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"15 things to do before you have kyds"

Posted by bell_flower 
"15 things to do before you have kyds"
May 03, 2011
I think I'll just skip the kyds and still have fun, thanks.

Re: "15 things to do before you have kyds"
May 03, 2011
1)Go on a wine-tasting tour at a vineyard.
There's nothing fun for a kid about sitting still and being quiet while you sip something they can't. And those little wine crackers only entertain them for so long (believe me, I’ve tried). Yeah, we know that she's tried as will the next set of selfish moos who don't give a shit that they are ruining the experience for everyone else. These moo-cunts never think that "no children" refers to their loaf of shit.eye rolling smiley

2)Go skydiving/bungee jumping/swimming with sharks...or whatever other crazy, life-risking thing you’ve got on your bucket list.
These activities are frowned upon when you’ve got little ones at home who kind of depend on your not being injured. Or dead. So file under before baby. This attitude explains why the news stories always say, "Moo-cunt of two died in a sky diving accident today", because if you don't have kids then it doesn't matter if you get injured or die.:headbrick

3)Make a list of all the restaurants and bars you've been meaning to check out -- and go.
Sure, you'll get out to eat when you have kids. But when there’s a sitter on the clock, you're more likely to pick a place you know will get you in and out, and not, say, that new pop-up restaurant 45 minutes away where they cook everything with a single match. Oh, this little "warning" won't stop them from invading trendy or upscale and obviously adult restaurants. They still believe that their baybee will sit quietly in his stroller as the waiter serves up Baked Alaska.angrily flogging with a whip

4)Appreciate the bathroom -- alone.
This one bears repeating. Seriously. Revel in the aloneness. This thing where the bathroom turns into a famblee play center is of their own making. MY mother locked the damned door behind her after securing the youngest in a play pen and a firm warning to the older of us to leave her the fuck alone while she bathed. smile rolling left righteyes2

5)Stop being so self-righteous.
When you see a mom or dad struggling with a tantrum-throwing kid in the airport or at the drugstore, don’t roll your eyes and think, My kid would never do that. Because he will. I guarantee. WHA? THIS is the time when the future martyr moos grow into their full fledged self righteousness. It's because of course they are the exception to any and all rules of common decency when it comes to their kids.moo with baybeem

6)Take a road trip.
Anywhere. Together or solo, it doesn’t matter -- just relish in the complete silence or blast whatever kid-unfriendly music you like. Stop only when you want to or you need to, and enjoy the freedom. The car will never be the same postbaby. By this time they have an SMooV, so this one is a moot point.shrug

7)Be spontaneous.
If someone says, “Let’s do ____.” Do ____. Because you can. They have to be told this?confused smiley

8)Spend an entire day in bed together watching movies.
You will likely never do this once you have kids unless A) you have the flu, in which case, not so enjoyable, or cool smiley your kid has the flu, in which case said movies will likely feature talking rodents. Again, not so enjoyable.Again, don't they already know this? It's pretty common knowledge that time alone together as a couple will end. Don't they watch tv?:Violin

9)Have boozy lunches with friends.
You’ll probably try this once you have kids, and it will seem great...until you get home and realize you still have to parent and bedtime isn’t for another five hours. D’oh! "Boozy" lunches went out in the 1970's. Does anyone still have boozy lunches in the middle of the work week and then drive anywhere? Assuming they use mass transit, why are they drinking in the middle of the fucking day? :drkbddy

10)Feed your minimalist side.
Get a white chair/couch/rug/anything else you wouldn’t want stained. Leave your wineglass or coffee cup on it and watch it not get knocked over. Enjoy it while you can, because once there’s a little one tottering around, you can kiss it good-bye! Mmmm, I would never leave a coffee or glass of wine on a couch arm or seat. They need to be more concerned about leaking diapers than of wine and coffee stains anyway. I wouldn't want piss, shit, and vomit on my couch anyway regardless if it "showed". CSI could probably spray some shit on the interior of their homes and an ALS would light the fucker up like the Christmas tree in Times Square due to all of the biologicals.two faces puking

11)Have morning sex.
And doors-open sex. And not-in-the-bedroom sex. And loud sex. Sure, you’ll still have sex post-kids. But most of these particular sex flavors will go off the menu when the little ones arrive, so partake while you can. Everyone knows that they stop having sex anyway due to hormonal and tootie issues. The duddy should be happy for what he can get whether it's in the morning OR night, judging by what I have read and heard.:sx

12)Be the last ones to leave the party.
No matter what you say now, as a couple with kids, you’ll be calling it a night long before your baby-free friends. (Trust me, you won’t have it in you, and even if you do, people will talk.) That means missing out on those crazy-fun hours when all the really fun nonsense happens, also known as the stuff you reminisce about once you have kids.
More info about how to party harder. They make it seem like that all that the UNchilded do is get drunk and party before they shit loaves, further perpetuating the myth that the childfree are still getting drunk every day. Shitting loaves is NOT synonymous with sobriety. Do they not read the news?:drkbddy

13)Fly first class.
Everyone deserves to board the plane first (without a stroller, car seat and screaming kid), eat warm nuts and drink free beverages at least once in their life. And even if you can afford it, it’s just wrong to fly first class with a tot (people don’t spend all the extra cash to listen to crying babies the whole time). Promise you won’t be those parents! OH PALEASE! They still fly with brats in tow and they likely will fly whatever class that they want to since kids fly free anyway.eye rolling smiley

14)Wear as much silk, cashmere, dry-clean-only clothing as you possibly can, while you still can.
Kids can get their gunk on you without even making contact. It’s one of their many superpowers.

15)Take a career risk.
Go for the promotion, the career change or any other work-related risk that will feel too risky once there are dependents involved. You have the rest of your life to worry about income, stability and paying for diapers and college. Take advantage of this time to pursue your passions or figure out whatever the hell it is you want to do. Who wants to spend the rest of their lives worrying about how to pay for another human being to thrive? Besides, at the rate that they are shitting out kids at early ages like their twenties,(or teens) that doesn't leave much time to pursue anything much career wise.

:headbrick Another thing about this article that smells of bullshit is all of this talk of flying first class, risky (and costly) hobbies, fine dining, expensive furniture, etc.............It only targets a very small percentage of the loaf shitting population. In my area, with 49% of all households on public assistance, these moo-cunts likely never flew on anything let alone first class, haven't the access or money for any hobby beyond beer cap collecting, their best dining experience would be the corner all-u-can eat buffet, it's Mountain Dew and Milwaukee Malted instead of coffee and wine, and they consider Rent-A-Center as their one stop fine furniture shopping experience.shrug

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Anonymous User
Re: "15 things to do before you have kyds"
May 03, 2011
#16: Have tubal ligation or vasectomy...check!smile rolling left rightsmile
Re: "15 things to do before you have kyds"
May 03, 2011
Similar to the wine tasting: a few weeks ago on my trip to Puerto Rico, we went to the Bacardi Rum factory. We took the tour and this idiot moo and duh brought their whining, screaming, bratty daughter. She was about 3 or 4. At one point in the tour the bartender was showing us different rum drinks and how to make them and this girl was running around screaming and distracting everyone. The parents totally ignored her. One person asked the parents that they please try to quiet their child to which they replied, "She'll stop eventually." I wanted to kick the little shit out of the room.
Re: "15 things to do before you have kyds"
May 03, 2011
9) Have boozy lunches. They are more likely to do this when they have kyds. It is a "thing" to get together with other moos and drink wine during playdates or whatever. Because wine is Mommy Juice, not really alcohol.
Re: "15 things to do before you have kyds"
May 03, 2011
I really love these 'things to do' lists for before you have kids. So what they are saying is to enjoy yourself and have FUN before you flush your life down the toilet by having kids? Because once you have kids life basically sucks and is not enjoyable? Because that's sure what it sounds like they are saying with these 'to do' lists.
Re: "15 things to do before you have kyds"
May 03, 2011

" ... what's one more once you've already got two shedding on the couch?"
Re: "15 things to do before you have kyds"
May 03, 2011
I have only been on one first class trip with kids. All the other times, the kids were in the back of the plane (my last one was a trip to Paris; maybe the 10K per seat pricetag dissuaded the famblees.)

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: "15 things to do before you have kyds"
May 03, 2011
15 things I can do before I continue not having children, in no particular order -

1. Play video games as much as I want.
2. Have jobs I love instead of jobs I hate - I don't make a ton of money, but I love my jobs. If I had kids, I'd have to be a pencil pusher or something I don't want to do, just to make the money to take care of the little fuckers.
3. Sleep in on weekends.
4. Enjoy my alone time.
5. Enjoy time with my husband.
6. :sx:sx:sx:sx:sx with my adoring husband, any time, any place in the apartment.
7. Stay holier-than-thou about the fucked up parenting that goes on in this day and age.
8. Have a NON-baybeeproofed home.
9. Eat junk food now and again without worrying about warping the eating habits of sprogs.
10. NO fucking concerts, recitals, scout meetings, mommy-and-meeee shit, playdates.
11. Go grocery shopping in peace - or, if that fails, I can go to my SILENT car, unaccompanied by brats.
12. Dates with DH.
13. Reading whole books. Several a week.
14. Crochet without some fucking nasty, stupid kid messing with my yarn.
15. Have a home that doesn't smell like a combination of shit, piss, baby lotion, baby powder, spoiled milk, and vomit.

It's your hell; you rot in it!
Re: "15 things to do before you have kyds"
May 04, 2011
Why is it "have" kids?? They're "having" kids. He "has" kids with her. It was before she "had" kids.

Have kids. two faces puking

You don't "have" kids. You "have" a life. And then you "get" kids.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: "15 things to do before you have kyds"
May 05, 2011
"Mores ways to loose your identity."

They have none.

lab mom
Re: "15 things to do before you have kyds"
May 05, 2011
I much prefer your cf list!

15 things I can do before I continue not having children, in no particular order -

1. Play video games as much as I want.
2. Have jobs I love instead of jobs I hate - I don't make a ton of money, but I love my jobs. If I had kids, I'd have to be a pencil pusher or something I don't want to do, just to make the money to take care of the little fuckers.
3. Sleep in on weekends.
4. Enjoy my alone time.
5. Enjoy time with my husband.
6. :sx:sx:sx:sx:sx with my adoring husband, any time, any place in the apartment.
7. Stay holier-than-thou about the fucked up parenting that goes on in this day and age.
8. Have a NON-baybeeproofed home.
9. Eat junk food now and again without worrying about warping the eating habits of sprogs.
10. NO fucking concerts, recitals, scout meetings, mommy-and-meeee shit, playdates.
11. Go grocery shopping in peace - or, if that fails, I can go to my SILENT car, unaccompanied by brats.
12. Dates with DH.
13. Reading whole books. Several a week.
14. Crochet without some fucking nasty, stupid kid messing with my yarn.
15. Have a home that doesn't smell like a combination of shit, piss, baby lotion, baby powder, spoiled milk, and vomit.

lab mom
Re: "15 things to do before you have kyds"
May 05, 2011
Makes you wonder why bother having kids at all if it's necessary to constantly makes lists of "what to enjoy before kids" and "how to enjoy having kids". If it's that damn bad why sign up in the first place and just keep the "fun" life you already had. shrug
Re: "15 things to do before you have kyds"
May 05, 2011
I've allways liked a quote by doctor Romano from ER: "Wanna be a parent? Then shut up and do your job!"

" ... what's one more once you've already got two shedding on the couch?"
Re: "15 things to do before you have kyds"
May 05, 2011
Makes you wonder why bother having kids at all if it's necessary to constantly makes lists of "what to enjoy before kids" and "how to enjoy having kids". If it's that damn bad why sign up in the first place and just keep the "fun" life you already had. shrug

Because then breeders couldn't be martyrs, have a superiority complex over those of us who didn't willingly fuck up our own lives, deserving of all the spayshul treatment they think they're entitled to , etc. etc.


Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
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