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Where the hell are all the adults-only restaurants?! angry smiley

Posted by Anonymous User 
Sitting here at my computer after eating dinner and creating subversive industrial dirges with Propellerhead Reason, I decided to perform a Google search for any restaurants in the Western World that don't let the schittsakks put one foot behind the door let alone cater to them like fawning imbeciles.

The first page revealed that they're mostly in places like Cancun, the Caribbean, Fiji etc. while the fucking Disney Cruise ships have them embedded within their kyd-infested corridors of chaos.

Here where I live - in Melbourne, Australia - the last well-known adults-only restaurant in this town, Lynch's of South Yarra, closed down years ago. They recieved (mostly negative) media publicity back in the '90s for their policy of not allowing the little shits inside their establishment.

I don't know if the posher, more upmarket restaurants still carry this policy, but after decades of famblee-fwendly media brainwashing, I won't be surprised if they do let the crotchvermin into their premises these days. I hope not.

There was a debate on Reddit recently that said "Should restaurants have adults-only sections?", like it's some controversial, taboo subject. Even if they did allocate a section of the restaurant to adults only, I bet you would still hear the squalling of the critters at the far side of the room. There should be a whole damn RESTAURANT where adults could eat their meals without a sign of Shitford or Turdleigh lolling about outside on the footpath.
There is a restaurant/bar near me that is mostly child free. The famblees have to eat in the BACK of the restaurant, in a special dining area. No famlies are allowed to sit in the front, on the side or at the bar. The owner is also militantly child free, and from what I've gathered, she reads child free sites.
Re: Where the hell are all the adults-only restaurants?! angry smiley
March 06, 2011
I never understood the movement to make absolutely everything "family friendly."

There are so few places, by definition, that aren't family friendly. Think about it.

Rated R movies? Nope... scratch that... parents bring their small children there too.
Fancy restaurants? Nope... scratch that... we've seen and heard countless experiences of ruined meals.
Bars? Nope... scratch that... same as the aforementioned.
Airport/Hotel business centers? many parents feel entitled to bring children into these as well.
Sex toy parties? even though it's against the law, some parents still want to bring their children.
Re: Where the hell are all the adults-only restaurants?! angry smiley
March 06, 2011

"Should restaurants have adults-only sections?"
Here it's called the bar area. No one under 21 is allowed, and so far from what I have seen restaurants have been sticking to that law. It's absolutely wonderful.

A couple months ago while visiting my brother and his wife, we all decided to go to Texas Roadhouse. We went later in the evening and the place was packed with a 70 minute wait. We had waited only about 10 minutes when the hostess came up to us and asked if everyone in our party was over 21. We answered yes, and she offered to seat us at the bar. So we jumped at the offer. What a wonderful feeling it was to breeze by the waiting famblees with cranky kids who were already there and waiting when we got there. Whenever we go out to eat if it is really crowded we always choose to sit in the bar. And I LOVE when they ask if everyone is over 21 and I can answer an enthusiastic "YES!" and leave the waiting famblees behind as we are led to our table. :yeah

DH and I enjoy Red Robin, and our restaurant has the bar area in the front. Of course we always sit there, and we usually can't hear much squalling and screeching. Any trainwreck that goes on in the general dining area is far enough away from us and also muffled by the TVs that are in the bar area thumbs upwink
Re: Where the hell are all the adults-only restaurants?! angry smiley
March 12, 2011
I would welcome an adults-only restaurant. We usually do Ruth's Chris when we can afford it. NO kiddie menus, NO high chairs, NO pandering to breeders. And you know wha/t When I have dined there and children were present you would never know it because they were well-behaved and quiet. Their parents were fully able to raise well mannered children who can actually behave in public. I have complimented the parents as I think they deserve it.This is why we keep looking for upscale and adult only restaurants.

We went to a coffee shop to access the web and to post and of course the brats were sqealing and all that good shit the moos never seem able to do anything about. Oh Goddess, that we could have a restaurant that catered to ADULTS. Breeders have enough places to go.
My spouse and I use the same trick as DivaLasVegas...the bar areas of restaurants are good about keeping out minors. We both LOVE being able to bypass the crabby kids and frazzled parents in the lobby. One fave of ours is actually Old Spaghetti Factory...the rest of the place is fambly hell, but the bar is upstairs, away from everything else, with nice low lighting and candles on the tables. We were pleasantly suprised to find that in such a kid-intensive chain. There's also several that don't seat parties with minors after 8 PM, so if we feel like eating late that's our go-to spot.

Otherwise, we stick to non-chain restaurants and off-peak hours if we want to avoid the kiddie scene. Combine that with a palate for spicy and/or unusual foods, and we can usually count on minimal to no kid menu...the smaller places often don't bother, especially if they serve offbeat food.
Re: Where the hell are all the adults-only restaurants?! angry smiley
March 13, 2011
the appleby's bar is quite good and the food is served faster for some reason.
Re: Where the hell are all the adults-only restaurants?! angry smiley
March 13, 2011
There are a number of restaurants in London that don't allow children at all. Cafe Flo (there are several of these) -- NO KIDS! Chutney Mary (the first Anglo-Indian restaurant in the UK serving for 50 years in very elegant surroundings) -- no children under ten AT ALL, and all children under 18 yrs have to leave by 8pm.

OH yeah!!!

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: Where the hell are all the adults-only restaurants?! angry smiley
March 13, 2011
the appleby's bar is quite good and the food is served faster for some reason.

If only Applebee's had more than zero things on their menu that I can stand putting in my mouth.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Where the hell are all the adults-only restaurants?! angry smiley
March 13, 2011
There aren't any. Even if a restaurant is expensive, classy, romantic...none of that will stop breeders from herding their brood in. Then they proceed to be godawful patrons...no high chairs because the place is not meant for kids,so Moo has to "make due" by letting her kyd sit on her lap. No kids' menu, so Moo teaches the restaurant a "lesson" by letting Junior throw food and garbage all over the floor and table. And they'll always order something with sauce for the kid and let him slop it all over the white tablecloth. People who pay more to have a nice adult night out with no screaming - some of whom may be parents themselves looking for a quiet evening away from the bastards - may not get that experience because some other fuckshit brought Junior along anyway.

Nowhere is safe. Kids get taken into bars, upscale restaurants, nice cafes, porn stores, tattoo parlors...you name it, kids will be there. Breeders continue to believe their iddle pweshuses belong fucking everywhere and damned be the other people who are in there. Why a kid needs to be in a porn store or a bar is way beyond me, but that's breeder logic for you.
Re: Where the hell are all the adults-only restaurants?! angry smiley
March 13, 2011
there is a converted small train depot where I live that for many years was a pleasant place to dine -- steak-and-seafood sort of cuisine, a fireplace, a cozy bar right next to the tracks with a little model train running overhead on suspended tracks, sometime a keyboard player, good bartenders that would serve your meal there if you didn't feel like bestirring yourself to go to the dining room. It was sort of a default place to meet friends for dinner in a quaint old part of this suburb.

Well, then for several years I was working hours that precluded getting home much before 8 p.m. so didn't dine out much on weeknights (if at all) and tended to be away from home on weekends. Fast forward a few years and since i changed my working conditions I have been catching up with my social life -- naturally suggested that joint to meet people, after a long hiatus -- and ugh!!! It's now got brighter lighting in the dining room, vinyl blue tablecloths on the tables, a kyd friendly menu section, etc. -- and some caterwauling folky/faux margaritaville type combo drowning out any possibility of conversation in the bar, which now is more open to the kyd-friendly dining area.

i was appalled and have not been back. interestingly i observe increasingly desperate marketing efforts on their part -- beer specials, "luau night" and other crap. I'd like to call up and suggest that maybe if they reverted back to a relaxing, comfortable adult environment they would be as packed as they always used to.
Re: Where the hell are all the adults-only restaurants?! angry smiley
March 15, 2011
I had read that Australia was notorious for not having adult only restaurants. Funny, I was thinking of posting this thread from Ehell here. Amazingly enough, more people than I expected said it was not appropriate to have a baby in a pricey restaurant, but of course there are always a few: "Don't you say that baaaybeess are not allowed" morons, because you know their pwecious ones are the exception to the rule.
Babies in Expensive Restaurants.

Of course the thread got locked, there were far too many "anti-baby, and baby haters" in the thread making too much sense.
I wish someone would compile a list (if enough establishments exist). It's gotten to the point where I tell the hostess "A table for two nowhere near any children." Even then we usually end up having our meal ruined by someone's kids. It doesn't matter if we sit in a bar for happy hour, go to sushi or the most expensive restaurant in town. Breeders bring their brats EVERYWHERE and restaurants allow them to out of fear from being sued for discrimination. I used to have a bed & breakfast in a historic building. I did not allow children (mostly because I find them annoying and I didn't want them trashing my business). Every week someone would call, wanting to bring their brats. When I'd tell them I didn't allow children under 16 they would flip out and pull the discrimination card. Everytime, I would just explain to them that my establishment was grandfathered lacking certain safety elements and that would shut them up. I really wish business owners would grow some balls and cater to adults. I am sick to death of the sense of entitlement breeders have with regard to their offspring. Oh...and I'd also like a tax break for NOT over-populating the planet, but we know that will never happen. Incidentally, there is a place in Hollywood FL called "Le Tub" - best burgers around. No kids. Cash only.
My DH and I occaisionally go to a couple of the local casinos in Indiana. They are not even safe from the brats. There are signs posted at the actual entrance to the casino that say 21 and over, but the rest of the pavillion is free game. We enjoy the buffets, and usually have comped meals at them, but every damn time we go, there are at least 3 to 4 idiot breeder fucks that have kids with them, ages ranging from 3 on up. Coincidentally, they all look like trailer trash. There is nothing at these places for kids. The gift shops have no toys, and the restaurants have no chicken nuggets. The buffet is just like any other restaurant where bastards run rampant. They are constantly running past our table, screeching just like they do in Walmart. If there weren't so many cameras around, I would definitely stick my foot out and cause one of them to go flying. That would be better than winning at my favorite slot machine! Anyway, it is just so sad that we can't even go to a casino without dealing with this shit. We just have to face it, there are no more adult only places left.
Re: Where the hell are all the adults-only restaurants?! angry smiley
March 18, 2011
Kids have to be everywhere these days. It's not like it used to be when there were places kids weren't taken to until they got older. It was kind of cool when you got older because you could go to more "grown up" places. Now kids don't have that and they are forced to go to all sorts of places that aren't right for them and probably they don't enjoy it, nor do the others around them.

Parenting requires some sacrifices, which includes going to places not appropriate for kids if someone can't be found to look after them for a few hours. Today's parents don't see it that way, they want to have their cake and eat it too, and our soceity encourages it.

Re: Where the hell are all the adults-only restaurants?! angry smiley
March 18, 2011
My own parents were prime offenders. One of my earliest memories was going out to eat with them at the Playboy Club in Wisconsin. True story - I wanted to play games with the bunnies like they advertised in the cocktail menu, but all I saw were scantily-clad women in rabbit ears. Who the hell takes kids to someplace Hugh Hefner made gravy?
Re: Where the hell are all the adults-only restaurants?! angry smiley
March 18, 2011
Well there are a few places that restrict kyds, like the restaurants mentioned in this thread. It works for them at some level or they would change the policy. Even if there are none near where we all live, they do exist. I am going to keep a list. I think it is an important issue that we shouldn't just let slide. People really should have the right to have an adults-only experience at some establishments. I don't expect full time 18+ but a compromise would do.

Here's a Japanese place in Brooklyn that doesn't allow anyone under age 14.


I have no sympathy for restaurants which might want to have these restrictions but cave to the breeders. If places such as the ones above can do it, why not others? Because they see more profit catering to the piggy masses, or they are spineless little worms afraid of fighting for their right to conduct their own business as they see fit.
I wish there were adults only restaurants, or at least no children sections. I used to work a second job in a chain restaurant and even though I was at the take out counter, away from the dining area, I would still hear screaming brats. I'm glad I got promoted on my day job and saved enough for a condo so now I don't have to work 2 jobs anymore. I also got to hear the horror stories from the servers of the huge messes and mall tips breeders left, with the worst stories being around Christmas.

There's one restaurant in my area, a steak house(not a chain), me and my neighbor have been to a few times and even on the traditionally busy restaurant nights(Thursday-Saturday), we've yet to see kids there. This place of course is kind of pricey, so it's only a once in a while thing, and it has dim lighting, a quiet atmosphere(no TVs), a salad bar that is all fresh, including the artichoke hearts, and too high up for kids to reach, no kids' menu, no high chairs, or anything else kids would be interested in. The only time I've been when there was some noise was during Prom season, when there was a table with a bunch of spoiled rich kids acting up, and they were told by staff to keep it down, and they did. There was a limo parked in front of the place and knowing what time of year it was, we should have known better.

I'd like to see more places like this, maybe with a little better pricing, that don't cater to kids. I like having a meal out once in a while, but don't want to have to put up with breederific behavior, especially with the cost of eating out. People who want that shouldn't be relegated to eating at home out of styrofoam boxes.

Donna Four Eleven
Re: Where the hell are all the adults-only restaurants?! angry smiley
March 20, 2011
I went to dinner with a friend last night at a local pizza/Italian restaurant. Not a lousy-ass chain, this is a pretty decent place. No brats in sight, woot! Another friend was supposed to join us, but couldn't. "Because my little ones aren't up for it" is what he texted us. If it had been me, I'd have texted him back in all caps "THIS IS WHY I AM NEVER HAVING KIDS."

FUCK the little shitloaves!
Re: Where the hell are all the adults-only restaurants?! angry smiley
March 20, 2011
I know of no places, including bar areas of chains, cruise ship dinners, and casinos, that do not allow kids. The last time that I remember going to a restaurant-lounge that had always been "over 21 only", there were several famblees with kids in tow. I don't know when it happened exactly, but I would guess some time in the early nineties. Although I hate it in general, the WORST is casino dining with a restaurant FULL of brats on an otherwise adult only outing.:sbx

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
I wish I could find a kid free restaurant, but there isn't such a thing in my area. No matter what sort of place, what price range, kids are everywhere. The thing I've seen that I think is low class is when the breeders bring their kids to some sort of ethnic restaurant, order from the menu for themselves, and bring fast food in for the kids. My parents would never have done such a thing, nor any others from when was a kid, why do they do it now?

ChildFree Karen
Re: Where the hell are all the adults-only restaurants?! angry smiley
March 21, 2011
I wonder if it would be possible for a restaurant to make it being kid unfriendly. I would suggest things like no highchairs or booster seats, no kids' menus, and no food brought in for the kids. I've been to restaurants and have seen parents bringing in McDonald's food for their brats to eat and the management letting them get away with it. I haven't just seen this at ethnic restaurants, I've seen it in places that have good burgers on the menu, but the brats need their Happy Meals.

Seems like the only place I can dine anymore without screaming kids is my own house.

JohnDrake, I know I've read of at least one restaurant making those changes. I believe it was on The Stained Apron. They stopped offering high chairs, boosters, and kids' menus. Servers were instructed to be consistent about taking free-range kids back to their parents' tables. They got flak from the parent crowd for about two to four months. Then things calmed down, and they still got tons of business. It can be done.
Re: Where the hell are all the adults-only restaurants?! angry smiley
March 22, 2011
JohnDrake, I know I've read of at least one restaurant making those changes. I believe it was on The Stained Apron. They stopped offering high chairs, boosters, and kids' menus. Servers were instructed to be consistent about taking free-range kids back to their parents' tables. They got flak from the parent crowd for about two to four months. Then things calmed down, and they still got tons of business. It can be done.

I found it and it was a pretty good story. I wonder if the place is still in business. I wish more restaurants would do something like this, so adults can go out and enjoy themselves. I remember a Simpsons episode in which a restaurant had children and no chlidren sections. The no children section was quiet and peaceful while the childed section was noisy, there was food on the walls, etc. Not far from the truth.

JohnDrake, I know I've read of at least one restaurant making those changes. I believe it was on The Stained Apron. They stopped offering high chairs, boosters, and kids' menus. Servers were instructed to be consistent about taking free-range kids back to their parents' tables. They got flak from the parent crowd for about two to four months. Then things calmed down, and they still got tons of business. It can be done.

I went and read that article too, being from Atlanta, I wonder where that place is and if it's still there, might have to visit the old homestead to try it out sometime.

There's a place in my area that has also made itself kid unfriendly. The place has no high chairs or booster seats, no kids' menus, or even any kid friendly items on the regular menu. Basically, all they have are grilled steaks, grilled chicken, and a few fish dishes, which they expand during Lent. As for sides, all they have are baked potato, baked sweet potato, or steamed vegetables, no french fries or fried anything else. They also have a great salad bar with fresh made dressings, too high up for the kids to reach.

It's a very quiet place with well dressed serving staff, great drinks, someplace great to take a date if you don't mind spending money. They don't have any rules banning kids outright, but they don't exactly make themselves kid friendly either. They also don't tolerate noisy customers. I've seen them tell noisy people to keep it down and they usually do. I've never seen a kid in there, probably never will if they keep it up.

Atlanta Escapee
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