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Another Childfree Celebrity?

Posted by CatsPajamas 
Another Childfree Celebrity?
April 23, 2008
I just ran across this article and thought it may be of interest to some of you here. Mariah's career has been more than a little bit train-wrecky in past years, but I have to admit, I am a fan of her early albums. Either way, I give her major kudos for speaking out.

Re: Another Childfree Celebrity?
April 23, 2008
Very cool. I never much cared for her music as I am a metal head, myself, but hearing this is a refreshing change of pace. I do like her as a person - it's confirmed she's got a brain and can make smart choices!!!

Let's see how much THIS choice is glamorized in the tabloids the way celeb repugnancy is. Maybe it will catch on............

They should start a Child Free Celebrity club.
Re: Another Childfree Celebrity?
April 23, 2008
I can completely identify, KidFree- I listened to Mariah in elementary school, but I am more rock-centric myself. I listen to everything from Type O Negative to Tori Amos, and I have my guilty pleasures, too (like Mariah Carey).

I would LOVE to see more celebrities setting a childfree example. I'm SOOO over the baby bump watches, and more young people need to see that Childfreedom is a valid life decision. I doubt that the media will be willing to play ball, though. Gawd forbid they alienate the people doing TMIJITW!!!! *Gag*
Awesome. Supernanny, Renee Zellweger, and Mariah Carey sound like they are all childfree! All of them are very talented in different ways. Noticed how the writer showed their obvious bias by writing about Mariah's entourage and spending money. Celebrities with children have very lavish lifestyles. Angelina Holier-than-thou wears Hermes and St. John. Madonna built herself a custom gym. But when a nonchilded celebrity does it, it's selfish.

On the other hand, the celebrity who is pissing me off the most these days is celebrity mawm Tina Fey. Is anyone else annoyed by all the press this chick is getting? She's on a couple of magazine covers and she is coming out with a movie called Baby Mama about how she gets a woman to have a baby for her, because the doctor does not "like her uterus." HORK.
It's not like she's actually funny. SNL has been in the crapper for years and she was one of the writers.
Re: Another Childfree Celebrity?
April 23, 2008
Salon had a pretty different take on that movie, Nour.


Tina Fey kicked the humor up on SNL by quite a few notches. I guess funny is in the eye of the beholder though.
Re: Another Childfree Celebrity?
April 23, 2008
Tina Fey sucks and always has sucked, even before she started breeding. Good lord, 30 Rock (which I was forced to watch on an airplane) is the biggest pile of crap I've ever seen. Why some people think she's a genius, I will never know.
Re: Another Childfree Celebrity?
April 23, 2008
Let me guess: you think Woody Allen is a genius.
Re: Another Childfree Celebrity?
April 24, 2008
Why is Guest here? It's obviously a troll. It's only purpose is to come onto this board and start shit, offering nothing but argumentative statements and combative comments. Between this and the IVF coverage comments, it's pretty clear.

Maybe we need to go over to her friend's blog and start posting shit. If they can't stay off our blogs, maybe we should start posting on theirs. I think up to this point, we've been pretty reasonable about the junta of trolls that have descended upon our site thanks to the encouragement of their little friend with the blog - and you know who I mean.

Is that the reasoning? Come here, cause all the friction you can so nobody will be interested in posting here and we'll eventually just go away? Is that your mommy reasoning? Sorry, we're not dumb little kids at the playground.

And my many years as a programmer will come in handy when I write a script to generate more spam onto said friend's comments board than her little site can handle. And don't think the little random code generator will do anything to prevent it. There are ways around that.

Sod off, troll.
Re: Another Childfree Celebrity?
April 24, 2008
Seriously Kid? Did you actually read the article on Salon? I thought the people on this site would appreciate it. The critic talked about the movie as a spoof of the child-obsessed culture in this country, and how "...you're not a real woman until you've popped one out." That's being combative and argumentative? Seems like it's pretty in line with the majority opinion of this board.

The only internet "friends" that led me here are the women I planned my wedding with years ago. They've all decided life isn't complete without kids, and I don't agree. I missed bullshitting on a message board (since kid talk is all that's discussed anymore) so I tried to find a place with people more in line with our lifestyle. This site wasn't that difficult to find.

Obviously this isn't the place for me. Thanks for the troll accusations though.
CF Uter
Re: Another Childfree Celebrity?
April 24, 2008
I am always glad to see another CF and putting in out there in the media so the rest of society can get used to the idea, but generally, she is such a whack job, I could really wish for a better representative for the CF life. No one can take her seriously about anything, why would they take this seriously?
Re: Another Childfree Celebrity?
April 24, 2008
I think Mariah is a great representative of the Childfree Lifestyle because she's very very popular with our most important demographic, the young people. Many kids, teenagers, and young adults love Mariah and have followed her for years. They'll hopefully see this article or hear this news in some way and realize that our lifestyle choice is realistic and not selfishly driven or greed based like society and their breeders drill into their brains. Face it, the only reason many teens and young adults breed is because they think it's "what everyone does when you grow up". With one of their idols standing proudly as an example of a mega-successful person who doesn't have kids, that speaks volumes.

Anyone older than this key demo have most likely already decided whether they want kids or not, most of them already do! It's those who are just becoming fertile and those who are just starting to think about their "grown up lives" that this message of alternatives to breeding needs to reach, and I couldn't think of a better spokesperson than Mariah Carey, whether you agree with her other views or not, she could help us (and vicariously, society) out BIG TIME.
Great point, Jeremy. I was thinking that too. But here's the thing: The breederific media like to buttress a celebrity CF quote with figures on how much money that celebrity spends or how lavish their lifestyle is. So it makes that person look selfish.
Re: Another Childfree Celebrity?
April 24, 2008
Of course they do, but they'll never be able to hide the fact that all of the celebrity breeders lead the same lavish lifestyles. Even Saint Angelina spends money on herself once in awhile, believe it or not. But you'll never hear about that, only about how she adopted an entire Kenyan village over the weekend.
Re: Another Childfree Celebrity?
May 08, 2008
Apparently, Crazy Mariah has now changed her mind - she just got married and wants bayyyyybeeeeees. She may already be knocked up as I'm writing this.
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