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Whoa! Prudie gave decent advice to the subject of mentally ill people breeding openmouthed shock

Posted by Dorisan 
Reading through all the ya-ya of the response, I kept waiting for Prudie to say something along the line of "love will overcome." Instead she gave a tentative, but at least correct, answer to the young woman.


Dear Prudence,
I am getting married next year and my fiancé and I both love children and see ourselves having kids. Recently, though, I have been concerned about what having children will mean for us. Both of us have been diagnosed with mental illness that we’ve dealt with throughout our lives. My fiancé has social anxiety and is often reluctant to leave the house. He has turned to alcohol in order to cope with his anxiety, but he has rarely had an episode of binge drinking in our three years together. I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, and was recently diagnosed with PTSD as the result of an abusive relationship in my teens. I've been hospitalized for depression and have attempted suicide. I’m wondering if we are the sort of people who should not be having children. The rituals and compulsions I experience from my OCD are mostly linked to household activities, and I am frightened of what might happen if my child disturbs a routine. When that happens, I become agitated to the point of a panic attack or a verbal outburst. My fiancé knows there are things he can't do because of this (open the curtains, take plates out of cupboards, etc.), but I don't see how a child will comprehend this. I'm on medication, but nothing seems to stop it entirely. I work with children and would love kids of my own, but I don't want to raise kids in an oppressive and possibly abusive household. Please help!

—Don't Want To Be a Mommie Dearest

Dear Don’t,
You should be praised for thinking through with the greatest gravity what it would mean for the two of you to have children. I hope both of you have real therapists, not just someone managing your medications. If not, as a couple you should engage someone, say a social worker, who can explore all the issues you raise. You both sound as if you’re generally stable, but also somewhat fragile. As you have acknowledged, dealing with mental illness, especially multiple conditions, is a lifetime struggle. Even with the greatest vigilance and compliance with medications, the course of an illness can be unpredictable. You love kids and have been able to overcome tremendous obstacles to work with children. But while your job has time limits, you can’t clock out at the end of each day when you’re a parent. Because of your training and experience, you and your husband might want to consider becoming foster parents. You could start with short-term placements, which would allow you both to help kids in need and see how it feels to have children living in your home. If it turns out you aren’t approved to provide foster care, that’s not a final judgment, but it’s something serious to contemplate. Additionally, you two should meet with a genetic counselor to talk about both your families’ medical histories. But you are asking for my opinion, and based on your description, I don’t think you two right now are candidates for taking on the overwhelming nature of child-rearing. I say this reluctantly and as someone who has mental illness in my family, so I wrestled with the question of my genetic legacy. Whether or not you decide to have children, you’ve already shown that those with serious mental illness can have productive lives filled with love.
I think she answered her own question.

If neither one of them can stand a change in their routine, then they shouldn't have children. Period.
This is the biggest reason me and my boyfriend have for being CF. Me and him both have aspergers and I also have ADHD and OCD we have have plans on doing neurobiological testing on my boyfriend to see what other conditions he has I already had it done that is how I know about my ADHD and OCD. My sister on the other hand wants to have children and she also has ADHD and she has bipolar so she is taking a huge risk but its what she wants so :bedmadelie on that one.

your children are overrated and overvalued, and
you've turned them into little cult objects. George Carlin

Not a single gram of fuck shall be given today
Snark Shark
" I’m wondering if we are the sort of people who should not be having children."

@#%#@$^%#^$#$ OF COURSE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

clinical depression is something I actually DO know about, and anyone intentionaly putting their kyds through THAT (by passing it ON to them, or by attempting to raise them with it) is a FUCKING ASSHOLE. Feeling suicidal for NO apparent reason FUCKING SUCKS.

I know something about it too, having suffered from it for most of my life. Just another reason why I am child free. I wouldn't want anyone to go through the shit I have had to deal with.
I spent 19 years with chronic depression, and only found out this year that it was but a symptom of schizotypal disorder. I'm the fourth generation to have it, too. Mine is low-level and just makes me a lovable kook, but my grandmother's was severe enough that she never had a close relationship with anyone. Not something I'd want to pass on to a child!

Major awards to both Prudie and this couple. If more couples thought long and hard before they bred, we probably would have a lot less to gripe about on this forum.
If ALL wanna be parents possessed the caring and true love it would take to protect potential offspring to NOT have kids, like these two have, the world would be a much better place, indeed. Sometimes the most loving thing a parent or parent wanna be can do is to let their kids go or not have them in the first place. THIS is much more difficult a personal "sacrifice" than having them anyway knowing the probable negative outcome.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
I have borderline personality disorder (well controlled due to medication and therapy) and have battled depression as well as my multiple sclerosis. I would never bring a child into this world knowing that I could pass this on, or possibly harm them because of it.
These folks at least had the sense to sit down and question whether or not they should have kids. Most people who are nuts who have kids never gave it a thought. I see assloads of Moos on Smothering who are depressed, awwtarded, schizos, bipolar-bears, etc. Sometimes both parents have mental disorders like these two in this letter. Yet they still go on and breed.

As Snark mentioned it's not just the chance of passing on your illness, but trying to raise a child when you're sick yourself. How is it fair to birth a kid with autism while two autistic people attempt to raise it? What a lot of people fail to realize is the best thing they can do for their children is to not ever have them. But as we have seen time and time again, a vast majority of wanna-breeders don't care what they inflict on their children - it's all about what Wanna-Moo and Wanna-Duh (if he's around) want. If they want a loaf, it doesn't matter what kind of quality of health/life it has, as long as they have it.

I'm glad to see Prudie actually gave sound advice rather than, "Oh there's medications for everything now, so you can just take pills and have a baby!"
Being raised by a mentally ill mother and a father who is in denial about it and might have issues of his own fucking sucks. I really hope these two don't have kids.
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