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1012 kids and food

Posted by CF Uter 
CF Uter
1012 kids and food
February 27, 2006
I totally agree and think about this everytime I see a smaller kid eat, especially at a restaurant because parunts bitch they have no money.

Why let your brats get a whole burger and fries when both eat about half of it or less? I see almost entire meals for 2-4 kids go directly in to the garbage. If they only eat a few bites, don't even order them nothing. Order yourself a big meal and let them eat off your plate a little if youre at a fast food place. And, I wouldn't give them a choice of what they wanted. Just order the food and make bro and sis share it and if there's any fighting, take the entire meal away from them. If they whine theyre hungry later, paddle their behinds and send them to bed. End of story.

I hardly ever have seen my neices and nephews eat even close to an entire meal. But lo and behold when dessert rolls out, moomie lets them have it and they eat 3 puddings, cake and ice cream and clean the plates. My neice is very fat, but seems to never eat, guess where her calories come from?
Lady Cooper
Re: 1012 kids and food
February 27, 2006
Watching kids eat puts me off my food. It just does, especially with the open mouthed chewing.
Re: 1012 kids and food
February 28, 2006
Kids have NO table manners. It's disgusting to watch them eat. Watching barnyard animals or my cats and dogs eat is far more interesting - and they have better table manners than any kid. From what I've read about ADHD and preservatives, the more, the worse the case of ADHD. Natural, whole foods are really the only things that should be eaten by anyone with ADD or ADHD. Avoiding meats with hormones and antibiotics is best for them, too, as well as everyone else. But of course lazy, stupid, selfish breeders don't have the time to prepare decent meals so it's off to Burger King we go!
Re: 1012 kids and food
February 28, 2006
I concur entirely about kids and their lack of table manners. Chomping open-mouthed, talking with their face stuffed full...ickk.

I recall an incident that happened last year. About a dozen of my family members got together at Olive Garden to celebrate my aunt and uncle's 20th anniversary. My aunt was, somehow, smart enough to not order her 5-year-old daughter her own meal, and let her eat off my aunt's plate. But lo and behold...she got spaghetti, and my cousin was picking it up in big clumps with her fingers and dropping it into her mouth. Call me crazy, but I found it rather difficult to eat my own food with that going on.

Hell, when I was that age, I would have gotten screamed at blue murder if I did that. At the very least, she scolds the kid for chewing with her mouth open.
Re: 1012 kids and food
February 28, 2006
Fat kids bother me because they don't have to be fat. It is really the fault of the pahrunts who make them into the overwight chidlren that they are. Here's a few pics that demonstrate what all those trips to Donalds will do to you:

And agreed - watching children or babies eat is disgusting and pictures of them covovered in food in their high-chair is NOT cute. It's an emetic.

CF Uter
Re: 1012 kids and food
February 28, 2006
I just got that last picture w/ an email going around. When you look at the entire picture the wrist and neck look weird, so I think that kid is wearing a fat suit.

Altho I do think society has a problem w/ fat kids, and I totally blame the parunts and not the kids, but moomies will never ever listen.
Re: 1012 kids and food
February 28, 2006
I don't think that kid is wearing a fat suit, he's just fat from poor nutrition. I have a nephew who is 3 and is fat because his mother feeds him to shut him up rather than deal with what the issue is on hand. We've all noticed she does that, but she's a moo. A real moo who after 8 years can not quite grasp that my husband is from Japan and not China. (good god!!!)

Your family doesn't put the brakes on the desserts for the kiddies. I remember when I was young that we had to eat our dinner in order to have dessert. Sure, we all want dessert (and I still do!!) but kyds have to learn somehow about proper eating habits. Are moo's too lazy and stupid to encourage and reinforce this behaviour?

Finally--food related. Last Thanksgiving, I had the unbelieveable displeaseure of watching my 4 1/2 year old nephew go over to the appetizer table, finger and fondle each piece of food before he realized that he did not want any. Me and my husband watched in total disgust however, by doing that, "Snotleigh" did keep us on our diets at that particular moment.

Re: 1012 kids and food
February 28, 2006
see i am a fat man myself, but my metabolism is screwed, due to a few metabolic oddities, which are recognised by my doctor. i know a few kids who eat hardly anything and they are fat, you cant blame all fatness on bad food lack of exercise. in a lot of cases yes.. but in a few no. then again yo yo dieting can mess the metabolism so far out of whack that you will never loose any weight at all.

there should be good nutrition i agree there, but theres also the what is the "perfect size" issue, is it a size 2, or a size 10, or is size 16 perfect (look at marilyn monroe a size 16, she would be called fat nowadays).

there is a thing as fat and fit. who determines what is healthy and unhealthy, according to research there is more malnutrition about than obesity.
Re: 1012 kids and food
February 28, 2006
Marilyn's size 16 is now a size 6 or 8 (or perhaps 4) due to what is now called "Vanity Sizing."


Most fat kids are fat due to eating poorly and inactivity. That is the direct fault of the parent.

Dieting does not screw up your metabolism, inactivity does. Both myself and several friends are proof of that. And you are right there is malnutrition despite people being obese. All around, sad situation, and sadder for children of lazy moo's who can't or wont cook a decent meal to thwart the problem of obesity and the host of problems it causes.
Re: 1012 kids and food
February 28, 2006
i agree most dont do anything, but there are some that are exceptions. i live in england where sizes are different altogether so marilyn monroes size is our size really sorry if i confused things. so the size here is different to there. yoyo dieting can screw up a metabolism. its well known

but is it right to lead a kid down to anorexia/bulimia route all for the sake of being thin. and we have all heard of people dying of anorexia/bulimia, the only death i heard of is one where they said the kid drowned in her own fat, but she had a glandular/genetic problem so there has to be a middle ground. between healthy and fat and thin

1% of teenage girls, and 5% of college-age women become anorexic or bulimic.

Anorexia has the highest mortality rate (up to 20%) of any psychiatric diagnosis.

Girls develop eating and self-image problems before drug or alcohol problems; there are drug and alcohol programs in almost every school, but no eating disorder programs

this is a good site

Myth Three: Those who virtuously eat less or who diet will be slim.

Facts: This may be the biggest -- and most dangerous -- myth of all.

Weight loss diets have been around at least since the 1830s with Sylvester Grahams preaching the sins of gluttony, they started to become a national mania in the mid-1960s. Fatness had become medicalized, and a rapid succession of weight loss products ensued, from various diet pills to diets such as Atkins to full-fledged diet programs such as Weight Watchers. Weight loss measures grew extreme by the 1970s with such high protein diets as Robert Linns liquid diet and the Complete Scarsdale Diet. By the end of that decade there were more than a hundred different diet programs, mostly hosted by doctors, and those numbers had tripled just a few years later. Today, there are literally thousands.

The diet advocates have continuously claimed that by eating less, and less fatty foods, we could all be slim. Americans listened. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, total caloric intake, as well as total fat intake, steadily decreased from 1965 to 1990. During this period, obesity increased dramatically, Steven Blair, P.E.D., president of the Cooper Institute noted in a February 2002 Mayo Clinic Proceedings. The prevalence of obesity, he concluded, is unlikely to be due to increases in daily energy intake.

Were not the only nation to realize that weight gain cant be explained simply by how much people eat. Between 1980 and 1991, the number of heavyweights in England doubled, while Britons were eating 10 percent fewer calories, according to their government.

But American women appear to have been most affected by admonitions to watch what they eat. Before the diet mania, the average American woman took in 3,000 to 5,000 calories a day; today that average woman eats less than 1,600 calories daily and is on some type of weight loss program, according to Frances Berg, M.S., in Women Afraid to Eat -- Breaking Free in Today's Weight-Obsessed World (Healthy Weight Network, 2000).

Yet, studies published in peer-reviewed journals from researchers including R.J. Tuschl, Reinhold G. Laessle and Jane Wardle, have found that women who watch what they eat and are light eaters, or who have dieted, actually weigh more than those who dont restrict the foods they eat -- even though theyre eating about 620 calories less a day! Many fat individuals have spent their lives restricting what they eat, with valiant willpower and self-control; they just dont look like it

Re: 1012 kids and food
February 28, 2006
another interesting article.


A long-term study by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), published in a 1998 Journal of Public Health, for example, found that those with BMIs of 20 or less, or with even modest 10 percent weight losses after age 50, have higher premature death rates than those overweight, even when other variables such as smoking are taken into account. A clinical study at the University of Maryland published in the December 1999 Journal of American Geriatrics Society, found voluntary weight loss in mature women, no matter what they weigh, appears especially dangerous, quadrupling their likelihood of dying prematurely.


In their comprehensive scientific review of the efficacy of dietary treatments for obesity, entitled Confronting the Failure of Behavioral and Dietary Treatments for Obesity, published by Clinical Psychology Review in 1991, researchers David Garner, Ph.D., and Susan Wooley, Ph.D., concluded that there is overwhelming evidence from controlled studies that weight loss programs are ineffective in producing lasting weight change. Unfortunately, Garner, currently director of River Centre Clinic in Sylvania, Ohio, and adjunct professor at Bowling Green State University and the University of Toledo, said [our findings] are still accurate despite over 10 more years of research since the Review was written. Regardless of the weight-loss method used -- special diets (no matter what they advocate), fasting, pills or surgery -- theres an initial short-term weight loss that deems the treatment a success. But looking further, failures are strikingly consistent and more remarkable the longer follow-up is continued. According to a plethora of studies, such as F.M. Kramers long-term follow-up study published in a 1989 International Journal of Obesity, less than 1 to 3 percent of weight loss is ever maintained over the long run. By four or five years out, almost all dieters have regained all or most of their weight, and most will weigh more than they did at the start of their diets. The larger and more rapid the weight loss, the more profound and rapid the weight regain, according to research headed by Albert Stunkard, M.D., professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and founder of the Weight and Eating Disorders Program
Re: 1012 kids and food
March 01, 2006
Ah! So the UK does not currently have "Vanity Sizing?" Yes, that does explain it and I am aware your sizing is much different. The website you linked was terrific! I have bookmarked it!

For Americans, and those who are not predisposed to a medical condition, I still maintain that fat kids (infants, toddlers, sprogs, you name it) are the direct result from poor nutrition and lack of activity. There is such a considerable difference in how kids play and eat today than when I was a kid growing up in the 60-70's. And mostly, the obesity in this country is from the poor quality foods washed down with sugary sodas and juices. Plus, I think the PE (Physical Education) requirements in school are different now than from what they were when I was a mere sprog myself!

Sad all around when proper diet, food preparation and playing hide and go seek instead of play station can prevent childhood obesity.

Take that as a warning moos! Cook a decent meal that doesn't include opening a box and stirring in milk and butter!
Re: 1012 kids and food
March 01, 2006
i agree, but there is a LOT of bad press about being fat a lot of the problem is bad nutrition, you have malnutrition and obesity, but shouldnt people be happy how they look, how they are without all this demonising of fat people, yes get proper nutrition into kids, i agree there, but so long as people are allowed to be how they feel more happy. its as if there seems to be a denial of someones mental worth if they are not "thin".

i would rather be fat and happy, than thin and miserable. how about you

there is fit at any size, look at all the sports stars they are technically obese, i have never been happier more at peace with myself than i have in the last few years, its allowed me to fall in love with a wonderful cf woman.
Re: 1012 kids and food
March 01, 2006
I was formerly obese and took control of my life and eating through proper nutrition and exercise. I am happy. I am not perfect, nor live up to today's Hollywood standards of extra svelte stars, but I am healthy and happy and look pretty good too!

I was miserable when I was obese, so I had to find a way to happiness and that was through losing weight and maintaining the loss.

As far as sports stars being obese, some are not, such as Serena Williams who may weigh a lot but is all muscle. There are a lot of fit people who exercise and who are large, my friend, who is a tri-athlete is one, myself, a marathon runner, is another.

For children, they have no one but their parents to blame for their obesity and lack of activity. They were born a tabula rasa and need to be encouraged and guided to portion coontrol, proper foods and fun activities other than Play Station. I still blame lazy moo's who choose to make hamburger helper and other high fat, sugar laden foods, or worse, go to fast food for dinner, than teaching their kids to eat vegetables. I've seen my own family use food to shut their kids up rather than to deal with the issue on hand. There's a fat kid in the making! And it's all preventable! (With a condom of course!)
Re: 1012 kids and food
March 01, 2006
i am glad you are happy, i am happy being my size. nutrition is the most imporant thing i agree with you. my body size is genetic as well, all on one side are fat born fat no matter.

teach kids about good nutirition, and let them see if their own body shape fits thin or fat. so long as they are healthy regardless of size thats the main thing. fat can be healthy, thin can be healthy, good nutrition, good exercise, even if that means larger sized people like me, are larger. even though we do exercise a lot and dont eat much. fit at any size should be the call.
Anonymous User
Re: 1012 kids and food
March 01, 2006
I feel the need to comment here as this is a subject that is very close to my heart.I have lost over 90 pounds myself in the last year through a "lifestyle change" because I ate the wrong foods and I was inactive.I agree 100 percant with CFAD that most 95 percent of overweight people are that way because of their lifestlye.

America is the fatest nation in the world and we here in Australia are not that far behind and I think it is scary.I take full responsibility for what I did to my body and I am now 20 ponds away from goal weight.

as a child I was fed crap from my "breeder" parents so the nasty cycle continued into adulthood.It is soley the parents responsibility to educate their children and feed them healthy and nutritious meals.When I see an overweight child I feel so sorry for them and I consider it child abuse because their lazy parents cant be bothered with them.
Obesity in your country and mine is a serious health problem and there are more fat kids around right now than at any other time in history.

Breeders are bringing up a whole generation of kids who do nothing much else but eat highly processed crap and then they sit for hours and hours in front of their "baby sitter" (play station) because of their lazy breeder parents.Grrrrrr!!!!!!!

Well I feel better now smiling smiley

Re: 1012 kids and food
March 02, 2006
but my point natalie is one size doesnt fit all in the size stakes, some people are naturally larger than others, and some are naturally thinner, to force others to change how they are (i am talking about adults mostly as kids have a different nutritional need, they need the energy to grow, or they will have a lot of psychological, physical problems). when i was younger i went out a lot, but i never was skinny no matter how much i ate or not ate, i was always larger. for me i am healthy. i am happy, and reading about all the problems that can be made worse by dieting, in MY case i am content to be my size and my shape.

if you feel like you want to lose weight fine, i dont have a problem with that, its your happiness, i am happy to be me and my size. and isnt thats what it is all about being happy with who you are.

kids sat at home with tv and playstations thats a different issue, i agree it shouldnt be like that, thats the parents fault, and the nutrition of kids they should have a healthy diet, but not at the cause of looking better, looks are superficial its who you are that counts. looks fade and decay over time, and nothing short of surgery can alter that.

you dont know about the genetic predispositions of people, you dont know if they are miserable or anything about them you just judge them by size and size is totally subjective.

KIDS should go out play and live and learn, i am all for that, but for adults its a different matter, if you are miserable being who you are then change yourself, but if those who are happy with who they are shouldnt they remain happy, fat and happy or thin and miserable.

Anonymous User
Re: 1012 kids and food
March 02, 2006
I know One size does not fit all mercurior.I am not a standard size myself.I am 6 feet tall and I am built like a tank but all I was trying to say is it is not healthy being obese.When your body fat percentage is sky high there is no way on this planet that could be healthy.Our hospitals are full of people suffering the effects of obesity related illness.Obesity kills.

I am almost at goal weight but I know I will never be thin as it is not my build so I do know what you are saying about the different shapes and sizes thing but its just when a person becomes ridiculosley overweight that it becomes a serious health problem for them.
Obesity tends to run through familys but it does not mean you have to stay like that.I remember telling my family doctor that I would always be big because my mum is aswell.He told me I was just making exuses and that the reason why I was big was because of a lifetime of bad eating habits but he di say a small part was genetic meaning my metabilism is slow so I just have to make sure I keep working out for the rest of my life and it is hard but now that I know what it takes I can say it is worth it.My doctor thinks I have added a good 15 years onto my life - I think he might be right.

I know I am doing my usual here and getting way off topic but the bottom line is that 95 percent of obese children need not be that way.
They are going to be fat adults and it is all the parents fault because they are just so lazy they cant be bothered to be better parents and actually cook a proper and nutritous meal for them.

I am glad you are happy with your size if you are happy that is the main thing but personally for me even though I am a big build(think serena williams) I knew I wanted to be the best I could be.My body is a temple and Its gotta last me for the rest of my life so I might as well care for it.

Just think next time you see an obese child there is usually a fat moo not far behind continuing the vicious cycle.

Natalie smiling smiley
Re: 1012 kids and food
March 03, 2006
I'm not going to work out 8 hours a day for the rest of MY life cos someone thinks I should be thinner. Right now, people will say ANYTHING to get someone to lose weight. Just cos someone is a Dr. it doesn't make them faultless. It really is about looks with society.
Re: 1012 kids and food
March 03, 2006
Yep, again, advertising trying to sell you diet pills, therapy, exercise equipment, guilt complexes or what have you. In my opinion, the only thing that matters is if you are healthy and happy. Being overweight doesn't mean you have heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. There are skinny people who have all that. I have friends who aren't their ideal the perfect size but they eat right, exercise and are healthy people. They couldn't be happier.
Re: 1012 kids and food
March 03, 2006
There is a tried and tested way of having no obese in a country except for those with a medical condition. Introduce the food rationing that the population of Britain had in WW2.

This is for one week for one adult.

WW2 Food Rations.
This is the ration for one adult per week.

BACON and HAM ……… 4ozs ( 100g )
MEAT …………………… to the value of 1s.2d ( 6p today ). Sausages were not rationed but difficult to obtain : offal was originally unrationed but sometimes formed part of the meat ration.
BUTTER ………………… 2ozs ( 50g )
CHEESE ………………… 2ozs ( 50g ) sometimes it rose to 4ozs ( 100g ) and even up to 8ozs ( 225g )
MARGARINE ……………… 4ozs ( 100g )
COOKING FAT …………… 4ozs ( 100g ) often dropping to 2ozs ( 50g )
MILK …………………… 3 pints ( 1800ml ) sometimes dropping to 2 pints ( 1200ml ). Household ( skimmed, dried ) milk was available. This was I packet each 4 weeks.
SUGAR …………………… 8ozs ( 225g )
PRESERVES ……………… 1lb ( 450g ) every 2 months
TEA ……………………… 2ozs ( 50g )
EGGS …………………… 1 shell egg a week if available but at times dropping to 1 every two weeks. Dried eggs ----- 1 packet each 4 weeks.
SWEETS …………………… 12 ozs ( 350g ) each 4 weeks.

In addition, there was a monthly points system.
As an example of how these could be spent, with the 16 points that you were allocated you were allowed to buy one can of fish or meat or 2lb ( 900g ) of dried fruit or 8lb ( 3.6kg ) of split peas.

Babies and younger children, expectant and nursing mothers had concentrated orange juice and cod liver oil from Welfare Clinics together with priority milk.
This milk was also available to invalids.

School meals were started in the war because mothers were working extremely long hours to help the war effort.

How many people could survive on that these days. Candy (Sweets were rationed so no problem about labelling chocolate with a health warning.

Re: 1012 kids and food
March 06, 2006
Natalie--I just wanted to congratulate you oon your weight loss. I agree with both of your posts and am sorry to see other countries narrowing the gap of obesity that Americans are champions of. I've been seeing articles about Japan and it's growing childhood obesity problems as well. 20 year ago, fast food wasn't as available as it is now in major cities all over the world.

Keep up your good work with the loss and maintainence! smiling smiley
Re: 1012 kids and food
March 06, 2006
It is the parent's responsibility to moderate and control their crotch-dropping's food intake...if they don't accept that responsibility, then they must accept the fact that they contributed to their child's poor health.

At the hippy co-op I frequent out of convience sake, I saw a child start throwing a complete ear drum piercing, flailing on the floor, tomato faced tantrum because it wasn't allowed to have a honey stick. The parent moved her cart out of the line, picked up her kid, told the customer service person that she would be right back, and marched the kid out of the store. By the time I was finished with my transaction, she had returned with a calmer child and was able to complete her purchases...without buying the scream inducing honey stick.

At the food cave that I frequent every couple weeks, I had the rare pleasure of standing behind a parent and child in line. Their exchange went something like this...
Kid "can I have candy?"
Moo "no"
Kid "I WANT candy!"
Moo "no honey, you can't have it"
Kid ---screams, grabs nearest candy bar
Moo "honey, no" puts candy bar back
Kid screams louder. grabs nearest candy bar and throws it to the floor
moo "please"
Now the checker is done with the person infront of moo, who should have been unloading her cart...
kid --emits an ear piercing shriek that makes me cover my ears...
moo "darling...honey...you simply can't do that"
kid --emits another horrific shriek...I am now clutching my head and openly mumbling "shutupshutupshutupshutup", the person behind me is quite loudly wondering if this line will ever get moving, the checker has started unloading the woman's cart for her.
moo "come on dear...stop it"
kid ---emits a similar shriek..,I am clutching my head, trapped, horribly, horribly trapped...all the lines are full, I've been in this one too long to change...the person behind me still hasn't moved...this goddamned kid won't stop shrieking and moo won't stop negotiating..."honey, stop it, you can watch videos in the van...more video game time...cartoons? You wanna watch cartoons at home?" People in the lanes next to us are actually leaving to get into longer lines further away, the man behind me is practically frothing at the mouth trying to keep from cussing this woman out and strangling her kid. Finally, the checker has unloaded, rang up and bagged everything in the cart, without any help from moo, and is yelling the total at her...so moo grabs the candy bar from the kid and shoves it in the checker's hand..."Add this to the total"....and then shoves it back at the kid who immediately unwraps it, throws the wrapper on the floor, and shoves it in it's gaping maw. It's eyes glaze over in a way similar to a junkie getting his much needed fix just before the sick sets in. They leave and everyone around bursts into applause.
Re: 1012 kids and food
March 06, 2006
Oh Feh, you have far more willpower than me. I would have probably punched someone if I was right behind such an idiot of a Moo and her shrieking loaf. of course, knowing me, I also probably would have grabbed the piece of candy that the kid wanted and bought it for myself, even if I didn't necessarily like it...just to piss the little shit off.
Anonymous User
Re: 1012 kids and food
March 06, 2006
Thankyou CFAD

It sounds like you really know where I am comming from where this is concerned.It no secret being obese kills and also effects ones quality of life but when you see a fat child it is clearley a case of child abuse.People know all the diseases that obese people are more likeley to get and yet I have never seen so many fat kids in my life.I wont go on about it because I am sure ya all know how I feel about this but I just cant help giving parents greasys when I see them with their fat kids.Kinda makes me sick really.These people are pathetic....

Thankyou for the congratulations - same to you - sounds like you have lost alot of weight yourself so you know how great it feels to be healthy inside and out smiling smiley
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