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All about childrun and baaaybees!

Posted by labwoman 
All about childrun and baaaybees!
September 26, 2010
So since Monday evening, I've been feeling really crappy. Fatigued, feverish, and a little nauseous. Tuesday morning, I took my temp and it's 100.5. I went to school anyway, but wound up leaving after about 3 hours because I felt so crappy. Wednesday, I still had the fever and my stomach was a little bloated, though I didn't have any major nausea and my bm's were normal. I am NOT one to run to the doctor, plus, we have no medical insurance (and being a student, I DID apply for medicaid but since I don't have fuckin' KIDS, I don't qualify.) I went to school on Thursday and did 8 hours, although I still felt really horrible but I HATE missing school, so I stuck it out. Friday, I got up and felt like I was thrown out of a 7 story window - muscle aches, and my fever pitched to 101. I couldn't muster up the energy to get dressed, let alone go to school... SO... All week long, I've been pumping myself full of Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Aspirin (not all at the same time - I've been alternating.) Drinking lots of cold fluids - namely icewater. I've had a pretty decent appetite despite the little nausea; I figure the saying is "starve a cold, feed a fever." So I'm eating - fish (cooked properly), chicken, veggies, and drinking lots of juices. Saturday, same thing. Now it's Sunday and I have it in my mind that I am positively NOT missing any more school over this bullshit. So I hopped online to see what else I can do - home remedies, tepid baths, cold packs, vitamins, etc. Sadly, MAJORITY of the information out there is about fuckin' baaybees or chyyyldrun with fevers. My temp, since this morning, has been steady at 100. I JUST WANT TO GET RID OF THIS FUCKING ILLNESS, whatever it is, yet the only info I can find is about goddamned kids. What about adults? Do we not count anymore? Sure there's info, but it's brief, and when it comes to da keeids, there's a plethora of info available.

I absolutely cannot miss another day of school, but I AM getting worried because this fever won't go away. I called a pharmacist and asked about fevers. She said, "How old is the child?" :kill I said, "IT IS NOT A CHILD! I HAVE THE FEVER!" "Oh, then take Tylenol and alternate with ibuprofen and aspirin and drink lots of fluids." WELL NO FUCKING DUH! If this persists, I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and go see a Doc-in-a-Box after school tomorrow. I guess I'm just overly sensitive today because I've been dealing with this bullshit all week long and I'm about ready to kill someone. And if one more person asks me "how old the chyuld is" that is sick, my head is going to explode. That, or I'm going to spontaneously combust.

Sorry folks, I just needed to get that all off of my chest. I'm just SICK OF BEING SICK, and I'm sick of everything being about goddamned brats. ADULTS MATTER TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: All about childrun and baaaybees!
September 26, 2010
If you've been this sick since last Monday, I think that you ought to suck it up and go on to that doc in the box! It sounds like you're doing everything "right" as far as self treatment, except that you can't possibly be getting proper rest(for an illness) if you're still attending school. A low grade fever like that sounds like an infection of some sort too and you will likely need a prescription medication. I sure am sorry that you're sick AND have to deal with kyddie nonsense at the same time. Just be glad that no one has asked, "Could you be PREGNANT?" Every time I used to get an upset stomach when I was younger, that would be the FIRST thing that people asked me! At any rate, I hope you feel better soon. Oh, if you are contagious, just hope that you breathed on the "right" people.friendly hug

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: All about childrun and baaaybees!
September 27, 2010
Alka seltzer tablets are good for fending off a fever, as can resting in bed with sheets, blankets and the bed temperature kept moderate. (but not too hot). Electric blankets work wonders for this very reason.

I second seeing the doc in the box, too.

lab mom
Re: All about childrun and baaaybees!
September 30, 2010
Went to the DocInTheBox on Sunday, FINALLY... I was given Cipro to take for 10 days. If that doesn't work, they want to check my liver. Because of the fact that most restaurants don't require a food sanitation certificate, I could have possibly contracted a certain liver problem. Although I have to say, I'm not turning yellow, so maybe it's just a "bug" after all, even though I'm still feeling fatigued (I think the Cipro poops ya out too.)
Re: All about childrun and baaaybees!
September 30, 2010
Went to the DocInTheBox on Sunday, FINALLY... I was given Cipro to take for 10 days. If that doesn't work, they want to check my liver. Because of the fact that most restaurants don't require a food sanitation certificate, I could have possibly contracted a certain liver problem. Although I have to say, I'm not turning yellow, so maybe it's just a "bug" after all, even though I'm still feeling fatigued (I think the Cipro poops ya out too.)

I have to pay attention to potential liver problems due to some medication that I take, so I have looked into the signs and symptoms of liver damage and/or problems. I thought I'd share them with you because I don't know if they are all considered "common" and you might overlook them since most everyone only associates the yellow skin with liver disease, infections, inflamation, etc..............

1)Red palms, looks like the fat pads of your palm are sunburned
2)Fatty, loose, soft , dark, poopies
3)Itching all over
4)A "tanning bed" look to your overall skin, kinda tan/orangy rather than yellow
5)Tenderness and/or swelling in the upper (usually left) abdominal area

I HOPE that you didn't develop a liver problem!friendly hug

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: All about childrun and baaaybees!
October 02, 2010
Thank you KidlessKim! The only common thing I have on that list is, er, about the "poopies" but I think I can attribute that to poor diet habits right now. Going to school, I'm still trying to get into the swing of things - eating a breakfast is something I don't do - I wait 'til lunch, then I eat junk. I AM taking that Activia Challenge though, because I have noticed I burp A LOT! Seriously; and I can't be doing THAT in front of clients! Hehe. So I'm going to start working on my diet, eating times, and quality of food. The Cipro seems to have done SOMETHING, because I don't have a fever anymore and I'm starting to feel better, except for that damned fatigue. Again, that's probably diet-related.

Thank you again for the input. You rock!
Re: All about childrun and baaaybees!
October 02, 2010
Glad to hear you're feeling better. Sounds like you had some sort of bacterial infection, so it's a good thing you went in. I'm glad that you're eating Activia, too, because Cipro and other antibiotics can kill off the "good" bacteria in your gut and give you diarrhea. Eat as much yogurt as you can while you're taking it. A good night's rest and you should be feeling lots better tomorrow! :yeah
Re: All about childrun and baaaybees!
October 11, 2010
Well, the fever went down, but I still have it. I will post more on this subject under a new thread. Maybe someone can figure it out, or at least try to.
Re: All about childrun and baaaybees!
October 11, 2010
Glad to hear you're feeling better. Sounds like you had some sort of bacterial infection, so it's a good thing you went in. I'm glad that you're eating Activia, too, because Cipro and other antibiotics can kill off the "good" bacteria in your gut and give you diarrhea. Eat as much yogurt as you can while you're taking it. A good night's rest and you should be feeling lots better tomorrow! :yeah

Thanks for that information. I didn't know that. confused smiley

lab mom
Anonymous User
Re: All about childrun and baaaybees!
October 12, 2010
Chronic fevers are one of the many symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus. I've had it for 5 years. Some other symptoms are rashes, fatigue, joint pain, hair loss, infections that come frequently, are chronic or difficult to shake, weight loss and weakness among many others.
Re: All about childrun and baaaybees!
October 12, 2010
Damn, Kidsuck, my salivary gland has been infected for almost two weeks now, and it is not seeming to go away. It's painful and annoying because I feel like I have a blockage in the back of my mouth - when food rubs against it, OUCH! I've also been really weak; when I'm doing housework, I often have to sit down and take a break for a few minutes so I can get my "batteries recharged." Maybe it IS Lupus... I'm a little scared because I know there's no cure, but I know that people can and do live normal productive lives, despite their illness.
Re: All about childrun and baaaybees!
October 12, 2010
It could also be strep. As expensive as it is you need to see a doc. Strep can rapidly proceed into renal failure.
do a google on the Hill Burton Act. Get to a doc.

The other thing they might be looking for is Hep A. It's bacterial and can be cured. The bruising can be indicitive for that as well as Strep.
Re: All about childrun and baaaybees!
October 12, 2010
Thanks Thom. It's just so aggravating having to jump through those proverbial hoops just to get a doctor to even LOOK at me! My husband is trying to find a job with insurance, but nowadays, a lot of companies are not even offering insurance because it's too expensive! I think the USA should operate like Europe in their medical system; EVERYONE (all LEGAL US citizens, that is) should be medically covered. Our system sucks and it's no wonder why so many people wind up dying as soon as they receive a grim diagnosis.

I've know I don't have Strep; I've had it a few times in my life and remember all too well what that feels like. Also, this infection is in my actual salivary gland; I can see it with a flashlight - it's in my mouth, not my throat. Oooh, please don't say hepatitis! I'd be booted from school with that!
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