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So, I guess your mate is just sh*t on the end of a stick?

Posted by Dorisan 
So, I guess your mate is just sh*t on the end of a stick?
October 03, 2010
That *huck - huck - splrrrrp* sound you just heard was me puking on my keyboard.

The City Data forum is just a treasure trove of comments to heckle. Here's a thread where a young woman gripes about the passive aggressive guilt screws her mother plays on her. Comments ensue about her ingratitude and how Mom Is the Greatest Person in the World. Now, I'm probably swayed because my mother is a 100% PITA, but even if she wasn't I wouldn't be spewing such Hallmark pukery

When it comes down to it, family is the most important thing in your life, they are the ones that will always be there for you, especially during the bad spells in life. Talking on the phone with your Mom or texting her every day does not mean you are not independent. It appears to me that she raised you to be a self sufficient, responsible adult and that was her job as a parent so she did her job well. She obviously instilled some good things in you to help you get through life on your own, again, that was her job as a parent and she did a good job. You should be proud of the job she did with you.

I just don't understand your reluctance to talk to your mother several times a week. What is that going to cost you? Just a little time.... and while you may not see it now, a few minutes a week on the phone with her is a small investment in your future. If you got sick or injured where you couldn't take care of yourself, your Mom would be right there to help and to be by your side. You never know what life will throw at you and I'd be very careful about burning those bridges with her.

Re: So, I guess your mate is just sh*t on the end of a stick?
October 03, 2010
Some mothers deserve to be contacted and kept updated by their kyds and others DO NOT. I don't believe that mothers should be honored, contacted, molly coddled, or placated by default JUST because they gave birth, but society in general seems to feel that they should. "But she's your maaawwwwwmmmmmm!" I have been personally involved with other people throughout various times in my life who have HATED THE MERE SOUND of their mother's voice and cringed when they had to be in the same room with her due to their OH SO SHITTY upbringing. Yet, they always showed up for her birthday and Mother's Day out of guilt, I suppose.

While my mother certainly leaves a lot to be desired in the parenting department, she is a good person and never treated me badly. Despite many of her personal habits that I find annoying as hell, I do love her and believe that we are close. However, whenever she has had a tendency to smother me in the past, especially with her astute advice that I don't want from her due to her PISS poor example setting on most things, I just distance myself from her for awhile so I can gain some perspective on the matter, which makes her CRAZY. The more panic stricken her messages are for me to , "PALEASE call me back!!!!", the less likely that I am to do it. Some mothers are critical and nagging to their kyds and I can see why they don't care to be around them and they shouldn't HAVE to be either.

Giving birth does NOT make someone a good mother. Being a good mother and worthy of love and respect from your kids when they are adults is EARNED, like with any another relationship. IMO.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: So, I guess your mate is just sh*t on the end of a stick?
October 03, 2010
i love my mom, dad, sister and bil, but in all honesty, i don't think family is everything. especially when you have relatives that have ever evolving definitions of what family means to them. for example, i have a cousin who, when milking off my grandfather, entertained a definition of family that he felt allowed him to get involved a longstanding feud between siblings that he knew absolutely nothing about the origins and reasons of, to aid in keeping one of his aunts from being involved in my grandfather's medical and financial decisions, to help himself to my grandfather's credit cards and possessions and to aid in stealing the estate. later, the definition changed to "golly, i am sorry and changed (despite not contacting the executrix of the estate and at least offering to pay what he owed from the settlement the estate hit him with) and i think we need to talk and make up cuz family is important", to another term of which apparently he was somehow better than me and all this other shit and that "i was not there and he was" when i called him a liar and a grave robber and refused to give him my forgiveness.
Re: So, I guess your mate is just sh*t on the end of a stick?
October 03, 2010
Ah, forced forgiveness, gotta love it when they pull that. And they conveniently overlook that forgiveness also entails admitting a wrong and making amends. Then, maybe one can be forgiven.
Re: So, I guess your mate is just sh*t on the end of a stick?
October 03, 2010
Ah, forced forgiveness, gotta love it when they pull that. And they conveniently overlook that forgiveness also entails admitting a wrong and making amends. Then, maybe one can be forgiven.quote]

That's how I feel about it too, but the Baptist church that I was raised in seems to think that a person should forgive EVERYONE for EVERYTHING, regardless if they have apologized or if they even don't seem sorry. Many people I know are from the school of thought that forgiveness is something that comes from within rather than from any external factors, like an apology or admission of guilt or attempt at amends.I am just not buying that, even though many of them claim that it makes YOU feel better to forgive and even if it's something that you have to work at and FORCE! I am not capable of doing that and when people(mainly fundies) stand up in public and say that they "forgive" the MONSTOR who murdered their loved one, even when the murderer is still laughing about it, making jokes about how they begged for their lives, and is expressing NO remorse, I don't believe them. I think it's a show they put on in hopes that it will get them closer to The Promised Land or something.

There was this fundie woman on some documentary who did JUST that on the witness stand. This bastard had forced open the door to their home, beat, raped, stabbed, and strangled her nearly to death, but that was after she watched him beat her father to death as he begged for his daughter's life! Not only did she claim that she "forgave him", she made a HUGE plea for him not to get the death penalty because it was against her religion. She was found in contempt of court because she would NOT abide by the judge's orders to NOT mention her feelings about the death penalty in her victim impact statement. Sorry, that woman is an IDIOT and I don't believe that she could have really "forgiven" that monstor.

How can people say they forgive someone under those circumstances?I don't think that true forgiveness can be forced or coerced, but instead that it just has to happen on it's own and under the right circumstances. IMHO.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: So, I guess your mate is just sh*t on the end of a stick?
October 04, 2010

When it comes down to it, family is the most important thing in your life, they are the ones that will always be there for you, especially during the bad spells in life.

I could give you a hundred reasons from my very own life that makes this pure crap.
For example how my biological dad was screwing another woman while my mum was busy giving birth, and I haven't seen him since I was 2 years old.
I'm pretty sure he's not "there for me" eye rolling smiley

I genuinely don't give a toss because it's genetics and that isn't important to me in the slightest, but they must have lived a very sheltered life if they truly believe that.

You don't get to choose your family, so personally I think with a decent judge of character you've probably got more luck with your friends and partners. But no, that's logic, can't have that.....

They'll get proved wrong one day, poor things, and the bottom will drop out of their tiny world.
Re: So, I guess your mate is just sh*t on the end of a stick?
October 04, 2010
I'm so glad my family knows how to keep grudges. Some people don't talk to others for 10, 15, or 20 years. There's no whining and moaning about it, it's just how it is. I've totally lost contact with my sister and I couldn't be happier about it.
Re: So, I guess your mate is just sh*t on the end of a stick?
October 04, 2010
People (well, mostly women) love to pull out the "Famblee is forever!" card, because they have nothing else in their lives. Nothing.

Picture an divorced, obese, straggly-haired 45-yr-old grandmoo who is now stuck with caring for her idiot 19-year old daughter's kid, clutching at a a picture frame of all her ill-gotten grandbrats. "Famblee is forever" she sniffles. "Famblee is always there for you!" she sighs, as her adult son who lives in her basement peels out of the driveway, leaving a patch of burnt rubber.
Absolute bullshit. One of my many reasons for being childfree is that there are too many broken ADULTS that need care, almost exclusively because their family are made of shit-sacks and complete parental failures.

My dad left when I was 7 and stayed gone until I was 26. I love him for being my father, but you bet your sweet ass i don't feel an once of guilt-fueled compulsion to "maintain" our relationship. Being family does NOT give one a free pass to treat another person like shit and expect no consequences, like being cut out of their life.
Re: So, I guess your mate is just sh*t on the end of a stick?
October 04, 2010
Normally I loathe self-help books, but a magnificent one related to this topic is Victoria Secunda's 1991 _When You and Your Mother Can't Be Friends_ (probably out of print, but bookfinder.com can find anything). In this book, Secunda describes the roles that each of us chooses to play in our families: Angel, Superachiever, Cipher, Troublemaker, Defector.

Those of us who have renounced family contact (I send birthday, anniversary, Christmas cards but only speak to my sisters when one announces a family death) are Defectors. I post this just to let members/newbies know that they aren't alone. Not maintaining family contact is JUST as unbelievable to society as being CF, perhaps even more. Fellow Defectors, you are not freaks.
Re: So, I guess your mate is just sh*t on the end of a stick?
October 04, 2010
When it comes down to it, family is the most important thing in your life, they are the ones that will always be there for you, especially during the bad spells in life. Talking on the phone with your Mom or texting her every day does not mean you are not independent.

Ever notice that the only people who write that shit are the ones who stand to gain everything by the kindness of their family members? In the same way that it's always the poor lazy failures in life who firmly believe in total wealth re-distribution, it's always the weepy, clingy, helpless, stupid and babyish people who cry and howl about how "Famblee is the greatest!!! It's the most *sob!* important thing *weep! sob!* in your LIFE!!!". Yeah. When you hear that one, be prepared to be asked for favours and money within the next 10 minutes.

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"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: So, I guess your mate is just sh*t on the end of a stick?
October 04, 2010
I've already posted about my family situation in other threads, I just get amazed when people go on about how your family of origin will always be there for you and how important it is to maintain ties. My mother and brother aren't there for me and they only too happy to kick me when I'm down and make me feel like shit. I feel so much better since I'm not in contact with them.

I have some relatives I like and who are well adjusted, so I've built up my ties with them. Then there are some who are household cleaner toxic, limited contact being the equivalent.of keeping the area well ventilated, keeping the product out of eyes, etc. Then there are the ones who are just HazMat toxic. They are so toxic, you need to shut the road down and evacuate the surrounding area.

My only regret over going no contact with the HazMat toxic family is that I didn't do so sooner. I wasted years trying to please the unpleasable and regularly got kicked in the teeth for it. I'd be healing even quicker if I'd gone no contact sooner. Oh well, better late than never!

And if SilverWing is here, your post was awesome!
Re: So, I guess your mate is just sh*t on the end of a stick?
October 04, 2010
Oh & I posted this over there about the "don't take your parents for granted"!! line. It specifies mother, but I think it applies to fathers too and I know some folks here have had to deal with this attitude from people who know fuck all about what really goes on with their families:


Don't take for granted that all mother/daughter relationships are healthy and positive ones. The author of the blog Narcissists Suck puts it very well in this blog entry about Mother's Day:


Should you refuse to bequeath honors upon your narcissist mother on this High Holy Day you make yourself into a personification of ingratitude in the eyes of the ignorant.

I don't blame the ignorant for their ignorance on this matter. In fact, there is something kind of innocent and sweet about them. They had a mother who truly loved them. How can they conceptualize a mother who is the complete inverse of good motherhood? What precedent could they use to pattern your mother after? Only fictional ones. Which is why they think these mothers only live in fiction. Therefore, you are making it up. Only the children who have witnessed the evil mother behind closed doors...the only place where her true evil was on full display...can attest to the existence of the soul-sucking mother who actually hates her children. Don't despise the innocent folk who were blessed with loving mothers. In fact, try to shelter these innocents from the truth of your mother. They are not equipped to handle what you know. Spare them when possible. Your mother is the stuff of nightmares. Don't foist those nightmares on the innocent if you can avoid doing so.
Re: So, I guess your mate is just sh*t on the end of a stick?
October 04, 2010
Ah, forced forgiveness, gotta love it when they pull that. And they conveniently overlook that forgiveness also entails admitting a wrong and making amends. Then, maybe one can be forgiven.

in my cousin's case, i know forgiveness will be seen and understood by him as a blessing to what he did. my unwillingness to forgive him does not so much stem from anger anymore, nor from some sense of revenge as it does from that i cannot let him do what he did and then think everything will be the same after it all. there had to be something different. something lost. and i know saying "i forgive" will be seen by him as condoning what he did.

some folks say i should for myself forgive him, but he was the one who made his decisions. i look at the situation as his decision to have it so. people in the family seem to be behind me on this, so that's cool.
Re: So, I guess your mate is just sh*t on the end of a stick?
October 04, 2010
Oh & I posted this over there about the "don't take your parents for granted"!! line. It specifies mother, but I think it applies to fathers too and I know some folks here have had to deal with this attitude from people who know fuck all about what really goes on with their families:


Don't take for granted that all mother/daughter relationships are healthy and positive ones. The author of the blog Narcissists Suck puts it very well in this blog entry about Mother's Day:


Should you refuse to bequeath honors upon your narcissist mother on this High Holy Day you make yourself into a personification of ingratitude in the eyes of the ignorant.

I don't blame the ignorant for their ignorance on this matter. In fact, there is something kind of innocent and sweet about them. They had a mother who truly loved them. How can they conceptualize a mother who is the complete inverse of good motherhood? What precedent could they use to pattern your mother after? Only fictional ones. Which is why they think these mothers only live in fiction. Therefore, you are making it up. Only the children who have witnessed the evil mother behind closed doors...the only place where her true evil was on full display...can attest to the existence of the soul-sucking mother who actually hates her children. Don't despise the innocent folk who were blessed with loving mothers. In fact, try to shelter these innocents from the truth of your mother. They are not equipped to handle what you know. Spare them when possible. Your mother is the stuff of nightmares. Don't foist those nightmares on the innocent if you can avoid doing so.

my mother is a loving mother, but i can say i relate. not from my mother. from her mother.
Keeping family contact/ties is nowhere near being important. They come and go just like anybody else.
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