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"When moms break up"

Posted by yurble 
"When moms break up"
February 27, 2011
A moo writes about how devastated she was when her friendship with another moo ended. It can be upsetting when friendships end. But read a bit further, and you see just how much this friendship was based on the friendship between their daughters. And, it seems, what her friend did was in some ways worse than her husband cheating on her and divorcing her...because she was a mawm, and mawms are supposed to be compassionate.

(My bold, her use of italics on the word 'mom' in the last paragraph.)

Laura and I first met when our daughters ended up in school together. After becoming a stay-at-home mom, most of the new friendships I developed came by way of my children. And so building a friendship with Laura, like other moms who had come before, seemed like the natural way to go. As the girls' friendship blossomed, so did ours.
During one of our daughters' spats, I'd even suggested to mine that she be the first one to reach out, advice she wound up taking. I'm still not sure whether I was teaching her good manners or using it as a smokescreen for my own ulterior motives. Probably, it was a little bit of both. And so things between the girls got patched up temporarily.
When we got home from Florida, though, the girls hit a permanent stalemate and refused to make up. That's when Laura's calls stopped.
I was bitter and angry, never dreaming that the problems in our daughters' relationship could spill over into mine and Laura's. Much later on, it dawned on me that I'd been through a similar separation anxiety before -- though not betrayal -- when my daughter and her best friend broke up in second grade, right after I'd put all that energy into becoming good friends with the mom. How our 7-year-olds could do this to us I couldn't fathom.
Did the wound hurt more deeply because it came so quickly on the heels of the worst betrayal I'd ever known, the one by my children's father? After all, it caught me off-guard just as he had, and this time the betrayal had been not only by a woman, but also a friend. A
mom, a person who's supposed to possess the compassion gene and inhabit the same universe as me. To me, my husband's betrayal had no excuse. His leaving left me in shock, but at least society warns us that men can do this. What Laura did? That was definitely not the definition of "sisterhood" I'd grown up with.

Gah, cry me a river. How's that "sisterhood" thing working out with women who don't have children, or whose children aren't friends with your children?

How can you possibly hold your friend of convenience to a higher standard than you hold the person you decided to procreate with? Why were you with this man in the first place, given that you apparently didn't expect him to "possess the compassion gene" and "inhabit the same universe"? I sometimes wonder if these women view their husbands as real people.
Re: "When moms break up"
February 27, 2011
Little second-grader friends don't "break up". Neither do moo friends. smile rolling left righteyes2

Thanks for this silly soap opera on the 'burbs.
Re: "When moms break up"
February 27, 2011
Seems as if this woman "used" her daughter as a way to make friends. That's so pathetic. I can see becoming friends with another mother, if the kids are together a lot, but that should be a happy coincidence, not a priority.
Re: "When moms break up"
February 27, 2011
How our 7-year-olds could do this to us I couldn't fathom.

Gee, could it be because they're 7 years old and YOU are supposed to be the adult? Are you really, seriously blaming your KID because YOU can't maintain adult friendships? This poor kid is doomed.
Re: "When moms break up"
February 27, 2011
How can you possibly hold your friend of convenience to a higher standard than you hold the person you decided to procreate with? Why were you with this man in the first place, given that you apparently didn't expect him to "possess the compassion gene" and "inhabit the same universe"? I sometimes wonder if these women view their husbands as real people.

This. I think I put in more care yesterday selecting produce at Kroger than some of these stupid moos expend in selecting their spouses and baby daddies.

Listening to her whiny, vapid soap opera, it's no wonder the Duhd split and the other moomies withdraw in rapid succession. A little of this navel-gazing breeder would go a looong way.
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