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5.5 y/o refuses to wipe her own ass

Posted by kidlesskim 
5.5 y/o refuses to wipe her own ass
September 12, 2008
"So really, how can I get her to wipe her own behind?

I know the general consensus is that they'll do it when they're ready. I even posted that my DD isn't ready so we're just waiting.

Well, I'm ready. She is almost 5.5 years old and I'm ready for her to wipe her own behind.

Not only did I see one of those Nanny shows where she was taking about how the 4 yo needs to learn to wipe their own behinds but, I'm just plain ready. I'm tired of her sitting on the toilet screaming for me to come wipe her behind and when I don't immediately jump up, she screams and screams some more.

She is very babyish and and does have some sensory issues but, she will not even try to wipe her own behind. She says it's "gross" and won't even try.

The one time I took her hand and we did it together, she freaked out and cried thinking she had some poop on her hand (she didn't).

So, how can I get her to do this on her own?
Michelle, blessed mommy to 6 yo Abigail and 5 yo Emma

two faces puking Good GOD that's gross as hell. I would tell the kyd that "Yes, it is gross, but it's even MORE gross for moomie to have to do it. Either wipe your ass yourself or let the poop crust up on it because either way, it's YOUR ass that will suffer, not mine. If you get an infection from being so nasty, then I will have to take you to the doctor to get a you a shot with a HUGE needle for it."
Re: 5.5 y/o refuses to wipe her own ass
September 12, 2008

(From Article): "So, how can I get her to do this on her own?"


1. Lock BRAT in toilet.
2. Threaten BRAT, "From now on, you're going to wipe your own ass! And you'll be staying in there until you do!"
4. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat... as often as necessary until message is drilled into brain of BRAT.
Re: 5.5 y/o refuses to wipe her own ass
September 12, 2008
"She is very babyish and and does have some sensory issues but, she will not even try to wipe her own behind. She says it's "gross" and won't even try."

Why does it seem that all of these attachment kids seem to have sensory problems? Awwwtistic kids have sensory problems. I guess these attachment moos are hoping their children will be awwwtistic so they can get even more attention, and have even more to talk about to the other crazy moos.

This is just another thing that makes me glad I don't have kids. She's almost 6 and can't wipe her ass. She's almost a first grader. Thank God most of these attachment brats are home schooled. No teacher would be willing to wipe her brats shitty butt.
Re: 5.5 y/o refuses to wipe her own ass
September 13, 2008
My ex had an 8 year old son who would yell "wipee" every time he used the bathroom. Apparently Moo had been wiping his ass from Day One. Of course Moomie couldn't be arsed to break the brat of this habit. I left the relationship around the time the brat was nine (I was only in the relationship a couple of years) and Bratleigh was STILL yelling "WIPEEEE".

These crazy idiot moos all need to get a life, find some decent child-rearing advice and quit turning out these misfits!
Re: 5.5 y/o refuses to wipe her own ass
September 13, 2008
As a 16 or 17 year old I did some babysitting and got one regular gig with two working parents with a girl and boy.

Will never forget one day when I was called into the bathroom and the 5-y-o girl pushed her nude butt up towards me and said "Wipe me."

I was so taken aback by the ickitude I just barked out, "Nope! You wipe it!" and closed the door. Gah. I guess she did, but didn't much care if she didn't and I sure as heck wasn't gonna check. Bleccchhhhhhh.
Re: 5.5 y/o refuses to wipe her own ass
September 13, 2008
Blecccch, indeed, clamatis.
Re: 5.5 y/o refuses to wipe her own ass
September 13, 2008
That's just one PERFECT reason why we're NOT having any kyds.

Kyds are so fantastically REPULSIVE.two faces puking
Anonymous User
Re: 5.5 y/o refuses to wipe her own ass
September 13, 2008
MerylHerne, are you kidding- 9 years old..how did you take it?

Does that mom realize that babysitting classes (at least here anyway) start at 9 years old? I saw the ad in the Park District catalog yesterday. "How-to" Babysitting classes that go over the basics for 9-11 year olds.

I know I babysat for $1 per hour when I was 11.

Wow, just wow.
Eew...I mean, really! The "sensory issue" this kyd would get would be a smack on the (covered) ass from me!drinking coffee
Re: 5.5 y/o refuses to wipe her own ass
September 14, 2008
I got out of the situation about six weeks after...long story...but GLAD BEYOND WORDS not to have to put up with the thought of a teenager yelling "wipee!!" I think the moo doesn't care...more than once she has said she wants to keep him a little one as long as she is able. The sad thing is her asshat FTMWannabe new girlfriend was going along with it, at least she was going along with it when I left.
Re: 5.5 y/o refuses to wipe her own ass
September 15, 2008
This is what happens when you teach your kid NOTHING and do everything for it instead of teaching it to do it on it's own.
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