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I registered but didn't get my confirmation message!

Posted by moderators 
I registered but didn't get my confirmation message!
July 03, 2013

Well sometimes Phorum fails to send that confirmation email. Possible problems are: you screwed up your email and someone in BFE is wondering which asshole friend tried to sign them up for this forum; it went to your junk mail folder; the moderators looked at your email and found out you're a spammer or parentroll; some email services that are flat out throw away are banned, some email services like aol, yahoo etc have trouble receiving confirmations and nuke them, .

So WTF do I do?

If you're a parentroll go away, if you're using one the throwaway services use a real email, if you're using one of the problem services check your junk mail. If it just didn't come try again. Some folks take two or three tries.
Re: I registered but didn't get my confirmation message!
May 13, 2014
so you registered, got your confirmation, confirmed and then you got nuked.


What happened?

We found out you're a breeder or a spammer. Or everything about your login and email screamed Breeder or Spammer!

Want to avoid this? Post in the intro thread. If something seems to be a breeder or spammer it goes before it gets a chance to wreak havoc.
Re: I registered but didn't get my confirmation message!
July 28, 2014
Bumping for:

some email services that are flat out throw away are banned,

If you have trouble with your email it may be you have a disposable email that has been eliminated. If you were already registered change your email. If you weren't you may not be able to register. Trolls and parents use those type e mails.
Re: I registered but didn't get my confirmation message!
September 12, 2014
So you registered, didn't get a confirmation. Check your junk mail box, it might be there.
Re: I registered but didn't get my confirmation message!
December 22, 2015
Because the board has been under a spam bot attack since September all registrations now require Moderator approval.

Since mods aren't on 24/7 duty it may result in delays.

Also, all registrants are being vetted much more thoroughly. So if you are a human and your registration was rejected these could be the reasons:

1) we found out you're a breeder or board troll.
2) Your email or user name looks like a spammer. user name bill1234 email bill1234@whatevermail.com
bill1234 weoxdkeu@whatevermail.com
3) You used a throwaway email account.
4) Your email. user name or IP popped up on a spam blacklist.
Re: I registered but didn't get my confirmation message!
June 23, 2016
Bump and protip:

You don't need some super radical I'm more childfree than you are user name. It makes you look like a troll and most likely will get you denied.
Re: I registered but didn't get my confirmation message!
May 12, 2017
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