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"A Working Mom's Summer" (Moo Rant)angry smiley

Posted by kidlesskim 
"A Working Mom's Summer" (Moo Rant)angry smiley
April 01, 2012

I am SO delighted not to be a Moo trapped by my little loavesdrinking coffee

School is out, and summer is here! As nice as that sounds, not a damn thing changes for me as a working mom and that royally stinks. There will be no lazy mornings, long days at the pool, gallivanting at the beach or staying up till 12:00 a.m. watching a late movie. Nope not happening for me unless I take a day off. Errrggghhh my pity party is starting NOW, wanna come? I fail to see how her summer is any different than her winter, spring, and fall:Violin

Being a working mom absolutely stinks in the summer. I know in my heart there will be a day as God as my witness (channeling my inner Scarlett O’Hara!) there will be a time where I will be writing full time from home, or the beach, or on vacation. I know that sometime in my life there will be a Summer forever Summers where I will be able to leave my house at whatever time I want to hang with boys and take them to pool or beach, or take a surprise overnight trip to…wherever! Talk about a rich fantasy life. AS IF anyone would pay her a salary to bask in the sun on the beach and peck out a Moo Blogbouncing and laughing

But until that day happens being a working mom over the Summer means I still have to finagle day care for my boys, I still have to get up before 5:30a.m. to go for a run, or train for whatever race I signed up for, I still have to get them up, dressed, fed and out the door by 9:00 a.m., I still have to pack my lunch, make sure a bag is packed for my kids so when I schlep them to whatever sister or friends house they have sunscreen, and a change of clothes, I mean I sat in a wet bathing suit all day gosh forbid my kids do (that’s another blog post in and of its self). I still have to shower, get dressed, and look like some sort of a human being so I don’t go to work looking scary. I still have to race home pick my kids up, shove dinner down our throats and hit rewind to do it all over again. Yeah, "It's ALL worth it!":bedmadelie

And worst of all in the Summer I feel the mommy guilt’s even more. I’m guilty that I can't stay in bed, cuddle and watch countless Sponge Bob episodes until we’re ready to go to the pool, I feel guilty that I can’t enjoy the long days of summer with my kids, guilty that I am still stressed, guilty that I still have to run around like a chicken without a head just to keep that same head above water. Oh the GUILTS! I can't IMAGINE thinking "cuddling" with some he-brats and watching SpongeBob reruns sounds better than going to work. I'd rather work in a coal mine than do that.:smn

And I know that after my bitch and moan session in a few hours I’ll reflect on my life and I’ll be grateful that I have a job, that I have two very healthy boys and a wonderful husband, that I have a home, and some extra cash for vacation but now I’m going to have my pity party, Won't you join me? C'mon, it’s fun to bitch and moan, it's a release, a stress release even if it's for a few hours, or a day, or a Summer! She has a HUSBAND? The way she's talking she sounds like a single moo. Why can't HE help out so she won't be so burdened with work AND all of the cunt work associated with her he-brats? These Moos bring ALL of this stress down upon themselves.:Violin

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: "A Working Mom's Summer" (Moo Rant)angry smiley
April 01, 2012
Kim, I laughed out loud at your commentary!

:bedmadelie indeed!
Re: "A Working Mom's Summer" (Moo Rant)angry smiley
April 01, 2012
Stupid Moo.

I remember when I was a kid my mom used to say that her vacation started when our summer vacation ended. She would say it jokingly, but I'm sure things were easier for her when she didn't have three kids underfoot. Of course, in the summer she shagged our assess outside quite a bit where we stayed and played.

Even during the school year, sure she got up early; she fixed breakfast for my dad and herself and enjoyed the time with him. Then when he left for work she got us three kids up for school and helped my younger brother and sister get ready. We ate our breakfast and off to school we went. None of that driving us to school bullshit, we took the bus.
After we left, my mom was able to nap if she wanted to. Then she would put on her soap operas and clean and do whatever needed to be done while listening to the TV. When we came home in the afternoon the laundry would be done, house spotless, errands ran, and a dinner on its way to being finished. Oh, and a lot of times we'd find her snoozing on the couch when we got home.
I had asked her once how she did it, and she said that you just DO it. You know what needs to be done and you don't fuss about anything. She made being a mom and housewife sound so easy. I never heard her complain and to this day she never has a complaint about her life back then.
But then again, she was a PARENT and not a martyr breeder moo.
Re: "A Working Mom's Summer" (Moo Rant)angry smiley
April 01, 2012
What a whiny ungrateful moo.

I thought she sounded like a single moo as well when I started slogging my way through her drivel. I suspect she either refuses to let her hubby help or ask him to do more - cos if he did, she'd have to relinquish her treasured martyr moo status!
Re: "A Working Mom's Summer" (Moo Rant)angry smiley
April 01, 2012
WTF? My parents' only rule was that they did not want to see me in the house (or on our property) when they got home from work when I was on summer vacation. No guilt tripping or any of the other bullshit that breeders like to pull. And I made my own breakfast goddamn it (even though if I made something good and there were leftovers it was gone before I woke up the next morning. Damn goblins!).

Kids can make their own cereal and pack their own bag. One nasty sunburn is enough to teach them to use sunscreen and wearing a cold damp bathing suit is enough to teach them to bring a change of clothes.
Anonymous User
Re: "A Working Mom's Summer" (Moo Rant)angry smiley
April 01, 2012
I'd like to point out to the poooor working moo that most people don't get to spend their summers lolling about in the sun and staying up late to watch movies. Most of us get up early and go to work, year-round, childed or not.

Dumb ass.
Re: "A Working Mom's Summer" (Moo Rant)angry smiley
April 01, 2012
my job certainly doesn't go on hiatus in the summertime, unfortunately. does she think that all the CF people get summers off and poor moos are the only ones who have to work? is she jealous of her kids because they have the summer off? why would her daycare situation change in the summertime?

so many dumb moo questions confused smiley
Re: "A Working Mom's Summer" (Moo Rant)angry smiley
April 01, 2012
Why is this lady doing so much FOR her kids? I hope they're not yet school age if she's doing this much for them. From about age eight onwards, I was responsible for packing my own lunch. And if I was going somewhere, I was expected to lay out my clothes and supplies on my bed. Mom would look it over and give me the go-ahead to pack. As I got older, she was less likely to check as closely because I got good at remembering what stuff to take to the pool, a friend's house, summer camp, etc. I often made my own breakfast as well...at least I could manage cereal, toast, etc. Sometimes mom would make hot breakfasts (oatmeal, pancakes, etc).

Most people don't get the summer off, period. And if she had the summer off, she'd find out really quickly that it's not idyllic lie-ins and "cuddling" before a trip to the pool. In all likelihood her kids would be up her ass 24/7, and then it would just be a blog about how she longs for the quiet routines of when the kids go to school.
I have my summers off plus I'm CF. However, I have to put up with all those kids 10 months/year at my job. I CAN get up late in summer, watch late movies, drink wine on the patio in July, but that's because I DON'T have kids.

Anonymous User
Re: "A Working Mom's Summer" (Moo Rant)angry smiley
April 01, 2012
WTF? I was raised by a single mom, and she certainly didn't suffer from all this moo guilt. From first grade, I got my own ass out of bed and made breakfast (cereal or toast, no stove until I was 10) and packed my own bag for summer camp, assuming I was lucky enough to go. There was no lying around in bed watching TV or "cuddling" in the morning, because you don't need to lie around before you go relax MORE.

Also, why is she bitching about getting up early? If you sign up for a race because you enjoy running, you don't get to bitch about waking up early for a run.
Re: "A Working Mom's Summer" (Moo Rant)angry smiley
April 01, 2012
My Mom was a SAHM, yet she was disgusted by women who hated summer vacation and having their kids home all the time, and who were glad to get rid of them when school started. My Mom actually liked having us at home. The Moo in this article sounds like she's simply jealous that her kids are off playing and having fun and she's having to work. Well, guess what, toots. That's the difference between being a kid and being an adult. Fucking idiot.
Re: "A Working Mom's Summer" (Moo Rant)angry smiley
April 01, 2012
My Mom was a SAHM, yet she was disgusted by women who hated summer vacation and having their kids home all the time, and who were glad to get rid of them when school started. My Mom actually liked having us at home.

This is how mothers ought to be. If you don't want your kids around and you look at them as a burden, then you should not have shit them out of your twat like some brain dead cow.
Re: "A Working Mom's Summer" (Moo Rant)angry smiley
April 01, 2012
Most people don't get to take the summer off...unless they have vacation time coming at work. I'm CF and I work Full Time from home. If I don't work, I lose money. Even though I don't have to deal with a commute, I won't be lolling around a pool, or going to the beach and sunning my ass....I'll be working, indoors...because that's I have to do to pay my bills....eat,etc.

It sounds as if she's comparing herself to other moos who are married and don't have to work. Too bad, poor moo...so sad. I guess she thought that being a moo meant having long, lazy days of doing almost nothing....but no, moo-dom is drudgery from morning til night, and if she has to work, that only adds to the burden. She should've thought about that before shitting brats.

I have to be available for work 10 hours a day, 5 - 6 hours per week...otherwise my business suffers. I won't be partying, having fun...except on my scheduled days off. I don't understand why moos think they can just go off and have fun, just because...? I guess it's part of the lie that sells moo-hood as being the ultimate lifestyle for wombyn.
Re: "A Working Mom's Summer" (Moo Rant)angry smiley
April 05, 2012
It sounds as if she's comparing herself to other moos who are married and don't have to work. Too bad, poor moo...so sad. I guess she thought that being a moo meant having long, lazy days of doing almost nothing....but no, moo-dom is drudgery from morning til night, and if she has to work, that only adds to the burden. She should've thought about that before shitting brats.

I think she's comparing herself to her children--she wants the long lazy summer days without school that children get.

Perhaps she had children to relive her childhood, and now she's disappointed that that doesn't mean that she gets to go through childhood a second time herself.
Anonymous User
Re: "A Working Mom's Summer" (Moo Rant)angry smiley
April 05, 2012
She has a HUSBAND? The way she's talking she sounds like a single moo. Why can't HE help out so she won't be so burdened with work AND all of the cunt work associated with her he-brats? These Moos bring ALL of this stress down upon themselves.

Who wants to bet that hubby has someone else on the side? With all her whinging, I could see him doing that!
Re: "A Working Mom's Summer" (Moo Rant)angry smiley
April 06, 2012
weep weep weep, I shed a tear.... NOT! I haven't had a relaxing summer in YEARS! No one who works full time spends any time lolling around on a beach or staying up until 12am. It's called responsibility. I hate this sniveling crap. And I guarantee this lady would never have survived living in a craptastic construction zone for 6 years with no end in sight. She would have insisted on living in a hotel or something and refused to lift a finger to help her husband build it. I hate this lowing from people who bring children on themselves and want everyone to feel sorry for them. I brought my construction woes on myself, but I don't crawl around sighing and moaning poor me poor me.
Re: "A Working Mom's Summer" (Moo Rant)angry smiley
April 06, 2012
"School is out, and summer is here! As nice as that sounds, not a damn thing changes for me as a working mom and that royally stinks. There will be no lazy mornings, long days at the pool, gallivanting at the beach or staying up till 12:00 a.m. watching a late movie. Nope not happening for me unless I take a day off...."

Some of your comments on this opening Moo paragraph inspired me to take another look at it. If she's a reminiscing about her younger days when she was in school and got the summer vacation it has NOTHING to do with being the Sancti-Moo she has become. Unless it's the nature of their job or happens to be one of the perks, self supporting adults don't get summers off like school kids. Her youth has come and gone and that's no different than UNchilded people.:Violin


She is jealous of her own kids getting the summers off or possibly she's spewing anger directed towards stay at home Moos. Whichever reason it is she brought all of it upon herself via her life choices. Even IF she takes a day off from her job she STILL has a passle of kids to pawn off on someone or she'll be trading working at the office for working at home..:bedmadelie

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
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