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"Mama Bear" is full of Shit

Posted by satansbitch 
"Mama Bear" is full of Shit
December 13, 2011
Something I was thinking about today, and my title says it all. "Mama Bear" is nothing but full of shit. My favorite case in point: Six years ( it's been a while but it's still funny), a neighbor walks out to her car to leave for work. Two teenage punks are in her driveway using her car for a skateboard ramp. She had parked her car facing outward so she could take stuff out of the trunk and one punk was on the roof of it yelling something to his friend. My neighbor goes ballistic and turns the garden hose on them. The two punks run home crying. When she gets home that evening, moo yelled something to her about going "mama bear" on her and my neighbor calls the cops. One cop had enough sense to tell moo that if she pursued this insanity her punk would face charges and she would have to pay for any damamge they did. Moo shut up after that.

My next example, and this is from a reddit thread discussed on this board in the past:

"Some idiot mom focused all of her attention on the baby in her stroller and completely forgot about her toddler. Toddler just could not stay still and walked right into a busy road. I ran after him and managed to get him away from one car that didn't slow down. Luckily, no one was hurt and I was glad the kid was okay. Next thing that happened was a hard push to my back and the mom screaming, "What did you do to my baybee?!"
Is this moo genuinely concerned about protecting her toadler or is she trying to cover up a post natal abortion? I'm inclined to think it's the latter.

My third case from a city data thread.
"Today, I noticed a young child wandering out onto a busy street. I managed to grab his arm just as he stepped off the sidewalk and yank him away from almost certain death. My reward was his mother, who was on her cell phone the whole time, screaming at me for touching her child."
Is "Mama Bear" protecting her child or her own shitty parenting?
I could go on but I won't because I know it gets tedious. I just wanted to share something I had learned.

ETA: The two punks who faced the garden hose were both older than fourteen.
Anonymous User
Re: "Mama Bear" is full of Shit
December 13, 2011
If any of those "mamas" were actually "bear"-like, those things wouldn't have happened, in the first fucking place. Stupid fucking cunts, all of them.
Re: "Mama Bear" is full of Shit
December 13, 2011
Jumping out from lurking because I was talking to my mother about this the other day;

'Mama Bear' or 'Grizzly Mama' I find often translates as 'I'm probably fucking obnoxious and/or have anger management issues but instead of getting professional help I will use protecting my precious baybeees as a piss poor cover for it.'
Re: "Mama Bear" is full of Shit
December 13, 2011
The "mama bear" reference is one of the phrases moos use that annoys me, among many others. I think it shows a lack of intellect when they start up with all of the instinctual bullshit anyway with the animal comparisons. The truth of the matter is that most animals are better mothers than humans, actually do what's in their "kids'" best interest, and I know of no animals that get postpartum depression or kill their healthy young either. In addition to that, if an animal's "kid" is suffering or born fucked up with little chance for survival or a decent quality of life, animal mothers don't force them to cling to a semblance of life either. I think it's insulting to bears to compare them to a Moo-Cunt.bouncing and laughing

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: "Mama Bear" is full of Shit
December 13, 2011
Yeah, the whole "Mama Bear" thing is just a Moo excuse to be overly or unnecessarily angry with someone for not giving her or her brat their own way. Or a reason to place her brat in harm's way. I recall the story from maybe a year or so ago about some dumb fuck Moo in a fast food drive-thru who, for some reason, got pissed at someone in line, her "mama bear claws" came out and she parked her loaf and its stroller right in front of the guy's car to prevent him from moving.

Well turns out the guy didn't give a fuck about her, her loaf or her mama bear claws because he drove right on over that stroller, baby and all. By luck, the loaf wasn't hurt.

Besides, a Moo can't have bear claws. So all she can do is stomp her fat hooves and mooooo about everything that upsets her.
Re: "Mama Bear" is full of Shit
December 13, 2011
I have run into "Mama Bears" before. Idiots.
Re: "Mama Bear" is full of Shit
December 13, 2011
Wasn't there an article recently linked here that mentioned how new moos are getting more help with childrearing and housework from their duhs, yet they are more explosively angry than ever before?

These are moos with serious entitlement issues, who are pissed off that their lives are in the shitter...so they take out their anger (aka mama-bear claws) out on random people whenever and wherever they choose.

These bitches are soo damned unhappy with their lives, they are so angry that they just want to rip someone a new asshole, whether the person deserves it or not. They use the guise of mama bear, to make it sound as if they are doing it for noble, protective reasons...as if having a sprog entitles them to attack another person.

These bitches need to be tranquilized and dropped off somewhere in the middle of the woods, where they won't be a threat to the rest of society.
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