from a person who had such a low approval rating to begin with.

And on top of that, she wanted to increase our refugee population by a whopping 500+%! These are people who come from a region of the world that hates western democracy. Many oppose women's rights, gay rights, free speech, and basically human rights of any kind. While I sympathize with their suffering, I'm curious why a country like Saudi Arabia couldn't take them in? Why America? Why now?

Please don't take this as endorsement for Trump. His "parent friendly" attitude toward child care and child tax credits are appalling. But we've got to get away from this stupid notion that if you don't endorse every nonsensical far left idea you must be a Nazi.

And don't think that this kind of flawed thinking couldn't bleed out into our population at some point. With so much of politics now being framed as "for the children," don't be surprised when WE are called "Nazis" for not wanting to have our money taken from us to fund "free" childcare, or "free" preschool, or "free" college, or "free" healthcare for the "kids" until they reach the new adulthood age of 47, or a new Taj Mahal of k-12 school facilities when there's absolutely nothing wrong with the current buildings.

Please forgive the rant, but one of the things I really like about this board is the ability of so many of the posters to stick with the facts, even if those facts are unpleasant. A writer who compares almost anyone with a political party that slaughtered millions of people is beyond the pale and should be laughed out of the political arena. And again, I write this mainly because if the dominoes fell another way, WE might be the ones unfairly given the "Nazi" label.

Thank you for a well thought out post. I should have stayed off of Facebook and just come here. The amount of horseshit going on over there is beyond the pale. So thank you very much for being a voice of reason and intelligence! bouncing smileys
Re: American politics 2016 cluster thread
November 11, 2016
My DH reminded me that a year ago I said Hillary was un-electable. Like it or not, she's a polarizing figure and if I had done what she did with her emails, I would be in jail. She's just another example of elite/powerful people getting a different set of rules than the rest of us. (Petraeus is another example.)

If the post election coverage is to be believed, it was a simple case of numbers: Republicans came out in force, and Democrats stayed home. (There is some coverage about voter suppression.)

Trump actually got fewer votes than Mitt Romney. I watched another show that said six million fewer black people voted than in 2012. (I wonder how anyone really knows this, but i digress.)

ETA; Really good article about Bernie Sanders:

salon article
Re: American politics 2016 cluster thread
November 12, 2016
I read a lot about politics online, and the majority of the comments are people hating on either liberals or conservatives. Both sides think if you agree with the other side even a little bit you must be stupid and evil. I'm probably more on the liberal side but I'm conservative on a few things. On some issues I don't agree completely with either side. So I must be stupid and evil to everybody.

How the hell did we end up with the two most unpopular people as candidates? I'm disappointed the Trumpster won, but really I can't imagine either one of them not being a disaster as president. We need divine intervention. Or a nuclear holocaust.
Re: American politics 2016 cluster thread
November 12, 2016
I pray that Trump doesn't get assassinated because Pence is the greater evil. I hate Pence way more than Trump,

I protest voted for Jill Stein. My dad also was on board for Jill Stein until he watched the big debate and became a Clinton supporter. I told dad all about Clinton's scandals he denied them like the wapanese/weeaboos about Japanese war crimes.

My brother talks non-stop about Trump and is trolling salty Clinton supporters. My dad and brother really aren't on speaking terms. My dad jokes that my brother wants Trump because there will be no jobs. My brother just graduated high school, has no plans for college, hasn't looked for a job, and spends all day online. My brother makes excuses why he can't work. I don't want to wear a uniform, and it cuts into my internet time. I told him I work 40 hours a week and still have plenty of time to myself.

There is a difference I live with my parents, and my brother lives off them. They don't pay a dime for me anymore; it's the other way around I pay them for living here. I buy my own beauty products, food, miscellaneous, clothing, and etc.
Re: American politics 2016 cluster thread
November 12, 2016
I lost a good friend of 18 years because of this election. She said that anybody who voted Hillary was her enemy. So now I am her enemy, and she has made that clear. This is a wound that will take a long time to mend. sad smiley

Both candidates were the lowest that either party had to offer. I'm old enouh to remembr all of the Clinton scandals. I remember the scandal of Chinese money making it to Bill's election fund, and how the suspects fled to Bejing rather tha face the subpoena. I remember all of them. I knew that electing her would be a tough sell, because older people like me remembr these things. I also couldn't see white men voting for any woman POTUS, especially her.

My opinion? She was told years ago to step aside and let Obama get the nomination, and her time would come after him. I think this was a done deal YEARS ago. But that's my 0.02. I could be totally wrong about this.

One thing I loved about Clinton? Her stance on women's reproductive rights. Love her or hate her, she pulled no punches on a woman's right to choose.

Trump? When I watched him on the first debate, he sounded like a con man. He sounded like a guy who did market research on what the working class, the rednecks, the white males wanted to hear, and told them what they wanted to hear. His treatment and words to women about their looks, etc....sounded like classic red-piller horseshit.

I'm laughing my ass of now, because his short list of cabinet members are all insiders, the very people he wanted to get rid of. He conned millions of people, and they were gullible enough to not see his schtick.

I truly hooe the Democrats can gdt their shit in order, and find a candidate with experience, good ideas, and who resonates with the people. They need to find somebody electable, who doesn't come from a political dynasty.
Re: American politics 2016 cluster thread
November 12, 2016
My opinion? She was told years ago to step aside and let Obama get the nomination, and her time would come after him. I think this was a done deal YEARS ago. But that's my 0.02. I could be totally wrong about this.

Nah, the Wikileaks of the DNC emails show that she was effectively selected as the candidate before the primaries even started. She is the ultimate representative of the Democratic party clique.
Is Trump a pro-liar?
November 14, 2016

Apparently Trump is saying that the worst that will happen with abortion is that if Roe-vs Wade is overturned than it will go back to the individual states.

So poor women who can't afford to abort will be in a bad way. I wonder why some women do not save to sneak off to abort if they ever have to because what if it happens?? They seem to decide what to do a month after finding out that they are preggo that they do not want the kid, only to find out it is a three states away trip involving travel and motels.

Apparently Trump is ok with gay marriage, but hooo...boy being pro-choice, I guess is just taking it too far.
Re: Is Trump a pro-liar?
November 14, 2016
Nothing will change. He's in over his head. His wall will be a fence or maybe a drone army. He won't do anything to RvW as other things come up and take importance. Let's see how he handles the next terrorist attack or national tragedy.

In all seriousness I knew a year ago that the Art of the Deal will be his go to method of handling Yuge [sic] and other "big league" issues if he won. Well he did and its all going down....except for the stock market, oddly.

I am glad I have this place to talk because I don't do FB or other SM in which to openly converse. In the end I am hoping for a boring four years. Boring is underrated in my book.

I do worry that he does not understand that this is a secular nation and may start forcing judeo xtian crap down our throats.
Re: Is Trump a pro-liar?
November 14, 2016
Donald Trump is more moderate than George W Bush. He won't do anything about RvW and I don't think the SCOTUS will take up anything on that matter, anytime soon. Additionally, most states have trigger laws which go into effect in the event that the RvW case is overturned.

All I've heard from the media about Trump is how radical and racist he is. I am still trying to figure out what positions he holds that are racist or radical. This is our country. There are rules. There are borders. And the government we elect should do whatever it takes to protect the citizens of this country--and that means in terms of safety, politics, and economics. While Trump is a flawed candidate and I don't agree with him on everything, he is a winner on all three of those fronts that I just mentioned.

If a government doesn't put the interests of its' own people first, why have a government at all?!?
Re: Is Trump a pro-liar?
November 14, 2016
And another thing on women's repro rights....
Today's average childbearing age female has no clue about how hard we have fought to secure these rights. Wait until one of these women has a miscarriage and is forced to provide a funeral service for the clot under laws that the Emporor I mean VP Pence will put in place. THEN suddenly women's basic rights might become a 'thing' again.

I'm safe with a fixed DH so I don't care at this point. Party of Apathy here.
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