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Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?

Posted by labwoman 
Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 29, 2010
Well, Orpah is going to be taking over the Discovery Hlth Network. I know a LOT of people LUUURVE Orpah, but I find her to be nothing more than a breeder-pleaser and she encourages single moodom by giving freebies to the little sluts who keep shitting out loaves with multiple baaybeedaddies. And she's offering an opportunity to a person to have their very own show. How much do you want to bet that the show will be given to a single moo with an army of bastard brats?

Another thing that irks me is that the shows I've enjoyed watching for years on DHLTh, such as Dr. G. and Mystery Diagnosis will no longer be aired when Miss Queenie takes over. And she'll have her buddies like Dr Ozz and that stupid bald asshole Dr. Pill and Suze Whorman... I already know she's going to feature the show, "Quints by Surprise" since I looked at some of her lineups. I'm disgusted by this new takeover.

Doesn't Orpah have enough money already? Doesn't she have enough fame? I mean, come on, already! She's taking a pretty decent channel and she's going to destroy it with her breederiffic and goody-two-shoes bullshit! I can't stand her!
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 29, 2010
I joined many of my friends and acquaintances in mentally cheering when this cow announced she was ending her show. And now THIS. The woman is sexist, racist, has a freaking God complex and I wish she'd drop off the face of the earth.
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 29, 2010
We are Oprah. You will be Assimilated. Resistance is Futile.

I am dyslexic of Borg. Your ass will be laminated.
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 29, 2010
Dope-rah is an anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-male, pro-superstition, pro-socialism, limousine liberal breeder pleaser. Her followers are like cult leaders, hanging on the every word of their demi-god.

She's made millions of dollars and a career out of duping (mostly breeders) with bad advice, political correctness, and fearmongering. I think most of her appeal is to the unemployed/unemployable who are actually at home during the day to watch her show on a regular basis.
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 29, 2010
TLC already has started having her promote their breeder famblies. I'm really more interested, in the new season of Mystery Diagnoses once the Oprah network starts.
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 29, 2010
TLC already has started having her promote their breeder famblies. I'm really more interested, in the new season of Mystery Diagnoses once the Oprah network starts.

TLC... "The Learning Channel?" Hmm.....

A Wedding Story
A Baby Story
Americas Septuplets
Toddlers & Tiaras
Sarah Palin's Alaska

I think it should be called the LifeScript (TM) Network.
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 29, 2010
Or the Pedophiles Network, particularly in regards to toddlers in barely there swim bikinis!
Anonymous User
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 29, 2010
I honestly don't see how the Discovery Health Channel could get any worse. I know most of the breeder shows are on TLC, but DHC is pretty baby rabid too and has a TON of shows strictly about squalling shitsacks:bawl:baybie1:bayybee. I WAS hoping that since Oprah is CF maybe the channel would become less breeder brained than it is now, but based on what I've heard it doesn't look like that will happen.
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 29, 2010
It is replacing Discovery Breed, which is kind of an improvement.

Unfortunately, it will displace shows that some people in health professions like, example Dr. G. and Life in the ER that we learn from. But those weren't a big part of Discovery Breed anyway.
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 29, 2010
She is an insufferable numbskull. Why must she shout everything? Those giveaway episodes also show what complete clowns she has in her audience.

Her face and her minions are plastered everywhere and I'm not sure what the draw is. What makes her so special that people want to take advice from her like she's a shrink?
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 30, 2010
Oprah doesn't do shit unless it is a PR stunt for her. Everything she does is about her...hell, her magazine features her on the cover. I remember the African girl's school and she was all over that shit, until the principal got caught diddling students, then we had tears and backpedalling.

Even the car giveaways weren't free; the winners were expected to pay all tax, title and fees or give the car back. It was a plug for her and the now defunct Pontiac name.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 30, 2010
I have never seen Oprah in anything other than the Color Purple. I am not a lover of talk shows. I also find most of the shit on TV today is shit and not worth watching. I rather read and talk to my husband. Play with the dogs.
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 30, 2010

I already know she's going to feature the show, "Quints by Surprise" since I looked at some of her lineups

Oh Gawd, not THESE fucking idiots. cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 30, 2010
I joined many of my friends and acquaintances in mentally cheering when this cow announced she was ending her show. And now THIS. The woman is sexist, racist, has a freaking God complex and I wish she'd drop off the face of the earth.

Yes, she IS racist. Please don't flame me for saying this, because I have quite a few black friends, but Doprah CATERS to the black womben who breed and have multiple baybee-daddies. She is always giving things to them for FREE, which is only encouraging people to breed recklessly. And when Obummer won the presiduncy, I wanted to SCREAM when she walked out on stage and yelled (as she always yells), "I have two words: MISTER PREZIIIIDIIIINT!!!" I wanted to fuckin' PUKE! The ONLY reason she really wanted Obummer as presidint is because he's black (although he's really, technically HALF black.) And she's offered for some LUCKY WINNER to have their very own show. How much do you want to bet that this WINNER will either be a single moo with a shitload of kids (and because of her racism, the WINNER will no doubt be black.) I'm sorry, but THAT would be racist of her, but it wouldn't surprise me, either.

And even though she's CF does not necessarily mean that it's by choice - in order to not mar her deimigoddess reputation, she didn't breed because she was never married. I think that would not only mar her "stellar" rep, but having a shitsack to tend to would take away from all of her money-generating time. She luuurves baaaybes - it's obvious by all of her shows and her pandering to broodwhores and their shitsacks.

I heard that Mystery Diagnosis will still be aired on her network, but I refuse to tune in to that channel. Ever. I'll just have to do without watching the show, even though I enjoy it immensely. On DHLTH, I never watched the breederiffic loaf shows, but there WERE some really interesting shows unrelated to shitsacks that I thoroughly enjoyed. As for TLC, I used to watch "What Not to Wear" but that's about it - I find TLC to be TBC (The Breeder Channel.) It's going to be sad losing the health network, especially to gigantic-ego Doprah. Why can't she just take over Oxygen, or does she have some stock in that already???

On FB, there's a huge debate over this, and many people are pissed about the bitch taking over DHLTH. Unfortunately, us Doprah haters are not like the billions of sheeple who look up to the bitch like she's some kind of messiah. I wish she'd just fall off of the planet!
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 30, 2010
I am from Chicago originally and I knew many people who had either bumped in to her or worked for her directly. She is a beeyotch to the nth degree and if there is no camera around to record it, she won't be nice to ANYONE. She is a huge fake and a nasty person.
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 30, 2010
She was a "guest speaker" at my mom's high-school reunion" back in the late 80's. My mom said that even back then Miz O acted snobbish, as though she really didn't want to be there. Phoney bitch. And the way she walks up on stage; she raises her arms up like, "Here I aaaaam - All Hail Meeeeee!" I can't stand her! I really hope that her network bombs, but because there are so many stupid sheeple out there who think that she's the next Jezus Khryst, I doubt that will happen. Next thing you know, she'll be sucking up other networks and OWNing them! My cousin luuurves her (of course, my cousin RARELY works, so she's home every day to watch her, along with the stupid Dope Operas. And my BFF thinks that Orpha is the greatest, most generous, wonderful woman alive, so I don't DARE talk against the bulgy-eyed, ugly, fat beeeotch.
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 30, 2010
I thought she was especially idiotic when she went off and pulled the race card when Hermes refused to open it's doors for her 15 minutes after they had closed so she could buy a $15,000 watch for, I think Aretha Franklin or someone like that.

Ummm, I think whomever she was getting that watch for could have lived for one more day without it. And WTF, doesn't she have like a legion of flunkies that could have gotten to the MFing store before they closed?? She just wanted to throw (her considerable lard) weight around and got told to go away. Oooooh, poooor you... smile rolling left righteyes2

Oprah said it was one of the most humiliating experiences of her life. saying 'wtf'

Uhhh, didn't she claim she was sexually molested by her uncle?????

But not being allowed to drop a wad of cash at a fancy schmancy Parisian shop is one of the most humiliating experiences of her life???

She's full of shit.

Stupid pussy Hermes apologized to that POS too. BLECH.
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 30, 2010
I am from Chicago originally and I knew many people who had either bumped in to her or worked for her directly. She is a beeyotch to the nth degree and if there is no camera around to record it, she won't be nice to ANYONE. She is a huge fake and a nasty person.

sad smiley
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 30, 2010
Didn't Operah winking smiley object to being seated on a plane in first class with white people who she thought were not "classy" enough for her? I'm not surprised that she's a snotty bitch. She has to be, with all those frustrated matadors that she has for audience members!
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
December 31, 2010
Among other things, one thing that Okra does that annoys me is this thing with her accent. Since she was ashamed to have had a Mississippi accent, she hired a speech therapist to learn how to speak like a northerner, which by itself is no big deal. However, she has even changed her pronunciation of certain words until it's absurd like how she says, "BEAN" for "been". Her speech comes across as forced and then she'll just go into her real character with a sudden, "GURRRLL PLEEEZE" or some exaggerated Southern drawl to get a laugh. Another thing she does that's annoying is the name dropping that goes on. She does it quite a bit in a silly kind of way such as when the topic of someone like Bill Gates comes up, for instance. She'll say, "Oh, Billy is a great guy and knows how to grill a steak!", letting everyone know that they are on a first name basis. eye rolling smiley I have heard her do it about "Liz" Taylor, Princess Dianna, "Oh Di said the funniest thing over Christmas brunch.......!", several presidents and their wives, as well as other celebrities.

Also, Okra isn't childfree, but rather she is childLESS. I believe that she would have liked nothing better than to have had baybees, but she let her clock run out by trying to wait until she was the perfect size to have a story book wedding and also because her gay boyfriend probably never actually asked her.IMO. If Okra wasn't so wealthy I'd feel sorry for her because she has always tried to be someone other than herself. NO amount of money can make someone happy and Okra is a prime example of that. Her sad eyes, insincere smile, and OBVIOUS poor self image give her away.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
January 01, 2011
Oprah Winfrey lost her baby at 14 years old

She had a baby, and it died at birth. So technically, she isn't cf. She was a baby loss mom.

And I agree, I can't stand the woman, either. BLECH! two faces puking two faces puking two faces puking two faces puking

lab mom
Anonymous User
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
January 01, 2011
I can't stand OW because she is responsible for one of the banes of my existence : The molded cup/ foam lined bra.

If anyone reading this likes those things, fine-I'm not saying they're bad for everyone . If you like them and they work for your figure type, great. More power to you. But in many smaller towns, that's ALL that's available : Molded cup "pre loaded" bras, and they DON'T work for me and women built like me. But that's all that's available, and that is the direct result of OW Highlighting these horrible things on her show a few years ago.

The whole point of molded cup bras is they hide the nipples. Women in the 1970s, the 1980s, the 1990s....They apparently didn't fret if their nipples hardened a few times a day for maybe 20-30 seconds at a time. If women had a problem with nipples staying harder for longer than that or more often, they were advised to wear camisoles under their clothes, or keep a sweater handy. Life went on.

But then OW did a disguised commercial for the foam lined bras l back in 2000-2001, and every woman who watched the show apparently decided that occasional visible erect nipples were just too horrible and embarrassing for words, so they ran out and purchased the things...And that's when stores went to stocking *just* the pre loads (at least in smaller towns).

I don't like them because I have a small (28") ribcage, and a 36" bust. That makes me a 32 D/DD. It's hard enough to find bras that size at all-but these molded cups-???? I have tried them, and I find that if they fit properly when I put them on standing up, they don't when I sit down, or vice versa. The breasts move but the cups remain stationary, and the effect is not good. Worse, I'm top heavy to begin with , and that thick lining makes my tits look as if they're swollen up to the size of a 9 year old child's head. I look like Scooby Doo's Velma : An otherwise slim woman whose entire body from the bottom of the rib cage to the armpits is composed of tits jutting out like the prow of a Viking ship. VERY unflattering.

I don't think the possibility that my nipples may become erect for a few seconds in public a couple of times a day is worth looking way heavier and way more top heavy than I actually am , so I buy every satin cup double lined (but NOT foam padded) UW beige /nude bra I locate...And that's very few.

Anyway, that's why I hate OW : Because of her show presenting these to the public, and her audience thinking they just *had* to have this OW approved thing, I am finding it that much harder to find acceptable bras .:-( And the women who like these things are so obnoxious about them : On both AskMen and on Etiquette Hell, female rocket scientists have actually proclaimed it "rude" or "tacky" for a woman not to encase herself in foam . It's like these women don't comprehend that just because something works on and looks good on *them* , that doesn't mean it will work on ALL women's figure types. These things are seriously unflattering on me and women built like me.

Down with OW, and may her channel and her magazine both go under-Before she does any more damage to my wardrobe!
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
January 01, 2011
Mystery Diagnosis is going down the shitter anyway. Now it's completely about loaves with mystery illnesses, many of which are a result of their stupid parents who shouldn't have bred anyway.

It used to be about adult illnesses, but it's become all about the baybees.
Miss_Hannigan NLI
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
January 01, 2011
I thought she was especially idiotic when she went off and pulled the race card when Hermes refused to open it's doors for her 15 minutes after they had closed so she could buy a $15,000 watch for, I think Aretha Franklin or someone like that.

....Stupid pussy Hermes apologized to that POS too. BLECH.

Paris knows how to treat entitled celebrities!
Re: Orpah Win-Free Network Thoughts?
January 01, 2011
I can't stand OW because she is responsible for one of the banes of my existence : The molded cup/ foam lined bra.

If anyone reading this likes those things, fine-I'm not saying they're bad for everyone . If you like them and they work for your figure type, great. More power to you. But in many smaller towns, that's ALL that's available : Molded cup "pre loaded" bras, and they DON'T work for me and women built like me. But that's all that's available, and that is the direct result of OW Highlighting these horrible things on her show a few years ago.

The whole point of molded cup bras is they hide the nipples. Women in the 1970s, the 1980s, the 1990s....They apparently didn't fret if their nipples hardened a few times a day for maybe 20-30 seconds at a time. If women had a problem with nipples staying harder for longer than that or more often, they were advised to wear camisoles under their clothes, or keep a sweater handy. Life went on.

But then OW did a disguised commercial for the foam lined bras l back in 2000-2001, and every woman who watched the show apparently decided that occasional visible erect nipples were just too horrible and embarrassing for words, so they ran out and purchased the things...And that's when stores went to stocking *just* the pre loads (at least in smaller towns).

I don't like them because I have a small (28") ribcage, and a 36" bust. That makes me a 32 D/DD. It's hard enough to find bras that size at all-but these molded cups-???? I have tried them, and I find that if they fit properly when I put them on standing up, they don't when I sit down, or vice versa. The breasts move but the cups remain stationary, and the effect is not good. Worse, I'm top heavy to begin with , and that thick lining makes my tits look as if they're swollen up to the size of a 9 year old child's head. I look like Scooby Doo's Velma : An otherwise slim woman whose entire body from the bottom of the rib cage to the armpits is composed of tits jutting out like the prow of a Viking ship. VERY unflattering.

I don't think the possibility that my nipples may become erect for a few seconds in public a couple of times a day is worth looking way heavier and way more top heavy than I actually am , so I buy every satin cup double lined (but NOT foam padded) UW beige /nude bra I locate...And that's very few.

Anyway, that's why I hate OW : Because of her show presenting these to the public, and her audience thinking they just *had* to have this OW approved thing, I am finding it that much harder to find acceptable bras .:-( And the women who like these things are so obnoxious about them : On both AskMen and on Etiquette Hell, female rocket scientists have actually proclaimed it "rude" or "tacky" for a woman not to encase herself in foam . It's like these women don't comprehend that just because something works on and looks good on *them* , that doesn't mean it will work on ALL women's figure types. These things are seriously unflattering on me and women built like me.

Down with OW, and may her channel and her magazine both go under-Before she does any more damage to my wardrobe!

I stopped watching Oprah on a regular basis back in the 1990's, so I wasn't aware that this shit with these HORRID bras was her doing! I TOO have the SAME problem with them and it's a CONSTANT source of irritation for me for each and every single reason that you mentioned and THEN some! It pisses me off to see several racks of those colorful fucking life preservers and have to look at the very end for the two or three "normal" bras in my size that are left over. WHY must we constantly cover up each and every part of our bodies lest somebody realize that we are a female? Why don't they make "man thing" girdles for every day wear to squeeze in their junk so that there's no telltale lump where their dick and company resides? Then men TOO can resemble the Barbie and friends collection.cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
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