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1783 neighborhood teenbrat out of control

Posted by CFScorpio 
I don't get how one teen and his friends are permitted to terrorize an entire neighborhood! The police are hemming and hawing about what to do and how to handle the situation, and meanwhile, everyone else has to put up with having their bikes stolen, sleep interrupted, and pets abused (I assume that's what "animal problem" means). Why don't they just throw the damn kid in juvey, or start fining his mother for every noise complaint? I guaran-damn-tee you she'll put a stop to his behavior if it hits her in the pocketbook.
Re: 1783 neighborhood teenbrat out of control
August 21, 2006
I wanted to say, "Boo-f*cking-hoo," to the moo who complained how no neighbour came to her door in regards to her out-of-control demon teen brat. Most people are smart not to go to the moo's home to complain because this dame made it very well known that she had no control over the thing she birthed. It is very dangerous to approach someone over his/her child's actions.

My husband was assaulted over two years ago when he told two very young kids to leave the pool since there was no adult around...per the rules of the lease. We live right by the swimming pool. King Daddio did come to our door and shoved my husband in front of his cr*tchlings, who showed him where we lived. It was awful. I had to go to work that night and was very shook up. The police were called and everything. Daddio did get evicted but I worried about this man coming back for quite sometime...

I made it VERY clear to my husband to NEVER EVER say a d@mned thing to small sprogs in the pool again because I do not want to see trouble by MY door ever again! I don't care if the wee tykes drown. It is not MY problem! My spouse still felt he was in the right to say something until the lady he knows at the bank informed him that his wife does have a good head on her shoulders. I told this man that we are not the world's babysitter.
Re: 1783 neighborhood teenbrat out of control
August 21, 2006
I agree that it is very dangerous to approach a breeder about his/her spawn's poor behavior. Most times you are met with hostility, defensiveness, name-calling, and insults. The right thing to do is go to the police. That way, the incidents are logged and kept track of where they should be: law enforcement. This kid is well on his way to prison.

Could be he is acting out because his mother is blind and he is angry. Who knows. But guess what? Deal with it. Life's full of hard knocks.

I have neighbors up the street who have sons racing through the streets on their motorized scooters, motorcycles, cars, etc. Their friends ride up and down the streets with their car stereo bass turned way up at all hours of the night. I'm hoping for the day one of the little bastards fails to negotiate the curve coming onto our street and wipes out.
Re: 1783 neighborhood teenbrat out of control
August 21, 2006
It irks me when people say the brats act out because of hardship at home. Like the last member stated, life is full of hard knocks. I graduated from The School of Hard Knocks: sexual abuse, other childhood abuse, rampant addiction/acoholism in the family, & other dysfunction. Yet...my mother earned a good living to support us...and I grew up without hurting another person. Sure...I definitely hurt myself with my own destructive behaviour directed towards me due to depression and other issues.
Leaning toward childfree
Re: 1783 neighborhood teenbrat out of control
August 21, 2006
India, I graduated from the school of hard knocks too, but it wasn't as hard as yours was. You should be proud of yourself for growing up to be such a cool lady!

I have a good friend who is totally blind. If she had a kid who behaved this way, she would break him in half, just like her mom would have done to her. I'm dead serious. My friend can totally intimidate, because she works it and was an Olympic swimmer. There's nothing wrong with your arms, legs, and mouth, lady, so kick the kid's ass or pick up the phone and call the cops!
Re: 1783 neighborhood teenbrat out of control
August 21, 2006
Thank-you, Leaning Towards Childfree! I truly appreciate the compliment. smiling smiley
I get sick of the "school of hard knocks" theory, as well. My childhood was pretty rough with an abusive dad and chronically ill mother, but I turned out to be a law abiding citizen. I had a student whose mother was shot in the head by her father while she was holding this child. This girl is the sweetest, most well behaved, and adjusted child I've ever known.
Re: 1783 neighborhood teenbrat out of control
August 21, 2006
Sherz, reading of your sweet student and her suffering makes my young life seem like a Sunday picnic. Man...hearing of these things had to make it tough being a teacher... sad smiley
So true, India, this girl is a real sweetie, as are her sister and brother. They are being raised by a wonderful grandmother. I'm back to teaching next week, for the time being. I had some breathing tests come back in the severe range last week, and am in the process of some other tests checking for a rheumatological illness. That's why I haven't been on as much. My rheumatologist and pulminologist don't think I'll be able to continue working much longer, due to the breathing problems, but I have to go back to get the benefits from my disability ins. through work. It sucks, I should have quit long ago. I would probably not have as much lung damage. sad smiley
Re: 1783 neighborhood teenbrat out of control
August 22, 2006
I'll think good thoughts for you, Sherz, as you return to teaching. You more than have a right to not work but I applaud you for wanting to do something outside of the house. My spouse aka more of a friendly roomie (most of the time when we are not arguing) is finishing up a three-day seminar for the substitute teaching job. He admitted to feeling nervous the first day. I also learned things that I did not know. The #1 condition that most teachers suffer are urinary tract infections due to not being able to leave the class alone to use the bathroom. How insane! I'm sorry...but I will go to the bathroom when I have to and not wait until...whenever. Sprogs are allowed to leave class to urinate. I guess the older kids can be left alone...
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