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People now crossing state lines to dump their kids in "Safe Haven" Nebraska

Posted by Rose Red 
Don't you know, it different when it's your owwwwnnnnnn.eye rolling smiley
But they are gifts from God. God would not be happy if you returned his gift. smiling smiley
Here's a great Christmas gift idea for the regretful parent in your life.

It comes in a bright red envelope with a big silver ribbon around it. It's the only present they'll ever want or need.
They untie the ribbon, open the envelope and peek at what's inside.
They're so touched at your thoughtfulness, they begin to cry quietly.
It's their future, it's hope, being handed back to them again.
It's a round-trip airline ticket to Omaha for an adult. And a one-way airline ticket to Omaha for a child. Leaving the next morning.


- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Amethyst Wrote:
> Here's a great Christmas gift idea for the
> regretful parent in your life.
> It comes in a bright red envelope with a big
> silver ribbon around it. It's the only present
> they'll ever want or need.
> They untie the ribbon, open the envelope and peek
> at what's inside.
> They're so touched at your thoughtfulness, they
> begin to cry quietly.
> It's their future, it's hope, being handed back to
> them again.
> It's a round-trip airline ticket to Omaha for an
> adult. And a one-way airline ticket to Omaha for a
> child. Leaving the next morning.
> Priceless.


It's pathetic that people are driving across state lines to get rid of their kids. I read the follow up story on that man who dumped off 9 of his 11 because he was "overwhelmed" after his wife had died last year. He didn't show up in famblee court last week so the judge postponed his hearing until this week. Even then, he didn't try and get them back, but only wanted to visit them! Apparently the older two he dumped are in foster care so they could be close enough to continue at their same highschool and the others are with an aunt. None of these dumpees were in any kind of "danger", but the parents just basically were tired of dealing with them. They are having a hearing to possibly revise this law in November and I don't think that is soon enough. These people were stupid on the four chances they had to rid themselves of these soul suckers in the first place.

1)Didn't use birth control
2)Didn't abort
3)Did'nt get sterilized after the first one
4)Didn't give it up as an infant when it would have been readily adopted

I am sorry, but it just isn't right to wait until the kyd is old enough to understand it isn't wanted and then just dump it off somewhere, walk away, and never look back. They wanted the baybee or they could have gotten rid of it early on or prevented it entirely. They need to be held responsible for their careless and selfish actions and decisions. It isn't right to bring a kyd into this world, play house with it until the new wears off and no one else wants it, and then just dump it.
This shows that parents never wanted have kids at the first place.

The only good thing about this Safe-Haven law is people who been force to give birth by pro-choice/Dr Moral can now shove the 'gift from God' back into Pro-Choice peoples' faces.

But again I felt sorry for the child who get dumped because the child didn't want to born in this shit-hold world at the first place.
Gigabyte Wrote:
> The only good thing about this Safe-Haven law is
> people who been force to give birth by
> pro-choice/Dr Moral can now shove the 'gift from
> God' back into Pro-Choice peoples' faces.

Corrections on the word "Pro-Choice". It meant to say "Pro-Life".

I meant to say:

The only good thing about this Safe-Haven law is people who been force to give birth by pro-choice/Dr Moral can now shove the 'gift from God' back into Pro-Lifes' peoples' faces.
married with rabbits Wrote:
> If this situation doesn't speak volumes of truth
> about parenthood, I don't know what does.

At the very least it shows that many people who have kids are NOT 150% committed to the job. that's why they dump them during the trouble times. Well, the trouble times wouldn't be so bad had they paid attention when the child was in its developmental stages.
Like taking your broken toaster back to the service desk at Sears!

I can see moo saying to duhd, "Hey honey! We need a trip to Omaha!"
I would be interested to know how many people would "return" their kyds IF it could be done in any state regardless of residency, the dumping places were conveniently placed like "safe houses", they were immune from any prosecution regardless of if said kyd showed evidence of prior abuse, and their absolute anonymity was guaranteed? I would be willing to bet they would dump kyds off in record numbers that it would send heads spinning. Of course there are some who NEED the kyds around so they can have an excuse to not work, and still others who want the welfare check. I think that the majority of the dumpers would be middle class moocows who are FORCED to also work outside of the home, and duddys who are sick of paying out the ass for famblee insurance kiddie coverage/deductibles, etc....,duddys who are sick of child support and second wives who are tired of raising the melting pot of kyds from prior relationships/fuck trophies of other women, etc.....

The middle class can't qualify for welfare or free medical, so they would likely be the ones who would dump their kyds if for no other reason than they are a financial drain. Many a middle class moomie who works outside of the home in ADDITION to playing a Stepford wife after she clocks out, would be a happy camper if she could roll back the clock and get rid of all of these kyds. Now, if she could only get her body back.
How right you are KK. There are state authorities in the other 49 sweating down the cracks of their arses right now at the thought that some bright spark in their legislature is going to pipe up and say "hey! why don't we do safe haven in this state too?!"

Because the house of cards that's 'christian fambly-values' is going to go tumbling down -- there will be literally thousands of folks turning up morning, noon and night dropping off their ill-considered burdens.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
I would like someone to take it a step further and decree that all "Safe Haven" children should be placed at the homes of everyone who is openly pro-life.
Let's call the hypocritical pro-lifers on their bluff, and see how they personally handle those children who were unwanted in the first place.
Yeah, Not the Mama has a good idea there. Unless the pro-lifers just get off on looking down at the rest of us from their soapbox.
Not the Mama Wrote:
> I would like someone to take it a step further and
> decree that all "Safe Haven" children should be
> placed at the homes of everyone who is openly
> pro-life.
> Let's call the hypocritical pro-lifers on their
> bluff, and see how they personally handle those
> children who were unwanted in the first place.

I agree, again Safe-Haven law is good so they can dump their f-trophy to Pro-life people. I like see what those pro-life think and see how much burden raising their child will take, then they decide to turn from pro-life to pro-choice.
not the Mama Wrote:
> I would like someone to take it a step further and
> decree that all "Safe Haven" children should be
> placed at the homes of everyone who is openly
> pro-life.
> Let's call the hypocritical pro-lifers on their
> bluff, and see how they personally handle those
> children who were unwanted in the first place.

Good idea, I agree, but it will never happen.They are ONLY interested in the baybee not being aborted and in the live birth of said kyd. While there may be a small percentage of outspoken pro lifers who adopt, the vast majority of them have never and won't ever adopt. I know a "normal" prolifer who had always believed that these "pregnancy crisis" centers, which are of course basically phone centers set up to talk pregnant girls out of abortion, followed up with the callers and helped them with prenatal care, adoption, or assisted them in keeping their kyd. NOT SO, as she quickly found out.

She volunteered for one of the national 1800-"help lines" answering calls. First and foremost they were to listen and then persuade the caller to NOT abort and they were allowed to do so by most any means. They could use "medical data" (supplied by the agency) which included exagerated and in some cases, outright lies about potential bodily harm and death caused by abortion. They could use graphic anecdotal "evidence", tell stories of baybees who had survived abortion attempts and their horrific disfigurements and handicaps (I think there are TWO documented cases)quote biblical stuff, on and on, pretty much ANYTHING goes.

If they acheived lift off with all of that nonsense, then they were to direct them to the nearest "clinic" in their area which basically gave them a piss test to confirm and in PERSON they could now torture them emotionally with scare tactics including pictures, books, an array of abortionist equipment/tools, and videos of up close abortions and the gushing blood, etc.......If that seemed to rope them in further, then they were shipped off to the nearest agency owned private adoption center where they were given various adoption options and at this time their parents were brought into the picture, if they were under the legal age to consent.This is where it gets "tricky".

The NON African American girls and the ones they figured out via talking to and asking invasive questions who were carrying NON bi-racial baybees were sent to one unwed group center which was/is basically like a country club where their every need was met and they basically get to choose from a huge selction of white people to adopt (PURCHASE) their baybee. At this time is when deals are struck and if they get lucky they can get college and room and board paid for by the adoptive parents, "expenses" paid during school AND for a time after,AND outright cash outlays for various "costs". etc......All of the other preggos are sent off to state run places and are lucky if when it comes time for their 6 week check up, that they have busfare to get to the clinic.

IF any of these girls decide to keep their kyd, they are directed to various state agencies like CPS, welfare, etc........and I believe that they give them a pack of diapers, some receiving blankets, and sometimes some used baybee furniture. In essence, they wash their hands of the ones who decide to keep their kyds. These staunch prolifers who operate these call centers are involved in the healthy white baybee trade and THAT is all they give a shit about. Their worker bees are religious do gooders blinded by the "save the baybee" propaganda, and the owners/managers, etc......get a BIG payday for all of these "baybees" they save, IF they are healthy and Non African American.
The rest end up living with their welfare moomie, awaiting adoption when they are considered "unadoptable", and in the foster care system. THESE 'saved baybees" end up in freezers, shallow graves, in kiddie porn, street kyds hooked on crack, or just like their moomies;A Knocked up, penniless, uneducated ward of the state at age 15.(or younger)

These prolifer agencies have a lot of skeletons in their closets and if I were a reporter, I would consider it the story of the century.
The story of the century indeed. Worth noting!!!

And in the meanwhile I can't help but think safe-haven ought to be COMPULSORY but for those who can prove themselves sane and capabable or raising a child. And guess what, it wont be 100 percent of applicants.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: People now crossing state lines to dump their kids in "Safe Haven" Nebraska
October 13, 2008
When I got knocked up at 19, almost 2 decades ago, I went to one of those "free pregnancy test" clinics. I went in, did the test, and while I was waiting for the results I took a real good look around and realized I was in big trouble. There were pro-life posters and pamphlets everywhere. They took me back into a room to tell me I was pregnant, and proceeded to grill me as to what I was going to do with it. I started telling them my situation, unmarried, dirt poor, college drop outs both of us. He worked as a bagger in a grocery store and I worked at Burger Thing. They proceeded to show me video after video about the glory of children (I had my rape baby and loved it!), and continually asked "What are you planning?" For the first hour I was honest...I didn't have any plans period. I didn't know what I was going to do and I wanted to leave and talk to my boyfriend and parents. They gave me a tiny plastic fetus to try to "convince" me that the clump of cells was a human. They said "everything will fall into place once you have it", that "things will be provided for" and "everyone would be so happy, you are such an attractive young woman, you will have a very cute child". By the time we got into the second hour I was starting to worry that they'd keep me there the full nine months, and I started nodding and lying simply to shut them the fuck up and let me leave that stuffy, over perfumed office.

My parents, when we informed them, were much more honest as they'd had me when they were in the same situation. They offered to pay for the abortion, but said "You are on your own if you decide to go through with it". We never told his parents, his mother was horrifically baby rabid, and would have taken whatever legal measure necessicary to make me keep it.

Those free pregnancy test clinics are EVIL.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
I went to one of those as well feh, back in the late 80's. I started having this aversion to certain smells one day at work in tandem with waves of nausea. One of my co-workers joked that I was knocked up. Though I seriously had doubted it I became a bit paranoid by the end of the day and trying to remember the EXACT last day of the last cycle, etc.....Well, on my way home I had to pass one of those "crisis" centers, so I went in for the sole purpose of the free preggo test with the FULL intent to make the first available appointment for an abortion with the clinic a block away as soon as I left. MERCIFULLY it came back negative, but I had to endure about 30 GRUELLING minutes with a "counselor" (fundie freak) who wanted to show me anti-abortion films. I told her that I would be DELIGHTED if it was positive which is why I had purposely avoided that awful famblee planning clinic because I was afraid they might try and talk be into an abortion. Actually, I had avoided it because it was an abortion day (thurs and sat, I kept up with important stuff like that) and would be packed full and surrounded by picketers.

If you act the least bit upset or unsure, those stupid bitches will nearly hold you in there against your will until you succumb to their wishes "for life". They will say and do just about anything to avoid letting you leave without a firm committment that you will birth that baybeeee, so I have been told. I know the mother of a teen who was under the age to have an abortion without parental consent, and one of the whores from a prolife clinic called her mother and told her that her daughter had been in for a test and that she was "concerned". I call bullshit on that "concern", as it's clear she was trying to rat the girl out and force her to be pressured into having that baybee. What they didn't count on was her moomie hauling her IMMEDIATELY to an abortion clinic, ASAP. It's likely the girl would have kept quiet without their "concern", until it was too late to do a 1st trimester abortion. I guess it was God's will.
First of all, I refuse to call these people "pro-life." They are not. I myself am "pro-choice" because I believe the person carrying the fetus should decide. As kidlesskim pointed out, the "pro-life" people don't give a shit about the LIFE of the kid; they just want to insure it's born. You don't see them taking these baybees into their homes or offering to help raise it. So what if mommie's boyfriend shakes it to death?

But most importantly, they don't give a shit about the life of the mother. She's just an incubator and who cares what pregnasty does to her body. They reason that she *deserves* to be pregnant because she had sex. And if she was raped, then she should be forced to carry the baybee. They say nonsensical things like, "Well, don't punish the baybee for the crime too." Well, how about not *rewarding* the rapist by letting his DNA live on? Rapists' baybees should be terminated just as a matter of public safety.

So the technically correct term for what they are is "forced birthers."

Back to topic, have you ever noticed that the most evangelical parunts, the ones who are constantly bleating about how rewarding Moo-hood is, are recent parunts? They have toadlers or baybees.

It's really funny, at least where I work, once these numbnuts' kids reach the teenaged years, they shut the fuck up. That's because they are past the cute attention-getting stage and because they indulged their kid's every whim, and now they have surly, demanding little bastards at home. Out come the temper tantrums, the demands for money, the drugs and alcohol, wrecked cars, you name it. They have nobody but themselves to blame because they didn't do their jobs when the kids were little.

If you've ever been around a decent parunt, you'll see that between toadlerhood and about 7, a good parent is a behavioral cop about 80% of the time. Stop that; don't touch that; stop shouting, etc. Most parunts don't want to do the work of socializing their brat and making him/her a decent human being. Because they have no sense of self other than parunthood, they want to be Bratley's Bestest Friend, which is sickening.

A prime example is the nurse at my doctor's office. This dumb cunt had SIX surgeries on her uterus to rebuild her uterus and remove endometriosis so she could get pregnasty. She had one kid, a girl who is now 14. When I went there the other day, I overheard her saying that her kid was EXPELLED from school. (She would never say this in front of me. She knows I am childfree and she's always cold to me.) It's not really a surprise because she never wanted to discipline her little marakul. It's like one of my co-workers. She's 46 years old and she has one child who is four. I've heard her say, "Shitleigh is in daycare all day and I work all day. When I go home at night, I don't want to discipline him. We both need the 'down time.' Isn't that ridiculous? Moomy was too damned old to sprog and now she's "tired." I just want to say, buck up and do your job, you bint.

But her attitude is not uncommon, I assure you.

It's very telling that most of these drop off kids are past the cyooote baybee or toadler stage. Once it gets to the real work and once there isn't an audience, Moos and Duds get tired of it pretty quick. And you know who gets to pay for it.
That's really funny, bell.
Bellflower nailed it.
I think they're yup to 28 dumps not and a woman just drove 12 hours to drop her 13 year old.
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