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Just another stupid Moo at the grocery store

Posted by DivaLasVegas 
Just another stupid Moo at the grocery store
March 10, 2012
This isn't really a rant, just an observance of more Moo stupidity.

So we're at the grocery store and there was this Moo with two young kids, probably about age three. They were both sitting in the cart, and Moo was deciding on different juice drinks for them. She kept asking them what flavors they wanted and she was reading off each flavor to them, like "Which ones do you want? There's Brazen Berry Blast, Kiwi Straw-nana, Bumbling Brutal Blueberry, Grody Grappling Grape, Murky Morbid Mullberry....." and on and on (names made up by me of course). And of course the kids were paying no attention to her whatsoever. Yet, Moo kept reading off all the stupid names and trying to coax her kids into deciding on a flavor.

Ok seriously Moo? They are fucking three. Do you really think they know the difference between one stupid name to another? Those drinks are nothing more than artificially flavored sugar water that all tastes the same. Just pick a fucking flavor and be done with it. The kids will drink it.
Re: Just another stupid Moo at the grocery store
March 10, 2012
I've seen this in other mombies, too--they have this annoying habit of talking on and on in hope that someone will pay attention to them, and respond in some fashion to what they are saying. During our last visit to the B&B we regularly stay at, this family ate breakfast in the dining room the same time we did. The dimwitted hambeast at the next table would not STFU for thirty solid seconds during the meal--she kept saying to her husband and teenaged kid, "oh, did you taste this? It is so delicious! Don't you think this is good?," and variations on the theme throughout the entire meal. It was pathetic how desperate she was for any kind of validation from her family, who completely ignored her. [Turns out this trio was situated in the room directly above us, and they moved around the room throughout the night with the grace of a herd of drunken elephants.]
Ah, these same elephants may live in the condo above me.

I think maybe some of these moos are trying to "educate" their kids to make decisions. My mother was a big fan of asking a small child... "do you want Red, or Blue?" or some such thing. But mooing on and on isn't going to work, you gotta keep it simple. then again, that's WAY above and beyond most breeders it seems.
Re: Just another stupid Moo at the grocery store
March 10, 2012
Um,no. There is no justification for letting a 3- year old make its own decision about anything. It has a parent who is supposed to be doing that. I hate it when I see moos like this, because it just turns the kid into a demanding brat who thinks it should get to decide on everything. Let it decide on a few things, but make it crystal clear that the adult is calling the shots on anything that matters. Brats need to know who's in charge, and if you let it run the show you are fucked for the rest of your life.
oops sorry, posted a reply to Sorceress without fully reading the context of what I was replying too. I gotta stop the afternoon cocktails, sorry!

**Deleting post**
Re: Just another stupid Moo at the grocery store
March 10, 2012
In my opinion this is baby stalking. Moo doesn't honestly think sprogs are going to answer it just want it's audience to see what a good mawm it is. It cares about what it's sprogs think. Yeah, right.
Re: Just another stupid Moo at the grocery store
March 10, 2012
She kept asking them what flavors they wanted and she was reading off each flavor to them, like "Which ones do you want? There's Brazen Berry Blast, Kiwi Straw-nana, Bumbling Brutal Blueberry, Grody Grappling Grape, Murky Morbid Mullberry....." and on and on (names made up by me of course). And of course the kids were paying no attention to her whatsoever. Yet, Moo kept reading off all the stupid names and trying to coax her kids into deciding on a flavor.

Another stupid moo acting like her kids are her equals.


- The human gene pool could use a little chlorine
Re: Just another stupid Moo at the grocery store
March 10, 2012
In my opinion this is baby stalking. Moo doesn't honestly think sprogs are going to answer it just want it's audience to see what a good mawm it is. It cares about what it's sprogs think. Yeah, right.

Good Moms understand that children need to drink water, milk, and juice (no sugar added), and they don't feed them ANYTHING where you have to pick a "flavor" that's completely artificial.
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