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Ways to Recover Your Tax Dollars From Breeders

Posted by nowiggers 
While irresponsible breeders get top of the line free health care and benefits just for shitting out sprogs mindlessly, people who act responsibly and don't have children they don't want or can't afford are punished by the government. We all know it's true.

Now the question is --- What can you do, as a childfree person, to get back some of those tax dollars that are taken from you at gunpoint by the government to give away to irresponsible breeders, whether they be here in America or in some third world shithole where people breed themselves into starvation?

Ideas and techniques you use to get back some of your tax dollars welcome.
Thanks a lot for bringing up this issue, nowiggers! :yr

As someone on the inside (I work for my state's tax department), I would suggest highlighting the fraud aspect. I have it direct from my friends in the Audit division that those Refundable Credits are nothing but a big old racket and opportunity for breeders to defraud the public (usually by misrepresenting the amount of money made by self-employment or paid for childcare expenses on their tax returns). Even the child-burdened auditors want to see these credits done away with! The only people who like them are breeders and politicians.

Other than that, we the CF need to get active. We need to start lobbying our representatives, and we need to get the issue of population control on the table, regardless of what the fundies say about it. I would not just play up the fact that overpopulation is destructive to the environment, but also to everyone's wallet. This is the ultimate reason why the prices of everything are going up and wages are going down, just simply because of the law of Supply and Demand. More people creates greater demand for things in limited supply like food, shelter, energy, etc. therefore, prices go up all around. Everyone loses in the end.
Re: Ways to Recover Your Tax Dollars From Breeders
December 25, 2007
What ever happened to flat tax? I think if someone wants to breed, that's their call. Why should they get credit? No one is telling them to breed or holding them at a knife point about it.

No credit will mean less irresponsible suckers breeding. They can have fewer sprogs, that should be credit right there.

It would be nice to stop financially encouraging breeding for once.
Re: Ways to Recover Your Tax Dollars From Breeders
December 25, 2007
(this is a bit long, you might want to get comfy)

Here in Australia we have this hideous abomination called the "Baby Bonus". Basically the mother* is given $4000 (which is going up to $5000 next year) upon the birth of the child (for each child, so if she has twins, it is double the amount). This was introduced to help fight the problem of "ageing population", but all it has done is encourage those on the lower-end of the socio-economic spectrum (ie aboriginals and bogan white-trash) to just breed in order to get the money. Most of these people are massively welfare dependant to start with, so all they are doing is bringing up more children in that environment, which will only increase the problem of welfare dependancy down the track. There are some horror stories of girls as young as 12 getting knocked up in order to receive this money. Yes.. it really is that fucked up.

The problem is, no politican who wants to be elected would ever propose rolling back or abolishing the baby bonus. They might be able to put the wheels in motion once they are in office, but that basically will kill their chances of re-election, as the last election has shown that those politicians who tow the "Family values" and "working families" line are the ones who get the vote (and the hard-working singles who are the tax-base of this economy can go fuck themselves, basically).

I read somewhere not too long ago that 40% of the families in this country receive more in benefits than what they pay in taxes. If the definition of "a family" includes a single moo who doesn't work, then the figure is believable. That means basically there is a lot of dead weight in this society that isn't doing its fare share of work, yet is able to reap all the benefits.

Then there are all the tax rebates one can get for childcare and other out-of-pocket child expenses, plus some employers allow extra 'parental leave' and sick days for employees that have children.

So, we probably can't get tax money back from breeders, but there sure are ways we can reduce the amount spent on them. My proposal is thus:

1) Abolish the baby bonus, reduce or abolish other tax incentives. If you have a child for the relatively measly sum of $4000*, you are too fucking stupid to be a responsible parent, and will most likely pawn off the child to your own parents or just not look after it. These useless fucks think its some reward for some sort of good achievement! If anything, its this attitude that needs serious adjustment.
This will be part of my "You breed 'em, you feed 'em" policy.
(* The payment is made out in the mother's name, even if she is married.)

2) Free contraception, sterilization and abortion. This will be made part of the pubic health system. Free abortions and sterilization for anyone who wants them. In fact, why not use the money for the baby bonus to reward those who get snipped? I'm sure those who jumped at the idea of the baby bonus would probably go for this one (until they realise its a one-off thing and they can't have a repeat performance).
Also, irresponsible breeders will be forcibly sterilized. Overall suffering is reduced (trauma suffered due to forced sterilization vs shitty lives of unplanned-for children, no contest IMHO).

3) "Luxury services" such as Pay TV, XBOX Live, World of Warcraft, broadband internet, etc, should not be available to those on welfare unless a relative of theirs wishes to pay for it (and of course that relative also must not be on welfare). Its amazing how many houses in the welfare parts of town have satellite dishes on them - I guess they need to have something to watch during the day since they don't work. If they can afford these things, it either means they are neglecting something they should be spending the money on (ie, food, shoes, electricity, etc) or are given too much money to start with. I think its a bit of both. Pissing and moaning about not being able to afford Christmas presents for the children shouldn't make any difference. You dont NEED presents, if you want them, go out and earn some money! Christ, I used to hear how my grandparents were so poor growing up that they often didn't have birthday presents (or would get shoes or some other essential item), yet they turned out to be useful productive members of society - they weren't forever haunted by the Christmas when Santa forgot them.

4) Regular inspections for welfare housing. Breeders who are placed in public housing often treat the place like everything else they own - they trash it and then expect it to be fixed up (tax payers expense, of course). A lot of these slobs don't even have basic life skills such as cooking fresh food and cleaning. This is what generational welfare-dependancy does to people, it stops them from having to think for themselves as everything is just given to them.
If the house is continually trashed and the occupants don't want to improve their situation, they find themselves out on the fuckin' street, with the children taken into foster care. Hopefully just the thought of that would be enough of a motivator, but there'll be some who will push it to the limit.

5) Crackdown on disability payments. There are those who are genuinely disabled and cannot work because of it - fair enough. But then there are those who stubbed their big toe on the job 14 years ago and still somehow haven't managed to get over the mental anguish it caused, and are living on a disability pension. All disability cases will be re-evaluated, and those not found to be genuine will go onto the dole (ie, unemployment benefits) which brings me to my next point...

6) Work for the dole - or starve. The goverment's work for the dole program has been met with limited success. Those who want to do something were willing to get out there and 'earn' their unemployment benefits, while a great number of those who simply CHOSE not to work continue to do nothing. If you are able bodied and are on the dole, it will be an offense to refuse work that you are capable of doing, or refuse training for other kinds of work you are capable of doing. If you turn down work, your benefits get cut off. "Work for the dole" means you need to WORK for it. I'm sick of hearing stories how these lazy fucks are sometimes even offered free taxis to take them to and from work and still somehow manage to come up with excuses not to, and then those that do show up often think the world owes them something just because they made a minimal effort!
If elected, this will be part of my "No Free Ride" policy of welfare reform.

7) Severely limit "family reunion" immigration. If you want to bring in your parents from "the old country" to be with you during their retirement, then compulary top-level health insurance is obligatory. The public health system is under enough strain as it is, and even more so with the "ageing population" problem we are always hearing about, so we don't need to import more old people who will only be requiring similar services (oh, and probably translators, too).

8) No paid maternity leave. Australia will soon be looking at legislation for paid maternity leave. I don't need to tell you all how disasterous this will be for employers, and how once again the CF will need to pick up the slack. And if it becomes law, you can imagine how some moos will get in a huff if their devine right to take time off work is questioned.
In this case, what I propose is a system similar to superannuation (or 401k for you Americans). You make payments into a managed fund (that you can't touch until needed) from your pre-tax income that you can then use if you wish to take maternity/paternity leave. This not only lowers the amount of income tax you have to pay, but also provides you with a time off work period that is independant of your current employer. Basically, you end up funding your own maternity leave - which is a lot fairer than expecting your employer to do it since having a child is something that YOU **CHOSE** TO DO! If you reach a pre-determined age without using it, you can get the money back as a lump sum (taxed) or add it to your superannuation (tax free). Everyone wins!
Re: Ways to Recover Your Tax Dollars From Breeders
December 26, 2007
This country just needs to ax the welfare and all other bennies the government hands out at the taxpayers expense. Stop that shit and you'll see that these parasitic refugees from 3rd world shit holes have suddenly found the US to be NOT so appealing. 99% of them come for the free handouts.

You'd also see a dramatic decrease in the breeding done by the parasites, as well.

Those fuckers can be damn glad I don't run this country.
yes YES... I feel your outrage.. your anger... hysterical laughter:

And YES we all know that we are pretty much powerless to do anything really substantial, like cutting off breeder benefits... we know that breeders will not have their benefits cut off until a Soylent Green kind of world explodes before our very eyes... and even then (if you saw the movie, Soylent Green) EVEN THEN .. people were STILL BREEDING.

SO..... you know the old saying about "acting locally," right?

Other than always voting against the breeders and their benefits, calling congresscritters to register a complaint about breeder benefits, you know, the standard shit that gets nothing done, lol.... WHAT can be done on a personal level, on a local level, to fuck over the breeders as much as possible and either get some of your tax dollars back OR get a little personal satisfaction for all the money you pay in?

How have YOU taken advantage of a breeders or services intended for breeders today, my childfree friends?

For example, one of the things that I frequently do is search the moo websites like ivillage and others for free offers for moos and famblies.
Many corporations fall all over themselves to give away free shit to the breeders, all you have to do is sign up for their free offers and coupons. For example, last year some place was giving away free baby blankets, nice cotton ones, for "new moms." I signed right up and put my sweet little birdie snookums name on the form and he got a brand new nice cotton CHEWING blanket, absolutely free, delivered to my door on a silver platter practically and also coupons were included in the box for some of his favorite flavors of fruit juice! That blanket would have made a nice doggie or kitty blanket too, btw.
BTW I am not advocating anything illegal here and never cross that line when fucking over the breeders. Like for example, don't sign up for welfare benefits for your sweet kittys and doggies. wink

But, if it's something you can get away with, that's not a crime,like going to the food bank and putting your pets names down as human children so you can get the expensive breeder premiums they always put in the bags for breeders, (I used to do that when I was poor). Or signing up your childfree family for free special offers for the breeders, that kind of thing, then post it up in here! :-)

Here is something for your tax fraud dept to investigate...

Single moos working from home. Time and time again I have seen welfare moos working online under a relatives social security while continuing to collect welfare.

Now, I won't snitch on people individually, unless it's a murder or something like that..... but given the opportunity to tell a tax professional like yourself that this is a common behavior of the work at home moos, maybe you can pull a few returns from welfare moos and investigate where the rest of their money is coming from.


Valkyrie Wrote:
> Thanks a lot for bringing up this issue,
> nowiggers! :yr
> As someone on the inside (I work for my state's
> tax department), I would suggest highlighting the
> fraud aspect. I have it direct from my friends in
> the Audit division that those Refundable Credits
> are nothing but a big old racket and opportunity
> for breeders to defraud the public (usually by
> misrepresenting the amount of money made by
> self-employment or paid for childcare expenses on
> their tax returns). Even the child-burdened
> auditors want to see these credits done away with!
> The only people who like them are breeders and
> politicians.
> Other than that, we the CF need to get active. We
> need to start lobbying our representatives, and we
> need to get the issue of population control on the
> table, regardless of what the fundies say about
> it. I would not just play up the fact that
> overpopulation is destructive to the environment,
> but also to everyone's wallet. This is the
> ultimate reason why the prices of everything are
> going up and wages are going down, just simply
> because of the law of Supply and Demand. More
> people creates greater demand for things in
> limited supply like food, shelter, energy, etc.
> therefore, prices go up all around. Everyone
> loses in the end.

Here is something for your tax fraud dept to investigate...

Single moos working from home. Time and time again I have seen welfare moos working online under a relatives social security while continuing to collect welfare.

Now, I won't snitch on people individually, unless it's a murder or something like that..... but given the opportunity to tell a tax professional like yourself that this is a common behavior of the work at home moos, maybe you can pull a few returns from welfare moos and investigate where the rest of their money is coming from."

Sounds like a familiar scenario. I'm sure they've seen a more few cases like that. Not much that I can do with general info, but if you were to just happen to email me offlist with any specifics you may have (hint hint), I would be professionally and ethically obligated to pass it along to the appropriate office. winking smiley
Non-PoliticallyCorrect said: "Here in Australia we have this hideous abomination called the 'Baby Bonus'. Basically the mother* is given $4000 (which is going up to $5000 next year) upon the birth of the child (for each child, so if she has twins, it is double the amount). This was introduced to help fight the problem of 'ageing population', but all it has done is encourage those on the lower-end of the socio-economic spectrum (ie aboriginals and bogan white-trash) to just breed in order to get the money. Most of these people are massively welfare dependant to start with, so all they are doing is bringing up more children in that environment, which will only increase the problem of welfare dependancy down the track. There are some horror stories of girls as young as 12 getting knocked up in order to receive this money. Yes.. it really is that fucked up."

In my opinion, Australia has made a massive mistake in allowing breeders to get this money carte blanche. These restrictions should have applied:

1. A minimum age for breeders to get the money, say, 18 or even 21, to avoid the problem of young teens getting knocked up for the bonus;

2. A mimimum educational level to receive the money, say completion of secondary education (high school to us in the US), for the same reason;

3. A requirement that the moo be married to the chyld's father;

4. A requirement that the moo or the husband (see No. 3) be productively employed with a minimum income to show that the bonus is not needed to pay for household essentials;

5. A requirement that at least part of the money be invested in a retirement or emergency fund, instead of simply being paid as a huge lump sum in unaccountable cash;

6. No more than two baby bonuses per moo (I'd prefer just one, or even better, no bonuses at all, but I suppose we must face political reality);

7. A delay of payment until the chyld is one year old, because my understanding of the Oz law is that even moos who have had stillbirths or whose infants die soon after birth get the money.

I believe these restrictions would have made the program far more responsible and easier on the overburdened Oz taxpayers.

One of the huge issues that drove welfare reform in the US in 1996 was the realization that young girls would get pregnant to receive a welfare check, and often their own apartment and other prizes as well. Those who stayed at home often did so assuming that their mothers would care for the baby while they (the teen girl) would have this seemingly large monthly sum to use as they wished. Clearly this was immature "thinking" at work, but this was reality often enough. The idea of a free or subsidized place of their own also enticed many teen moms-to-be. Australia is going down the same path with the baby bonus, it appears.

In response to Nowiggers's comments, one under-the-table job that welfare recipients often do is to care for others' welfare sprogs when the other "moms" can't be bothered. This used to be quite common in parts of the US, and authorities often have a difficult time proving that the babysitting is done for cash.
Re: Ways to Recover Your Tax Dollars From Breeders
December 28, 2007
K-man, It seems there WILL be some restrictions put on it to help counter some of the negative consequences. Moos under a certain age (18, I think) will have the payment made in installments rather than one lump sum. I'd much rather the government fund compulsary abortions for anyone under that age, would sure as shit be a lot more efficient and cost effective...

As for the other points, I totally agree. If the bonus has to exist, it shouldn't be going to barely literate morons who just scraped through the last year of compulsary education because their self esteem might suffer if they are asked to repeat. Ditto for the point about being employed - people who are bored due to unemployment sure as shit don't need a kid.
However, try to tell a moo she MUST be married to receive the bonus and you'll have every feminist advocacy group frothing at the mouth for your blood! Call me old fashioned, but I think stable marriages conducive to a decent upbringing are one of the cornerstones of civliziation, but now we have a record high divorce rate and a record high number of single mothers. Stats on crime and degredation of society in general closely follow these trends.
We CF may have opted out of having children, but we can't argue that it is better for a child to be raised in a stable, loving two-parent family (ie, mother and father) rather than a single parent family.

I'd much rather see the 'baby bonus' become a series of vouchers for baby related stuff such as car seats, prams, cribs, blankets, formula, first aid kits, etc. However, this approach has its own logistical problems, not to mention the moos hoping for a big cash payment will be royally pissed off.

Goddamet, wouldn't things just be SO MUCH EASIER for all involved if ppl took responsibility for their own shit instead of expecting everyone else to "pitch in" (either directly or by paying taxes for the services breeders demand, etc). Oh, thats right, you bring that up and they'll spout that "it takes a village" horseshit. You know, the only people who say that (and beleive it) are the village idiots. Dipshits.

Oh, and before I forget, another point I forgot to mention in my previous rant... ban polygamous marriages. There have been some reports of polygamous marriages in Australia (mostly muslim migrants). They will officially (in the eys of the law) have one wife, and unofficially (but OK in the eyes of Islam) have a few more. The 'extra' wives claim single mother status and all the benefits that go with it, despite the fact they might be living in the same household as the officially married woman. Of course, the husbands are allowed to continue their hobby of fucking and breeding, while the rest of the country pays for it. My solution? If they weren't born here, revoke any citizenship and then deport them to their country of origin. This will be part of my "Fit in or fuck off" policy on multiculturalism and immigration.

Unfortunately, if elected, I might end up joining the same club Bhutto just became a member of! sad smiley
Re: Ways to Recover Your Tax Dollars From Breeders
January 02, 2008
I don't know of any good ways to recoup the taxes I pay to breeder schemes other than throwing big parties and insisting they give me generous gifts for the honor of attending.

However, I do make it a point to let my political representatives, and potential representatives, know that there are issues out there that many people care about that aren't child-centric. For example, at a May Day labor celebration a couple years ago there were a bunch of people running for various offices there. Almost every one I approached immediately started talking to me about schools and children's health, because I am a woman and obviously that's all I must care about. I explained to each and every one of them that I want the best for ALL the people in my community, regardless of age, and that tax paying and voting citizens have many concerns beyond children. I also explained that at a LABOR event, they might do better talking to people about LABOR ISSUES first, instead of just assuming that all women there would care about is children.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
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