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Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".

Posted by frenzy 
Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011

This bingo-laden piece of slop is possibly the most ridiculous blog post I've read in awhile.
And the comments are even worse.
But look!
Who's that!
It's... our very own Yoshi!
waving hellolarious

“I don’t have pet peeves, I have major, psychotic fucking hatreds.”
— George Carlin
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011
One of the anonymous comments: It might interest you that the reason Violet Yoshi was dropped from some of the CF boards is because she posted on a black-hate board called Chimpout.
Not only did she post there, but she registered and made some very ugly, hateful remarks about African Americans.
I am a childfree person, and I am tired of the astounding sense of entitlement that modern parents seem to have.

They don't seem to care that their screaming child is effecting everyone else's ability to enjoy their meal, or show, or whatever...and will just allow it to continue without any discipline to the child.

Childfree people are accused of being heartless, but in reality, we are no more or less heartless than parents.
I think that if parents actually did a better job of parenting their kids in general, there wouldn't be so many problems between CF and families.

Gee...I wonder who could have posted that? grinning smiley
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011
"...... I saw yet again the comments from the CFBC side, stating that people shouldn't have kids if they're not prepared to a) pay for everything themselves with no help from anyone, ever and b) ever leave the house to go somewhere "grown-up" with their kids, lest someone's else's evening be ruined by the mere presence of a child.What part of their paying for their OWN kids or getting a baby sitter when going to "adult" places is such an awful thing?confused smiley

I can accept that some people simply don't wish to have children. As a matter of fact, if you truly don't want, or even LIKE children, I'd politely ask that you refrain from procreation, for the sake of your potential child(ren) and everyone in society who will, in future, have to deal with their psychological issues because Mommy and/or Daddy didn't "want me." Don't they EVER tire of that old BINGO? I'd like to "politely" ask that beeders who don't take care of their own kids, breeders who harm and/or kill their own kids, or breeders who dump their kids off on others REFRAIN from procreation too!angrily flogging with a whip

......Have patience with children in places that you might not normally see them, because those children are learning - sometimes slowly - how to behave in adult situations.Don't be rude about babies and children on airplanes: they're travelling, and learning about the world around them so that someday they will have an understanding of people and places far away. I don't have a problem with kids in these places IF they aren't wailing or otherwise being disruptive, which if they are continually being is the PARENTS' faults. I don't have a problem with kids, it's the careless and inconsiderate parents who need to stop being rude. smile rolling left righteyes2

Don't throw a fit over government assistance to families. Yes, we chose to have children, but it's an expensive proposition, and we already give up more than you think for the priviledge of raising children. Unexpected things happen to everyone, and not everyone can always be prepared for any eventuality. Having kids is an EXPECTED result of fucking without birth control and like she admits, a choice. WHY breeders think the "village" owes them anything for their lifestyle choices has always puzzled me.shrug

Don't complain over education taxes: you went through the education system once, and the children who are going through it today are the ones who will be the politicians making decisions, the lawyers working in the justice system, and the doctors who save your life someday. The children you complain about today could turn out to be the nurse who looks after you in the retirement home, when you have no children or grandchildren to come and visit you. The children you complain about today will someday be taxpaying, contributing members of the society who look after you, when you're not able to look after yourself. Oh for the love of Christ! OUR parents and grand parents paid the taxes that went to our education, NOT their insufferable brats of whom the majority seem to have kiddie "disabilities" for which they already get an SSI check from funds that WE have all paid into and likely won't even be there for us when we retire or become disabled. The likelihood ANY of their defective loaves will pay in ANY taxes is remote and even LESS likely they will be "taking care" of any of us, not without pay anyway. Those SAME kids of other people will also likely be among the paid staff who "take care" of all of the childed people too when they go to a nursing home.eye rolling smiley

So is a little compassion for those children really too much to ask? No one is arguing that kids should not get "compassion", it's the greedy, lazy, selfish parents who won't get an OUNCE of compassion from me. Why must they always make everything all about, "the chyyldren" when 90% of the problem is the breeders themselves?:smn

Oh and Violet's comment had nothing to do with the subject matter of the topic, but instead was a rant about childfree sites being discriminatory towards Awtards.bouncing and laughing

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011
Where I live there is record unemployment especially amongst the young.

Some of it's entitlement, and some is just because there aren't enough jobs to go around. Either way the breeder crap of doing it for the good of society just doesn't hold up any more.

I'd love to know how much it costs society to keep the average unchilded pensioner going compared to how much it costs to raise a child, because that's always the argument- my taxes paying for their kids now will be their kids taxes paying for me when I'm old. I don't buy it.
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011
Snark Shark

I'd love to know how much it costs society to keep the average unchilded pensioner going compared to how much it costs to raise a child, because that's always the argument- my taxes paying for their kids now will be their kids taxes paying for me when I'm old. I don't buy it.

I DON'T BUY IT EITHER. and I'm QUITE sure it costs WAY less to take care of some nice elderly person than some greedy spoiled playstation-wanting chyyyyyyyyyyyyld.

How about the fact that that CF pensioner paid taxes all his/her life to support worthless shitturds' schools and freebie lunch programs (not to mention welfare, WIC, etc) for lazyass parents who wouldn't get a fucking job? A retired person who has worked all his/her life, to me, is vastly more worthy of a government pension than a whore who keeps squirting out awwwtards and sucking up resources that she never helped to support through gainful employment.
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011

I can accept that some people simply don't wish to have children. As a matter of fact, if you truly don't want, or even LIKE children, I'd politely ask that you refrain from procreation, for the sake of your potential child(ren) and everyone in society who will, in future, have to deal with their psychological issues because Mommy and/or Daddy didn't "want me."

I love the notion that if we chose to have them we would be abusive and negligent parents. If I ended up being forced by some evil mystical power to have and keep a kyd, I'd still be a better parent than ninety percent of breeders.

One time a family member abandoned their pet. I am allergic to that type of dog and the dog was mean. He was old and unadoptable and the monster famblee member didn't care if he got put down. I took the dog I didn't want or like and made a nice home for him. My neighbors, the proud animal lovers with the dog breed stickers all over their SMooV, neglect their pets and leave them outside all the time. My dog eventually became much more calm when trained. I did not fall in love with dogs, still allergic, and have non-fur pets but I took it seriously when I took that poor thing and he died happy and cared for.

Most breeders are shit parunts and even the childfree would be better at it. I just think the CF tend to be more consciencious than your average selfish breeder.
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011

"...... I saw yet again the comments from the CFBC side, stating that people shouldn't have kids if they're not prepared to a) pay for everything themselves with no help from anyone, ever and b) ever leave the house to go somewhere "grown-up" with their kids, lest someone's else's evening be ruined by the mere presence of a child.

That anyone even needs to be told this is astounding. WTF happened to common sense and personal responsibility?
Anonymous User
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011
Christ on cocaine, why does Yoshi have to include the autism agenda in EVERY DAMN THING she writes? Shit!
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011
If a fucking breeder ever grabbed me because I voiced a complaint, I'll kick the shit out of them. That's assault and battery.
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011
"Have patience with children in places that you might not normally see them, because those children are learning - sometimes slowly - how to behave in adult situations"

THIS is the bingo that annoys me the most. newsflash, breeders: so with everyone bringing their kids to adult situations they aren't really adult anymore, are they? kids are everywhere, all the time, and here's the thing: breeders only deal with their kids, but the rest of us have to deal with their kids and everyone else's too. every parent thinks they are a great parent, and every parent thinks their kids are well-behaved, but as someone who sees kids all day long i can assure them that neither of those assumptions is true.

and what are we talking about here, exactly? teaching them table manners? that can be done at home or at mc donald's. are we talking about being in places like stores ? then the "learning" that i see every day at work consists of kid thowing books everywhere and mom/dad sitting on their ass texting their friends. are we talking about movies? take them to a G rated movie - that's what they are for. are we talking about a symphony or a ballet? chances are high that very young kiddies will be bored out of their skulls so why bring them? are we talking about a bar? that is kind of inappropriate for kids, and again, they will have nothing to do and be bored.

look, i'm a realist: children are part of society and they will be seen in many places. that can't be helped so we all need to find a way to get along. if the child is in an appropriate place -a store, a restaurant such as olive garden or appleby's, a free concert in the park, a PG movie, the playground, etc. and is behaving him or herself (meaning the parents are actually disciplining them) i don't care. but taking a 5 year old to a bar or a very pricey restaurant, or an 8 year old to an R rated movie, or dragging a toddler around a store at 9 pm (again, i see this every night at work) when they should be home in bed is ridiculous.

that isn't teaching; that is just breederspeak for "i'm too cheap to get a babysitter." and it isn't parenting - it's this new way of thinking about parenthood, which basically consists of living your life just as you did before, only with mom jeans, a mini-van and less money.
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011
No parent ever sits down and thinks "Am I psychologically ready for the challenge of raising another human being"?

Of course not. They have children because everyone else does, it's expected of them, their parents want them to do it, it's "time", they want to fit in, etc etc. If people actually sat down and THOUGHT about the ramifications of having a child, and what it meant, psychologically, emotionally, financially - we would have a lot less breeders in the world. People think about it AFTER the fact - when the kid is here and gosh golly gee - this is harder than they expected.

This is why breeders are always bitching about the childfree. It's because WE, unlike THEM actually THOUGHT about the process of having children. We didn't just shit out a bunch of kids like fucking lemmings and then realize how tough it is. Well, bed.made.lie. you fucking retards - deal with it. No one twisted your arm into getting pregnant. You happily did it. Now cope with it. And leave us to have our opinions about the shit job that you're doing because you're so goddamn inept and unhappy.
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011
I would say a vast majority of people who have kids never really take time to think about it rationally. Most people think, "Oh, a baby! It'll be so much fun having a baby to play with!" or "Everything will be alright. Gawd will provide" or "I need to keep it because abortion is murder." Sadly, a vast majority of people also are not very capable of rational thought and these are the ones who go on to breed. It's like breeders are the dumbass fantasy fiction books - fancy-free sunshiney happiness all day long. Meanwhile, the childfree are non-fiction - reality-based and understanding of what's true, even if it's not always pretty.

And breeders take their kids into inappropriate places for a bunch of reasons too: don't want to spend money on a babysitter, craving attention - even the negative kind, and wanting to show off proof of their working reproductive parts. What could a child possibly learn in a bar or an R-rated movie that they couldn't learn at home? Breeders want attention, validation....the kid being dragged along is all for the ego-stroking of the breeder.

Hmm, too bad legendary intarwebs nutcase Asspie Chris-chan doesn't date awwtards and wants to have a child because I bet he and Yoshi would get along really well.
are we talking about movies? take them to a G rated movie - that's what they are for.

Right idea, wrong place to look. You have to rent/borrow G movies these days.

That is, G-rated movies are practically extinct. Why, I don't understand - such movies don't have to be brain-dead, after all, and preschoolers don't care what the rating is so long as it isn't too scary, so why would parents or even grade-schoolers necessarily refuse to sit through such movies?

That reminds me.

In 2005, I got a call from D.O.V.E. (it has to do with "cleaning up" TV and movies - they say their reviews are "based on traditional Judeo-Christian values") asking if I felt there should be more wholesome, non-prurient family entertainment available in general (not in those exact words - though he did *claim* that the group is not pro-censorship).

I deadpanned: "I think kids should read more."

He ended that survey quickly.

Since this was a high-speed survey, I knew I wouldn't be allowed time to say what I'd have liked to:

1) That even the late, anti-TV critic Neil Postman wrote in "Amusing Ourselves to Death" that we would all be better off if TV got worse, not better, if only because it would force us to realize that we're not really educating ourselves properly by watching it, even at its best.

2) That, because of #1, even if young people had nothing to watch but Disney, I still wouldn't want to live in a world where they kept watching the same pablum over and over and they never tried to
challenge their brains and make themselves useful.
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011
Ugh. Bingo-laden slop is right.


My new issue, though, is with the war between parents and non-parents (AKA The Breeders vs The Child-Free-by-Choice).

What Moo here fails to acknowledge is that we make the distinction between parents and breeders. You know, people that actually put the effort into raising their kids,without complaint, as oppose to people who think that they've done the world a favor by sprogging.


I saw yet again the comments from the CFBC side, stating that people shouldn't have kids if they're not prepared to a) pay for everything themselves with no help from anyone, ever and b) ever leave the house to go somewhere "grown-up" with their kids, lest someone's else's evening be ruined by the mere presence of a child.

Uhh, that's not what I read. There were parents and non-parents alike commenting that people should be financially prepared before they have children, and that they may need to sacrifice some material goods to do so. Nowhere did I see anything in the comments about taking a child to an adult venue, pro or con.


Have patience with children in places that you might not normally see them, because those children are learning - sometimes slowly - how to behave in adult situations.

Don't be rude about babies and children on airplanes: they're travelling, and learning about the world around them so that someday they will have an understanding of people and places far away.

Why do I think Moo must've caught some shit somewhere about either taking her kids to inappropriate places and/or not adequately disciplining them? AFAIK, PNBs don't complain about this sort of thing.


Don't throw a fit over government assistance to families. Yes, we chose to have children, but it's an expensive proposition, and we already give up more than you think for the priviledge of raising children. Unexpected things happen to everyone, and not everyone can always be prepared for any eventuality.

Oh, FFS. When I see the entrepreneurs, who risk everything that they have and spend inordinate amounts of time growing a business (that may just create a job for your fucking kids!), get as much support as people who pop out kids, that is when I will stop bitching.


The children you complain about today could turn out to be the nurse who looks after you in the retirement home, when you have no children or grandchildren to come and visit you. The children you complain about today will someday be taxpaying, contributing members of the society who look after you, when you're not able to look after yourself.

That's not really how it works. The children raised by PNBs will most likely be the future doctors, nurses, and other contributing members of society. The children that we complain about today, if unchecked, will be a societal liability and will probably be composing some freakishly unrealistic Angel Tree wishlist for their umpteen kids fifteen to twenty Christmases from now.
Anonymous User
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011
A small corner of the internet exists where people don't fall over themselves genuflecting before breeders and their crotchturds therefore there is now a 'war' on parents and they are being terribly, terribly oppressed by the CF. Cry me a fucking river, breeduhs.
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011
Oh - god forbid we don't genuflect at the wombs from which life has squirted...mooooooooooooooooooo whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Get over yourself. What a bitch.
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011
HEheheh, she's kvetching to her Twitter audience now:

8thCyn I am just so angry. Obviously my blog has been posted on some child-free website. I feel like shutting down the comments sad smiley

Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011
HEheheh, she's kvetching to her Twitter audience now:

8thCyn I am just so angry. Obviously my blog has been posted on some child-free website. I feel like shutting down the comments sad smiley


Bitch needs to get over it
If she wants to whine on the interwebs, she better expect to have her cow ass roasted and chewed up by wolves.

“I don’t have pet peeves, I have major, psychotic fucking hatreds.”
— George Carlin
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011
8thCyn I am just so angry. Obviously my blog has been posted on some child-free website. I feel like shutting down the comments sad smiley

Happy Thanksgiving, pig bitch! :1wv

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011
1. When the public education system produces a quality product and not an indoctrinated, semi-literate zombie, I will stop complaining about tax money for education.

2. If I am a paying customer, I have a right to bitch if you brat is depriving me of the experience of which I paid for, be it a movie, a plane flight, a dinner or a concert. To claim that somehow you bringing an unruly child in at the expense of everybody else who has paid to be there is your right to do and then to threaten other paying patrons who dare to complain is beyond entitled-it is deplorable. Again, if I am in a restaurant and your breeder ass lays a hand on me because I say something, you will be getting a steak knife taken out of your ass. I don't care if you consider yourself a "parent bear" or some bullshit-you touch me and I'll take you down.

3. I don't get breeders-they all want their kids to be "baby Einsteins", yet claim said same kids are going to "wipe my ass" in a rest home. I'm not disrespecting the profession of nurses, which is quite selfless and noble, but these breeders act like these kids will cure cancer and then proclaim that their kids will instead be wiping shit off of my ass.
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011
Awwww....the poor little darling got her peewins hurt by a big eebil childfree meenie. Christ it doesn't take a lot to make her mad. I feel sorry for her sprogs.

She is clearly one of the moos we complain about here, otherwise the childfree commenters wouldn't have bothered her in the least. smug

The last time my meal was rudely interrupted by screaming demons, I actually considered taking my bill to the breeders who ruined it and insisted they pay for half of it. Maybe now I will...watch out Cyn, you might be the one who gets to pay for it!
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 23, 2011
i love how the breeders immediately equate "discipline" with beating.

use your words, breeders.
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 24, 2011
1. When the public education system produces a quality product and not an indoctrinated, semi-literate zombie, I will stop complaining about tax money for education.

2. If I am a paying customer, I have a right to bitch if you brat is depriving me of the experience of which I paid for, be it a movie, a plane flight, a dinner or a concert. To claim that somehow you bringing an unruly child in at the expense of everybody else who has paid to be there is your right to do and then to threaten other paying patrons who dare to complain is beyond entitled-it is deplorable. Again, if I am in a restaurant and your breeder ass lays a hand on me because I say something, you will be getting a steak knife taken out of your ass. I don't care if you consider yourself a "parent bear" or some bullshit-you touch me and I'll take you down.

3. I don't get breeders-they all want their kids to be "baby Einsteins", yet claim said same kids are going to "wipe my ass" in a rest home. I'm not disrespecting the profession of nurses, which is quite selfless and noble, but these breeders act like these kids will cure cancer and then proclaim that their kids will instead be wiping shit off of my ass.

That's actually an intuitive observation zatoth! REALLY. In one breath their kid is gonna end world hunger and in the next, he's gonna be the one who works in the state run nursing home where all the childfree will presumably end up.bouncing and laughing

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 24, 2011
1. When the public education system produces a quality product and not an indoctrinated, semi-literate zombie, I will stop complaining about tax money for education.

2. If I am a paying customer, I have a right to bitch if you brat is depriving me of the experience of which I paid for, be it a movie, a plane flight, a dinner or a concert. To claim that somehow you bringing an unruly child in at the expense of everybody else who has paid to be there is your right to do and then to threaten other paying patrons who dare to complain is beyond entitled-it is deplorable. Again, if I am in a restaurant and your breeder ass lays a hand on me because I say something, you will be getting a steak knife taken out of your ass. I don't care if you consider yourself a "parent bear" or some bullshit-you touch me and I'll take you down.

3. I don't get breeders-they all want their kids to be "baby Einsteins", yet claim said same kids are going to "wipe my ass" in a rest home. I'm not disrespecting the profession of nurses, which is quite selfless and noble, but these breeders act like these kids will cure cancer and then proclaim that their kids will instead be wiping shit off of my ass.

That's actually an intuitive observation zatoth! REALLY. In one breath their kid is gonna end world hunger and in the next, he's gonna be the one who works in the state run nursing home where all the childfree will presumably end up.bouncing and laughing

Yes I've noticed that too, but always took it for granted that it was obvious to everyone else here. They are going to wipe asses. What high hopes you have. Ass-pirations, even.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Moo whines about Childfree "complaining".
November 24, 2011
I have more respect for seniors/elderly out in public, than some irresponsible breeder.

lab mom
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