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You are a pot-bound plant, afraid of revolution and library access

Posted by yurble 
You are a pot-bound plant, afraid of revolution and library access
August 17, 2012
In a post full of metaphors, the blogger states that not wanting to see lots of baby pictures on Facebook is a symptom of a "fear of having babies and putting down roots." She relates a story of a teacher who works with kids all day and defriended her because she didn't want to see regular updates on kids, which the author interprets as "You've had a baby, your life is over."

She goes on to claim that people who don't want kids are pot-bound plants.


When you plant your life in a pot, its roots will feebly search for fertile ground, but will be stopped by the boundaries imposed upon it. It can only get so big.

Nothing that you could possibly do with your life can help you grow as a person, except having a baby.


Some people occasionally move their pot to a sunnier spot on the porch. Maybe they move it to a different city, different country, or different continent...Having a child is the ultimate change agent. Rather than being a tidy exercise in maintaining the suburban status quo – as might be professed by Generation Cynic – the act of parenting is akin to inciting a revolution. Taking a perfectly good, tidy adult life, and introducing a tiny, helpless anarchist who lacks coordination and basic language skills means your life is turned completely on its neat little ass.

Of course, with this comes a whole new experience beyond the ken of those who haven't sprogged:


the world opens up to you; it unfolds like a book on a shelf that you’d never thought to pick up. But when you do, it opens like a complex and delicate universe; with each turn of the page, you go deeper and deeper into a world you thought you knew, but really, you had no idea. This is a world you could never have imagined had you not planted that seed.

It creates wonder, and gives you empathy.


All of a sudden I was full of empathy for every asshole I’d ever had to deal with (maybe not the defriender. She’s a bit of a cow actually).

I see that parenting makes you a more mature person - that must be why you refer to those of us without children as "kids". Well, allow me to expand on the metaphors.

You and other breeders are like a fast-growing invasive weed, consuming resources and choking the life out of other species which no longer have room and resources to exist.

Reproducing is the norm in this pro-natalist society, and so it hardly qualifies as revolutionary. Why don't you try not adding to the world's population, and adopting if you desire children. That would sure be a novelty!

The library that having children opened for you is full of nothing more than nursery books with gnawed covers and drool on the pages. Maybe you only read cheap novels and magazines before sprogging, but some of us have looked at the other things life has to offer - things you will never have the opportunity to explore because you're too busy wiping up shit.
It has been my observation that nothing retards growth and expansion of mind more than having children. The individual remains arrested at the mindset and age at which they reproduced, and doesn't recover from this until the child is at least in their twenties, if not older.

In other words, this idiot is full of shit.
You know what else opens up a new world of experiences and deep introspection? Prison.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: You are a pot-bound plant, afraid of revolution and library access
August 17, 2012

the world opens up to you; it unfolds like a book on a shelf that you’d never thought to pick up. But when you do, it opens like a complex and delicate universe; with each turn of the page, you go deeper and deeper into a world you thought you knew, but really, you had no idea. This is a world you could never have imagined had you not planted that seed.

I honestly felt bilious, reading that.

Clue to Mrs. Bulwer-Lytton: wrapping your baby worship in such purple prose might appeal to the "Twilight"/"50 Shades..." segment of the population, those of us grounded in reality will only read it and say "wtf is this shit?"
Re: You are a pot-bound plant, afraid of revolution and library access
August 17, 2012
So why do parents that I am friends with refer to parenthood as being equal to prison. If anyone's roots are trapped in a pot it is those with kids. Your freedom is severely curtailed; you are basically hobbled.

This writer is a moron.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
I've just read through the comments and almost puked. Looks like Cuntren has a lot of fans. No, my choice not to shit out a loaf has nothing to do with my fear of putting down roots. I don't fucking want kids! I don't want to add to the world's population. I don't want my life to be centred around some screaming shitsack for the next 18 to 20 years. What a shallow cunt.
Oh, and your baby is fucking hidious.
Re: You are a pot-bound plant, afraid of revolution and library access
August 17, 2012
That's another version of "you'll be mature when you have kids". But if loaves broaden so much your horizons how comes there are lots of moos bitching all over internet how their lives are over?
waving hellolarious Miss_Hannigan, that's golden!

one doesn't see the value of freedom until he loses it anyway.

also, the blog post sounds somewhat similarly corny to english assignment about metaphors I wrote in 8th grade. BWAHAHAHAH

"metaphors... corny metaphors everywhere!"
Re: You are a pot-bound plant, afraid of revolution and library access
August 17, 2012
Roots are fine if you want to be a plant, but I prefer to be an animal! ...Free to change my dwelling if the conditions aren't good, able to wander to find new food sources if those near my den are exhausted, free to choose my own mate, and able to escape from things that want to eat me alive.

Or, without the metaphors: I can move to other countries for excitement or in search of a better life, I can seek further education or change my career if I'm stifled and dissatisfied, I don't need to remain in a failing relationship "because of the kids", and if I'm unhappy I can look at myself and my circumstances and make changes which I believe will increase my happiness.
Re: You are a pot-bound plant, afraid of revolution and library access
August 17, 2012

You're not going to open up new worlds by going back into old worlds. Children are all about basic chores. You'll not open up new worlds by teaching some kid to tie its shoes.

You'll not become an Anarchist by cutting up hot dogs.

You don't go forward by going backward.

I think these Cows are trying to convince themselves that their lives now have more meaning. It's likely just the wine and Xanax talking.

You're not going to open up new worlds by going back into old worlds. Children are all about basic chores. You'll not open up new worlds by teaching some kid to tie its shoes.

You'll not become an Anarchist by cutting up hot dogs.

You don't go forward by going backward.

I think these Cows are trying to convince themselves that their lives now have more meaning. It's likely just the wine and Xanax talking.

My thoughts exactly. She only wishes she had freedom.
The blogger is a walking piece of shit, as in "dumb as...'.

Just how would filth, noise, mess, singing "Barney" songs and dealing with shitty diapers expand someone's intellectual range? To me, it would be a mind-numbing hell.

The blogger has such a fucking bad case of dependent personality disorder that everything about her identity is wrapped up in Snottums. Pretty fucking sad.
Re: You are a pot-bound plant, afraid of revolution and library access
August 17, 2012

The first time I held my first born, it felt as though I held the whole world in my hands. Every man I’d ever loved or hated or been afraid of was there in my arms in the shape of a delicate, perfectly formed baby boy.

two faces puking

One could read some shit into this about the moo's mental state. Sorry you've been abused by men but hiding behind the golden penis chyld isn't going to resolve your issues with that and will only damage the kyd as he gets older. But you will turn him into a whiny mooma's boy now wontcha? Because you obviously fear men. And single people, and CF people. Projection, jealousy, fear, be thy MOOOOOO.
Re: You are a pot-bound plant, afraid of revolution and library access
August 17, 2012
Another Moo blog worthy of dissection. WHERE is my scalpel? I know where it isn't and that's under a pile of rubble that was once a home or under a belly flap that was once my stomachdrinking coffee

A few years ago, I was defriended by someone on Facebook for posting too many updates about my children. It’s true: I do rather enjoy a pithy status update. Sometimes I crack myself up. Sometimes I am so bored I just have to talk to someone. For me, Facebook is like the big, rustic kitchen table in my best friend’s mum’s house: surrounded by a diverse bunch of people I respect and like to chat to, and usually has something interesting to offer. A little slice of life online. Mmmm, she's behaving oddly with this talking and laughing to herself and SO BORED she actually imagines the internet as a fucking kitchen at a friend's house, like they will just chit-chat over a cup of coffee.:crz

To me, the defriending was not in the spirit of Facebookery. So I messaged the defriender directly: “Why did you defriend me?” (See? Pithy.)She responded (in 800 words or thereabouts): Facebook is not the space for mother’s group. Photos of kids are OK (as long as there aren’t too many), but regular updates on kids are not. She’s a teacher, and she works with kids ALL DAY (her emphasis, not mine), so she doesn’t want to hear about that shit on FB. She may as well have said, “You’ve had a baby, your life is over.” Well, she DID say that and probably in a nice way! Someone would really have to be giving a continual play by play about her boring sleeping life with the kids as a, no doubt, "SAHM(Slacking Off At Home Moo) for the woman to have gotten fed up enough to delete her fat ass. shrug

For me, this defriending was symbolic of a larger trend in my generation: fear of having babies and putting down roots. Instead, these people plant their lives in a pot which can be moved from inner city flat to inner city flat for all time. There’s no room in that VW Golf for a carseat, NoSireEE! Their life is Neat. Buttoned up. They want the hip, without the hips. OH PALEASE. Cows move around so often in search of the next baby daddy or in hot pursuit of the last one, go from apartment to rental house as they consistently get evicted from the last for non payment, or go back and forth from their parents' house bringing a new loaf each time the most recent baby daddy tucks tails and runs! Of the moos who DO "put down roots", they are mooching off of and riding on the coat tails of their husbands with NO real security or career of their own! MANY people have room for a kid carrier in their vehicles, but they choose instead to use that extra space for people or things that interest them!

This ridiculous stereotypical image of an unchilded person always driving a two seater or sports car is OLD. That "hip" comment just oozes jealousy too and I'll wager this cunt weighs 300 pounds and has more stretch marks than Carter has little liver pills. WHEN will these self absorbed and stupid cows realize that childfree people, unlike MOOS, don't put our lives, "on hold" UNTIL we sluice! Many, and I'd dare say most in mine and my husband's general age group, 30-50, already OWN homes and property! OUR "roots" are firmly planted in our community with home and land ownership, as small business owners, and our commitments, responsibilities, community involvement, etc......and we didn't have to self replicate to make that happen!

It is COMPLETE bullshit anyone has to BREED in order to have "roots" and I find that stereotype of only being viewed as "settling down" IF a couple shits a loaf, and shits it together,.offensive. Most of these cunts don't even consider unchilded people as having a "famblee" UNLESS they have kids! I have a husband, father, sisters, niece and nephews. 2 grandmothers, inlaws, aunts and uncles, and many friends too I consider "family" and I didn't have to squat out a loaf to be a part of that family! I am deeply offended when breeders don't consider someone as having a family unless and until they have shat the required loaf(s).
angrily flogging with a whip

From my side of the fence (the one with the Hills Hoist full of Wondersuits) I’d say these kids are pot-bound. When you plant your life in a pot, its roots will feebly search for fertile ground, but will be stopped by the boundaries imposed upon it. It can only get so big. Yeah, well MY potted plant isn't the size and depth of the fucking Grand Canyon either. That analogy is so silly it's difficult to debate it because it has no "meat".shrug

Some people occasionally move their pot to a sunnier spot on the porch. Maybe they move it to a different city, different country, or different continent. But as Paul Kelly sings “Every fucking city feels the same”. If you’re unhappy with your life, this unhappiness catches up with you like so many years of incomplete Australian tax returns. You come home after years abroad and realise life is still pretty much the same as it always was. Unless you take a leap and make a big change. Those little saplings will follow you around too for the rest of your fucking life! There won't be anywhere safe to tote your big old plant garden to when they have a boomerang vegetable or two with a bunch of sprouts "of their own" in tow. NO THANKS! I like to keep my plant healthy and free of pests,and weeds.eye rolling smiley

Having a child is the ultimate change agent. Rather than being a tidy exercise in maintaining the suburban status quo – as might be professed by Generation Cynic – the act of parenting is akin to inciting a revolution. Taking a perfectly good, tidy adult life, and introducing a tiny, helpless anarchist who lacks coordination and basic language skills means your life is turned completely on its neat little ass. IF I were to shit a loaf, MY life would STILL be "tidy", because I don't subscribe to the bullshit notion that kids can rule the roost and whatever THEY want comes first!shrug

Yes, you lose control, but it doesn’t mean your life is over. To me, "losing control" over my life WOULD make it over in nearly every sense and for ANY reason!:smn

In fact, the world opens up to you; it unfolds like a book on a shelf that you’d never thought to pick up. But when you do, it opens like a complex and delicate universe; with each turn of the page, you go deeper and deeper into a world you thought you knew, but really, you had no idea. This is a world you could never have imagined had you not planted that seed. Oh, I CAN imagine it alright,which is why I CHOOSE to not do it! Honestly, where does she come up with these STUPID analogies and comparisons? First it's plants, then a book, then a "delicate universe", and THEN we come full circle back to the "seeds' again, like a fucking "Circle of Life" song.eye rolling smiley

The first time I held my first born, it felt as though I held the whole world in my hands. Every man I’d ever loved or hated or been afraid of was there in my arms in the shape of a delicate, perfectly formed baby boy. We all begin our lives as a small, helpless, innocent being, and somewhere down the track we become fearful, defensive and cynical. All of a sudden I was full of empathy for every asshole I’d ever had to deal with (maybe not the defriender. She’s a bit of a cow actually). I am trying to understand what she means here,exactly, but trying to decipher Moo code isn't easy! It sounds like she's saying that since she has spawned a he-brat to shape and mold the way she wants from scratch, she will force him to be the perfect man she was never able to snag? THIS would explain all the co-sleeping with boy kids until they're teens and refuse to share a bed with moo anymore, the obsession over his wiener as a baby and sexuality as a teen, and the extended udder feeding nonsense. These cows are weird and have strange views on their roles as mothers. LOL, she calls the "de-friender" a cow? Pot, meet kettle. drinking coffee

To Generation Cynic I say let life in, even if it means your precious SINK or DINK life is shaken. In fact, I might even say have a baby to ensure your life is shaken. Let your life be split open, and spend the rest of your life coming to terms with what that means. Plant a garden. Let it thrive. Uh, NO THANKS! My garden is perfectly fine the way it is and I see no reason to add any additional plants to it, especially ones that will kill off the other thriving ones.:BS

Sharing is good for you: I agree, but she has a completely opposite view of what "sharing" means than I do. "Sharing" means of myself and my time to MEANINGFUL endeavors and sluicing is NOT on that list. bouncing and laughing

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
I'm just amused at all the things moos write to feel better about themselves. They really are grasping at straws, aren't they?

I might even say have a baby to ensure your life is shaken.

Yeah, why not bring a human being into the world so you can have a little fun and meaning into your life? Fuck the thing's thoughts, feelings, and desires when it gets older.
Re: You are a pot-bound plant, afraid of revolution and library access
August 17, 2012
You know what else goes deep into the ground? Corpses. And maggots. Actually, that's not a bad metaphor.
Re: You are a pot-bound plant, afraid of revolution and library access
August 17, 2012
This is just a florid, over the top example of the classic bingo parenting makes you a better person/a grown-up.

Moving along, nothing to see here....I have my life to live and I won't be root-bound (to keep the gardening metaphors rolling.)

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: You are a pot-bound plant, afraid of revolution and library access
August 17, 2012

The first time I held my first born, it felt as though I held the whole world in my hands. Every man I’d ever loved or hated or been afraid of was there in my arms in the shape of a delicate, perfectly formed baby boy.

two faces puking

One could read some shit into this about the moo's mental state. Sorry you've been abused by men but hiding behind the golden penis chyld isn't going to resolve your issues with that and will only damage the kyd as he gets older. But you will turn him into a whiny mooma's boy now wontcha? Because you obviously fear men. And single people, and CF people. Projection, jealousy, fear, be thy MOOOOOO.

Yep. She's going to obsess over this kid with the aim of making him The Perfect Man. By doing so, she will turn him into a Moomie's Boy and he'll wind up so insufferable and entitled that he'll be 100% Pure Asshole - just exactly like what she bitches about.

Where *does* she think these cretins come from?
Re: You are a pot-bound plant, afraid of revolution and library access
August 17, 2012
Somebody went to the Shauna Ahern School of Kre8iv Writing with a major in Bullshit Bingoes and a minor in Projection.


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
why shake your life with babies? why not bungee jumping, sky diving, volunteering to Africa, being a forest ranger, being a wine-tasting expert, learning new skill, vagabonding, whatever?
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