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The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract

Posted by bell_flower 
The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 15, 2007
I thought you all would find this amusing. I got this from a blog that somebody linked here. Damn whoever linked this anyway because it's pure entertainment in that sad kind of way and I need to get some work done today!

This is the same attention whore chick who miscarried and gave her students a mini-lecture about the evils of infertility. This most recent meltdown was driven by her guilt that she can't reproduce for her husband.

I read stuff like this and I think, thank Todd I: 1. don't buy the whole "you are worthless if you don't breed" mind control crap; 2. I didn't get married with the expectation that I will be shitting out an heir. And also, what are these people thinking? Don't people who want fleshloaves ever discuss what they'll do if Moo-mie can't pop out a sprog?

Anyway, here it is. Her poor husband can't even give her a compliment at a public function without her breaking down and acting like a martyr. Methinks someone has some serious psychological problems. And get this, she's a psychologist. Someone who undoubtebly tells people they need professional help every day. Ironic much?

"We were reminiscing about our wedding, all the good and the bad, and D proclaimed, "That was the best thing I've ever done in my life."

And I cried. And I couldn't stop. I was grabbing napkins from the bar and D was trying to figure out what was wrong. I told him not to worry, that I was just happy and too full of wine, but, really, I was suddenly struck by an overwhelming sense of guilt and self-loathing. I could suddenly see the elephant in the room --- I feel I have failed him, that I don't deserve him. We waited because I "needed" to get my degree, then when it was ok to try, I proved incapable of fulfilling the role reserved for me the day we got married. I always justified the uneven distribution of duties and income in the relationship (he has more skills and makes almost 3 times what I do) by saying, "Well, I'll be the one raising the kids, so that will make up for my current lack of contribution." Now I just feel useless."

Just another WannoMoo who buys the whole idea that woman = Moother and if you can't produce, you aren't worth shit. Obviously, this is one who drank the Kool-Aid.
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 15, 2007
Wow, what a whack job. Its for the best that she does not breed, the gene pool is already very polluted.

Kinda reminds me of 2 people my mom knew from work. Both were doctors at the same hospital mom worked, married many years, were both in their 30's. They agreed LONG before that the plan was NO KIDS - EVER. They had dogs, lots of them.

Well, one day, the talk around town was that Mrs. Doc was in pig. And a few weeks later, Mr. Doc divorced her.

Needless to say, he was billed as a horrible bastard, a slimy, sleezy, selfish, prick of a man who was only thinking of himself.

Why you ask? Well, because Mrs. Doc was having their BAAAAAYYYYBEEEEEE and he wanted nothin' doin'. Um, excuse me? They agreed long ago NO KIDS and she "changed her mind" because she was "getting old." And she just thought the rules would magically change. If you ask me, he was stupid for not getting snipped.

In the end, she moved back to Lancaster to be closer to her family and had the BAYBEE and raised the kid on her own. Mr. Doc stayed in town and I guess, became the Town Prick. Never hear much about him anymore.
Anonymous User
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 15, 2007
Fuckwads like her -- many of whom, unfortunately, WERE able to breed -- are in such plentiful supply that it's more of a "gene swamp" now.

I'll definitely raise a glass and toast the good fortune of the kids who won't be born to that BooHooMoo.
Isn't it also possible that Mrs. Doc was boinking someone on the side?
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 15, 2007
What a bunch of childish shit heads.

I guess I just don't understand why it is so difficult to live with regret, I mean, did these folks do EVERYTHING in their lives that they ever wanted to do, in the exact way they want to, and never regret anything until they realized they forgot to, or couldn't, have children? I feel bad for kids with fucked up breeders raising them simply because one day they thought "Oh, I'd better have a kid now or I'll regret it for the rest of my life".

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
"I proved incapable of fulfilling the role reserved for me the day we got married."

Wow. Hard to believe that there are really women out there who feel this way, in this day and age. Is this really the 21st century?
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 15, 2007
" 'I proved incapable of fulfilling the role reserved for me the day we got married.'

Wow. Hard to believe that there are really women out there who feel this way, in this day and age. Is this really the 21st century? "

Creepy, no?

And this part just plain pisses me off:

"We waited because I "needed" to get my degree,"

< eyeroll > Bints like her bite the feminist hand that fed them. Women having access to higher education is a good thing, except when they still come out stupid, like this one. I guess it doesn't occur to her that she may still have had fertility problems had she not got her education. Then she would be childLESS, and uneducated to boot, in a worse position than she is now.

Regardless, Methinks an advanced degree is wasted on this twat. "I may be educated, but It's all for naught because I don't have a baybee! Then move over, Bitch, because someone else wants your cushy tenured job.

I also have a hard time feeling sorry for someone who is all of 32 and is this hysterical over not having a baybee yet. Unfortunately, she'll probably crank out the loaf eventually.
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 15, 2007
Ketchup Wrote:
> "I proved incapable of fulfilling the role
> reserved for me the day we got married."
> Wow. Hard to believe that there are really women
> out there who feel this way, in this day and age.
> Is this really the 21st century?

21st century? Seems like we have been going backwards, about last 10 years or so. Many women are acting out their "nurturing instinct". In 1980's there was more freedom and CF was a good topic. Today, it's different. Women seem to really push for you know what. Men feel they are real men if they knock up that girl. Are we like sick or something? What happened?
Although I am a physician, I do not practice in psychiatry. However, my general opinion of headshrinkers, particularly psychologists, therapists and other soft, fuzzy types is clear: they are usually crazier than any of their patients. Same goes for a large number of psychiatrists.

Sounds like the psychologist needs a wonkin' large dose of antidepressants and antipsychotics.
Anonymous User
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 17, 2007
It doesn't surprise me that this crazy bint is a psychologist. My best friend's father is one and he is completely in need of a head shrinker himself.

This woman is definitely off of her rocker. I hope she gets knocked up and hubby leaves her anyways.
Anonymous User
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 17, 2007
also have a hard time feeling sorry for someone who is all of 32 and is this hysterical over not having a baybee yet.

My cousin dumped her former fiance in part because he was balking at the idea of having kids and she wanted them and felt she "wasn't getting any younger." Did I mention she's 25?

It's all good now, though. She started dating another guy, then not long after, they're getting married! In like two months! I thought, HRM. Then, not long after the wedding, yep: my mom says "well, she's pregnant" in this tone of voice that indicated that she didn't necessarily think this was the best course of action. I figured it was a "shotgun" wedding. So now she has the loaf, hooray.

Meanwhile, I can't help but wonder how long this relationship will last. Hell, maybe they were talking marriage before she got knocked up, but it sure seemed to happen quick...
Anonymous User
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 17, 2007
K12144 Wrote:
> and felt she "wasn't getting any
> younger." Did I mention she's 25?

When I was 28 & married only a year, my sister (who was single herself) started to bingo me with the "well, you're not getting any younger" bullshit. What the fucking fuck?

What made it worse was she bingoed me for my mom, who was freaking out behind my back that she'd never be a grandmoo.
She is probably the histrionic type who walks out crying whenever some other bitch brings a freshly shat loaf into the room, like Charlotte in Sex and the City.

Psychologists are just as bad as their most complicated patients, and it only took a single psych rotation in nursing school to know I never wanted to practice psychiatric or mental health nursing. The psychiatrists were scarier than the inpatients!
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 19, 2007
grizzlycat Wrote:
> K12144 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > and felt she "wasn't getting any
> > younger." Did I mention she's 25?
> When I was 28 & married only a year, my sister
> (who was single herself) started to bingo me with
> the "well, you're not getting any younger"
> bullshit. What the fucking fuck?

I had a friend sort of like this, fortunately she doesn't push it on others. She has this bizarre timeline in her head of things she needs to accomplish before she reaches certain ages. Brand new car by 23, married by 26, baby by 27, condo by 28, and home by 30. So strange...

I'd strongly encourage any woman who pushes her "biological" timeline on others (though I don't know anyone like this now) to invest in plastic surgery treatments, botox, hair removal, because, well, they aren't getting any younger, and now that they've pooped out their loaves they always start to age exponentially and they'd best be keeping up their appearances to keep the wallet around. Oh yeah, and I'm mean.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 19, 2007
I've had the histrionic types as friends - 2 of them to be exact, and let me tell you, they are the most mentally exhausting people to be around. They just suck the life right out of you with all their talk of breeding and fertility treatments, and getting old and alone, and whatever the hell else they used to whine about.

Before they even bred, I ditched them as friends. Much too high maintenance for my liking.
Anonymous User
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 19, 2007
Feh Wrote:
She has this bizarre
> timeline in her head of things she needs to
> accomplish before she reaches certain ages. Brand
> new car by 23, married by 26, baby by 27, condo by
> 28, and home by 30. So strange...
My mother & aunts speak in that language on a regular basis. For example, in referring to a single woman about a subject unrelated to marriage or breeding, they'll say something like: "She's 32, but not married yet..."
Anonymous User
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 19, 2007
When I was 28 & married only a year, my sister (who was single herself) started to bingo me with the "well, you're not getting any younger" bullshit. What the fucking fuck?
I knew a girl in college who wrote in her Livejournal that she was already being asked when she had kids, or told she needed to have kids, or something like that.

She was somewhere between 19 and 21 and not even in a relationship!!!
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 19, 2007
It is not only the married people who get hell when they did not reproduce. Single people get hell too. They get bingoed all the time with crap like :"You must afraid of commitment", "You will be old, alone and lonely" (really? I will be the only old person around? No one else ages?), "you do not know what you are missing" (is that a bad thing?), "I feel sooooo sad that you live alone (oh yeah, and all married couples are sooooooooooooo happy?). I could go on but you people here get the idea.

It does not matter what you do, someone always tries to screw with you. I am a guy, but I see that girls get harassed more, almost as if they are OBLIGATED to sprog or something. They also get bingoed about marriage more than guys do, but that's my observation.
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 20, 2007
Techie Wrote:
> It is not only the married people who get hell
> when they did not reproduce. Single people get
> hell too. They get bingoed all the time with crap
> like :"You must afraid of commitment", "You will
> be old, alone and lonely" (really? I will be the
> only old person around? No one else ages?), "you
> do not know what you are missing" (is that a bad
> thing?), "I feel sooooo sad that you live alone
> (oh yeah, and all married couples are
> sooooooooooooo happy?). I could go on but you
> people here get the idea.

Some people are asshats who can't keep friends but also can't stand themselves...these are the truly lonely and sad ones who project their fear of the future on everyone else.

Is it really so hard to imagine that, with a little bit of work, it would be possible to retain friends well into your elder years? Or even make new friends? Or possibly...have other members of your family care for you? It is if you've given everything up for your children. Then you've put all your eggs in that basket, and will have to let them walk all over you to retain a sense that they might possibly consider repaying your years of care by choosing a somewhat decent retirement home, and visiting you a couple times a year at least.

Is it really so hard to imagine that a person might be happy with themselves enough to maintain their "singlehood"? It is if you hate yourself so much that the thought of being alone sends you in to the nearest open arms (and legs) to delude yourself into making something that will "love me forever, unconditionally". Unfortunately, the problem with that is, if you aren't happy with yourself, no one else is ever going to be able to do that for you.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Anonymous User
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 21, 2007
Techie Wrote:
> It is not only the married people who get hell
> when they did not reproduce. Single people get
> hell too. They get bingoed all the time with crap
> like :"You must afraid of commitment", "You will
> be old, alone and lonely"

Techie, I agree. A perfect example is my sister & brother. My sister is 37 & single, brother is 33 & single. They're both really happy people. They have close friends, travel, the whole thing. My brother gets a few bingos, but my sister definitely takes alot more shit.

I've even had a SIL tell me behind my sister's back: "If D stopped going out with her friends & going on trips, she could concentrate on finding someone, because I'm SURE she wants to get married...and she should stop spending $ on those trips & save 10% of her pay (meaning-she'll be alone & broke without a mayhun)

Feh, this is the same SIL who has a "timeline". I'm getting off track here, but it's funny with her. When she was dating my brother, she was so unbelieveably nice to all of us. We really liked her.

Then after they got married, she suddenly got uninterested in us. Then when in pig, she got bitchy. We thought it was hormones, but the kid's 3 & she's stayed permanently bitchy.

My theory is that since my family is close, I think she was nice at first to ensure she got that marriage part of the "timeline" covered. Now that she's met all her deadlines, she no longer has any use for us.

Hehehe, now all she does is complain about the cunt work & no sleep with the new loaf, and she's alienated all her pre-marriage friends, not to mention the rest of us.
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 21, 2007
Grizzlycat, that is sad to hear because someone like that can put a strain on the dynamics of the whole family and put a wedge in the closeness everyone has with each other. What a cunt.

I've seen that shit with people I know also. They got want they wanted and now have no use for the people they tried so hard to impress when they were still fulfilling their life quest. I hate those types.

Your SIL is truly an unhappy person. Plus she sounds like the jealous type. That should be satisfaction alone, knowing that.
Anonymous User
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 21, 2007
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> Grizzlycat, that is sad to hear because someone
> like that can put a strain on the dynamics of the
> whole family and put a wedge in the closeness
> everyone has with each other. What a cunt.

KFLL, you read her like a book!

She IS driving a wedge into our family. It's so uncomfortable & awkward going to their house, b/c we sense she doesn't want us there. But I love my brother so I go. She's even snapped at my mom who babysat a few days a week for free! Now my mom refuses to do it. My husband is sick of her biting at him, too.

And the creepiest thing about her- her mom is an EX-NUN!

It's sad, but I'm really relieved she won't be at my mom's tomorrow. We can all relax. (If only my brother could lock her in a closet & come over himself...)
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 21, 2007
grizzlycat Wrote:
> Feh, this is the same SIL who has a "timeline".
> I'm getting off track here, but it's funny with
> her. When she was dating my brother, she was so
> unbelieveably nice to all of us. We really liked
> her.
> Then after they got married, she suddenly got
> uninterested in us. Then when in pig, she got
> bitchy. We thought it was hormones, but the kid's
> 3 & she's stayed permanently bitchy.
> My theory is that since my family is close, I
> think she was nice at first to ensure she got that
> marriage part of the "timeline" covered. Now that
> she's met all her deadlines, she no longer has any
> use for us.
Funny, my Uncle's wife (I've stopped calling her my Aunt) is the same freaking way, except she's gotten even more bitchy and controlling since the kids (triplets +1) moved out of the house. My theory is now that she can't totally control every aspect of their lives, she's moved her evil eye on to her husband, my Uncle, and trying to destroy the relationships between the blood relations, since she doesn't need to rely on us for help with the kids any more.

I am SO GLAD I won't be dealing with her b.s. for this particular holiday.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 21, 2007
Grizzlycat, your ex-nun SIL is a cunt. Most former nuns are real bitches. They still think they are special for being a "sister" but are just like the rest of us as they could not keep their legs closed and vows to their Church. Hypocrites! Don't let the stank-ass bitch get to you when you are around her. I am glad you are dealing with her over Thanksgiving. Too many people believe they MUST go to the family's home for the holidays only for more hassles than the trip is worth. I am also glad your mom is refusing to do your SIL's cunt work for free. Right the fuck on! Thank you
Anonymous User
Re: The "breeding clause" in your marriage contract
November 21, 2007
Feh Wrote:
> Funny, my Uncle's wife (I've stopped calling her
> my Aunt) is the same freaking way, except she's
> gotten even more bitchy and controlling since the
> kids (triplets +1) moved out of the house. My
> theory is now that she can't totally control every
> aspect of their lives, she's moved her evil eye on
> to her husband, my Uncle, and trying to destroy
> the relationships between the blood relations,
> since she doesn't need to rely on us for help with
> the kids any more.
> I am SO GLAD I won't be dealing with her b.s. for
> this particular holiday.

Women like your Uncle's wife never had an identity other than mooing over their kids. They cannot stand not being in control of another's every move.

Glad you don't have to deal with the dried up old twat for Misgiving. She'd probably ruin everyone's appetite. two faces puking
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