The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 15, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,895 |
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 15, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,895 |
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 15, 2017 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 12,456 |
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 15, 2017 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 556 |
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 15, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,895 |
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 15, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 3,988 |
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 15, 2017 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 556 |
mistress rotwang
I know. "Thin Ice" felt like a retread of "The Beast Below". It had one good scene ( where Bill asked the Doctor how many people he has killed) but I was unconvinced by the villain who was very one dimensional. Honestly, if Capaldi didn't look so damn good in that episode it would have been bad. I feel like even though the character interactions and dialogue are top notch the overall stories are uninspired.
I am also cringing at the return of Simms. He is my least favorite regeneration of the Master. He is so annoying and over the top. I also don't see how his character traits fit in with how the Master was portrayed in the Classic series. I just don't get it. I hope he regenerates because Missy gets sick of his bullshit and shoots him.
I am amazed how much I like Nardole. He was fucking annoying in Husbands of River Song and his inclusion in the new season made me worried that it would be a shitshow. Bill is ranking with Donna as best NuWho companion (my overall favorite companion is Liz Shaw from Pertwee's first season. 3 is my favorite Doctor).
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 15, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,895 |
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 16, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,895 |
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 16, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 3,988 |
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 18, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,895 |
paragon schnitzophonic
I liked Rose, but the trope of the companion being in love with the Doctor got old quickly after her. That's why Donna was a breath of fresh air (and the fact that Catherine Tate has fantastic platonic chemistry with David Tennant; I can't wait to see them in June!). And after Amy and Clara, Bill is another relief, especially when they characterized her in a way that would make her falling in love with him stupid and kind of problematic.
With Rose, a lot of complaints is about how possessive and immature she is towards the Doctor, but 1.) the Doctor didn't tell her about any of his past companions until Sarah Jane showed up and 2.) Rose was a 19-year old whose life consisted of day-to-day drudgery and suddenly this handsome humanoid alien shows up with an offer to take her traveling across universes. So I can't really blame her.
Hopefully Twelve doesn't put Bill in a shitty position like Ten did Martha in Human Nature/Family of Blood. Ten left Martha essentially trapped in an incredibly racist and sexist era. The Doctor tends to be dismissive of the valid concerns of his WoC companions about time travel, but we saw in that two-parter what could happen (especially with a Doctor who is absorbed in his John Smith persona and thinks being the Doctor is just fantasies he made up). If I had been Martha, I'd be spitting nails at the Doctor at the end of it.
Doctor Who is going to be interesting after the Capaldi era. New Doctor and new showrunner. I like Broadchurch, of which Chibnall was head writer, so I'm tentatively positive of what he's going to bring to Doctor Who.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 18, 2017 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 556 |
mistress rotwang
It is time for unpopular opinion mode: 10 is my least favorite Doctor. He always came across as a smug douchebag to me. Which is unfortunate because he was in some of the best episodes. And the fan girls always pissed my of (especially since they bitch about Capaldi being too old and shit). 10 was best when Donna kept him from being a giant ass.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 18, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,895 |
mistress rotwang
It is time for unpopular opinion mode: 10 is my least favorite Doctor. He always came across as a smug douchebag to me. Which is unfortunate because he was in some of the best episodes. And the fan girls always pissed my of (especially since they bitch about Capaldi being too old and shit). 10 was best when Donna kept him from being a giant ass.
Okay, are you telepathic? Because by saying all of this, it's like you're reading my mind! 10 is...I wouldn't say my least favorite, but that's also taking the Classic Doctors into account; he is very low on my list. You're spot on with the "smug douchebag" part, and I feel that's best shown in the episode "Love and Monsters." I mean, that was a complete pile of garbage altogether, but for me it just hit the garbage summit at the end when 10 shows up. Basically, you have these people whose lives have been either ended or ruined just because they were curious about the Doctor, and what does he do when he finally shows up? BERATES THEM! He basically says, "HEY! You made the mother of the girl I'm trying to get with cry, and now the girl's pissy! I don't care what's happening right now with the Worst Designed Villain Ever™! My talking down to you is more important!"
You are 100% correct in saying that Donna kept that shit in check.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 18, 2017 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 556 |
mistress rotwang
mistress rotwang
It is time for unpopular opinion mode: 10 is my least favorite Doctor. He always came across as a smug douchebag to me. Which is unfortunate because he was in some of the best episodes. And the fan girls always pissed my of (especially since they bitch about Capaldi being too old and shit). 10 was best when Donna kept him from being a giant ass.
Okay, are you telepathic? Because by saying all of this, it's like you're reading my mind! 10 is...I wouldn't say my least favorite, but that's also taking the Classic Doctors into account; he is very low on my list. You're spot on with the "smug douchebag" part, and I feel that's best shown in the episode "Love and Monsters." I mean, that was a complete pile of garbage altogether, but for me it just hit the garbage summit at the end when 10 shows up. Basically, you have these people whose lives have been either ended or ruined just because they were curious about the Doctor, and what does he do when he finally shows up? BERATES THEM! He basically says, "HEY! You made the mother of the girl I'm trying to get with cry, and now the girl's pissy! I don't care what's happening right now with the Worst Designed Villain Ever™! My talking down to you is more important!"
You are 100% correct in saying that Donna kept that shit in check.
Hmm. Here is the final test. I like 6 and think that if he weren't given the shit coat and bad writing he would have lasted as long as the other Baker. I am also bored by 5 and I put up with his episodes because he is easy on the eyes. And I ship Doctor/Master.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 19, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,895 |
mistress rotwang
mistress rotwang
It is time for unpopular opinion mode: 10 is my least favorite Doctor. He always came across as a smug douchebag to me. Which is unfortunate because he was in some of the best episodes. And the fan girls always pissed my of (especially since they bitch about Capaldi being too old and shit). 10 was best when Donna kept him from being a giant ass.
Okay, are you telepathic? Because by saying all of this, it's like you're reading my mind! 10 is...I wouldn't say my least favorite, but that's also taking the Classic Doctors into account; he is very low on my list. You're spot on with the "smug douchebag" part, and I feel that's best shown in the episode "Love and Monsters." I mean, that was a complete pile of garbage altogether, but for me it just hit the garbage summit at the end when 10 shows up. Basically, you have these people whose lives have been either ended or ruined just because they were curious about the Doctor, and what does he do when he finally shows up? BERATES THEM! He basically says, "HEY! You made the mother of the girl I'm trying to get with cry, and now the girl's pissy! I don't care what's happening right now with the Worst Designed Villain Ever™! My talking down to you is more important!"
You are 100% correct in saying that Donna kept that shit in check.
Hmm. Here is the final test. I like 6 and think that if he weren't given the shit coat and bad writing he would have lasted as long as the other Baker. I am also bored by 5 and I put up with his episodes because he is easy on the eyes. And I ship Doctor/Master.
Well, unfortunately, I've never seen anything with 6, so I can't really say. All I know is that it seems like fans either love him or hate him. I do like 4/Baker, but I'm not a rabid fan like a lot of Classic people seem to be. My favorites from Classic are 1 and 3. I don't think 5 was bad, but I can understand your being bored; his stories (from what I've seen, which isn't much) weren't the most exciting, but I did like his look (celery included). As for shipping, I don't really ship anyone, but I'm in no way opposed to the Doctor/Master idea. It could be very interesting.
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 19, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,895 |
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 19, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 3,988 |
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 19, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,895 |
paragon schnitzophonic
I haven't finished Classic Who yet (hopefully it's still on Hulu). I'm only partway through the First Doctor.
Five kind of strikes me as the Country Club Doctor, in looks and dress. Like he's ready for a game of croquet.
I do like Ten, but I really wish we had more time with Nine. I feel like his story wasn't finished yet. Eleven was too manic for me.
On another subject, I like River Song, but I feel like her timeline was poorly mapped out and a bit of a waste of Alex Kingston (who I've loved since her ER days).
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 19, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 3,988 |
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 19, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,895 |
paragon schnitzophonic
Dammit! It used to be on Hulu!
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 21, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 5,718 |
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 21, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,895 |
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 22, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 5,718 |
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 23, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,895 |
Re: The (un)official Doctor Who thread May 23, 2017 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 3,988 |