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Entitled Breeder in the Office

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 02, 2010
I've been a lurker and I thought I'd finally post and vent my frustrations. I'm 27 years old and CF. I've been through the bingos, and they usually for the most part do not bother me. In the office we have a very sweet girl, let's call her D. D is 28 years old, and popped out baby number 4 with a cheating drug addicted husband who she is divorcing. D is also on welfare, completely unreliable in the office, and plays the sweet country girl routine to get people to feel sorry for her even though her work ethic is a joke. She was on welfare 3 babies ago, but don't get me started on that. While CF me has worked for years long hours to do her work and mine for the 2304028429 times she's been late, called in, or had to leave early.

Apparently the conversation regarding income and raises came up in the ladies room, and she was complaining that she hasn't gotten a raise in years, and she deserves one because people like me don't need raises since we don't have kids to feed.

Okay, my rage was building up, but I'm at work and if I say the wrong thing; I'm the bad guy who loses her job.

I kindly explained to her that raises generally are handed out based on skills, merits, and RELIABILITY, not how many kids you can pop up. She was pissed.. like how dare I? Skills and reliability? Whats that?!?!

This breeder has been coddled and her ass kissed for YEARS. Every time she's pregnant which all her kids are back to back to back.. the office makes donations and I'm expected to give her money. One thing, I don't have money; I'm single living on my own with bills to pay and a dog. I'm tired of the give and give and give to D attitude this office has. All I can say is BED, MADE, LIE.

THEN on top of it, she has no vacation time or sick leave because she used it all up.. so the company in all it's kindness gives her 6 WEEKS of FREE PAID VACATION time for her maternity leave. FREE FUCKING MONEY she did not earn or deserve, but because her husband is in and out of jail, we should all feel sorry for her.

Am I so cold to sit there and think maybe she shouldn't have chose to reproduce with a loser and learn what contraception is or for fucks sake, keep her damn legs closed for a bit.

She has my entire office wrapped around her finger and I feel like I am taking crazy pills!!! She comes in late 3-4 times a week and it's okay.. she's got those babies! If I am late even ONCE.. it's the "Oh you were partying last night huh?" Cuz since I'm 27 and CF, all I do is party. *growls*

Again, all I want to say is. BED MADE LIE.

I use to be sympathetic, but after so many years of this; I've lost about all of it.
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 02, 2010
Wow, where do you work? You should sue. You and your coworkers should launch a class-action suit. This is insane!
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 02, 2010
This sounds like that you work in a small locally owned type office, if NOT then there are discrimination laws you can use in your favor that the smaller companies can get away with not following. I don't see how you can bear it, but you probably have too much time invested with that company to look for another job. Whatever the case, I would DETACH myself from that stupid cunt and all of her sympathizers and ONLY do my job to the best of my ability and stay COMPLETELY out of any of the donations, office gossip, or conversation pertaining to her twat or it's fruit. I wouldn't go to lunch with any of them, do anything with them after work hours, and I would avoid conversation with them if at ALL possible unless it was work related.

Anything that you say which could be perceived in a negative way will only work against you and likely backfire, but you already seem to know this. If they ask why you have become "distant" I'd just say that you hadn't realize that you had or that you were just "busy with work" or something similar, but bite your tongue or you might lose it! In the mean time, I would honestly try to find another place to work within a preferably larger company where all of these breeder freebies and leniency would be less likely. I am so sorry that you are in misery because I have been there and done that and it is a SHITTY way to have to live.ranting

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Anonymous User
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 02, 2010
I think you should make a complaint. I honestly wish I could be put in this situation where I work, so I could shine a light on how CF are truly discriminated against. This is so completely wrong, and you do not need to take this. Especially the bit about people making comments to you if you are late to work, I get that too! Don't you know that the only two reasons someone can be tired or sleep in is because they've partied too hard and are a bad person or are a mooooom and are the savior of the world?
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 02, 2010
I've been a lurker and I thought I'd finally post and vent my frustrations. I'm 27 years old and CF. I've been through the bingos, and they usually for the most part do not bother me. In the office we have a very sweet girl, let's call her D. D is 28 years old, and popped out baby number 4 with a cheating drug addicted husband who she is divorcing. D is also on welfare, completely unreliable in the office, and plays the sweet country girl routine to get people to feel sorry for her even though her work ethic is a joke. She was on welfare 3 babies ago, but don't get me started on that. While CF me has worked for years long hours to do her work and mine for the 2304028429 times she's been late, called in, or had to leave early.

Apparently the conversation regarding income and raises came up in the ladies room, and she was complaining that she hasn't gotten a raise in years, and she deserves one because people like me don't need raises since we don't have kids to feed.

Okay, my rage was building up, but I'm at work and if I say the wrong thing; I'm the bad guy who loses her job.

I kindly explained to her that raises generally are handed out based on skills, merits, and RELIABILITY, not how many kids you can pop up. She was pissed.. like how dare I? Skills and reliability? Whats that?!?!

This breeder has been coddled and her ass kissed for YEARS. Every time she's pregnant which all her kids are back to back to back.. the office makes donations and I'm expected to give her money. One thing, I don't have money; I'm single living on my own with bills to pay and a dog. I'm tired of the give and give and give to D attitude this office has. All I can say is BED, MADE, LIE.

THEN on top of it, she has no vacation time or sick leave because she used it all up.. so the company in all it's kindness gives her 6 WEEKS of FREE PAID VACATION time for her maternity leave. FREE FUCKING MONEY she did not earn or deserve, but because her husband is in and out of jail, we should all feel sorry for her.

Am I so cold to sit there and think maybe she shouldn't have chose to reproduce with a loser and learn what contraception is or for fucks sake, keep her damn legs closed for a bit.

She has my entire office wrapped around her finger and I feel like I am taking crazy pills!!! She comes in late 3-4 times a week and it's okay.. she's got those babies! If I am late even ONCE.. it's the "Oh you were partying last night huh?" Cuz since I'm 27 and CF, all I do is party. *growls*

Again, all I want to say is. BED MADE LIE.

I use to be sympathetic, but after so many years of this; I've lost about all of it.

technically, the expectation of an employee to give money or items to another employee in the workplace (birthdays, baby showers, etc) can actually be solicitation in the workplace and thus actually against company policy and even some workplace regulations. plus, the flagrant favoritism to her and the "oh, you were partying last night" attitude is harassment and definately against the law. there's another law, too, that you can file complaints against your bosses and they can't do shit-"whistleblower act". you are being discriminated against, mate!
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 02, 2010

technically, the expectation of an employee to give money or items to another employee in the workplace (birthdays, baby showers, etc) can actually be solicitation in the workplace and thus actually against company policy and even some workplace regulations. plus, the flagrant favoritism to her and the "oh, you were partying last night" attitude is harassment and definately against the law. there's another law, too, that you can file complaints against your bosses and they can't do shit-"whistleblower act". you are being discriminated against, mate!

I've started to take on the "no gifts" to co-workers policy and while I met resistance at first, I've also had a few people come up to me and say, "It's about time... I'm thinking about doing the same." If you go out and earn an advanced degree or accomplish something great, I'd love to buy you a drink outside of work. I'd be honored. But as far as birthdays, baaaaaybee showers, weddings... blah. I just don't consider that to be a worthy accomplishment and therefore I don't care.
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 02, 2010

technically, the expectation of an employee to give money or items to another employee in the workplace (birthdays, baby showers, etc) can actually be solicitation in the workplace and thus actually against company policy and even some workplace regulations. plus, the flagrant favoritism to her and the "oh, you were partying last night" attitude is harassment and definately against the law. there's another law, too, that you can file complaints against your bosses and they can't do shit-"whistleblower act". you are being discriminated against, mate!

I've started to take on the "no gifts" to co-workers policy and while I met resistance at first, I've also had a few people come up to me and say, "It's about time... I'm thinking about doing the same." If you go out and earn an advanced degree or accomplish something great, I'd love to buy you a drink outside of work. I'd be honored. But as far as birthdays, baaaaaybee showers, weddings... blah. I just don't consider that to be a worthy accomplishment and therefore I don't care.

in some industries, gifts to co-workers and/or bosses could be ethics violations, esp. if the gift is over a certain value. so, it is a good policy to have, if for no other reason they can't drag you down with them if investigators or auditors come in.
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 02, 2010
How the hell does she get welfare AND work? Is she a part of one of those welfare-to-work programs, or is she just scamming somehow so she can have money from both? I may be a bit ignorant to parts of the welfare system, so I have no idea if a person can have a job and nurse off the taxpayer tit too.

But yeah, D sounds like a classic breeder...she deserves an eleventy billion dollar raise and paid vacation and everyone's sympathy because of her shitty life choices. Hey, can I have a raise and six weeks paid vacation because I went to an unaccredited college and got a worthless degree? Can I have some money because I've been eating less than healthy and gained weight? Where's my money for my lousy choices?

I agree that filing complaints would be ideal, since if you tell the Moo-tard to her face what you think of her, she'll go boo-hooing to the boss (while greatly exaggerating what was said so she can be further victimized) to try and get you into trouble.
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 02, 2010
This all sucks to be sure, but I don't find it surprising. It's the typical bullshit mindset that this country is in. Don't worry, though, you're in no way out of line by withholding money from D, and I'm very inspired that you actually told her off (in a sense) about why she didn't get a raise. All I can say is try to hold on to the steel wall of patience you've shown so far.
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 03, 2010
Good grief. I hardly party, either. Most of the people I see who party often have kids! Man, what a looser.

lab mom
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 03, 2010
The gift thing has gotten way out of hand at my workplace, as well. I finally started just saying "No"! If a coworker is also a friend, then it's my choice to give him/her a gift. I'm through being bullied into donating money for someone just because we happen to work in the same building. Another popular thing in workplaces now is being bullied into giving up your sick days/vacation time for someone else. Thank God we're union, and can't be coerced into this!
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 03, 2010
The gift thing has gotten way out of hand at my workplace, as well. I finally started just saying "No"! If a coworker is also a friend, then it's my choice to give him/her a gift. I'm through being bullied into donating money for someone just because we happen to work in the same building. Another popular thing in workplaces now is being bullied into giving up your sick days/vacation time for someone else. Thank God we're union, and can't be coerced into this!

the place i work at is pretty cool with the sick day thing. you can't give more than a certain amount and it's not mandatory.
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 03, 2010
The gift thing has gotten way out of hand at my workplace, as well. I finally started just saying "No"! If a coworker is also a friend, then it's my choice to give him/her a gift. I'm through being bullied into donating money for someone just because we happen to work in the same building. Another popular thing in workplaces now is being bullied into giving up your sick days/vacation time for someone else. Thank God we're union, and can't be coerced into this!

They're big on this donating of sick/vacation days in my area right now too. so I guess it's become the new breeder trend to do it for other breeders. I have never been asked to donate vacation or sick days for anyone in the past, but if I had I would have said, "NO!" What happens if you donate your days and then get into an accident or develop a serious illness and NEED those days, which is of course why they are there in the first place? Let's take a logical look at this thing here for minute. Imagine that somebody like StudioFiftyFour, who has no wife and kyds, "donates" his vacation and sick days to a breeder-sow with a baybee perpetually in the NICU ward, then has an accident and is unable to work for 3 weeks. Since he is Unmarried and Unchilded, what are the odds that the collection hat would be passed for him? He won't qualify for public assistance because he has no kyds, so how would he eat?

THEY DO NOT GIVE A SHIT about the UNchilded!!!! If a CF is married and has to be out of work then they ignore helping them out using the flimsy excuse that they have a spouse, so they'll be "okay". Let that same person be SINGLE too AND a male, then you get a mixed bag of excuses why no one is helping that range from completely ignoring that he even exists to the assumption that since he has no "famblee obligations", that he must just have bookoodles of money stashed away. A single childfree male is probably THE most discriminated against person in the workplace anyway these days,regardless of what the "NOW" whiners have to say about it. At least that has been my experience.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 03, 2010
I agree with Kidless Kim's advice on this whole thing.

As for donating vacation/sick time, if management is really that concerned they can give that person extra time. Though I work in the private sector, don't know if they can do that in the public sector. I worked for a state agency a long time ago and we couldn't have office funded parties, we had to pay for our own holiday party for example. We weren't union and they did have a donation bank for sick/vacation time, which you would donate without knowing who it was going to. I would have been willing to donate a few days, but I saw how some people abused their time, so I declined to donate. I didn't want my hard earned time off going to a slacker who didn't plan well.

In the private sector, I did think of donating some of my time to a PNB who donated an organ to a friend and who'd taken in all of her sisters kids into her home for an extended period when both her sis & her bro in law were deployed overseas. But the company took care of it. If they hadn't I'd have been willing to donate time, regardless of whether she was a parent, CF or childless because she was a responsible person and generally treated others well. And I think giving up an organ for someone and going through the surgery and recovery's a pretty heroic thing to do.
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 03, 2010
Let that same person be SINGLE too AND a male, then you get a mixed bag of excuses why no one is helping that range from completely ignoring that he even exists to the assumption that since he has no "famblee obligations", that he must just have bookoodles of money stashed away. A single childfree male is probably THE most discriminated against person in the workplace anyway these days,regardless of what the "NOW" whiners have to say about it. At least that has been my experience.

At one job I was at, I had a male co-worker who got sick and was out for 2 full weeks, which wasn't like him as he was very responsible. He was from out of town and didn't really mention any friends. We found out he'd be out the 2 weeks after the first few days. I asked if anyone had checked with him to see if he needed anyone to get groceries for him, check on him, pick up prescriptions. No one had. I didn't know him well enough to call him at home, but I did ask my supervisor to check with him and see if he needed anything. Once I suggested it, they thought it was a good idea. Turns out he didn't need us, but I thought we should at least offer.
Anonymous User
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 03, 2010
Thank you everyone!!!

I actually work for a large real estate company, but this particular office is very close knit. People are nice, but everyone has children and feed into societies obsession with baybies. There's always someone getting knocked up.. and the ongoing joke I get is "something's in the water which means you're next." Yeah, no. I'm single, and am too responsible to drink that kool-aid. I know the office's favorite breeder is some kind of martyr to everyone, but I just find her incredibly selfish.

And while I am venting about my favorite breeder. I don't give a shit if she can't find a babysitter.. her litter of mongoloids do NOT belong in the office screaming, stinking, and being obnoxious. It is a place of business, not an effing day care. Thankfully that's only happened on a couple occasions, but that's a couple occasions too many for me. If I tried bringing my dog in for the day, I'd be ripped a new one.

I just keep telling myself regardless of how frustrating it is. In the end, I'm getting the last laugh by being CF and these moos are just making themselves feel better for their shitty life choices. They are secretly envious of all our freedoms.
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 03, 2010

and the ongoing joke I get is "something's in the water which means you're next." Yeah, no. I'm single, and am too responsible to drink that kool-aid.

Tell them that "something in the water" is not how conception happens, and that if they look it up, they would learn how baybees actually "happen".

GAUD. I know they are trying to be cute, but I swear sometimes it seems like people have NO CLUE that sex causes pregnancy and that there are certain steps that can be taken to prevent it. "Somethings in the water so you're next"... Like it's not even up to you. Then again, you can always retort with "That's why gaud invented abortion, you know, so that when the water is bad, I'm not stuck having a baybee I didn't ask for."

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 03, 2010
Let that same person be SINGLE too AND a male, then you get a mixed bag of excuses why no one is helping that range from completely ignoring that he even exists to the assumption that since he has no "famblee obligations", that he must just have bookoodles of money stashed away. A single childfree male is probably THE most discriminated against person in the workplace anyway these days,regardless of what the "NOW" whiners have to say about it. At least that has been my experience.

At one job I was at, I had a male co-worker who got sick and was out for 2 full weeks, which wasn't like him as he was very responsible. He was from out of town and didn't really mention any friends. We found out he'd be out the 2 weeks after the first few days. I asked if anyone had checked with him to see if he needed anyone to get groceries for him, check on him, pick up prescriptions. No one had. I didn't know him well enough to call him at home, but I did ask my supervisor to check with him and see if he needed anything. Once I suggested it, they thought it was a good idea. Turns out he didn't need us, but I thought we should at least offer.

it's always nice to offer. he might not have needed you, but i'm sure it helped as far as working relationships go with him that the offer was extended.
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 03, 2010
When I was college student, I worked in a grocery store with a bunch of other girls who were my age, and just, well, white trash. One by one, they all started getting pregnant (none of them were married.) So here I am, 19 and working in a grocery store to pay my way through college, and here they all are, single, knocked up, and ambiguous plans for any sort of future, and they all started taunting me with shit like "You're next!" Now I can look back and laugh at their obvious stupidity, but at the time, I was appalled. One of them ended up in jail for stealing money from her next job. Another one married her baby daddy, then married another guy, and a third guy after that! Not sure what happened to the rest of them.
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 03, 2010
Let's take a logical look at this thing here for minute. Imagine that somebody like StudioFiftyFour, who has no wife and kyds, "donates" his vacation and sick days to a breeder-sow with a baybee perpetually in the NICU ward, then has an accident and is unable to work for 3 weeks. Since he is Unmarried and Unchilded, what are the odds that the collection hat would be passed for him? He won't qualify for public assistance because he has no kyds, so how would he eat?

THEY DO NOT GIVE A SHIT about the UNchilded!!!! If a CF is married and has to be out of work then they ignore helping them out using the flimsy excuse that they have a spouse, so they'll be "okay". Let that same person be SINGLE too AND a male, then you get a mixed bag of excuses why no one is helping that range from completely ignoring that he even exists to the assumption that since he has no "famblee obligations", that he must just have bookoodles of money stashed away. A single childfree male is probably THE most discriminated against person in the workplace anyway these days,regardless of what the "NOW" whiners have to say about it. At least that has been my experience.

I'm having this vision of me being comatose in the hospital and vaguely hearing my co-workers speak as they look down upon me in my bed... "It's too bad the boss is going to let him go... but THANK GOD he doesn't have a wife and kids to worry about... these hospital bills are going to be astronomical. At least no kiiiiiids are involved!"

confused smiley
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 03, 2010
Let's take a logical look at this thing here for minute. Imagine that somebody like StudioFiftyFour, who has no wife and kyds, "donates" his vacation and sick days to a breeder-sow with a baybee perpetually in the NICU ward, then has an accident and is unable to work for 3 weeks. Since he is Unmarried and Unchilded, what are the odds that the collection hat would be passed for him? He won't qualify for public assistance because he has no kyds, so how would he eat?

THEY DO NOT GIVE A SHIT about the UNchilded!!!! If a CF is married and has to be out of work then they ignore helping them out using the flimsy excuse that they have a spouse, so they'll be "okay". Let that same person be SINGLE too AND a male, then you get a mixed bag of excuses why no one is helping that range from completely ignoring that he even exists to the assumption that since he has no "famblee obligations", that he must just have bookoodles of money stashed away. A single childfree male is probably THE most discriminated against person in the workplace anyway these days,regardless of what the "NOW" whiners have to say about it. At least that has been my experience.

I'm having this vision of me being comatose in the hospital and vaguely hearing my co-workers speak as they look down upon me in my bed... "It's too bad the boss is going to let him go... but THANK GOD he doesn't have a wife and kids to worry about... these hospital bills are going to be astronomical. At least no kiiiiiids are involved!"

confused smiley

If only you hadn't donated your company benefits including vacation days, sick leave, personal leave, your raise, retirement fund, and your health and life insurance to the breeder-sow, then you might have been okay. Actually, had you done all of that and were left in this position, they would ALL be saying, "He sure was irresponsible not to have planned for something like this!"bouncing and laughing Followed up of course with, "Thank GOD he didn't have any kiiiiids"

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 03, 2010
Let's take a logical look at this thing here for minute. Imagine that somebody like StudioFiftyFour, who has no wife and kyds, "donates" his vacation and sick days to a breeder-sow with a baybee perpetually in the NICU ward, then has an accident and is unable to work for 3 weeks. Since he is Unmarried and Unchilded, what are the odds that the collection hat would be passed for him? He won't qualify for public assistance because he has no kyds, so how would he eat?

THEY DO NOT GIVE A SHIT about the UNchilded!!!! If a CF is married and has to be out of work then they ignore helping them out using the flimsy excuse that they have a spouse, so they'll be "okay". Let that same person be SINGLE too AND a male, then you get a mixed bag of excuses why no one is helping that range from completely ignoring that he even exists to the assumption that since he has no "famblee obligations", that he must just have bookoodles of money stashed away. A single childfree male is probably THE most discriminated against person in the workplace anyway these days,regardless of what the "NOW" whiners have to say about it. At least that has been my experience.

I'm having this vision of me being comatose in the hospital and vaguely hearing my co-workers speak as they look down upon me in my bed... "It's too bad the boss is going to let him go... but THANK GOD he doesn't have a wife and kids to worry about... these hospital bills are going to be astronomical. At least no kiiiiiids are involved!"

confused smiley

If only you hadn't donated your company benefits including vacation days, sick leave, personal leave, your raise, retirement fund, and your health and life insurance to the breeder-sow, then you might have been okay. Actually, had you done all of that and were left in this position, they would ALL be saying, "He sure was irresponsible not to have planned for something like this!"bouncing and laughing Followed up of course with, "Thank GOD he didn't have any kiiiiids"

Donating sick leave time could be a very noble thing... or it could be a personal disaster should any catastrophic accident or illness affect you at some point.

My philosophy? Try to save and bank as many days as possible, carry disability insurance, and pray for the best.
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 04, 2010
Let's take a logical look at this thing here for minute. Imagine that somebody like StudioFiftyFour, who has no wife and kyds, "donates" his vacation and sick days to a breeder-sow with a baybee perpetually in the NICU ward, then has an accident and is unable to work for 3 weeks. Since he is Unmarried and Unchilded, what are the odds that the collection hat would be passed for him? He won't qualify for public assistance because he has no kyds, so how would he eat?

THEY DO NOT GIVE A SHIT about the UNchilded!!!! If a CF is married and has to be out of work then they ignore helping them out using the flimsy excuse that they have a spouse, so they'll be "okay". Let that same person be SINGLE too AND a male, then you get a mixed bag of excuses why no one is helping that range from completely ignoring that he even exists to the assumption that since he has no "famblee obligations", that he must just have bookoodles of money stashed away. A single childfree male is probably THE most discriminated against person in the workplace anyway these days,regardless of what the "NOW" whiners have to say about it. At least that has been my experience.

I'm having this vision of me being comatose in the hospital and vaguely hearing my co-workers speak as they look down upon me in my bed... "It's too bad the boss is going to let him go... but THANK GOD he doesn't have a wife and kids to worry about... these hospital bills are going to be astronomical. At least no kiiiiiids are involved!"

confused smiley

If only you hadn't donated your company benefits including vacation days, sick leave, personal leave, your raise, retirement fund, and your health and life insurance to the breeder-sow, then you might have been okay. Actually, had you done all of that and were left in this position, they would ALL be saying, "He sure was irresponsible not to have planned for something like this!"bouncing and laughing Followed up of course with, "Thank GOD he didn't have any kiiiiids"

Donating sick leave time could be a very noble thing... or it could be a personal disaster should any catastrophic accident or illness affect you at some point.

My philosophy? Try to save and bank as many days as possible, carry disability insurance, and pray for the best.

if you work in a place where you can only carry over so many days of sick time, though, then donate away-unless you get paid for the overage. then you cling to it until it cashes out.
Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 05, 2010
How the hell does she get welfare AND work? Is she a part of one of those welfare-to-work programs, or is she just scamming somehow so she can have money from both? I may be a bit ignorant to parts of the welfare system, so I have no idea if a person can have a job and nurse off the taxpayer tit too.

But yeah, D sounds like a classic breeder...she deserves an eleventy billion dollar raise and paid vacation and everyone's sympathy because of her shitty life choices. Hey, can I have a raise and six weeks paid vacation because I went to an unaccredited college and got a worthless degree? Can I have some money because I've been eating less than healthy and gained weight? Where's my money for my lousy choices?

I agree that filing complaints would be ideal, since if you tell the Moo-tard to her face what you think of her, she'll go boo-hooing to the boss (while greatly exaggerating what was said so she can be further victimized) to try and get you into trouble.

I once worked in a welfare office, so I know a little about it.

There are circumstances when someone can work and get welfare. If the income level is lower than the welfare check, in some states they can. In my state, the welfare payments are so low that any minimum wage job would pretty much eliminate it. People who work can also get Food Stamps depending on family size, income, resources(aka savings and other property). There is also a child care assitance program for low income people. If any of the kids are under 6, she can probably get WIC as well.

I do know how it feels to be a single CF male who gets a major illness in the workplace, as it happened to me once. I worked in a government office which I always knew would be more flexible than the private sector because I had seem them be that way, apparently that only applies to married people with children. I was not treated that way at all, and I sometimes wonder if I was seen as less mature because I didn't at the time want to be married or have children. Ironically, the manager of the office who gave me such a bad time was divorced and had no children.

What I ended up doing was running my leave time down to the level they'd pay me for and resigning. It took me 4 months to find another job, but over time, I've actually risen farther than I would have if I had stayed where I was. That office has since closed, which doesn't bother me any.

I think most mothers are in love with their own martyrdom. I know my mother was, often going on about how she was the maid and couldn't do anything she wanted to to do, constantly griping to anyone who would listen. She'd also get upset at news stories about women being put in prison, even those who admitted wrongdoing, because she felt is wrong or it was always some man's fault. She also thought it was wrong for the schools we attended to make girls serve after school detentions, suspensions, etc., because of how bad women have it in our society. She even once told me when my sister was mistreating me that she couldn't punish her because it would upset her too much, yet she had no trouble punishing me for the smallest of infractions.

My wife wants to be CF, as do I, and I've taken steps to stay that way. If I ever were in a situation where I ended up alone again, anyone who has kids wouldn't have a chance with me.

Re: Entitled Breeder in the Office
October 05, 2010
In my area, they can make up to $3800 a year and get subsidized housing, WIC for the kyds under 6, a food debit card for up to $800 a month(depending on how many kyds), and a kyddie check for up to $620( for EACH kyd) a month if it has awtism and up to $300 per regular kyd. They can also get medicaid if their sole income is under 18k or if they are married, under 32k, regardless of any other welfare.They can get about a $2000 "refund" per kyd on the "earned income credit"(and I think that the "cap" is 8k) which means that if they don't "earn" over $3800, they can actually "get back" 8k at tax time as a "refund", even though they only EARNED a total of $3800. None of these "numbers" are on any government welfare site, but rather it will say, "amount depends on your situation", but these are the amounts that I have heard many welfare whores discuss since I have lived here. We also have this:

Welcome to the Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program (KTAP). The KTAP program collaborates with NKU students receiving KTAP funds to successfully juggle school, work and parenting.

You're eligible if you're an NKU student parent receiving KTAP funds through the KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services.

You'll learn to...

•Successfully manage school, work and parenthood
•Find and keep student employment
•Meet obligations for maintaining DCBS eligibility
•Identify and access resources
Resources for participants...

•Support from KTAP coordinator
•Computer Lab/Student Lounge
•Assistance with student employment
•Access to Holiday Help & Covering the Basics

Basically, single moos can all qualify for "funding", free health insurance for themselves and their shitlings, free school, etc........and all they have to do is work the minimum to earn the $3800 gross a year, which would average out to about 10-15 hours a week at a minimum wage job or even less if they make $8-10 an hour which is common with factory jobs. Also, the employers are REQUIRED to not schedule them for more hours(or less) than absolutely necessary so as to not to interfere with the program requirements.angry flipping off

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
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