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Violence-sensitive moos in pig

Posted by Miss_Hannigan 
Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 14, 2010
For those of you unfamiliar with Cute Overload, there's quite a "flap" about the "duckies blowing over in the wind" video posted. And not a day could pass without some pregnant hippo commenting on her pregnant feelings. Because she's pregnant, you know.


beeegirl says:

you are hilarious!!!!!!!!!!

i’m 8.5 months pregnant and very sensitive to the violent things i used to appreciate before, but seriously i haven’t laughed that much in a while!!...


mamabear says:

Thank you!

Also, I thought I was the only one who had that happen: the inability to handle violent-ness while pregnant. I remember the last couple of months, only being able to watch things like America’s Funniest Home Videos. My poor husband and older son had to endure touchy-feely shows or comedies ONLY. In fact, my pregnancy was what caused us to stop watching the Shield (a new show, at that time, that we quite enjoyed).

Don’t worry beeegirl, after you push that little ball of hormone-inducing baby out, you’ll be back to your old self! Look at me, now I can laugh at cute baby ducks unwillingly sailing across concrete!


Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 14, 2010
Is it because they're so concerned about the future, and what kind of a world they're bringing the baby in to?

Nah...not a chance, or they would never have bred.
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 14, 2010
AFHV is one of the most violent shows out there...how many times do we have to watch a staged shot of Duh get wailed in the crotch by Snotford with his teeball bat/football/frisbee/lacrosse stick/random piece of sporting equipment.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 14, 2010
Is it because they're so concerned about the future, and what kind of a world they're bringing the baby in to?

Nah...not a chance, or they would never have bred.

No shit!!!

I love how the cow commandeered the TV "There will be no watching of 'The Shield' in this house, my second husband and lousy son of my good-for-nothing ex!"
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 14, 2010
Like most everything else while they're inpig, this is all a show for attention. They want everyone to know how motherly and overly sensitive they have become to everything, AS IF that's a good thing. I have heard them do that giggly tongue in cheek thing, which btw makes me sick, where they brag about treating their husbands like a child due to their newfound moo-ness. They also think it's kewt to send their husband on a midnight run to Walmart to pick up the proverbial jar of pickles and Mocha ice cream with blueberries on the side. It is all such HORSE SHIT! What did women do about these alleged cravings during the pioneer days, I wonder? Did they make the men pull the wagon off the trail and go rooting about in a strawberry patch? I think fucking not.

Those cravings were probably non existent because 1)They had a proper diet and compensated for their extra nutritional needs with something other than a Big Mac and 2)There weren't any Moo magazines and talk shows glamorizing their inpigness and making them think that they should be craving fish eggs on Melba toast in the middle of the fucking night! There's no evidence to suggest that "violent" shows should suddenly become upsetting to them any more than they should be parking in the pig slot parking at the grocery store! Where, BTW, they could be buying their own pile of "craved foods" rather than demanding that the husband get up and go and get it at midnight! I have known few INPIG moo-cows who didn't milk their inpigness for everything and anything possible and attempt to extract the most amount of attention humanly possible.moo with baybeem

Attention whoring moos generally share some similar traits which go a long way in explaining their attention seeking behavior.I have observed them to include the following:

1)Overwhelmingly, they are unattractive
2)They weren't popular in high school
3)They have little or no talent of any recognizable type
4)They never excelled in any sport or other actual activity like music or anything artistic
5)They didn't excel in academics
6)They never won any trophies or ribbons or awards for any type of achievement
7)They are unimaginative and not creative in any way
8)They are insecure and the "jealous type"
9)They never held a job in a supervisory capacity
10)They don't have any marketable skills
11)They seek approval from others, even caring what strangers think
12)They have low self esteem

to name a few.

When they get it in their heads that they can "CREATE" a life and get some praise for doing so and then have another human being completely dependent on them in every way, these types often get knocked up for all of the wrong reasons. It's a power surge to suddenly be in the limelight and feeling revered by society in general. When you have someone who has likely NEVER felt important due to their bland personalities, pig faces, and lack of talent and intelligence, being INPIG makes for the perfect storm. This is one reason that they get "addicted" to being inpig, I believe. For the first time in their miserable lives someone is FINALLY paying them some attention and the sense of power and self importance just completely takes them over. I have seen it time and time again following this same type of pattern and it's ALWAYS someone who started out with low self esteem.eye rolling smiley

It also explains their overwhelming devastation when the whelping is over, the parties are no more, the husband has had a bait of it, and all they are left with is a bunch of wailing kids to care for and shitty diapers to change. It also explains why they drag out the whole process for as LONG as they can with this extended udder feeding shit and even the attempt to make their kyds sound younger with the, "38 months old" type of nonsense. It isn't postpartum depression, rather it's the stark realization that the limelight bulb is broken and non replaceable once that baybee oven has been shut off. That's why they say, "My kyds are my life!", because it's the literal truth.:Violin

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 14, 2010
1)Overwhelmingly, they are unattractive

And yet they ALWAYS find someone willing to fuck them and knock them up. That's the part I don't understand. confused smiley

Your entire post is spot on, BTW. :yr
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 15, 2010
More evidence that a massive proportion of women who are pregnant or mothers are mentally ill. There's no sugaring that bitter pill. They go sick in the head and are incapable of good judgement and of helping or considering anyone other than themselves or their offspring. Ever hear of a heroic, selfless act performed by someone pregnant? No, neither have I.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 15, 2010
Whenever I read absolute crap like that article, I am more convinced than ever that women like this are my enemy. It's like they're trying to haul us back to the past, when it was believed that women couldn't handle high-level jobs because the hormones of their cycle would make them irrational. Ever time these women ask for special treatment because they are pregnant or have children, and every time they excuse their behavior on the basis of female hormones, they are sending out the message that women are not capable of succeeding on a level playing field. I don't see how increasing maternal entitlement can possibly be a feminist cause. Women like this set back the cause of equality.

And that, dear lurking breeders, is why I have a special amount of hatred reserved for female breeders. It doesn't stem from misogyny, but from a feeling of betrayal. Their actions make it harder for all women who want equality rather than entitlement.
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 15, 2010
I absolutely HATE AFHV! That show is so breederiffic - and the shit the breeders send in makes me want to puke, literally. They send in clips of their ugly loaves blowing snot bubbles, and that's funny HOW? And majority of the time, the goddamned loaf clips are the ones that invariably win because we live in a disgustingly loaf-adoring world. Fuck.
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 15, 2010
More evidence that a massive proportion of women who are pregnant or mothers are mentally ill. There's no sugaring that bitter pill. They go sick in the head and are incapable of good judgement and of helping or considering anyone other than themselves or their offspring. Ever hear of a heroic, selfless act performed by someone pregnant? No, neither have I.

waving hellolarious

That is SO true! The INpig ALWAYS are first in line when a ship is sinking, "MY BAYBEEEEEE", which of course is bullshit because THEY don't want to die and couldn't care any less about the other people on board, who btw might already BE parents. Apples to oranges here, so what makes the PIG and her UNborn more important that a moo on board sans her two year old? I suppose that since it's a twofer, they believe that they should go first. Even when they are only far enough along for a faint pink line to materialize, if they are a customer at a bank robbery with DOZENS of other people and the robbers agree to let someone go it's always, "I'm INPIG!!! Let meeeeeeeeee go!" I thought about this very thing on that last "SAW" movie where 4 of the 6 people were going to die and one of the women yelled out, "I'M PREGNANT!" I can't say as I would blame someone for lying to save their own skin, but it just proves out that being knocked up DOES give them a pass to "go first" and they and everyone else knows it too.

If Lacy Peterson hadn't been about to pop, then none of us would have ever heard her name and her disappearance would likely have wound up on the back page near the tractor ads. It makes me sick when they use the, "MY BAYBEEEEE!!!" excuse to weasel out of dying. They can convince themselves that they ONLY want to be spared so that their unborn brat can live, but I am not buying it. I realize that the following thought is rather bizarre, but what I woud have liked to have seen in that SAW movie when the cunt yelled out about being knocked up and "the baybee" and all is this:The main character whose decision it was to pick the ones to die would have said, "ALL RIGHTY THEN, we will save your baybee like you want!" Then to have just done a DIY C-section and yanked the damned thing out the bloody hole. It is NOT the "baybee" that they care so damned much about, but it's themselves.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 16, 2010
Oh for crying out loud, just go live in a cocoon until you're finished nesting! These women are totally irrational. Then again, many of the commenters on that site seem a little touched in the head.
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 16, 2010
Whenever I read absolute crap like that article, I am more convinced than ever that women like this are my enemy. It's like they're trying to haul us back to the past, when it was believed that women couldn't handle high-level jobs because the hormones of their cycle would make them irrational. Ever time these women ask for special treatment because they are pregnant or have children, and every time they excuse their behavior on the basis of female hormones, they are sending out the message that women are not capable of succeeding on a level playing field. I don't see how increasing maternal entitlement can possibly be a feminist cause. Women like this set back the cause of equality.

And that, dear lurking breeders, is why I have a special amount of hatred reserved for female breeders. It doesn't stem from misogyny, but from a feeling of betrayal. Their actions make it harder for all women who want equality rather than entitlement.

The way I see it, our society shouldn't even be listening to these childish women. Because it does, it shows that our society sees all women as mindless children anyway even though there is more than enough evidence out there that women, like men, have the potential to be capable, rational adults. There is nothing more we need to or can do if society is actually intelligent, rational, and doesn't have an ulterior motive (like making women slaves to men).

If society would start acting like a PNB instead of BNP who coddles his/her children, then the childish women would not be able to get away with half the stuff they get away with and they would be forced to shape up or they'd get left by the wayside. The childish women are only the product of our society. If society caters to them, of course they'll sit back and get a free foot massage.
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 16, 2010
AFHV is one of the most violent shows out there...how many times do we have to watch a staged shot of Duh get wailed in the crotch by Snotford with his teeball bat/football/frisbee/lacrosse stick/random piece of sporting equipment.

My thought exactly. If they're so against "violence," they would not watch this crap show - but they probably get their rocks off watching Duhs get hit in the nuts, being that they're a bunch of ball-breakers themselves. angry smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 16, 2010
I hated that video! Those poor little ducklings! You know those videos of animal rescues? I would just as soon laugh at those. They make me catch my breath until everyone is safe.
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 16, 2010
That's not violent, it's just nature! Even though, I still want to say poor duckies cause I have an affinity for ducks in general.
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 16, 2010
But I did watch the video. Poor lil babies, and poor mama duck trying her hardest to protect them and not having enough wing to cover them or stop them.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 19, 2010
What's with the music in the clip? That didn't go with it at ALL. The video made me cringe a little, but I knew it'd turn out fine because it was on cute overload after all. I love ducks.

I'm awfully sick of seeing the preggos weigh in on anything, as their skewed opinion means nothing at all. It always has to relate to their little mini-me in the making. ANYTHING to bring attention to moo and her "accomplishment" and how she's somehow worth more now that she's carrying a rotten parasite.
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 19, 2010
I know ducks (not biblically) and believe me, those little ducklings were probably dizzy and shaken, but ok. smiling smiley

Going back to breeder sows, it's a damn shame we have to be lumped in with these crazy hormonal pigs who cry at bank openings, stuff their gullets with sugar and need protection from the big bad world.
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 19, 2010
AFHV is one of the most violent shows out there...how many times do we have to watch a staged shot of Duh get wailed in the crotch by Snotford with his teeball bat/football/frisbee/lacrosse stick/random piece of sporting equipment.

i agree-afhv is an exercise in stupidity/sadism...
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 19, 2010
On top of just how stupid this whole post is (I mean the shit the moos posted, of course), I found one thing to be particularly aggravating (sorry if this was already mentioned, though I didn't see that it has been):

mamabear says:

Thank you!

Also, I thought I was the only one who had that happen: the inability to handle violent-ness while pregnant.[/quote]

"Violent-ness?!" I'm no English major, but isn't she looking to say "VIOLENCE?!" Seriously...I think their intelligence goes downhill the more in-pig they get, along with their tolerance for VIOLENCE. Then again, we already knew that.
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 19, 2010

Also, I thought I was the only one who had that happen: the inability to handle violent-ness while pregnant.

"Violent-ness?!" I'm no English major, but isn't she looking to say "VIOLENCE?!" Seriously...I think their intelligence goes downhill the more in-pig they get, along with their tolerance for VIOLENCE. Then again, we already knew that.
Reply Quote Report[/quote]

BWAHAHA!!! Thanks for pointing that one out, I can't believe I missed it! That is pathetic!
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 19, 2010
There are no known or verifiable reasons that a pregnant moo would be any more sensitive to violence than a non inpig. In fact, where does all of this "mama bear" talk of defending their young or unborn at all costs come from then, not that I believe it? Supposedly, a "mama bear" is THE most dangerous bear to run into in the woods and I doubt that she gets that reputation from running away from a skeery hunter either! Case after documented case will illustrate how INPIG women have killed(or have been killed) in an alleged effort to save her baybee. I happen to think that it's an excuse for murder in many cases, but they are capable of violence when they are INPIG.

Also, I have worked with PLENTY of INPIG women over the years and have never heard one of them mention, and they mention everything else, that violence suddenly started bothering them when the stick turned pink. Like has been said, it's ALL for attention and most likely it's attention from their husbands that they seek. They enjoy this helpless woman role and anything that they can do to get their pussy whipped husbands on board, they will do. Maybe it's a subconscious effort for get their wimpy husbands to grow some balls.

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 19, 2010
More evidence that a massive proportion of women who are pregnant or mothers are mentally ill. There's no sugaring that bitter pill. They go sick in the head and are incapable of good judgement and of helping or considering anyone other than themselves or their offspring. Ever hear of a heroic, selfless act performed by someone pregnant? No, neither have I.

Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 19, 2010
On top of just how stupid this whole post is (I mean the shit the moos posted, of course), I found one thing to be particularly aggravating (sorry if this was already mentioned, though I didn't see that it has been):

mamabear says:

Thank you!

Also, I thought I was the only one who had that happen: the inability to handle violent-ness while pregnant.

"Violent-ness?!" I'm no English major, but isn't she looking to say "VIOLENCE?!" Seriously...I think their intelligence goes downhill the more in-pig they get, along with their tolerance for VIOLENCE. Then again, we already knew that.[/quote]

i checked-it's official: "violent-ness" is not a word
Re: Violence-sensitive moos in pig
December 19, 2010
More evidence that a massive proportion of women who are pregnant or mothers are mentally ill. There's no sugaring that bitter pill. They go sick in the head and are incapable of good judgement and of helping or considering anyone other than themselves or their offspring. Ever hear of a heroic, selfless act performed by someone pregnant? No, neither have I.

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