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Americans protesting mask mandates by wearing mesh ones

Posted by toraneko 
Americans protesting mask mandates by wearing mesh ones
July 17, 2020
I have always felt a slight shame about being American. Americans tend to be entitled assholes. We are the most selfish people on the planet.

But this...I am practically speechless. The fury and shame I feel is overwhelming.


People are wearing mesh masks now to show compliance while retaining their ability to spread virus. Because everything is about THEM, not the public health.

The governor of my own state has banned mask mandates while Alabama has a statewide mandate. We have been shown up by ALABAMA.

My brother in law just waited 24 hours in an ER (heart problems) because there were no beds, while my sister waited in the car.

The baboon in chief refuses to lead. It will be up to retailers to stop the spread.
Re: Americans protesting mask mandates by wearing mesh ones
July 17, 2020
The selfishness of some segments of the population is really staggering. When people won't do something mildly inconvenient to potentially save another person's life, I have to doubt if it's even a society. People are really keen about their "rights", but seem to have utterly forgotten their responsibilities.
Re: Americans protesting mask mandates by wearing mesh ones
July 19, 2020
This is why I don’t feel sad when I read those articles about people who are outspoken against coronavirus precautions and how they suddenly take it seriously when they’re on their death beds. Good riddance.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Americans protesting mask mandates by wearing mesh ones
July 19, 2020
This is why I don’t feel sad when I read those articles about people who are outspoken against coronavirus precautions and how they suddenly take it seriously when they’re on their death beds. Good riddance.

The only problem I have is the other people they hurt on their way to Darwinizing themselves.
Re: Americans protesting mask mandates by wearing mesh ones
July 20, 2020
I'm sure they think they're being all rebellious because they're following the letter of the rules, but not the spirit. I'm wearing a mask, SEEEEEEE? So many people seem to think that the mask rules are just the government picking on people and trying to limit their freedoms and not a safety measure. Fuck, people are such big babies - they won't wear a simple piece of cloth over their faces. These are the same people who refuse to use condoms because "they don't feel good" and are shocked when they get pregnant or impregnate someone.

I don't like wearing my mask either because it gets warm, but I do because I would prefer to not struggle to breathe. Plus I get a lot of compliments on my masks. smiling smiley

The next step would probably be placing people at the doors of every business to check and ensure everyone coming in has on a proper mask, and then having more people inside watching these assholes every second to make sure they don't pull off their proper masks and put on mesh ones once inside. Then there would be tantrums over how it's a violation of their rights to not be allowed into a business without a proper face covering and all the reasons why they are special and should be the exception to the rules and the employees aren't paid near enough to deal with that shit. I see plenty of places with signs saying in no uncertain terms that masks are REQUIRED to enter the building, and then maybe 1/4 of the people inside are wearing masks. It wouldn't be so bad if people's dumbassery wouldn't put others at risk.

It does warm my heart so much when some outspoken anti-mask asshole who thinks COVID-19 is made up gets sick or dies from it.
Re: Americans protesting mask mandates by wearing mesh ones
July 20, 2020
The petty things that people choose to "rebel" against really show the limits of their intellect. There are things that are radical, and things that are just assholery: refusing to wear masks and littering fall into the latter category. None of these people actually want to give up on society and go live alone in the woods, so why do they act like it's such a huge imposition to do something that is about as difficult and annoying as wearing a seatbelt?

I think that's a reasonable comparison, at least for women, since seatbelts aren't designed for women and therefore (1) don't fit right in the chest area, (2) cut into the neck of anyone who is short, and (3) are less effective at preventing injury in women due to not being tested or designed for women. Yet I'm still going to wear one: something is better than nothing.

There are a lot of limits to the typical person's freedom that stem from the system and beliefs, which they could fight against, like the relentless consumerism that requires buying and working ever more, the restrictions having children places on your ability to move and change jobs, the actions their dependence on caffeine or nicotine or alcohol mandate, etc.
Re: Americans protesting mask mandates by wearing mesh ones
July 20, 2020

The petty things that people choose to "rebel" against really show the limits of their intellect. There are things that are radical, and things that are just assholery: refusing to wear masks and littering fall into the latter category.

I'll add, being proud of one's refusal to wear a motorcycle helmet. DH has a bunch of Trump-loving relatives (I know this is a surprise) who refuse to ride their motorcycles in states that require helmets. They are also quite vocal about it and insist "helmets kill more people than they save."
using a flamethrower

I guess it's no skin off my nose if someone wants to be a flying projectile and get a neurological injury, except

1. self-inflicted stupidity is a waste of medical resources
2. someone is in the insurance pool with these losers (probably Medicaid)
Re: Americans protesting mask mandates by wearing mesh ones
July 20, 2020
But seatbelts and helmets only help the user. Masks help everybody, which is why the refusal to wear one is so hard to swallow. I personally could not care less if someone refuses seatbelts or helmets but when I'm the only one in the grocery store wearing a mask, I take it personally.

I just saw a headline that a restaurant in northern CA was refusing to serve anyone wearing a mask. The local government is threatening to fine them.
Re: Americans protesting mask mandates by wearing mesh ones
July 20, 2020

But seatbelts and helmets only help the user.

I get what you are saying, but I wouldn't want to be the first responder or doctor who scrapes these idiots off the road and tries to save their stupid lives.
Re: Americans protesting mask mandates by wearing mesh ones
July 20, 2020
True, driving drunk is a more apt comparison in terms of impact, because that tends to harm others as well, often even more than the drunk. The seat-belt comparison was more in terms of the amount of annoyance it causes (extremely minor).
Re: Americans protesting mask mandates by wearing mesh ones
July 21, 2020

But seatbelts and helmets only help the user.

I get what you are saying, but I wouldn't want to be the first responder or doctor who scrapes these idiots off the road and tries to save their stupid lives.

It's costing me $150.00 bucks a week not covered by insurance to deal with the PTSD.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
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