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Moo trasing other moos

Posted by Krishna 
Moo trasing other moos
January 02, 2009
With these single mothers, I thought I was shock-proof. I run into one today and ask how her job for a wireless call center was going. Well, Ms. Welfare (who had her "fake" boyfriends aka "f**k buddies") went on how the work itself was not bad but felt superior to people of a "different economic background". She said she did not want to be racial about it...of course. She meant "Black women". As if this moo of two with NO husband around (father of her kids has never been there) is somehow better because she is white and sorta attractive. I was repulsed. I know what she is due to being in the same support group for addictions. She has been to bed with almost everyone at my home group. A friend of mine is seeing a former "friend" of hers...if you know what I mean. I like man my friend is dating but I know I would NEVER be able to get past how the guy got down & dirty with this woman for awhile. It would be like the relationship was tainted since we all travel the same circles. It is just me and how my own religion (non-Xtian but Hindu) views such women. If I am awful, tell me and I will not be offended. G*d knows I am far from perfection and have all of my character defects. Maybe my friend is the more enlightened one. My friend has been married before and has no kids.
Re: Moo trasing other moos
January 02, 2009
Without a doubt moos trash other moos and there are no known boundaries for what they will do or say or how far they will go either. The black ones trash the white ones, ESPECIALLY the ones who like to hang with (and breed) with the brothers, the white ones feel superior to the black moocows too, always, regardless if they should or not. Both of those two groups each have an air of superiority over the Hispanic girl moos and then of course we have the SAHMoo vs working Moomie ongoing wars, which cross socio-economic and racial lines. Then we have what I like to dub, "Moo vs Moo", which is when they are evenly matched as far as stay at home or working status, age, socio-economic levels, race and marital status. There are several SUB groups in EACH "Moo vs Moo" herd , such as:

1)Which moos has the most kyds and therefore the most work to do

2)Which moo has what is perceived as the most diffcult ages/sexes of kyds to raise

3)Nursing moo trumps pregnant moo, but of course pregnant AND nursing trumps both, all other things being equal

4)Which moo had the most miscarriages, which there are subgroups as well. Such as; Full term Stillbirth trumps 3rd trimester miscarriage, 3rd term trumps 2nd term, and so forth, with an actual LIVING child who later died, trumping all of those. The age of the living child who died and the manner of death determines who trumps whom such as a 2 y/o locked in a hot car would trump a 6 month old SIDS death. A 4 y/o backed over in a drive way would trump a 4 y/o who had died in a traditional car accident. . The manner of death gets it's level of trump depending on the clap meter of the tragedy, or the time and pain involved in the actual death, and it CAN get tricky and they will become combative over it too.

5)Then there's the division of schools of thought on which disability trumps another. It's generally accepted that a Down's child trumps an ADHD, and that awwtism SPECTRUM isn't as worthy of sympathy as REGULAR Autism. The severity of the disability usually is the deciding factor in who gets the most sympathy, but they often get downright angry when the majority rules that THEIR kyd's disability isn't quite as bad as another moo in their circle. This division can break up moo friendships.

6)They spar over whose husband is the best as well. ie:Which moo's bull does "the most" with the kyds, is the nicest, gives the most gifts, etc.....A moo's bull can make or break her on the moo jealousy meter, no doubt. The WORSE the husband is perceived to be, the more popular a moo is among her friends.

They will spar over their houses, locations, vehicles, physical appearances (they HATE in shape moos and/or moos that look great) spots on the PTA, over who is "picked" to chaperone field trips, which kyds make the best grades or get "chosen" to be in school plays or "picked" to be on a cheerleading or football team, etc........Oh it goes on and on, but these are just a few that came to my mind.tongue sticking out smiley
Re: Moo trasing other moos
January 02, 2009
"I like man my friend is dating but I know I would NEVER be able to get past how the guy got down & dirty with this woman for awhile. It would be like the relationship was tainted since we all travel the same circles."

Krishna, I don't think it's bad to look at previous relationships when you are dating someone; I think it's wise. I should have looked at my ex's previous relationships more when I got involved with him. He dated a single Moo. He told me he felt sorry for her and he bonded with the kid. (Sheesh, what was I thinking?) It was really because he wanted to dominate someone in the relationship and be the Big Hero because she needed money. He turned out to be a Breeder Wanna be, after all that. Someone who dates single mothers would be suspect in my book.

As for the woman in question, I think it's tacky to feel superior to someone just because you come from a different economic background. It doesn't matter where you come from, it matters how you are today. Class can't be bought with money. There are plenty of examples of that all around us.

ETA: KK provided me with a reminder. When I was younger, I thought all these idiots who were on me to have kids would stop if I had "just one" kid. Moos want you to think that, don't they? Once you knuckle under and sprog, it just gets worse. Go to any Moomy board and you'll see it all in its vicious and bloody glory: bottle versus breast, the I'm-A-Better-Mommy-Than-You Olympics, SAHM versus Working Mom. And God Forbid that anyone would want to have only one kid.

Makes me glad I opted out of the whole thing.
Re: Moo trasing other moos
January 02, 2009
Kidless, you forgot this one:

Biological kids trumps adopted kids.
Re: Moo trasing other moos
January 02, 2009
Kidless, you forgot this one:

Biological kids trumps adopted kids.

THANKS! That is a whole other sub category!

1) Biological trumps adopted, but adopted trumps step (if she is ONLY a stepmother, regardless if it's to 5 kyds), and marrying when the steps are baybees or very young trumps taking one in at 12 or 14. A full time step trumps a weekend step too, UNLESS she also has "her own" and then she can score bonus points for stepmoo martrydom and extra credit for "loving and treating ALL of the kyds the same", which is NEVER the case with a hodge podge famblee. ie"yours, mine and ours". "Ours" ALWAYS trumps "yours or mine" and "HERS" trumps "HIS" in the moomie wars because it involved an actual birth on her part.;

2)Adopted same or similar race BAYBEES trump adopted same or similar older children. Adopted mix raced (or African American, in most cases) older kyds, with special needs lag behind in last place after all other child-parent relationships, except perhaps foster children.

3) The "'Taking in" of a blood related child after the parents have died is very very tricky on the trump scale. It generally depends on two things: 1)How young/cute/likable the child is and 2)The circumstances of the parents' deaths and their lifestyles. For instance, I know of one fugly little 8 y/o bastard child (his face could stop an 8 day clock, poor kyd) whose baybee daddy was never anywhere to be found and his welfare moomie died of a heroine overdose. Meemaw took him in and got VERY LITTLE in the way of sympathy, attention, or anything else, for that matter. Then, I knew of a handsome little blond haired, blue eyed 3 y/o whose moomie and duddy ( A SAHMoo and lawyer duddy) were tragically killed in an accident and his young aunt and uncle (who already HAD 2 kyds) took him in. They got TONS of attention, sympathy, and public support.


There is ALWAYS a distinction made in adopted, step, or biological children too, REGARDLESS if the adopted was a day old when adopted. For example, News reports indicate that, Mia Farrow's ADOPTED daughter just died at age 35, and she was adopted as an infant. Moocows always refer to their kyds (when it's not necessary) according to their legal and/or biological relationship to them. "These are my 7 kyds, Mary, Milicent, and Matilda were all adopted from China (as if that's not obvious) and Harry is my oldest boy from my husband's first marriage (moving right on up, like runners up in The Miss America Pageant) and Rudy and Ralph are my boys from my first marriage, and (THE WINNER IS!) THIS is Chrystiana!!!! She is mine and Elmer's little miracle baybee!!!!!!!!!!!"
Re: Moo trasing other moos
January 02, 2009
And yet another reason I'm glad I'm not a breeder: I would never be able to remember all these "Moo Rules"!
Re: Moo trasing other moos
January 03, 2009
KK, you are a taxonomist nonpareil. bouncing and laughing

I know of one fugly little 8 y/o bastard child (his face could stop an 8 day clock, poor kyd) whose baybee daddy was never anywhere to be found and his welfare moomie died of a heroine overdose. Meemaw took him in and got VERY LITTLE in the way of sympathy, attention, or anything else, for that matter. Then, I knew of a handsome little blond haired, blue eyed 3 y/o whose moomie and duddy ( A SAHMoo and lawyer duddy) were tragically killed in an accident and his young aunt and uncle (who already HAD 2 kyds) took him in. They got TONS of attention, sympathy, and public support.

Man, that is pathetic. I'm no fan of kids, but neither kid you mentioned asked to be here...and it sounds as though the 8 y. o. has done nothing in his short life for which to be discriminated against...that's just wrong.
Re: Moo trasing other moos
January 03, 2009

drinking coffee
Re: Moo trasing other moos
January 03, 2009

Re: Moo trasing other moos
January 03, 2009
Her comment about not wanting to associate with people "of a different economic background".....that's rich. I assume she'd earning six figures, right?

Insecure people need to put people down for whatever reason (race is particularly charming...nice!). If she were happy, doing whatever job (and I believe that there's dignity and worth in any job done well, from lawyering to cleaning toilets), she wouldn't need to put down "those people," whomever "those people" might be.
Re: Moo trasing other moos
January 03, 2009
Once again, I stand in awe of the wonder that is Kidless Kim.

Kim, your PhD in Moo-ology is clearly showing. Your post above is so true and fucking brilliant. It's the Gold Standard for a Moo versus Moo rating tool and it needs to be pinned.

I hope the Breeder Trolls are paying attention today. See, you crazy fucking Moos, we are getting a laugh out of all of you. This is what happens when women are valued for their female reproductive organs and their womb products. In Moo World, it doesn't matter what kind of person a woman is, what kind of mind she has, whether she is making a contribution to the world in ways that don't involve birth. How her crotch functions and the "achievements" of her chill-drun are king, or rather, queen. Moos, you've made this bed and we laugh like Hell to see you lying in it, squirming around, and clawing each others' eyes out.

Their stupid Moo rating scale starts the minute they crap out the loaf. How many weeks you make it is the first consideration: (Remember, please copy the link below, open a new browser to yahoo or something, then paste the link below.)


Then it's stupid Apgar scores. The minute a loaf is shat out, they are rated by an Apgar score to assess overall healthiness and respiration, etc. I know it's hard to believe, but look at this exchange between the Moo above (Julie) and the Queen of all infertile/stillborn Moos, who is announcing Julie's birth on her website. Emphasis mine.

"Just got a message from :

"3 pounds 11 ounces, apgar 9/9. julie sez 'beat that'"

What a huge baby she has there."

The Moo in question just had an extremely premature, emergency c-section. You'd think she would be concerned about her baybee at a time like this, yet she can't resist throwing down the gauntlet to the other Moo. "Beat that." Classic Moo behavior.

And note Moo2's response. Huge? Yeah right. Is it any surprise this baybee was a result of IVF? A 3.9 pound baybee and a nearly-dead mother is hardly a good outcome, but don't tell that to any nutty, huffy infertile who is desperate to have a Chyyyyld Of Her Own(TM). (And let me step in to explain another nuance that Kim left out above. A child with the mother and father's DNA is "best," a donated egg + father's sperm is next* and a donate snowflake is next best because the Moo still gets to experience pregnasty in all its glory, a surrogate with Moo and Dud's DNA (a la Dennis Quaid) is fourth, and an adopted child is a distant fifth.)

*Despite almost dying the first time, Julie went on to crap out another loaf that was the result of a donated egg + father's sperm.

And let's not forget that any respectable birth announcement MUST contain the weight of the loaf. A really small loaf gets attention because of the "heroism" of the mother and the NICU trauma, however ill-advised the pregnacy was in the first place.

A really big loaf gets more attention because more suffering = better mother in their twisted Moo minds.
Re: Moo trasing other moos
January 03, 2009
Moos are the most vicious bitches towards each other. They will tear apart a CF/EN woman, but they are at their worst when tearing each other apart. Out come the claws, teeth and insults when trashing another moo. They are also the worst hypocrites around.
Re: Moo trasing other moos
January 03, 2009
Her comment about not wanting to associate with people "of a different economic background".....that's rich. I assume she'd earning six figures, right?

Insecure people need to put people down for whatever reason (race is particularly charming...nice!). If she were happy, doing whatever job (and I believe that there's dignity and worth in any job done well, from lawyering to cleaning toilets), she wouldn't need to put down "those people," whomever "those people" might be.

Oh please...six figures? Only in this single mom's dreams. She was not working for awhile and depending on "God" to pay her bills. She was working for this guy she "had feelings" for, who owned a restaurant. He dropped her once he realised she had been a 'f-ck buddy" for the other fellow in AA. She has been with almost everyone in the 'rooms'...but looks down on Black women but she is at the outsourced call center working the Sprint account just like the other moos she is trashing. I've worked call centers and had no problem with co-workers unless they did something directly to me. I asked the woman if that was the case. She thought she was so much better than they were because she is White, thin, and somewhat attractive. As a man, I would not find her that pretty once I had to deal with her teens. There is no man in her life now.
Re: Moo trasing other moos
January 03, 2009

Yikes...looks like a lot of the single mothers I would see around when I lived in Florida...Mr. T: I pitty tha fools
Re: Moo trasing other moos
January 03, 2009
Once again, I stand in awe of the wonder that is Kidless Kim.

Kim, your PhD in Moo-ology is clearly showing. Your post above is so true and fucking brilliant. It's the Gold Standard for a Moo versus Moo rating tool and it needs to be pinned.

...... (And let me step in to explain another nuance that Kim left out above. A child with the mother and father's DNA is "best," a donated egg + father's sperm is next* and a donate snowflake is next best because the Moo still gets to experience pregnasty in all its glory, a surrogate with Moo and Dud's DNA (a la Dennis Quaid) is fourth, and an adopted child is a distant fifth.) ........

And let's not forget that any respectable birth announcement MUST contain the weight of the loaf. A really small loaf gets attention because of the "heroism" of the mother and the NICU trauma, however ill-advised the pregnacy was in the first place.

A really big loaf gets more attention because more suffering = better mother in their twisted Moo minds.

LOL Bellflower! bouncing and laughing

History of my moo-ology credentials bouncing and laughing

I am not especially brilliant, just very very observant! It all started when one of my mother's breeder wannabee friends started up with the infertility drama shortly after her wedding back in the 1970's. She had only been married about 5 or 6 months, and was DEVASTATED because she wasn't getting knocked up and IMMEDIATELY consulted a fertility specialist. I was only about ten when I got my first dose of the saga of the moo wannabee. Back then it was charting ovulation, recording temps, checking her underwear for uterine mucus, hormone shots, calling hubby at work when her temp would go up and making him come home right away to fuck her, then her holding her legs and ass in the air for an hour afterwards to make sure she didn't lose any precious sperm. I overheard ALL of that nonsense and was COMPLETELY grossed out at a very early age. Of course she had a natural child birth, so I got to hear all the details about that, and OF COURSE she breastfed and was ALWAYS popping out a titty,two faces puking She is the one I have mentioned on occasion who has her kyd's umbilical cords preserved and displayed on the famblee entertainment center.

My Moo-ology continuing ed......
Then I had on the job training from 1993-2005 with a step kyd and all of the breeder contact and interaction that entails, and INTENSIVE moo-ology training when the kyd got older and moocows didn't realize that I hadn't sprogged her, so they loosened up and let it ALL hang out. I must say that living AMONG breeders, when they don't realize that you are truly CF and NEVER popped one out your coochie, is like being an undercover agent. I only wish that I had wired myself and had some of their nonsense on tape. Then, after I earned my bachelor's degree in moo-ology from that OTJ experience, I received my master's degree after I started reading moomie blogs about this time last year. I believe that once I have the "empty nester martyr syndrome" mastered, then I will be qualified to write my dissertation on "Moo-ology in Modern Civilizations" and be awarded the PHD in Moo-ology. You are correct about the IVF trumps and the birth weight trumps too, it's just that there are SO many sub groups I can't possibly remember them all at once. Here's my trump scale (and reasons) for IVF and birth weights, which of course can be very very tricky and even an expert such as myself, can get a bit confused.tongue sticking out smiley

My Moo-ology advanced specialty certificate (IVF)
The IVF trump scale
The most desirable is like you said:Moomie and duddy's zygote implanted IN the moocow. I differ on the next one though, only because of the women I have read about (most recently that woman in England) who feel "incomplete" or "cheated" when the sperm is hubby's and the egg is a donor egg. So, I believe that moomie egg-anonymous sperm donor TRUMPS duddy sperm-donated egg. Strangely, a BIOLOGICAL ZYGOTE implanted into a surrogate, is TRUMPED by a donated zygote implanted in the moocow, because of the fact that she will actually experience a pregnancy and birth, I have observed. A moo would rather GIVE BIRTH to someone else's biological child than to have hers and her husband's biological child implanted into someone else. This phenomenon further proves that everything leading up to and surrounding the birth experience is MORE IMPORTANT than the finshed product, in most every single case I have seen. It's true too, that most ANY birth, even with a surrogate, TRUMPS adoption due to the lack of attention associated with it, although that is changing.

Biological relative sperm/egg donors (new studies category)
THEN we have the sub group of biological relatives' donated sperm or egg such as the case of a sister/brother/father/ mother etc.......donating his/her egg/sperm to their son or daughter (or inlaw) that is a whole other deck of TRUMP cards. It's a pretty new game, but so far it seems the most desirable (MAJOR TRUMP CARD) when it's a sister of the moocow who donates the egg, over any of the others like meemaw's egg, and ANYTHING to do with any husband's male relatives' sperm getting squirted up her snatch, which is the least desirable of all. This is a new field for me. so I may be wrong on that one, but I don't think so.bouncing and laughing

Birth weight TRUMPS (established, yet controversial sub TRUMP category)
The birth weight trump card is multi-faceted. If it is a preemie and winds up in a neo-natal unit, they want it low enough to be considered "dangerous", which of course would garner the most sympathy, but not low enough that the kyd will be a retard. REALLY big baybees get mixed reviews and often moomie gets blamed for over eating, but that one is "iffy". The biggest TRUMP regarding birth weight is a slightly higher than average "healthy" birth weight, but not too big, which is evidenced by a beaming announcement, "He weighed EIGHT POUNDS and 12 ounces!" Of course they always give the length as well, like they have caught a fish rather than given birth.tongue sticking out smiley

Re: Moo trasing other moos
January 03, 2009
Sounds like the post-doctoral work is also going well, KK, and I always enjoy reading your latest research. Thank you
Re: Moo trasing other moos
January 03, 2009
Expanding on the theme a little bit?

Duh Sticking Around trumps Duh Who Bails trumps Unknown Duh. Ok, a cow with a severe case of Duh Who Bails is going to get special sympathy and attention because it's never the moomy's fault of course. But she's much lower on the social scale than a cow with Duh Sticking Around, which suggests that at least (a) he can tolerate having sex with her (or pretend to), (b) he likes her, or (c) he likes her money. A Duh Who Bails wants nothing to do with her or the sprog. Unknown Duh is the same as an anonymous donor and so doesn't count.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: Moo trasing other moos
January 03, 2009
Expanding on the theme a little bit?

Duh Sticking Around trumps Duh Who Bails trumps Unknown Duh. Ok, a cow with a severe case of Duh Who Bails is going to get special sympathy and attention because it's never the moomy's fault of course. But she's much lower on the social scale than a cow with Duh Sticking Around, which suggests that at least (a) he can tolerate having sex with her (or pretend to), (b) he likes her, or (c) he likes her money. A Duh Who Bails wants nothing to do with her or the sprog. Unknown Duh is the same as an anonymous donor and so doesn't count.

I agree except that it depends on the culture. In a predominantly middle class white breeder society, this is absolutely the case. Also, "unknown duh" is THE LOWEST across the racial, socio-economic board too. In the white breederific middle class world though, generally speaking, the ONLY time an "unknown duh" is acceptable AT ALL is if she claims that she was raped. I have known SEVERAL women who have used this as an excuse for a cheap one night stand with a traveling salesman that they met in a bar. Although it's generally not believed, since there is always room for doubt, this is a common lie. However, the "unknown duh" doesn't carry the same social stigma in the black single moo community like it does in the white one, which I believe is cultural. In the black single moo community, mee maws and friends treat the kyd of the "unknown duh" as well as all of the "known duh" bastards, even if he left.

In the WHITE single moo community though, any "unknown duh" animosity is often taken out on the chyld which is evident in how the grandmoos AND the moos themselves treat it in comparison to the :"known duh" kyds, regardless if has flown the coop, although the "known duh" kyds whose baybee daddies still hangaround is a definate TRUMP card. In the white breeder community divorced with kyds TRUMPS never been married with kyds, but not so much in the black community. Like I said, this is a cultural thing and also a class level thing as well.
The higher the social class, the less acceptable bastard kyds are regardless of race or duh status, in my experience. While the "duddy left" or "unknown duh" bitches MIGHT have a trump card for sympathy in the early stages, they almost always end up looked down up later and forfiet the tump card when they (predictably) go on to sprog with NUMEROUS baybee daddies and her true whorish character is revealed with her growing kyddie collection.
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