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The internet

Posted by annie35 
The internet
September 11, 2008
Sometimes when I need a good laugh, I will cruise the SAHM forums.
Apparently the internet is a good outlet for all the bored and ignored women at home doing the most important job in the world. If raising a soul sucker is the most important job in the world, why does the world ignore you?
These women complain about neglect from husbands who work all day and no support from society, but thank God the internet is there as an outlet to bitch to other moo's about how much their life sucks.
God I feel good about myself today, I never feel ignored or bored.
glad I am Cf.
Re: The internet
September 11, 2008
I like to look at breeder sites for laughs when I am bored as well, Annie. There's almost always something so ridiculous it inspires a new post on our bratfree forum. Sometimes though, some of their topics are SO insane I hesitate to even make a post about it because I am afraid that no one would believe me. tongue sticking out smiley It's mind boggling to me the things that preoccupy the majority of their waking hours and at all of the things they consider "personal triumphs" or victories. One entire FORUM I came across yesterday was dedicated to cloth diapering. It had links for patterns, materials, and TONS of diaper talk. One woman even went to the "wild side" and posted all kinds of shit about making washable sanitary pads. I just sat there laughing one moment and saying aloud, "NO WAY!", the next.tongue sticking out smiley

If all they have to discuss with their spouses is size and texture of baby shit, their injured nipple woes caused by nursing, breastmilk and it's many wondrous uses, how Shitford ate her homemade applesauce, and whats going on with As The World Turns, and she doesn't have time to bathe or clean the baybee vomit off of herself, I can easily see why their husbands work late, go out with the boys, screw their co-workers, or do ANYTHING to avoid coming home at night. All they have to look forward to anyway is sharing their bed with a shit filled diaper latched onto their wive's teat. What a wonderful life. NOT.
Re: The internet
September 11, 2008
Amen to internet. I usually hear by a women how they hate their husbands and so on. The child hate their dad and top of it the dad works so hard like a wallet to feed the spouse who hate the person who does hard-earn wallet. SAHM and the kid are never gratefule for the hard effort that the man put his life to feed them. People sometimes use this false BS bingo to say all the psoitive thing about babyraby wonderful-mircale blessing.

Thanks to people like Pheona (Happily childfree), Mercurior which show me the way of Childfree and how having a child is not compulsory and it is a choice.

Also KidlessKim done some hardcore research to shows the true reality of having children. Also the true darkside of having kids and those insanity of the backward-parents when they go on about this no-diapers, human waste is wonderful, co-sleeping and other strange things.
Kim keep up the good work and grab more of the research and bring them here. This is the place of shaming all the stupid moos and this show the real fact of what it is like having kids and proved that being a parent are not 'hunky-dory'.

The problem about these moos is that they want to adopt these 3rd world way of life and infesting this plague of baby-raby society.
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