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ENTRY #1903

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
ENTRY #1903
October 04, 2006
Man, which metro was that? Unfortunately, I could very easily see it happening on the Washington, DC METRO system. My guess is that it wasn't on the NYC subway! You don't even want to make eye contact with anyone, much less kick them! As for that comment, "That's what kids do." NO, well-behaved children DO NOT kick other people AND NEITHER DO ADULTS!! Mrs. Ogre, as for that ADULT woman kicking you, that's assault! Man, if ANY adult hauled off and kicked me on the subway (or anywhere!) you can bet the pepper spray would be coming out and that person would have their shins and insteps broken (yes, I know how to do this from self-defense classes based on dirty street fighting).cowgirl
Mrs. Ogre
Re: ENTRY #1903
October 04, 2006
It was in Montreal. She didn't kick me enough to hurt me, she just applied enough pressure to make me think it was her kid. Still, it was swift enough to pass as a kick. I hate confrontation, but I was boiling. The result is I got a magnificent headache and still had to work at home after that.
Re: ENTRY #1903
October 05, 2006
Anybody that deliberately kicked me would face my fist, feet and anything else that I could hurl at them. In this case, I probably would have stood up, "accidentally" whacked the stupid cunt with my book - very hard -, give her that smug smirk back and dare her to try anything else. I take self-defense training classes to update myself every year, except this past one due to my chemo. I am taking my refresher course in November, and I will be ready.

I will not let anyone touch me unless I want to be touched. That smug breedertwat would have more trouble than she bargained for, and that brat of hers would too. Funny how it would all be "accidental".
Pirate Jo
Re: ENTRY #1903
October 05, 2006
On the bus I take home from work, there is always a lady who rides with her kid, which looks to be four or five years old. The kid seems good-natured enough, but everyone indulges her too much. She stands on her seat and stares at the people behind her, or she starts screeching at the top of her lungs, and all these dimwitted old ladies on the bus coo and gurgle over it, thinking it's so cute. Three days ago, the kid's mother let her pull the cord to signal the driver to stop at the next spot, and the kid was delighted at her accomplishment, so she started shouting, 'I did it! I did it!' at the top of her lungs. All the old ladies sat there and encouraged it, so now she's done it again the last two nights - complete with the shouting, which her mother never attempts to subdue. How many more evenings am I going to have to listen to this, I wonder? How long before everyone gets tired of this wailing banshee and stops encouraging her to make such a racket?
Re: ENTRY #1903
October 05, 2006
I can't imagine my mom cooing and gurgling over a loudmothed brat. If anything, she would probably ask the breeder since the village is raising her brat, if she could not get a few smacks in herself as a villager. Mom has zero tolerance for bratty behavior.
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