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"Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)

Posted by kidlesskim 
"Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 21, 2012

This article stemmed from the one on The Salon a few years ago by Ann Bauer, which detailed her horror of living with a full grown and violent awtard son. I couldn't get that full article to download or I would have made that the subject. However, this one here refers to it and has dozens of comments from other parents of violent awtards. Like when Travis the chimpanzee reached puberty and ripped off Charla Nash's face and bit off her hands, many awtard boys turn violent as well after they mature. Yet, they continue to lobby for them to be "mainstreamed" and to interact with the general public at large shrug

"Autistic Kids, Violent Adults
The Monster Inside My Son." That's the title of a Salon article in which writer Ann Bauer pours out her anguish at the violent turn her son's life has taken since he stopped being a beautiful mysterious child with autism and turned in to a hulking aggressive adult. Though she had brief hopes of his cure in the middle-school years, and disregarded warnings that his life might come to this, the monster could not be stopped. "I would hack off my right arm in return for something as simple as cancer," Bauer writes. "The flickering beauty of a sad, pure, too-early death sounds lovely." To think the awtard cases are steadily increasing, many are enrolled in public schools, and society is continually leaning towards mainstreaming them, is especially troubling.

Does that mean all kids with autism are doomed to a future of menace and manacles? It's easy to feel, when your child suffers a tragedy, that it is part of a larger truth and something others must be warned about. Writes Bauer, "Autism does not always equal violence. But I do believe there may be a tragic, blameless relationship. ... Circumstances, neurology, size and age combine to create the perfect storm." It's that "perfect storm" that has me concerned. Common sense dictates the more awtards created, the more violent ones will come along with that increase.

Though there's not much as parents we can do about neurology, size, and age, circumstances are to some extent under our control. Bauer describes her son as "living daily in a world where everything hurts and nothing makes sense," and that's a concern for children with autism and other special needs as well. Making the world less hurtful and more sensible for our kids is a challenge that can't always be met -- but as I look at my growing, growing boy, becoming stronger and heavier by the minute, it seems like a pretty urgent priority. If they become psychotic and violent awtards, then "making the world less hurtful and more sensible" isn't going to make a dent in the problem. Prevention is the best option at least until the medical community can figure out why violent awtards are increasing in number. I doubt they'll stop cranking them out though because there's not a moo alive who would be willing to miss out on the attention, festivities, and showers that come along with birthing that cuddly little violent tard to be. There about 100 comments, but I just skimmed the ones below off the top

Here's an excerpt from the article I couldn't fully download:

"...On Feb. 14 I awaken to this headline: “Professor Beaten to Death by Autistic Son.”I scan the story while standing, my coffee forgotten. Trudy Steuernagel, a faculty member in political science at Kent State, has been murdered and her 18-year-old son, Sky, has been arrested and charged with the crime, though he is profoundly disabled and can neither speak nor understand. Sky, who likes cartoons and chicken nuggets, apparently lost control and beat his mother into a coma. He was sitting in jail when she died.

This happens to be two days after my older son’s 21st birthday, which we marked behind two sets of locked steel doors. I’m exhausted and hopeless and vaguely hung over because Andrew, who has autism, also has evolved from sweet, dreamy boy to something like a golem: bitter, rampaging, full of rage. It happened no matter how fiercely I loved him or how many therapies I employed. Now, reading about this Ohio mother, there is a moment of slithering nausea and panic followed immediately by a sense of guilty relief.

I am not alone...." Not by a long shot is she alone, which is the most troubling part!:headbrick

Comments-Many from Parents/Family of Violent Awtards

Let the village fix it-after telling how she knows awtards that got nicer after youthful tendencies towards violence
"...There are so many things we need to worry about as parents, but I think violence in adulthood is not one of the most common concerns. It just causes so much anguish when it does happen that it gets a lot of focus. I also think that as society becomes more understanding, new treatments develop, schools and supported employment programs learn new methods, better communication skills are taught, etc., that fewer and fewer kids will have to endure the level of pain and constant frustration that can lead to violence. At least I want to believe this."

See a tharapist-Not all Awtards are bad philosopher
Wouldn’t this mother be better off speaking of her troubles with a therapist. I sympathise with her situation, but she does more harm and creates negative stereoptying of people with autism. The “World is Flat” histeria for mothers of children with autism. This story could be written by mothers of children who have schizoprhenia, Bipolar 1, personality type disorders etc. I reiterate Nancy Deren’s comment that people with autism vary greatly in personality as do non-ASD people.

Moo of Violent Awtard Tells it Like it is
Well, obviously the rest of you have not had to endure the violent behaviors of a autistic child. Why don’t you volunteer to keep them for the weekend and then let us know what you think! It’s very easy to judge when you are not the one experiencing it. My son has turned very violent due to the school locking him in a room during this past year. Now he scratches, bites, punches, etc.. anyone at any time. There are no defining triggers. Three years ago, the teacher was holding face down on a bean bag with her foot while she sat in a chair. The school system has moved him to another school. Yet he was an angel until the school caused his problems

Meanwhile, I’m left over the summer with bloody hands and face from him scratching and biting me; hitting me in the face and pulling my hair; and now he’s throwing everything around in his room. He cannot speak and this frustrates him and us (the parents) even more. You cannot calm him down when he’s like this, and then when he’s calmed himself down, approaching him to try and talk to him sets him off again. He is fed via a G-button (feeding tube) and won’t let me near him during the day to try and feed him or change his diaper — he’s 11 years old and still is not potty trained. This can create a huge mess.:smn

He is almost the same height as I am and can now pin me to the ground when he gets violent. I welcome any of you to come and keep him for while I “observe” how you handle this. NO THANKS!:bedmadelie

The Hulkette Awtardress
my sister has an autistic 9 year old she beats the heck out of my sister she has so many bites on her arms breast back so forth.I dont know why my sister tolerates that violence. the child even hurts other children at school.she is allways so angry.im so afraid for my sister.i hate to go to her house . this child picks up tvs and toss them. unbelievable strength. I WOULDN'T go to her house!

Monster He-Tard Mauls Grandmoo on a Regular Basis
I am raising my nonverbal grandson who has autism and bipolar. Bipolar and ADD/ADHD happen to run on both sides of his family. I have raised this boy since he was less that 3 and he is almost 16 now. He is also over 200 lbs and moving past 6 foot. When he is upset, hungry, hurting, or frustrated he goes for me. I am 67 now and 5 foot. That boy might kill that woman one day. WHY doesn't she ship him off to a home?

At school he was long ago moved from a class with women instructors to a class with males. At 85 lbs he could take a female teacher or aide down. He is also on medications as are his bipolar brothers and mother. We have to take into consideration what might be causing his aggression. Is his allergies giving him a severe headache or maybe is it past dinner time for him? His last ones were caused by pain of an abscessed tooth! No one should judge the families of a nonverbal child with autism or even a bipolar child unless they have lived with that child. The WHOLE famblee is fucked up! If the least little thing sets him off to attack grandmoo now, at age 16, it's only a matter of time until she's got a one liner on Headline News

I hope our boy can stay at home forever because we are willing to understand and work with him and it scares me to think what could happen to him in a group home with constantly changing personnel.saying 'wtf' She WANTS him to stay at home? I guess she isn't concerned about her own life then, assuming anyone could call what she's living a "life"

WAY Out of Control Teen Awtard
My 14 year old son has turned very violent towards me in the last year or so. He is about 5′11 and weighs about 170. I am 5′5 and weigh 117. He is unbelievably strong. I’ve recently had to withdraw him from school to homeschool him. Our problem isn’t so much people trying to put constraints on him but him trying to manipulate his environment. It can be something as ridiculous as wanting lunchtime to be at 8am or wanting it to be time to go pick up his little brother from school well before school lets out. While I know I could give him “lunch” at 8am to avoid a confrontation, I wonder how much good it does him to learn that my fear of him can get him whatever he wants. In my mind, that will only make things worse. This one has learned he can manipulate by intimidation and threat of violence and he's only 14

We are like the grandmother a couple of posts up in that he always goes for me when he’s angry. He has actually pulled balled spots on my head and scratched my face up. Sometimes I think I must deserve it since I have had to be the disciplinarian in the family. I’m the one who sets the rules and who ran his ABA therapy for years when he was younger so I think he views me as the person in the home who controls everything. Maybe I was too hard on him earlier on but I thought I was helping him. He was always well behaved and mild up until he hit puberty. I hope this is temporary but I’m afraid he’s going to kill me. AND he certainly might since he appears fully capable of it, even now.

Baby Sitter of a Violent Awtard
I am a babysitter for a severely autistic child. Today, though, he attacked me and the other people around us while we were on an outing. He reached out and slapped a man on the subway train, grabbed fistfuls of my hair while kicking me in the shins, and generally lashed out. Unprovoked. Long story short, it was a mess. The police showed up. Some stranger approached us to give him a hug and tell him that it was my fault–that I’d done something to make him that way. Once I’d wrestled him outside and isolated him from pedestrians, I couldn’t help but cry. He's gonna slap the WRONG man one day

I love this kid. I spent hours agonizing over a Christmas present for him (and his parents, and his sister…) I am so exhausted by this encounter, but grateful for the fact that I can go home at the end of the day. What happens if he attacks his younger sister? I ended the day with bruised shins and less hair, but she could have fared much worse, had she been with us. (And to that guy who got slapped by C., I am so so sorry. I’m not sure if I said it in the moment.) She needs to QUIT this job ASAP.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 21, 2012
We should bring back asylums. Sometime last week.


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 22, 2012
And of course the Moos won't put their little freaks into homes or nut houses because pweshus won't learn how to behave in public unless he's in public! And he's not crazy - he's "special" and has the right to a normal life and everything in it like a "neurotypical" person.

Everyone thinks their abnormal bastards deserve normal lives, but the thing is these big fat violent tards (seriously, why are they always at least 200 pounds when they hit adulthood?) can't handle being mixed in with the general public. They can't handle loud noises, crowds, or order of any kind because they're so used to having their own way and slapping Mommy and Bro and Sis around the house for the hell of it.

If they assault a stranger in public, they might get arrested for battery, but the charges won't stick because the fucker and his/her family will plead insanity. So then they can go back out and assault more people. And yeah, these tards will one day hit the wrong person and get laid out. I know if some tard of any age attacked me, I would beat the piss out of them without a second thought.

The breeders of these violent retards also never do what is best for the child. Whether they have a mild mental illness that can be managed with medication or are so severely fucked in the head that they are beyond help, the breeders will not teach them to act like civilized people or put them in a home. Nope, they will cut corners in every possible way like giving a shrieking tard their own way to avoid violence or a tantrum. They choose to keep the fuckers at home where said fuckers will be violent toward other family members and house pets, will destroy things and possibly sexually abuse people in the house.

We do need to bring back asylums. These tards can cry insanity to get out of any crime short of murder, so they need to be put in hug-me jackets in padded rooms until they conk out. Such people cannot be trusted to not harm others in public, so they have to be locked up. But due to human rights activists and all the mommies screaming for mainstreaming, this will never happen because tards are people too - even if one violent retard murders a dozen people, s/he is still a person who deserves a normal life too.

It's sickening. Frankly I'd like to take all these retarded assholes and line them up before a firing squad. These people will never contribute to society and are a danger to those of us who do - why should they be allowed to do this? If it was an animal running around harming or killing people, it would get put down in a second. Why can't the same be done to mentally ill, aggressive, violent humans?
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 22, 2012
These idiot parents are clueless. They should be afraid that Junior might kill them some day, because odds are, he will.

Now, common sense would dictate that if your kid was violent and autistic, you would have a few choices as to what to do about it. You could go the psychiatric hospital route, but parents tend to feel that this is cruel. I disagree. Putting the violent bastard away may just save you a lawsuit or your life. If someone assaults another person, they can and may be sued, and if the courts determine that the kid is a danger to himself and others, they may have no choice but to put Junior in a home. The public safety is at risk. I can guarantee you that one day one of these violent tards is going to assault the wrong person and find themselves staring at the wrong end of a gun. I wouldn't be surprised if this has already happened before.

Medication, in the right doses, can be effective. It might turn Junior into a drooling house plant, but that is a small price to pay if the kid is a violent psychopath when off his meds. I hear good things about Lithium and Thorazine.

The stupid hurts, it really does.
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 22, 2012
If any autard got violent with me I promise to defend myself first and sue the parents later. If any idiot moo thinks I wouldn't sue the living hell out of her on account of her autard she would be in for a serious wake up call and it would happen in a courtroom. I would bet money Autard Boy cuts his crap as soon as he's met with pepper spray and that moo is forced to commit him after a judge takes the decision out of her hands.

The entitlement of an autard moo is mind boggling. Just because one person is kind and compassionate enough to understand the person's autistic doesn't mean the rest of the world is going to be. The entitlement and stupidity of these moos needs to be knocked out of them in the most painful way possible.
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 22, 2012
And why have we done away with asylums anyway? These violent tards need somewhere to go, i.e. a padded cell where they can bang their heads and scream all they want! Strait-jackets and high doses of meds would help these people tremendously. If we lock them up, then we would save a lot of people from the apparently DAILY BEATINGS they are being given. saying 'wtf'

sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken
indecision may or may not be my problem
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 22, 2012
Your right to swing your fist stops before my face. I don't give a flying fuck why people are violent, I care about having the general public protected from their violence.

The reasons for violence may determine the treatment, if any, but it should not affect the necessary segregation from society.
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 22, 2012
We've got two in my family. The older one is in his early teens, and getting fatter, taller, and stronger every day. He is non-verbal and has to be watched constantly. His parents (my cousins) describe him as good natured, and the few times I've been around him I haven't seen any violent outbursts. he mainly just bumbles around the house and gets into things. Hopefully for his parents (my cousins) he stays that way. The other one (by another cousin) is very high-functioning, extremely bright, and VERY bratty. He regularly has melt downs and tantrums, and hits his younger sister. When my cousin isn't making him the center of attention, he hollers, cries, and screams until we all stop our conversation and focus on him. They tried sending him to school and the teachers complained to my cousin so much that she pulled him and he is now homeschooled. I personally think a good paddling would do wonders for this kid, but of course...
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 22, 2012
I think most of these parents would welcome asylums. Failing that, they should at least castrate the male autards.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 22, 2012
Oh my goodness, thank you so much for posting this! My boyfriend has an 18 year old awtard son from a previous marriage (Asperger's is the official diagnosis). From the moment I met him I was put off by him. While I'm repelled by him for a number of reasons, I noted to myself that I am actually afraid of him. The kid is 6'4" and at least 250 pounds.

He started a program for special needs students at the local community college this summer. During class, something happened (we got the story second hand from officious moo who does not communicate well with her ex), and the teacher threw him out of the classroom. Once he was out in the hall or lobby, a loud crash was heard by the students and teacher still in the classroom. When the teacher went out to investigate, she found my boyfriend's son in a state of aggression with a folding chair, which scared her enough to call security. Security arrived, talked him down, and then delivered him to the guidance counselor. He was ALMOST kicked out of the program, but they let him stay.

My boyfriend is working to find some occupational therapy for his son, but he's terrified for him. Apparently the aggression is nothing new, but when he was young it was deemed "cute," now, not so much. This kid has the potential to kill somebody very easily because of his size, (why are they always huge?!), and he is very anti-social. I almost can't hide my distaste for him from my boyfriend, but luckily I have limited contact with him (and his 16-year-old sister, who happens to be normal and charming) because of the stipulations in the custody agreement. But I am actively scared of him, and I feel vindicated that my instincts were correct and that I'm not just a child-hating bitch (which I am but, hey).

I just want to add that his mother's body apparently 'rejected' the semen from the father and she suffered several miscarriages back when they were trying to have children. In order to produce a viable fetus, they had to go to another state so she could take anti-rejection drugs like a transplant patient in order to carry the child to term. Congratulations, and awtard! Why do people do this to themselves?!
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 22, 2012
I hope he will soon be your ex-boyfriend, star belly.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 22, 2012
Unfortunately, cases like Trudy Steubernagel will have to happen more often and innocent, neurotypical schoolkids forced to share classrooms with these violent retards will have to be seriously injured, maimed, and/or killed before asylums make a return and mainstreaming is halted. At some point, society's right to be safe from these kinds of people supersedes any right violent awtards have to be in society.

What is going to happen to Steubernagel's son? People will be defending him saying that he's too retarded to understand what he did, so it wouldn't be fair to lock him up, but he murdered his own mother. He can't be in society anymore.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 22, 2012

And why have we done away with asylums anyway?

A combination of bleeding heart "HOOMUN RIGHTZ" activists and martyr-moos not wanting to give up their pweshus retards. Just because a few asylums here and there were rife with abuse, they threw out the baybee with the bathwater, and now you see the result. Awtards (and other 'tards) hulking out and smashing their moomie's faces in, psychos shooting up theatres, schizos cutting off people's heads, and the list goes on and on.
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 22, 2012
You could go the psychiatric hospital route, but parents tend to feel that this is cruel. I disagree. Putting the violent bastard away may just save you a lawsuit or your life. If someone assaults another person, they can and may be sued, and if the courts determine that the kid is a danger to himself and others, they may have no choice but to put Junior in a home. The public safety is at risk. I can guarantee you that one day one of these violent tards is going to assault the wrong person and find themselves staring at the wrong end of a gun. I wouldn't be surprised if this has already happened before.


Plus, if he is deemed incompetent, I would venture the guess that the parents can get sued.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 22, 2012
You could go the psychiatric hospital route, but parents tend to feel that this is cruel. I disagree. Putting the violent bastard away may just save you a lawsuit or your life. If someone assaults another person, they can and may be sued, and if the courts determine that the kid is a danger to himself and others, they may have no choice but to put Junior in a home. The public safety is at risk. I can guarantee you that one day one of these violent tards is going to assault the wrong person and find themselves staring at the wrong end of a gun. I wouldn't be surprised if this has already happened before.


Plus, if he is deemed incompetent, I would venture the guess that the parents can get sued.

They most likely would get sued, and they would deserve it.
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 22, 2012
starbelly: call it off with your boyfriend. I don't care how nice he is, that kid will always take priority, NO MATTER WHAT. and the fact that he's violent is even worse. I predict, if you stay, you may very well end up on the 'babysitter' list for this violent boy. they just want peace and quiet, and they silently hope the awtard won't act out while you are watching him.

as for psychiatric hospitals: between the expense of running them, and the aclu thinking these useless husks have the right to determine their own fate, they are virtually non existent. the state and the aclu do not care how many people get killed, maimed, or enslaved to these awtards. it is cheaper that way. awtards who kill, all that happens is they end up in jail, in the psych section. but meanwhile, the families are the ones who bear the brunt of the cost (save for the agencies that make a living on bastards like these.)

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 22, 2012
We have a huge mental institution very close to my home. Most of the buildings have been shut down, but they have kept part of it open for severely mentally ill patients as well as chronic drug abusers. There have also been a number of movies shot there, and I believe they plan to shoot another film there in the near future.

Part of the reason, the facility was shut down, was due to sexual and physical abuse done to patients by the staff. The hospital had garnered a horrific reputation over the years, which included rape of female patients, unnecessary medical procedures being used as punishments, and using the patients as guinea pigs for drug experiments, many of which caused lethal and permanent side-effects. Many people died due to wreckless and cruel behavior by the staff and doctors. Most of that happened in the early years of the hospital, and continued for decades.

Of course, in recent years, most of the internal abuse had been dealt with...however the money that it cost to keep the institution running was too much. People who had lived in the institution for 20...30 years, were tossed out into the streets, with nothing more than a prescription in their hands. A lot of those people ended up committing suicide on the railway tracks at the base of the hill where the hospital sits. Others wandered over to the Downtown East Side and became chronic drug addicts and alcoholics.

Bringing back the asylum, in a way that is controlled so that these things cannot reoccur, would be a great way to keep some of these violent retards out of society. It would have to be monitored heavily for abuse, since I don't believe anyone deserves to be abused for any purpose.

I remember when I was hassled by that 300 pound woman (mentally disabled, pretty sure she was an autard) nearly every morning on my way to work. I remember feeling terrorized by her. One day, a group of strangers had to help me when she actually came at me, with the intent to hurt me. Shortly after that, she disappeared. I figured she was shipped off somewhere, to someplace, where they could handle her.

When it comes to public safety, I'm sorry...but the rights and privileges of dangerous people, including autards must never trump that. If I ever had to encounter such a thing again, I wouldn't hesitate to defend myself and do everything in my power to make sure that person doesn't hurt anyone else again.
When I was in High School they started mainstreaming the Retarded kids. There was one girl who had Downs Syndrome, but was high functioning so she was allowed to participate in a few classes with the normal kids. She was also allowed to go to the bathroom alone and to the lunch room.

She had a crush on one of the guys in my class, and at first she just followed him around and made comments. Then her behavior changed and she became almost like a stalker. Well one day, she was in the bathroom and her crush's girlfriend was in there. The Tard came up behind her and started choking her, and screaming that she was going to kill her. Luckily someone was walking buy and heard her, but it took 2 adults to get this girl to let go.

Their solution was to make sure that the Tard didn't go to bathroom alone anymore.
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 22, 2012
Miss_Hannigan said, "I think most of these parents would welcome asylums. Failing that, they should at least castrate the male autards."

This. Some would bitch that this tramples on their "rights", and current policies and case laws support this notion, but anything to control the violent aggression would help. We discussed the Bauer essay and Steuernagel case here when they appeared, and if someone insists on keeping a violent au/tard at home, for the males this has to be a choice. That or constant restraints. Hard for someone to try to throttle you when his hands are cuffed behind his back most of the time.

The girls aren't exempt either. Some of you might remember another old thread in which a young tard woman (early 20s), who had been shrieking at full volume in a fabric store while her "handler" ignored her, stabbed the store manager in the back with a pair of scissors she got off a desk. I recall looking at the original linked thread, and it appeared that the incident happened in Maryland. Fortunately, the manager recovered.

Supreme Court justice Robert Jackson said nearly 70 years ago, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact." When discussing these tards' rights, we must keep this in mind. Problem is, TwoCents and MumofSixBirds are right: the institutions have mostly been closed for lack of funding. The problem of tards running amok is going to get worse before it gets better.
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 22, 2012
Retard or no retard-one of them attacks me anyplace, I will exercise my right to defend myself and will do so with extreme prejudice...
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 22, 2012
A few years ago, we had this extremely fat, extremely strong autard girl in the "life skills" class at my school. Ironically, and I kid you not, her name was Shawna! Anyway, somewhere along the line, probably when she was much smaller and harmless, Shawna learned to give hugs. Well, by the time she was a teenager, the hugs had turned into bone crushing smoosh sessions. If she caught someone, she would bear hug them into her enormous bosoms while they struggled to be let go, and then she would laugh like a hyena. Her two handlers were constantly pulling her off other students and staff, but they thought it was "nice that she was trying to make friends."eye rolling smiley One day I caught her sizing me up, and she reached out her hand. I held up my hand and very firmly told her, "NO! DON'T TOUCH!" She got all butt-hurt, and her handlers looked pissed off at me that I wouldn't let her hug me! Well, a few days later, I was in the hall between classes (it was my free period) when I heard pounding footsteps, and someone yelling ,"Shawna! No! No!" Sure enough, she was CHASING me down the hall! Thank goodness they got to her before she got to me! After that, I did everything I could not to be anywhere near where I thought this kid might be. She never did get her "hug" from me! and at the end of the year she "graduated" so I don't have to worry about being mauled and molested on the job anymore.
Many years ago when I attended primary school, our school had a special education program to accommodate mentally challenged kids. Although they had separate classes, they mingled with the 'normal' kids during playtime.

I specifically recall three of them, probably because they were so aggressive towards the other kids. Two of them were a brother and sister duo, these lumbering pig-faced hulks who stumbled across the playground harassing everyone who got in their way. I never saw them smile or interact with anyone else; they just grunted, stared and bullied people. Fuck knows what was wrong with them, but they were seriously off.

One day I did something to call attention to myself and suddenly had the brother rushing at me. I still remember his expressionless face and vacant eyes. There was absolutely nothing there that could be defined as even remotely aware. I had my own anger issues at the time, so I wasn't about to let a hulking retard beat me up, even if he was twice my size! smile rolling left righteyes2. As he reached for me to grab me, I shoved him as hard as I could. He had so little muscle tone, that he flopped over on his back and did a backward summersault before coming to a stop. I got out of there as fast as I could, before he got up again. :yeah

Then there was Ernie. For some reason our principal adored Ernie. He was always being given special certificates for doing mundane shit. I swear if the principal could have given him an award for wiping his own ass, he would have. We had an aftercare facility at school that I attended. One afternoon I rounded a corner in a remote part of the playground, and there was Ernie, waving around a knife and threatening me. I wasn't suitably intimidated, so he lunged forward and stabbed me in the palm of my left hand. (Keep in mind we were around 9 - 11 years old at the time). You can bet your life I beat the ever loving shit out of him when I caught him! drinking coffee

A couple of years ago my husband and I had to make a delivery at a home for the 'mentally challenged'. I thought it was a home for kids, but it turned out to be for adults. I swear, driving onto the grounds was like driving onto the set of a zombie movie. The 'residents' were just standing around, staring at nothing, not going anywhere or doing anything. The moment we came through the gates, they started stumbling in the direction of our car. Think of a scene in a zombie movie where the zombies catch scent of their prey and start grunting, falling and lumbering their way over with no real awareness. Swear to God, that's what it was like. I had one of my dogs with me and, although usually a very sweet natured dog, her hair stood on end and she started growling as we drove past them. Even she knew there was something wrong with them!

We found out where we were supposed to go and parked the car. The lady we were supposed to see told us to wait in the parking lot, so my husband opened his door to let in some fresh air. Pretty soon our car was surrounded, but before my husband could close his door, a guy in a wheelchair blocked the door. This guy had absolutely nothing going for him. His only working limb was his flapping right hand, which he used to steer the wheelchair, and we couldn't understand a word he said. He kept shouting gibberish in my husband's face, demanding God knows what. I was getting agitated, my dog (German Shepherd) was going ballistic and my husband eventually told him to back the fuck off. He wheeled his chair backward and we thought he was leaving. Instead, as he cleared the door, he grabbed the door and yanked it open even wider before slamming it as hard as he could. :crz. It was the closest I've ever come (as an adult) to beating the snot out of a retard and it confirmed my belief that it's best to stay as far away from them as possible.
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 23, 2012
One day, soon, one of those pwechus autard will be caught killing or raping the wrong child. I mean, the child of the wrong mother, who will thereby find her Calling In Life.

By that I mean that the Grieving Mama of the Poor Baby Killed By The Autard will make such a fuss over the fact that, as we said in Italy, the altars will be uncovered and the true, putrid interior of the Adult Autard World will be bared to the World.

Lets get real. As long as no chyldruuuun is hurt, noone care.

Personally, I think that Asylum should be present. There should be no abuse, of course, but there shouldn't be any peculiar nicety neither, or there should be only for the very few autards who can appreciate it.
Padden walls. Medications. Period.

All in all, I do think that the collateral cost of letting those autards run free is not exactly peanuts. Just cutting down the therapies for those case in which they can be, you know, USEFUL, would be a start.

I read somewhere that there are very few assault by autards in general. I call BS on this statistic. it is a wrong one, because most people are too nice for their own good, and just don't call the police when Autarden zoom on them because "He doesn't understand what to do". Also, I fear that 90% of aggressions are on family member, even less likely to call the cops.


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 23, 2012

The hell he doesn't!

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: "Autistic Kids,Violent Adults" (Violent Awtard Stories)
August 23, 2012

The hell he doesn't!

Maybe they aren't from god...
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