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3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch

Posted by Dorisan 
3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 22, 2011
No effing way!

What kind of world have we come to that a toddler gets its own guest room, demoting an adult to the couch? saying 'wtf'

I can remember the majority of family visits from when I was a kid. When my family were guests in another home, the kids were ensconced in pallets on the floor. Even when people stayed with us, the adult guests got our beds and we were booted to the floor. Putting the comfort of a kid over that of an adult wasn't considered - not that us kids cared. If it was summertime, we were sometimes allowed to take old blankets and make a camp outside, meaning we were out of adult jurisdiction and could stay up as long as we wanted - or at least until the batteries in the flashlights burned out. That the kid in the OP was a toddler was even more ridiculous. Little ones slept with their parents while visiting relatives. Letting the kid have its own guest room was simply unthinkable :crz
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 22, 2011
Moo and Duh treat this kid as if it's royalty. everyone be patient. In 2 more years public shool will teach loaf it's NOT the center of the universe
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 23, 2011

We had a small family cottage -- two little bedrooms barely big enough for a double bed (sans headboard) and nightstand -- and two porches with daybeds. If relatives stayed over on the spur of the moment, guess who got a blanket -- or a beach towel with a sweatshirt rolled up for a pillow -- on the floor of the 10' x 10' living room? The kids! All ages, both sexes, all sizes. It never would have entered anyone's head to make an adult take the lesser accommodations. And we had a blast. Same on more well-planned visits. If my sister and I went, say, to stay with the grandma who still had my two aunts in their early 20s at home -- in an old 3 BR house -- guess who slept on blankets on Grandma's floor next to her bed? My aunts were not forced to double up to accommodate us, or let us share their beds, and we weren't even put on the couch in the living room where we would've cramped the grownups style. We slept on the floor on blankets and never thought a thing about it. And I'm talking up to, say, age 10.

Can you imagine what the world will be like in 20 years with all the princess-and-the-pea delicate narcissists created by the past 20 years child-centric parenting? It's bad enough now but once they hit full maturity -- and I use that term loosely -- things ought to get really interesting.
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 23, 2011
Yep, ridiculous. I was the one who always had to give up my bed when we had guests over. Of course, sleeping on the floor or couch was always sort of an adventure and I didn't mind it. I can't even imagine asking guests to sleep on the floor so your pweshus can keep its bed. Un-fucking-believable. I was always keenly aware of the difference between adults and kids, and knew that one day I'd be the one getting the bed while someone's kids would be sleeping on the floor. That's just how it was. Treating your brats as if their shit don't stink is NOT doing them any favors. The real world doesn't care that you were raised to think the world revolved around you. The real world doesn't think you're gifted or special or privileged. That's going to be a rude awakening to these kids when they grow up.
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 23, 2011
it's her parents' house and they can do what they want. i would just go "nice to see you. outta here" and leave.
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 23, 2011
Growing up, ALL kids were expected to sleep on pallets in the living room when there was a big famblee overnight visit and the ADULTS got the beds and sofas. The oldest got the beds and the youngest adults got the couches, but ALL KIDS SLEPT ON THE FLOOR. My kidcentric, on it's face only, bastard of an ex husband tried to break this tradition by insisting that his toddler brat needed a BED to sleep in and this was the FIRST YEAR that I was old enough to get a bed of my own. No one said a word when he spouted off this bullshit, except ME. I told him absolutely not, but that if HE wanted to sleep on the floor then the kid could sleep in the double bed with me.angrily flogging with a whip

Little Princess wound up on the floor and didn't seem to mind in the least. Isn't it odd that when the parent is the one who is inconvenienced, that suddenly different rules apply?bouncing and laughing

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 23, 2011
The follow up makes things even more interesting. Apparently the OP's parents, upon purchasing the house, designated one room each for the OP and her brother, and went so far as to include them in the design and decoration of "their" rooms. It was "her" room that she was kicked out of.

If that had been me, I would have been out the door and booking a hotel room. And if there wasn't one available I would have just begun the return trip home and stopped along the way. It's not just about the room, it's about the attitide behind it. I'll bet OP was treated like a second class citizen the entire visit.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 23, 2011
The follow up makes things even more interesting. Apparently the OP's parents, upon purchasing the house, designated one room each for the OP and her brother, and went so far as to include them in the design and decoration of "their" rooms. It was "her" room that she was kicked out of.

If that had been me, I would have been out the door and booking a hotel room. And if there wasn't one available I would have just begun the return trip home and stopped along the way. It's not just about the room, it's about the attitide behind it. I'll bet OP was treated like a second class citizen the entire visit.

i look at it this way-if they are willing to treat my sibling's family as preferential and me as shit, then i would just leave. in fact, i'd retrieve things from my room that i had left there and not visit again.
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 23, 2011
Had famblee over years ago- 11 and 6 year old gave up private bathroom and room where they could do anything they wanted to on a separate floor to SLEEP WITH MOMMY AND DADDY ON A DOUBLE FUTON NEXT TO THE KITCHEN.

I can't guess.
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 23, 2011
Figures that someone with the moniker Safe T and 2 baby boys would answer like this


Yeah, there's an idea. Lets put the three year old in the cluttered room with no bed, so you can have your beauty sleep and not be bothered by the rest of your family and pets. NOT!

I think your acting childish and petty. Its what one , two nights on a couch? So what. Your an adult, grow up and act like one. If you don't like the way your parents house is run, get a hotel room next time.

Bitch cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck

No doubt the comfort of her two snot miners trumps that of an adult who might have errands or a schedule to attend to after a bad night's sleep.
Hey, Snot T and 2 shitloaves, YOU'RE an adult. Grow up and learn your fucking homophones.
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 23, 2011
I agree with the post that asks why the moo and duhd can't split up, with one wrangling the disgusting little toad in the big bed and the other taking the couch -- leaving the other guest room free. Of course, that would require some empathy and consideration for others, which we all know is sorely lacking in breeders. All they can think about is their own selfish convenience.
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 26, 2011
I posted over there (name close to here, but with an extra e). Most of the responses are actually pretty reasonable. But WTF is it with people who don't understand the safety issue of an adult who has to drive 4 hours alone by herself to get back home getting crappy sleep? If the 3 year old falls asleep in the car on the way home, the parents will be overjoyed. An adult driver falling asleep could mean injury/death for the driver as well as people on the road with them. You think they'd at least think of the chilllldruuun in the other cars! (don't see a sarcasm smiley, so I'm going with this one) grinning smiley

Plus, someone, either the douchebag of a brother or the enabler of a moo/grandmoo, had the fucking rails (I'm guessing to keep the kid from falling out) to put on the bed to begin with. So that means one or more of the fuckers (duh and and/or sister-in-law too likely) knew they'd be putting the kid in her bed. She had an air mattress she was willing to bring and use in the spare room to get some privacy, so WTF is the problem with letting her know so she could bring it?!! She would be a lot more comfortable and everyone else would have what they want. What assholes. At best, they're thoughtless and inconsiderate. They likely are rude and inconsiderate. And they may, at worst, think it's ok to crap all over her because she doesn't have the golden sprog or she's not moo's favorite golden sprog.
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 26, 2011
And of course, one of the posters suggests the woman being inconvenienced buy an air mattress with character sheets/DVDs for the little dear to encourage the kid to sleep in the spare room. Fuck that, let the parents or grandparents buy it unless auntie wants to buy it as a holiday or birthday gift. Why does someone always suggest that kind of shit in these situations? There was a similar one over at TCFL where a poster's sister insisted on having all family events at her place because sis wasn't decked out in kindercrap. Someone suggested sis buy kindercrap to replicate the environment at sis's to make it more welcoming.

WTF? We don't give them enough gifts and spend enough money as it is? At a certain point, parents either need to have a few portable things or buy their own fucking kindercrap.
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 26, 2011
sarcastic clapping That's our sarcasm smiley! (Just in case you need it for future posting)
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 26, 2011
sarcastic clapping That's our sarcasm smiley! (Just in case you need it for future posting)

Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 26, 2011
You know what's weird? My husband I would PREFER to sleep on the couch or on the benches in the basement when we visit my brother and his family. They do have a guest room, but the mattress is, ugh, awful. My brother SAYS it's a brand new mattress, and firm - - which we prefer and NEED for our back and hip issues (husband has bursitis, I have something going on that noone can figure out). My brother likes a soft bed. I think he THINKS the bed is firm, but it's not firm. The last time we went there, I had a rib out of place when I woke up that required me to go to the chiropractor (and pay for the visit as well), and DH just felt like shit.

The next day in the visit, DH was in the finished basement area where it was nice and cool, watching a football game on an old tv, and lying on the padded bench/storage seating area, which are very popular in finished basement spaces. I joined him and we both felt sooo much better after lying on them for twenty minutes. We asked my brother if we could just sleep down there that night, and that way my mom could have the guest bedroom to herself. As it were, she was in one of my two nieces bedrooms, and they slept in the other niece's room on a trundle bed. Everyone would be happy.

Oh no. Not my brother. Can't have us being comfortable sleeping in the basement, where it's cool as well. That would be... like.... a major etiquette tragedy for him. He freaked out once when after a nice dinner at his house, I got a bar of good dark chocolate and broke it into pieces for everyone to munch on with our wine. I went into the cupboard and found one of those plastic trays from a chinese restaurant, just the right size, the kind of thing you'd get your check and fortune cookies on. Brother saw me put it on the table with the chocolate and immediately scooped it off in a huff and said, "We use GOOD dishes", and pulled out a small plate from his Villeroy and Boch type collection.

All about appearances. Fuck our comfort.
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 26, 2011
waving hellolarious LOL noodler! I too know some people like that. Now admittedly, I don't like it when I have a beautifully set table with china and crystal and some asshole muddies it up with a big ugly plastic blue Dixie cup or drags out a crusty old ketchup bottle and plops it on the center of the table like my ex husband used to do.cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck However, I don't see a problem with what you did with the chocolate OR with preferring to sleep somewhere other than the prestigious guest room. Besides, a guest can do whatever makes them the most comfortable at my house and I truly couldn't care less if it "looked" good.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 26, 2011
"Camping out" is FUN for kids!

We used to love sleeping on the living room floor or even outside.

Ever heard of the "Covered Bridge Festival" in Indiana? It's a huge tourist thing now, was starting to become one when I was a kid. Our family would go - and - we usually would rent a room (s) from a local person - who did this to make a bit of extra cash. The hotels filled up quickly and the locals were eager to make some extra $ for themselves - so we'd usually pick those.

Guess where us kids slept? At the host home? That my parents PAID FOR???

In the host kids' bedroom, on the floor, or on an air mattress.

It was a pretty fun time for a kid - food, festivals, toys - but a great deal of the fun was "camping out" or having a "sleepover" with the host kids - it was like a slumber party!
Great fun too for us 'city' kids who got to stay in the country and play in the barns and see the animals and all - in many ways - that was the best part. These kids were excited to see us too, and talk to us - like the 'burbs of MI were some grand exotic place LOL.

Even at home - we would BEG to "camp out" in the back yard. Or even sleeping in the front of the house when it was hot - Oh - this was GRAND ADVENTURE! To sleep on the living room floor smiling smiley
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 27, 2011
My apartment's small, so there are 2 options for guests. Neither are ideal and I let them pick:

1) spare room, they can either sleep on a twin size Aerobed there and have a bit of room to walk around in. Or the double sized one I have and have barely any room to walk around in. But the advantage of that room is it has a door which closes and blinds which come down to block light. No tv though

2) living room. The fold out couch (not very comfy). Or one of the Aerobeds on either the floor or the couch. More space and a tv, but less privacy. It's off the kitchen, which has the one window without blinds. So that means some light may come in early in the morning or from the security lights at night, even with the living room window blinds.

Personally I find the Aerobeds much more comfortable than the pull out. If someone wants the pull out, I usually suggest putting an Aerobed on it and several people have liked that and found it comfortable. I've used that when I had minor surgery and wanted to watch tv while recovering, but wanted a bed too. It was the most comfortable of the options, but some people might prefer the privacy of the spare room.
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 27, 2011
How much you guys want to bet that the 3 year-old brat peed that poor woman's bed?


- The human gene pool could use a little chlorine
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 27, 2011
Looks like they're interested in our site, LOL:

Mon 3:10 PM ITA with the last three posts.

I just happened to stumble upon this....http://www.refugees.bratfree.com/read.php?2,115570

Looks like this thread has made quite an impression!

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Mon 4:19 PM Hella.Bex: Wow! That's funny you came across that! At least now I feel justified in feeling it was unfair. They were all so matter-of-fact I started to think I was the bad guy...

Again, I really appreciate all the feedback!

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- The human gene pool could use a little chlorine
Re: 3-year-old guest gets own bed. Adult guest gets the couch
May 27, 2011
How much you guys want to bet that the 3 year-old brat peed that poor woman's bed?


"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
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