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Massive parenting fail:td

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Massive parenting fail:td
January 28, 2012
I did not know it was possible to not eat anything with nutritional value for 15 years and still be alive. Can you imagine what this girl must look like?

Re: Massive parenting fail:td
January 28, 2012
I can see a breeder war forming from this, the crunchy-granola side will want to ban all fast food and the slovenly breeders will be screaming about their kids' "rights" to only eat fast food. Maybe that's not a bad thing, it could lead to breeder on breeder violence and they could end up destroying eachother.
Re: Massive parenting fail:td
January 28, 2012
I heard this on the news yesterday while out running errands. Big head shaker. WTF is wrong with these parunts? That's ALL she's eaten her whole life? I find it hard to believe that the girl is anywhere near healthy. This should be classified as an eating disorder and treated as such. She should be put in a hospital till she's 'clean' (so to speak)
Anonymous User
Re: Massive parenting fail:td
January 28, 2012
There is/was a show on one of those learning channels, or A&E, about people who only eat one thing. It's absolutely disgusting, and fascinating.

They actually do shit like fill buckets up with fat, stack mountains of pizza boxes up into impossible towers, fill huge containers up with sugar, etc., to illustrate to each fuckwit EXACTLY what they're doing to their bodies, over ONLY A YEAR'S TIME. I was flabbergasted at the Pizza Boy. Any of you who've seen this show, you know what I'm talking about. *ralph*

Without fail, after watching it, I go make/buy a huge salad with EVERY imaginable vegetable that will stay on top of the mountain of goodness that lies beneath, and I savor every flavor, texture, and nutrient.

On another note, has anyone seen that show, "You Are What You Eat"? I think that's what it's called. This chick, Gillian McKeath (sp?), goes to the houses of the nutritionally challenged, and lays out a smorgasbord of healthy, delicious greenery, fruits, veggies, etc., and these twunts always gross out, while I look at it and see unicorns farting rainbows, and hear angels singing.

I'm sorry, if I had a kyd, I'd slingshot zucchini right into its piehole, every once in a while, just to make sure it got some sort of nutrition. But, I'm one of those demonic CFers who isn't a parent, and thus, has no room to talk.
Re: Massive parenting fail:td
January 28, 2012
I think the reason kids won't eat vegetables and fruits is because their parents make such a big deal out of it. Just give it to the brat and say nothing. It's food. You eat it. Period. None of this bullshit about "you HAVE to eat your vegetables even if they taste awful!" What kid is going to eat veggies after that? And limit candy and cookies. Oh sure, it's easier to unwrap a twinkie than peel an orange, but if you're a Moo who really looooves her spayshul toadler, you'll do it. And shut up and don't make it into something more important than it is.
Re: Massive parenting fail:td
January 28, 2012
How to give kids veggies: give them something fun, like butternut squash and slowly add more veggies in. However, if the kid likes squash too much and eat a fuckton of it they might turn orange (I turned orange as a kid because I loved squash).
Re: Massive parenting fail:td
January 28, 2012
OMG I loved veggies as a kid. My Dad grew a huge garden and I'd go out there and pick the stuff and eat it right off the vine/plant. I'd eat so many tomatoes I'd get little sores in my mouth.
Re: Massive parenting fail:td
January 28, 2012
I read that, and it nearly blew my mind. That girl needs some therapy. Stupid ass parents should have gotten it for her years ago, instead of just letting that madness continue.
Re: Massive parenting fail:td
January 28, 2012
mistress rotwang
How to give kids veggies: give them something fun, like butternut squash and slowly add more veggies in. However, if the kid likes squash too much and eat a fuckton of it they might turn orange (I turned orange as a kid because I loved squash).

Butternut squash is one good tasting veggie, even to a kid. I doubt many moos are cutting and mashing up fresh squash to feed to their brats anymore.
Re: Massive parenting fail:td
January 28, 2012
no fruits or veggies ever? that girl must have been so constipated. ugh.
Re: Massive parenting fail:td
January 28, 2012
Fade To Pale
Without fail, after watching it, I go make/buy a huge salad with EVERY imaginable vegetable that will stay on top of the mountain of goodness that lies beneath, and I savor every flavor, texture, and nutrient.

Maybe I should try to find this show on the net - I need to go back to healthy eating!

I have 'garbage gut' from eating junk - it's pizza and beer - again today! Erg. Really beginning to feel *crappy*.

But then I eat healthy, I get tired of cooking, I don't feel that much better, and I backslide.

I like your description of a "big salad" - I used to eat these all the time, too. I got tired of it. I do use the high fat dressings too - like the Marie's, etc, yeah globs of high fat blue cheese + extra cheeses, and croutons, and olives, and bacon bits, and hard boiled egg - yeeeeeah.

BUT - It still has to be better than empty calorie pizza and chinese - and if I do eat healthy - I do feel better and do lose weight (I need to lose about 15 lbs also.) High cal salad dressing and butter on the baked potato, maybe even a bit on veggies - I still do wind up losing.

Fucking beer! Lite Beer MY ASS!!! And no - I don't guzzle this stuff looking to get drunk - I can't stand to drink anything else. Pepsi tastes like chemical water to me, I do not like tea, juice is too acidic, water is blah (I do drink lots of this though too), ah - yeah - I need to find a new drink. Maybe some 'fizzy' type water with a bit of lemon. Might try that.

I have to go back to healthy eating though - I feel like shit. And I *do* eat somewhat healthy now and do take vitamins - and I still feel like shit. I can only imagine what these super weird eaters feel like! Oooog.

I will have to try to find this show. It might inspire me. And now - I want a Big Salad! smiling smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Massive parenting fail:td
January 28, 2012
Fucking beer! Lite Beer MY ASS!!! And no - I don't guzzle this stuff looking to get drunk - I can't stand to drink anything else. Pepsi tastes like chemical water to me, I do not like tea, juice is too acidic, water is blah (I do drink lots of this though too), ah - yeah - I need to find a new drink. Maybe some 'fizzy' type water with a bit of lemon. Might try that.

I definitely recommend the fizzy drinks of some variety. I lost my sense of smell after an accident and have to rework what I eat and drink because almost everything tastes different or weird, and one of the things I read to make eating enjoyable is to find foods that have a strong texture component. And fizzy drinks work wonders. So much stuff tastes gross to me now, it's really disappointing. Can still drink beer though 'cause I can taste bitter. But I definitely am pro-fizzy drink. I don't know if you like seltzers but they work for me.

@fade_to_pale -- wait there are people who get grossed out looking at salads and fruits and the suchlike? That's so odd.
Re: Massive parenting fail:td
January 28, 2012
There's a picture of her on the Daily Fail site...she looks pretty good on the outside, but I'm willing to bet her bones are hollowed out due to a lack of calcium and other nutrients, which sets her up for osteospirosis later in life. Also, once her metabolism begins to slow down in her 20's, she's going to develop Type 2 diabetes.

She isn't doing herself any favors, that's for sure.
Re: Massive parenting fail:td
January 28, 2012
Ugh, that is so gross! two faces puking I was never a fan of those reconstituted chicken nuggets to begin with, and when I found out how they're made, I never touched one again after that! It's beyond nasty, and I also begin to feel like shit if I have a period of time where I'm not eating as much variety of good, healthy food as I should. I can't even begin to imagine how shitty someone who spent 17 years eating nothing but garbage feels (well, like collapsing and gasping for breath from malnutrition I guess)...The parunts of this girl should have intervened when she was much, much younger, and tried a lot harder than they did (starving her as a way to fix it sounds awfully inhumane to me, but what would I know, I'm CF and know nothing!smile rolling left righteyes2)
Re: Massive parenting fail:td
January 28, 2012
A lot of breeders are too lazy to/don't know how to cook. Florida has a lot of obese people with obese children and you can tell they all eat out while they form lines at the local Checkers instead of eating something good like baked chicken, Brussel sprouts in honey, and long grain rice.
Re: Massive parenting fail:td
January 28, 2012
I hate to say it, but those mystery-meat chicken nuggets are a guilty pleasure of mine. They don't look, smell, or taste like chicken...but I still like them now and then. And when I looked at the nutrition facts, they actually had some nutritional value - they had a considerable amount of protein in them. shrug Shocked the fuck out of me.

But to eat only chicken nuggets for 15 years? How did this girl not get scurvy or fucking die? And I don't buy it one bit that Moo and Duh tried everything to make her eat something else. If a kid is hungry enough, they will fucking eat anything. Odds are Moo and Duh tried for two minutes to make her eat real food, she wouldn't stop screaming, so they gave up and decided to let her eat nuggets forever because it shut her up. And as we all know, parents are more likely to take the easy way out than actually be parents if the latter requires more effort than the former.

Hell, they could have at LEAST tried a healthier alternative of making her homemade chicken nuggets with real chicken, maybe roll them in egg and bread crumbs and bake them. Not nearly as bad for you, no weird-ass preservatives, made of all meat and probably has a lot more nutrients. And filled in the rest of the nutritional blanks with vitamin supplements.

And kids won't eat a fucking vegetable because breeders never buy any (unless they are french fries) or they instill the belief in their kids' heads early on that vegetables are icky. There's no excuse for it when you can make a "baked" potato in the microwave and you can buy steam-in-a-bag vegetables. Breeders are just too fucking lazy to give their kids something that requires more preparation than nuking for 2 minutes. They can't be arsed to slice fresh vegetables because they'd have to get off Facebook.

Then the fat little piggy brats get older and have diabetes before they get pubic hair, and I'm sure it's the taxpayers paying for their treatment. The girl in the article is probably going to need a lot of therapy to undo her belief that she should only eat fucking chicken nuggets.
Re: Massive parenting fail:td
January 28, 2012
Charge the parents with neglect.
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