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29 month old still nursing, won't potty train, and doesn't talk

Posted by kidlesskim 
29 month old still nursing, won't potty train, and doesn't talk
August 20, 2008
"I am enjoying it. I am tandem nursing our 16 month old DD and our 9 month old DS. DS (the 29 month old) only nurses good in the morning. He nurses for about 2 seconds at night before bed. And sometimes once or twice during the day when he needs comfort.

DH is starting to say that DS needs to stop nursing. DS is right on developmentally for everything but talking. I am lucky for him to say more then mom. He has said 15 words just not everyday. He is not ready to potty train yet either.

....I don't think we need to stop yet."

This whore is nursing THREE kids. This "29 month old" is certainly old enough to be potty trained and SHOULD know more than 15 words by now. How can these moos think this is healthy? Obviously DH has had a bait of it. THis chylld is allowed to "comfort nurse" aka suck on her tits whenever he pleases, and isn't made to verbally communicate his needs or wants like a normal human. There are monkeys at the zoo who have better training than this kid. I think this is child abuse, yet they get away with it because it's a "parenting style". I call bullshit on yet ANOTHER moocow who is doing this shit for her OWN selfish reasons and as she said in the first sentence, "I am enjoying it".

I shudder to think how these current "chyyldren" are going to react when they are finally released into the wild. For this, and countless other, moocows' "enjoyment", I would guess we will ALL suffer the consequences when these brats are unleashed onto society.
These kids will be nursing and shitting themselves when they are 30 years old. And still living at home, of course.
Let's not forget about the spineless 'men' they're married to. They need to grow some testicles and set some fucking rules on these run-away, insane women.

Some of these people are in denial about the fact that their child is mentally retarded.

They are wasting their time by posting about it on message boards to strangers. What they really need to do, is take that child to specialists to be evaluated.

It is NOT normal for 5 year olds to not be potty trained. It is NOT normal for a 3 year old to still be nursing.
Re: 29 month old still nursing, won't potty train, and doesn't talk
August 20, 2008
Thi sure as hell looks like child neglect to me if nothing else. I think these moo bitches are just too fucking lazy to do the hard work of actually parenting the kids and not just let them do what they want.
Someone needs to tell CPS about this shit. I got taken away from my family at TWO because I hadn't reached any of the normal milestones due to parental neglect. This bitch needs to have those kids taken away from her.
Re: 29 month old still nursing, won't potty train, and doesn't talk
August 21, 2008
2 seconds at bedtime? 2?????????? Grabs at her when he "needs comfort"?

Retards make wonderful parents.
"and then the kids came" "and then the kid came" "and then and then and then.."

It's a farking bloody broken record. Almost 90% of all divorces, "famblee" counseling, and other such activities are precluded with the words, from one and/or the other "and then the kid(s) came".

They do not think they, do not observe, and they may not care what the impact of a child has on their lives: they have to beget the almighty sprog.

I keep going back to 'the baby trap'. Cripes it should be required reading.
And it's quite obvious that retards make even better kids!!! LMAO!!!

Rose Red Wrote:
....................Retards make wonderful parents.
Re: 29 month old still nursing, won't potty train, and doesn't talk
August 21, 2008
Has it never occurred to her that the, er, "29 month old", haha, is copying the baby activity of younger sibs because he knows how much moo desires it. He sees how much attention they're getting for just laying there crying and shitting themselves and -- gotta hand it to him -- thinks 'I certainly don't have to do any better than that to gain Mom's full and permanent attention'.

Kids are clever animals. But that's all they are - animals. Their entire first six years revolves around how best to achieve parental attention 24-7. 'DS' (does that mean dear son, or dumb shit?) is an expert already.

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- Cyril Connolly
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