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Gifted tantrums :wtf

Posted by DivaLasVegas 
Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 13, 2011
Oh for the love of God....just when I thought I've seen it all.....now the Smothering group has gifted kids that throw 'gifted tantrums'. I guess when they try to discipline their brats and the brat talks back, that is considered gifted. For fuck's sake already...

Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 13, 2011
I have to agree Diva: Just when you think you've seen it all... Foolish me, I started to get hopeful when I saw the one response said, "Discipline him in whatever way you use." But of course, the only examples are, in a nutshell, "Tell him it hurts your feelings," or "That you are disappointed in him." I should have seen the "gentle discipline" (AKA NON-discipline) route coming the second she said "discipline." What the little shit really needs is to have his ass smacked a few dozen times.
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 13, 2011
But of course, the only examples are, in a nutshell, "Tell him it hurts your feelings," or "That you are disappointed in him." I should have seen the "gentle discipline" (AKA NON-discipline) route coming the second she said "discipline." What the little shit really needs is to have his ass smacked a few dozen times.

Psychopaths and sociopaths (and there are plenty of them) don't give a shit if something hurts your feelings or if you are disappointed. They are only concerned with their own well-being. A finely placed ass smack will get through to them much more effectively than all that feel-good bullshit. I'm beginning to think that we are creating psychopaths and sociopaths with today's parenting techniques that revere the chyyyyld's feelings, needs, and unreasonable demands. They are not taught to respect anyone else, not even their own parents.
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 13, 2011
That exhausted me just reading it.

Ye Gods.
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 13, 2011
No kid would say those things without having learned them from someone. Odds are that's gentle discipline at work where Moo uses words rather than an ass-beating. The kid is not gifted - he can repeat what he's heard like a parrot, he can manipulate and he can guilt-trip. Bet he'll be a real trip in school.

Here's whatcha do: tell the kid what he has to do or what he cannot have. If he gives you any lip, slap him. The End. But Moos won't wallop their little brat-tards because then they wouldn't be able to brag to their Moo friends about whose child is more retarded and more ill-behaved. Having a "giftie" seems to be a badge of honor and Moo knows her kid will just be average (or possibly below) if he's disciplined normally. Soooo, she lets him be an unholy brat with no boundaries and claims he's retarded.

Children do not listen, but you need to get their attention somehow and that's where spanking comes in. Having a discussion with a toddler about why they did something wrong without even using negative words is only going to make the kid's attention disappear and he'll never know why he's being talked at to begin with. Whack him on the ass when he's bad - WHY is this so hard? I guarantee you anything 99 percent of these "gifted" kids would be perfectly fine if their dumbass mothers would just punish them like normal human beings and not try to be their kids' friends.
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 13, 2011
VERY quick cure for a "gifted" tantrum: Smack in the mouth. See what kind of a "gifted tantrum it has then.
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 13, 2011
Gifted doesn't mean half assed-parenting, cows!!!


lab mom
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 14, 2011
The best antidote for a gifted tantrum is a gifted swat across the ass by a very talented parent.spanking with a whip on the ass

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 15, 2011
evidently there is something now called "AD" which stands for attention differently or some bullshit. it is a movement that basically tells parents their little bratleighs are geniuses if the have a hard time listening, reading and a bunch of other shit. evidently these are geniuses, not brats. also, all kids should be "unschooled" - NOT homeschooled- unschooled, which basically means no curriculum at all, the kids learn as they see fit, when and how (if at all) and unlike homeschooling, the parents do very little in the way of teaching. in fact, homeschool parents are trying hard to distance themselves from these unschooling idiots. you can google it and find their website, which is full of gems like: "math need not be taught in formulas; for instance, geometry can be learned while making a quilt." yes, i'm serious.

so in about 20 years there will be a new generation that will have no skills, no discipline, and they will think they are entitled to do whatever they want. awesome.


L'enfer, c'est les autres.
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 15, 2011
Yeah, that's basically the gist of the awwtard and GD sections on Smothering - that if your kid is an unruly brat who screams, hits, bites, abuses his teachers, doesn't pay attention to anything and fails all subjects in school, he's really just a misunderstood genius who is simply too smart for his grade level and thus bored. Someone told my mother that I must have been autistic as a kid because I never paid attention in class. I'm no genius - honestly, I just hated being in class when I had to listen to boring subjects, so I'd draw to stay awake and not go insane. Apparently, this means I'm an awwtard. smile rolling left righteyes2

And unschooling is a whooooole other bushel of WTFery. How do Moos get away with doing this? They are not teaching their kids at home - they're just letting them sit around the house all day doing absolutely nothing. Why is this not considered truancy? I wonder if these Moos have to sign some kind of paperwork and just lie and say they are homeschooling when they're really just letting their kids rot at home. On one hand, it keeps feral brats away from teachers and I'm sure that is much appreciated. On the other hand, these kids learn no social skills, no positive behavior, no boundaries and most importantly - do not get an actual education. What the fuck is an 18-year-old with a fifth-grade education going to do? Do colleges accept unschooled brats? Or do mommies do college unschooling too and give their kids diplomas printed out from a home computer with little gold star stickers?

Something tells me that "I was having a gifted tantrum" will not help Junior to be found not guilty when he blows up a gas station because he couldn't steal a cookie.
Anonymous User
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 15, 2011
Considering that the modern parent believes that 'traditional discipline' is so evil and horrible, it's a wonder that anyone ever achieved anything before 1995.smile rolling left righteyes2
You know the kind of thing; finding cures for deadly diseases, inventing life-saving medicines, creating machinery, even the creation of modern technology such as the internet and smartphones. Are we to believe all these bright people who created wonderful things in our world were brought up without schooling but by 'making quilts'? I don't know anyone of my generation whose parents didn't give them a clip round the ear when they attempted to throw a tantrum.
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 15, 2011
"Do colleges accept unschooled brats?"

@ cambion: no, most decent colleges (and definitely not ivy leagues) will not take unschooled kids, because unlike homeschooled kids there are no grades to submit; evidently the parents submit an outline every summer of what they will "teach" their kids that year, just as homeschool parents do, but then they let the kid design their own curriculum with no grades or tests at all. according to the webpage it is possible for unschooled brats to do "distance learning" ie, internet college.

of course, certain things such as pre-med, law school, chemistry, engineering, etc. are totally impossible for a kid who has no standardized education. and of course the competition to get into a good college is fierce, so in "freeing" their kid from oppressive public schools they are actually putting them in a cage and limiting what they can do with their life. when bratleigh decides at 18 she wants to go to med school and become a surgeon she will not be able to go, no matter how naturally bright she may be. of course these parents won't see the irony when bratleigh screams that they have ruined her life and never speaks to them again.
Anonymous User
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 15, 2011
What the fuck is an 18-year-old with a fifth-grade education going to do? Do colleges accept unschooled brats? Or do mommies do college unschooling too and give their kids diplomas printed out from a home computer with little gold star stickers?

Something tells me that "I was having a gifted tantrum" will not help Junior to be found not guilty when he blows up a gas station because he couldn't steal a cookie.

Maybe in 15 years they'll be rioting on the streets because of the lack of employment opportunities for autards.
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 15, 2011
I had an "unschooler" at my old show barn.

She was a really bright kid who was the offspring of 2 older parents. They basically dropped her off at the barn at 8 in the morning and picked her up at 8 at night. She never had food or drinks. They gave her money, and they expected the adults to assist her in not starving to death.

For some reason, spending 12 hours a day at the barn was supposed to teach her social skills and science. What she really did was clean up after her horses, ride, groom her horses, clean her tack, put everything away and clean up after her horses again. When all of that was done, she would bother anyone who was around. She was *desperate* for attention.

Last I heard, she went to a local community college, got a degree and then moved really far away from her parents to get some kooky veterinary herbology degree.
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 15, 2011
So, from what I am reading - basically an "unschooler" has to do what Catherine did. They have to go to a community college first if they plan on having any kind of formal college career UNLESS they have exceptionally high SAT scores, and the parents can give a complete narrative account of what the child was "learning" from age 5-18.

And of course, parents rail against community colleges, finding the students immature and worried only about passing the class and "not the love of learning".

Welcome to the real world, bitch.
Anonymous User
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 15, 2011

Last I heard, she went to a local community college, got a degree and then moved really far away from her parents to get some kooky veterinary herbology degree.

You mean, she didn't realise she was supposed to hang around and look after her parents when they get old? Class. grinning smiley
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 15, 2011
we're doomed

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 15, 2011
myrna minkoff
evidently there is something now called "AD" which stands for attention differently or some bullshit. it is a movement that basically tells parents their little bratleighs are geniuses if the have a hard time listening, reading and a bunch of other shit. evidently these are geniuses, not brats. also, all kids should be "unschooled" - NOT homeschooled- unschooled, which basically means no curriculum at all, the kids learn as they see fit, when and how (if at all) and unlike homeschooling, the parents do very little in the way of teaching. in fact, homeschool parents are trying hard to distance themselves from these unschooling idiots. you can google it and find their website, which is full of gems like: "math need not be taught in formulas; for instance, geometry can be learned while making a quilt." yes, i'm serious.

so in about 20 years there will be a new generation that will have no skills, no discipline, and they will think they are entitled to do whatever they want. awesome.

It's already here:


Kentucky Women Raised by Hippie-Style ‘Gypsies’ Sue Feds to Get Social Security Numbers

LONDON, Ky. (AP) — For more than two decades, a pair of sisters in rural Kentucky have lived without Social Security numbers, doing odd jobs like bartending and making jewelry to earn cash under the table. One of them even posed as their mother to gain employment.

Now Raechel and Stephanie Schultz want steady, legitimate work, yet the federal government has refused to issue numbers to the women, saying they need more proof the pair were born in the U.S. The predicament prompted the women, who have lived for years on society’s fringes, to sue.

“I‘m proud to be American but they don’t want me,” 23-year-old Stephanie Schultz told The Associated Press in an interview at their lawyer’s office in southeastern Kentucky.

The earliest years for the Schultz sisters were nomadic. The family traveled through 42 states, never staying too long in one place. Their father found occasional work in construction or at restaurants and the children picked up cans to make a few bucks. They stayed in motels or camped and the sisters’ grandparents sent money to help.

“They didn’t have no life plan,” 29-year-old Raechel Schultz said of her parents, now in their 50s. “It was just all like free hippie style, do what you can to get by. Gypsies.”

Raechel was born at a home in Madison County, Ky., near where the family lives now; Stephanie was delivered in the back of a Dodge van in southern Alabama. The births were recorded in a family Bible but were otherwise undocumented.

Their mercurial parents settled into a hardscrabble existence about 14 years ago along the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, where the family car broke down. The girls were home schooled by their college-educated parents.

The sisters still live with their parents in a weather-worn mobile home in the tiny enclave of Lily. The trailer is perched close to a strip of blacktop winding through the hilly backcountry.

It wasn’t until five years ago that they tried to register with the Social Security system. They waited until Stephanie turned 18 because their parents feared truancy charges, Raechel said.

“The first couple years of our life, Dad didn’t get our Social Security numbers, and he said once you don’t do that right off the bat, they won’t let you do it,” Raechel said. “So they just went on with it.”

Everyone else in the family has a Social Security number, including an older sister now living in New Orleans who got her Social Security card as a teenager on her second try. She had a birth certificate and a baptismal record.

When the sisters first went to get their Social Security number, “we thought it would be easy,” Stephanie said.

This isn’t the first time the sisters have gone to court over personal documents. In 2009, the women sued to get birth certificates, took a DNA test to prove they were born to their parents and a judge’s order won them the records.

“The Court has no reason to not believe the testimony and finds no reason to suggest the plaintiffs are seeking this relief for an illegal or immoral purpose,” Circuit Judge John Knox Mills wrote in his 2010 order.

Despite their lack of Social Security numbers, the sisters have found ways to supplement their family’s meager income. Stephanie makes jewelry and paints old furniture to sell at a flea market. Raechel held down work at a couple of area restaurants by posing as her mother. She was at one eatery for seven years, rising to associate manager, but eventually quit out of fear her supervisors would discover her secret.

According to their lawsuit, the Social Security Administration indicated it denied the women’s request for numbers because they “have not given us documents we need to show U.S. citizenship.” The agency has declined to comment on the suit.

The sisters’ attorney, Douglas Benge, said he was told by a Social Security official that the agency doesn’t accept birth certificates issued so many years after birth.

“Our complaint with the government is, what else do these girls have to show?” he said.

On its website, the Social Security Administration lists documents that may be used to prove identity, age and citizenship. The accepted records include a birth certificate, driver’s license, state-issued identification card or U.S. passport, and it’s not entirely clear why they have been denied.

Robert Bruce, who retired as a district manager after 31 years with the Social Security Administration, said recently that the age of the women combined with the lack of official documentation raises a suspicion of fraud.

The sisters see their dilemma as a government overreaction since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Their maternal grandfather said they just want a chance to work.

“My view is, we’re so caught up in administrative procedure, nobody has any common sense,” said Norman Turchan, who lives in Indianapolis. “There’s a common sense way out of this situation.”

When word of their plight appeared on the Internet and in newspapers, their attorney received emails from some questioning the sisters’ motivation, saying the Schultzes just wanted government assistance. But both women said they want to work, and that their family has never taken welfare.

“I don’t want to bum off the state,” said Raechel, who would like to sell real estate.

Stephanie dreams of running a no-kill animal shelter and dabbling in interior design.

“If you have a Social Security number, you can do anything you want,” Raechel said.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 15, 2011
If you have one of thems Social Security numbers, you can has anything you want!

Like welfare, by golly!

Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 16, 2011
Snark Shark


Raechel was born at a home in Madison County, Ky., near where the family lives now; Stephanie was delivered in the back of a Dodge van in southern Alabama. The births were recorded in a family Bible but were otherwise undocumented.

Their mercurial parents settled into a hardscrabble existence about 14 years ago along the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, where the family car broke down. The girls were home schooled by their college-educated parents.

their PARENTS went to college, THEY don't even get to go to a proper SCHOOL.

LIVING WHERE THE CAR BROKE DOWN? that's some reall planning THERE.

thier parents really SCREWED them.


I know exactly where they live too because it's not very far from where I currently reside in the Appalachians and it's in a neigboring county. THIS is the type of bullshit I attempt to explain on here sometimes, but generally can't describe it well enough so everyone knows I am NOT kidding! These people in this area of Kentucky, mainly the rural areas, are MORE backward thinking than anyone could possibly imagine. They are ALL inter related, poorly educated IF at all, many don't have running water and electricity, and do odd jobs "under the table" to survive IF they don't just live off the land. The only reason MANY of them have social security numbers is in order to go on the dole and get welfare and food stamps.

There's a dilapidated trailer about 2 miles from my property where they routinely tie roosters up to dog houses, there's chickens, goats, and pot bellied pigs roaming free in the yard, yellow dogs line the falling in makeshift front porch, and the best I can tell there's at LEAST 14 people living in it and it's probably 12x28 ft. Around the first of the month you'll see 5 or 6 different hillbilly trucks in the yard, presumably over there collecting some food stamp or welfare money. You'll see those same trucks periodically throughout the month at various times and that's probably when they are knocking the women(and girls) up and possibly slipping them some cash from their under the table "job", whatever THAT might be ranging from drug sales to theft.eye rolling smiley

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 16, 2011
myrna minkoff
"Do colleges accept unschooled brats?"

@ cambion: no, most decent colleges (and definitely not ivy leagues) will not take unschooled kids, because unlike homeschooled kids there are no grades to submit; evidently the parents submit an outline every summer of what they will "teach" their kids that year, just as homeschool parents do, but then they let the kid design their own curriculum with no grades or tests at all. according to the webpage it is possible for unschooled brats to do "distance learning" ie, internet college.

of course, certain things such as pre-med, law school, chemistry, engineering, etc. are totally impossible for a kid who has no standardized education. and of course the competition to get into a good college is fierce, so in "freeing" their kid from oppressive public schools they are actually putting them in a cage and limiting what they can do with their life. when bratleigh decides at 18 she wants to go to med school and become a surgeon she will not be able to go, no matter how naturally bright she may be. of course these parents won't see the irony when bratleigh screams that they have ruined her life and never speaks to them again.

THese fields are fiercely competitive once you are out of school too. SO the only way to counteract the damage done by the parents is to redo high school through a community college. Rather than get a leg up by taking AP classes in HS, it sets them back by adding more time to their schooling.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 16, 2011
Snark Shark


Raechel was born at a home in Madison County, Ky., near where the family lives now; Stephanie was delivered in the back of a Dodge van in southern Alabama. The births were recorded in a family Bible but were otherwise undocumented.

Their mercurial parents settled into a hardscrabble existence about 14 years ago along the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, where the family car broke down. The girls were home schooled by their college-educated parents.

their PARENTS went to college, THEY don't even get to go to a proper SCHOOL.

LIVING WHERE THE CAR BROKE DOWN? that's some reall planning THERE.

thier parents really SCREWED them.


I know exactly where they live too because it's not very far from where I currently reside in the Appalachians and it's in a neigboring county. THIS is the type of bullshit I attempt to explain on here sometimes, but generally can't describe it well enough so everyone knows I am NOT kidding! These people in this area of Kentucky, mainly the rural areas, are MORE backward thinking than anyone could possibly imagine. They are ALL inter related, poorly educated IF at all, many don't have running water and electricity, and do odd jobs "under the table" to survive IF they don't just live off the land. The only reason MANY of them have social security numbers is in order to go on the dole and get welfare and food stamps.

There's a dilapidated trailer about 2 miles from my property where they routinely tie roosters up to dog houses, there's chickens, goats, and pot bellied pigs roaming free in the yard, yellow dogs line the falling in makeshift front porch, and the best I can tell there's at LEAST 14 people living in it and it's probably 12x28 ft. Around the first of the month you'll see 5 or 6 different hillbilly trucks in the yard, presumably over there collecting some food stamp or welfare money. You'll see those same trucks periodically throughout the month at various times and that's probably when they are knocking the women(and girls) up and possibly slipping them some cash from their under the table "job", whatever THAT might be ranging from drug sales to theft.eye rolling smiley

Yup, these were the same people (in rural Oklahoma) that I tried to teach basic sanitation, hygiene and birth control to.

Most of them were on SSI and food stamps.

They didn't want me there, and I have no idea why I was working there in the first place. It was a total waste to send any public health workers to try and help them.
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 16, 2011
I was recently told by my mother that I came within a hair's breadth of being tested for Asperger's syndrome when I was a child, but my father had decided not to pursue the matter any further.
After spending some time on sites like WrongPlanet and AFF and reading the inane brainfarts of some of the mollycoddled, self-entitled idiots there who were diagnosed during childhood, I think my father made the right choice. Some of those fuckers are still having "gifted tantrums" in their 40s.

I had to leave. They were having fun wrong.
Re: Gifted tantrums :wtf
August 17, 2011
Snark Shark


Raechel was born at a home in Madison County, Ky., near where the family lives now; Stephanie was delivered in the back of a Dodge van in southern Alabama. The births were recorded in a family Bible but were otherwise undocumented.

Their mercurial parents settled into a hardscrabble existence about 14 years ago along the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, where the family car broke down. The girls were home schooled by their college-educated parents.

their PARENTS went to college, THEY don't even get to go to a proper SCHOOL.

LIVING WHERE THE CAR BROKE DOWN? that's some reall planning THERE.

thier parents really SCREWED them.


I know exactly where they live too because it's not very far from where I currently reside in the Appalachians and it's in a neigboring county. THIS is the type of bullshit I attempt to explain on here sometimes, but generally can't describe it well enough so everyone knows I am NOT kidding! These people in this area of Kentucky, mainly the rural areas, are MORE backward thinking than anyone could possibly imagine. They are ALL inter related, poorly educated IF at all, many don't have running water and electricity, and do odd jobs "under the table" to survive IF they don't just live off the land. The only reason MANY of them have social security numbers is in order to go on the dole and get welfare and food stamps.

There's a dilapidated trailer about 2 miles from my property where they routinely tie roosters up to dog houses, there's chickens, goats, and pot bellied pigs roaming free in the yard, yellow dogs line the falling in makeshift front porch, and the best I can tell there's at LEAST 14 people living in it and it's probably 12x28 ft. Around the first of the month you'll see 5 or 6 different hillbilly trucks in the yard, presumably over there collecting some food stamp or welfare money. You'll see those same trucks periodically throughout the month at various times and that's probably when they are knocking the women(and girls) up and possibly slipping them some cash from their under the table "job", whatever THAT might be ranging from drug sales to theft.eye rolling smiley

Yup, these were the same people (in rural Oklahoma) that I tried to teach basic sanitation, hygiene and birth control to.

Most of them were on SSI and food stamps.

They didn't want me there, and I have no idea why I was working there in the first place. It was a total waste to send any public health workers to try and help them.

Anyone resembling a representative from the government puts their lives in danger if they show up at one of these out of the way hillbilly "houses" unannounced. Many of them are involved in illegal shit ranging from growing acres of pot to selling prescription pills and other drugs, among other unsavory things. There's NO WAY in hell I'd walk onto any of their properties without their EXPRESS permission and knowledge of it and even then, I'd likely insist one of them accompany me onto it. Let's just say they don't get any door to door salesmen in these parts and I haven't even had a preacher knock on my door, which is typical when people move to a massive Baptist area where churches compete.eye rolling smiley

I enjoy the reputation of these hills because it greatly limits unwanted "visitors". The only strangers knocking on my door is the occasional hillbilly looking for Old Yellar, the UPS guy who knows us, and once in a while some idiot customer finds out where we live and attempts to get us to do business out of our home. I might add that they NEVER come back though because I am EXTREMELY unfriendly to them. When I lived in the city I'd have pesky door knockers on average about 8 or 10 times a week. We haven't had that many in over 5 years.bowing

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
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