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Vegetative woman raped in AZ

Posted by cfdavep 
Vegetative woman raped in AZ
January 05, 2019

Pro-liars probably enjoyed hearing this
Re: Vegetative woman raped in AZ
January 05, 2019
I think it's a horror story for any CF woman to imagine some situation, like being in a coma, and being forced to go through with a pregnancy because you can't do anything about it. In this case, the woman is in a vegetative state so she's not going to wake up (just pull the plug already!). I hope they send that sick fuck who raped her to prison for a long time.
Re: Vegetative woman raped in AZ
January 05, 2019
Sounds like life imitating art (a little), unfortunately. There was a Law & Order episode from 1998 where the mother of a comatose woman arranged to have her daughter impregnated so she could get a grandchild.
Re: Vegetative woman raped in AZ
January 05, 2019
OMG that's the stuff of nightmares! But you know the bible thumpers everywhere are going to wax on how it's God's plan and what a miracle etc.


"It is better not to look like what you are; it is better to look like a bourgeois woman because then all the doors are open for you and then you can just go and make hell." - Marjane Satrapi
Re: Vegetative woman raped in AZ
January 06, 2019
Also says a lot about how attentive the staff is that nobody noticed this woman was pregnant. Maybe that shit is understandable for the first few months, but once she starts showing, wouldn't someone have noticed that it was a little weird that the comatose lady was getting unusually fat?

How's someone in a vegetative state have the ability to moan for any reason? Or is it kind of an involuntary reflex sort of a thing like when corpses moan and groan because of air escaping their bodies? If this woman had a shred of consciousness, I have all the sympathy in the world for her. Imagine being in labor without painkillers and being able to do nothing about it - not even being able to scream out in pain.

No doubt in my mind it was one of the male staff members. Probably figured he'd get his rocks off because who's gonna know? He likely figured comatose = sterile. I wouldn't be surprised if the proud father just happened to skip town in light of this "blessed" event.

Makes me wonder if the child will have any deformities or disabilities being born to an unconscious woman. I don't know of too many cases where a pregnancy was carried to term in a comatose mother, so from a strictly biological standpoint, I'm very curious how the woman's state might impact the loaf's health. And imagine the trauma this woman will endure if she wakes up to not only find out she's been asleep for 14 years, but that someone sexually assaulted her and she has a child to deal with all of a sudden.
Re: Vegetative woman raped in AZ
January 06, 2019
I know people complain about lack of privacy and video surveillance everywhere, but this is one place where someone needs a damn camera.

DNA tests for all the male staff and the fucker needs to be prosecuted.
Re: Vegetative woman raped in AZ
January 15, 2019
I know people complain about lack of privacy and video surveillance everywhere, but this is one place where someone needs a damn camera.

DNA tests for all the male staff and the fucker needs to be prosecuted.

Apparently they're doing the DNA testing, but articles are referring to it as "identifying the father" as opposed to "identifying the rapist." Again, the fact that someone is a breeder outweighs the fact that he's also a reprehensible human being.
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