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Unfair, unfair, unfair...

Posted by surfinbird 
Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 09, 2011
So, judging by my posts, it's no fucking secret that I have mental illness. smile rolling left righteyes2 I'm really smart, though, so I am constantly walking that line between genius and madness.

I have bipolar disorder and OCD. I stopped working full time in 2006, and I went on disability from my union, which lasted a year. They helped me apply for SSD. I work part time through a government vocational rehabilitation program.

And if anyone wants to bitch about taxpayers's money, when I worked full time, I pulled in over $100,000/year. I paid my share of taxes, so you can suck my dick.

I had a phone conference today with my case manager because I want to go back to school. However, there is no money for a lower middle class childfree woman to go back to school. There's plenty of money for women with children to go back to school, though. There's plenty of incentives for them, including subsidized daycare. As a matter of fact, my case manager was FULL of state funded plans for women with children to work FULL TIME and maintain medical benefits, to get daycare, to get food, medical care, job training, support groups, etc.

I pay my bills. I take my meds. I stay out of the hospital. I work to pay for my healthcare. Why not me? How come there is nothing for me?

I wonder how many of these women on government programs actually take part in all of the wonderful assistance that is available for them?
Anonymous User
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 09, 2011
That shit is fucking ridiculous. How 'bout if you jack a positive pregnancy test stick, then go apply... have an abortion, and tell them it was a miscarriage? I would totally do it, if I thought it would work. Meanwhile, unaffordable sprogging continues to be rewarded, while those of us who bust our asses and take care of our business by ourselves, get screwed.
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 09, 2011
If I could get away with lying that I have kids to get tax breaks, tax REFUNDS every fucking year, WIC food, aid for kiddie checks, free school, etc......among many many MANY other benefits and freebies then I would damned sure do it. It's fucking RIDICULOUS what all a single moo can get for free for NO OTHER reason than she fucked without birth control and didn't take the time to find a baby daddy who would stick around after the stick turned pink.angrily flogging with a whip

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 09, 2011
The welfare breeder hos trump the disabled without doubt. There is a special place in Heck for those who put this system into place and allow it to not only continue but keep removing the crumbs the CL/CF disabled and elderly get, while keeping the bennies flowing to the moocunts.
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 09, 2011
I wonder who's more likely to complete school and get good grades: a motivated single woman or a single moo with the weight of a kid (s) to take care of? That's ridiculous that there are no programs for the former.
Anonymous User
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 09, 2011
I myself have had to apply for assistance since 2 years ago, I got fired from one of my jobs and been having a hard time since. It's...it's like buying somethign at the store and then having to leave it there to be gobbled up by the moo masses because they are moo's and brats. It's really a form of theft since we are paying into a system we are denied full access to. That's a blatant form of discrimination if I ever saw one.
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 09, 2011
I wish in these cases it were easier to make up a fake child or two so you could get those benefits you would so obviously do great with -- how rigid is the "check up" process when you apply for these things? Can you borrow children? Or do you have to have SS# info for them? MAkes me wonder.
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 10, 2011
So, judging by my posts, it's no fucking secret that I have mental illness. smile rolling left righteyes2 I'm really smart, though, so I am constantly walking that line between genius and madness.

I have bipolar disorder and OCD. I stopped working full time in 2006, and I went on disability from my union, which lasted a year. They helped me apply for SSD. I work part time through a government vocational rehabilitation program.

And if anyone wants to bitch about taxpayers's money, when I worked full time, I pulled in over $100,000/year. I paid my share of taxes, so you can suck my dick.

I had a phone conference today with my case manager because I want to go back to school. However, there is no money for a lower middle class childfree woman to go back to school. There's plenty of money for women with children to go back to school, though. There's plenty of incentives for them, including subsidized daycare. As a matter of fact, my case manager was FULL of state funded plans for women with children to work FULL TIME and maintain medical benefits, to get daycare, to get food, medical care, job training, support groups, etc.

I pay my bills. I take my meds. I stay out of the hospital. I work to pay for my healthcare. Why not me? How come there is nothing for me?

I wonder how many of these women on government programs actually take part in all of the wonderful assistance that is available for them?

I'm more angry towards those who abuse the system, not the ones who truly need it. This is why I hate most humanity and prefer animals. They are selfish pigs.

lab mom
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 10, 2011
I hate dealing with Social Security.

My local office is a small office. There are always people hanging around outside. The inside is always inundated with women and children. Then, there is the occasional crazy person like me.

I hardly see anyone using the Ticket to Work counselors (TTW is the voc rehab program).

I have to work very part time hours and manage every penny because if I make too much money, then I lose my comprehensive medical benefits that are administered partially through my union and partially through Medicare. I am on a high risk policy.

However, if I had children, I could work full time and keep the same policy - and have a family plan.

The federal government doesn't recognize same sex marriage, so they see me as a single person. I lose benefits that way, also.

Luckily, my g/f has a great job and I get by with my benefits and working part time and we manage to save, but if I was alone? Here's what I WOULDN'T be eligible for, as a single woman, disabled, with no children:

Section 8
Housing vouchers
Home energy assistance
New York Child Health Plus
Family Health Plus
New York Family Assistance Program
Head Start
Free Breakfast & Lunch Program
Summer Food Program
Weatherization Assistance
Growing up Healthy

What Would I Qualify For?


Supposedly our government is broke, but there is more than enough money for women and children. But the mentally ill? Nothing. The elderly? Maybe a little - if you want to dump money into AARP. But the poor elderly? Good luck.

I hate when people piss and moan about social programs. We aren't all irresponsible breeders. Some of us actually have problems and use the programs that are out there, and our programs are the first that get cut. It makes me so angry.
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 10, 2011
You're right surfinbird. Our government caters to females who have minor children in their custody or who are knocked up. Even elderly empty nesters get fucked over too when it comes to Medicare-Medicaid, food or housing assistance, and healthcare, among other things. Just MENTION you have a minor child living with you though and the red carpet is rolled out and once you show proof of this claim, the royal treatment begins.

UNchilded people can wait months and even YEARS for welfare, disability, etc......but if a moo-cunt goes into the welfare office she can leave with a temporary Medicaid card, temporary food debit card, and referrals for a a decent free place to stay.saying 'wtf'

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 10, 2011
I got very lucky with SSD. I had a disability liaison from my union, and a union attorney help me apply for benefits and I was approved within 3 months.

It also helped that I had 500 pages of medical documentation and I was on time for appointments.

I struggled to work since I had a head injury from riding horses in 2001. It made me crazier. I was in and out of full time work since 2002, but I always went back to work, and usually worked more and than one job.

That's what pisses me off. I tried really hard, and it was my job that suggested that I stop working in 2006 (my behavior had become really bizarre). I still try pretty hard. I have my good days and bad days considering I survived major trauma and I'm crazy as fuck.

But, if I had a brood, that's all I would need. angry flipping off
Anonymous User
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 10, 2011
Anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that you don't even have to do anything with them, anyway. ranting

That shit is so fucking unfair, and absolutely infuriating.

I am so tired of responsible people, who try to do the right thing, getting screwed at every turn.
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 12, 2011
Anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that you don't even have to do anything with them, anyway. ranting

That shit is so fucking unfair, and absolutely infuriating.

I am so tired of responsible people, who try to do the right thing, getting screwed at every turn.


lab mom
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 12, 2011
I am totally thrilled to find this board.As most old farts my computer skills could be better but here goes.My sister and I have been CF and proud of it.We are both in our 50s and have always worried about overpopulation.We had no idea others in the USA felt as we do.Babyrabies[lov the term] is rampant here in the states.We find Europe to have a little more of a refreshing view of breeding.Long live CF!
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 12, 2011
I guess I got so excited about yalls board I forgot to mention that yes,my sis and I have both been refused assistance from all avenues even though both of us have had major health issues.No beebes no help[even if you have tried to live healthy].Only beebees are US citizens obviously!
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 12, 2011
surfinbird, I hope things work out for you, perhaps self education would help you in some things...

I don't know about govt programs: they all seem to favor the breedersacs. Also, as far as what the breeder sacks spend the government EDUCATIONAL grants on... bailing out boyfriends, loaning boyfriends money to fix their wheels...
There seems to be very little accountability or auditing these moo cunts as to verifying that money for educating these placenta brains actually goes to the schools in question.

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 12, 2011
Thats what Im talking about! I dont expect a handout from the government. Just a little help re-educating an old gal since I can no longer work in my old job as it was and still is physically taxing. With all the new rules I wont be able to retire for many years. But because I am sprogless I guess that wont happen.GO FUTURE BAG LADIES!
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 13, 2011
Part of the problem is that I already am educated. I have a BS and MS, but I want to change my career.

I could do that if I had a dependent child, because the economy hits famblees much harder than single people. There are plenty of programs for single mothers and famblees who need educational assistance. However, as a single person, there are only loans for me, which I already have enough of.
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 13, 2011
Part of the problem is that I already am educated. I have a BS and MS, but I want to change my career.

I could do that if I had a dependent child, because the economy hits famblees much harder than single people. There are plenty of programs for single mothers and famblees who need educational assistance. However, as a single person, there are only loans for me, which I already have enough of.

Thought abut a career change myself but there are no Airframe and Powerplant schools in Vegas.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 13, 2011
Part of the problem is that I already am educated. I have a BS and MS, but I want to change my career.

I could do that if I had a dependent child, because the economy hits famblees much harder than single people. There are plenty of programs for single mothers and famblees who need educational assistance. However, as a single person, there are only loans for me, which I already have enough of.

Thought abut a career change myself but there are no Airframe and Powerplant schools in Vegas.

I have this "job coach" who is some overworked county employee. They're supposed to assist me in career moves that keep me relatively sane and out of the hospital. I told her my career makes me more crazy. It's not like I'm working 13 hour days anymore, Im just completely cracked. I do wound care at home. I'm just sick of sick people.

The job coaches want to sit around and commiserate with me. Sometimes I feel like my life is a sitcom.

Airframe and powerplant, eh? Sounds exciting. smiling smiley
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 13, 2011
I hate job coaches and I also hate Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. They are breederific and breeder pleasing. I was breeder bingoed by a DVR counselor.
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 13, 2011
I wish the job coaches here were helpful.

They are so overworked. They actually have this glassy look in their eyes. They are used to working with people who have never had a job in their lives. They have no idea what to do with me. They like to see me, though. I guess it's nice to see another professional, and someone who actually wants to use the DVR program.

Most of the clients I see in DVR are people who resist using the program at every turn, get a job and try to get on disability right away, get fired, etc.

Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 14, 2011
What sucks is you did the responsible thing by no having a kid. Yet you're being punished for it.
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 14, 2011
Part of the problem is that I already am educated. I have a BS and MS, but I want to change my career.

I could do that if I had a dependent child, because the economy hits famblees much harder than single people. There are plenty of programs for single mothers and famblees who need educational assistance. However, as a single person, there are only loans for me, which I already have enough of.

Thought abut a career change myself but there are no Airframe and Powerplant schools in Vegas.

I have this "job coach" who is some overworked county employee. They're supposed to assist me in career moves that keep me relatively sane and out of the hospital. I told her my career makes me more crazy. It's not like I'm working 13 hour days anymore, Im just completely cracked. I do wound care at home. I'm just sick of sick people.

The job coaches want to sit around and commiserate with me. Sometimes I feel like my life is a sitcom.

Airframe and powerplant, eh? Sounds exciting. smiling smiley

Fancy name for aircraft mechanic.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Unfair, unfair, unfair...
August 17, 2011
I've said it here before, I'll say it again - I'd love to see breeders cut the fuck off from all government assistance, and that also includes free education for their brats. There is nothing wrong with these assholes, they just don't want to work and they don't have a clue how much it really costs to have a child because of the wealth of freebies they get from so many different outlets. Welfare PLUS the school feeds their shits twice a day and three times a day in the fucking summer. angry flipping off

Welfare and government help should *ONLY* be for those who are truly disabled and can't work, and that includes the mentally ill. If you're schizophrenic or depressed or have severe PTSD, have a diagnosis from a real doctor, or you broke your back or have arthritis or are in a wheelchair or blind/deaf, etc then all assistance should be available to YOU, not these fucking worthless pieces of trailer trash who are perfectly able bodied and of sound mind and only collect free money because they squatted out a passel of equally worthless trailer trash brats. angry smiley
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