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People don't care if the elderly live or die

Posted by yurble 
People don't care if the elderly live or die
July 02, 2020
Once again, people reveal just how nasty they can get with the glorification of children. Elder abuse is on the rise in many places in the world, because so many people have just decided to write off older people in the covid-19 era.
Re: People don't care if the elderly live or die
July 02, 2020
We're having dozens of public confrontations and brawling over Americans' refusal to wear masks because the mandates trample "mah liberty" and it's "mah choice" if I want to get sick. Everyone else be damned.

I even saw a photo of some Texas bitch holding a sign that said "my body my choice". I'll bet money she is pro life.
Re: People don't care if the elderly live or die
July 03, 2020
I like to remind them that seatbelts and speed limits are also examples of the gov’t telling them what to do, and they should totally stick it to the man by driving around really fast with no seatbelt.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: People don't care if the elderly live or die
July 04, 2020
I even saw a photo of some Texas bitch holding a sign that said "my body my choice". I'll bet money she is pro life.

Yeah, "sanctity of life" until you're actually born.

After that, screw you, get out of my way, "mah liberteees". I'm from Texas, I'm well aware how people are there.
Re: People don't care if the elderly live or die
July 23, 2020
I'm not surprised. The elderly are considered close to their expiration date and so they won't prioritized over "fresher" people, unless of course those elderly folks are incredibly important like world leaders.

I kind of understand why they have to - there's not enough beds, ventilators or manpower to care for everyone and so the more "disposable" people aren't treated or aren't treated adequately. It doesn't make it right, but I don't think any nation was equipped to handle a pandemic and the people who are more likely to survive are the ones that are being given priority. And for once, I don't think the elderly should be getting singled out as the last priorities because this bug is killing people of all ages, including healthy ones! The 98-year-old who takes 25 pills a day might survive COVID-19, but the gymrat 22-year-old that jogs 5 miles a day and eats keto might die gasping for breath from it. I think the playing field is a little more even compared to, say, flu season.

Elderly folks who live at home and are dependent on others are definitely at risk too. With isolation happening, these seniors are less likely to have the ability to report abuse because they can't get a moment away from their abusive caregivers, which is also happening to little kids too.
Re: People don't care if the elderly live or die
August 12, 2020
I think we have a winner:

Buckee, the Harvard expert, wonders if the magical thinking that seems to have infected swaths of the country is due to the fact many of the people who have died were elderly. For many Americans, she said, the disease has not yet touched their lives — but the movement restrictions and other response measures have.

“I think if children were dying, this would be … a different situation, quite honestly,” she said.

From https://www.statnews.com/2020/08/10/winter-is-coming-as-flu-season-nears-americas-window-of-opportunity-to-beat-back-covid-19-is-narrowing/
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