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Wisconsin Senator's "Anti-Single Mom" Bill Starts a Stampede:smug

Posted by kidlesskim 
Wisconsin Senator's "Anti-Single Mom" Bill Starts a Stampede:smug
August 31, 2012

What the proposed amendment to the bill actually says at the above Gov site and below is an interview-article with the senator who authored it. Oh, it's even funnier because the senator who penned the bill is unmarried and has no kids, which of course is brought up repeatedlybouncing and laughing

The Anti-Single Moo Bill Excerpts
1) "An Act to amend................of the statutes; relating to: requiring the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board to emphasize nonmarital parenthood as a contributing factor to child abuse and neglect...."

2) "...Promote statewide educational and public awareness campaigns and materials for the purpose of developing public awareness of the problems of child abuse and neglect. In promoting those campaigns and materials,the board shall emphasize nonmarital parenthood as a contributing factor to child abuse and neglect..."

3)"... educational and public awareness materials and programming that emphasize nonmarital parenthood as a contributing factor to child abuse and neglect and the role of fathers in the primary prevention of child abuse and neglect...."

The Interview with the Senator
"Wisconsin Senator Who Introduced Anti-Single Parent Bill Says Women 'Trained' To Lie About Planned Pregnancies

Grothman told Colmes that the country’s out-of-wedlock birth rate is the “choice of the women,” who should be “educated that this is a mistake.” When Colmes countered with statistics about the high number of pregnancies that are unintended, Grothman said that many women are “trained” to lie and say that their planned pregnancies are actually unintended:

Senator Grothman: There’s been a huge change over the last 30 years and a lot of that change has been the choice of the women. There’s a reason why in the 50s and the 60s you had less than ten percent of the births illegitimate, and now we’re over 40 percent. It’s not that there weren’t abusive men in the 40s or there was a problem with child support. It is the popular culture, led by the social service professions, who are saying…What makes this single moo epidemic WORSE is now they have easy access to birth control when in the 1940's, they did not! There is NO EXCUSE for single moo-hood resulting in WIC-Welfare Whorism today, NONE at all. If they are one of the rare few who are widows, then they fucking should have had life insurance. WHO has kids and doesn't buy life insurance? NO EXCUSE. I agree with this rickety old codger on the point they CHOOSE this lifestyle in most every single case because it's culturally encouraged, socially acceptable, and they get automatic support from the government.

Interviewer Colmes: Well tell me what you would change.

Grothman: I think the first thing we do is that we should educate women that this is a mistake. If that won't put an end to the epidemic, then he needs to implement a MANDATORY STERILIZATION bill for single moos. If after the 3rd loaf they're STILL "single moms", it's obvious they haven't learned anything.

Colmes: You think women need to be educated, are they not smart enough on their own? APPARENTLY NOT.

Grothman: They do have to be educated, because right now the culture encourages a single motherhood lifestyle. That the culture encourages them is absolutely the truth, as does the government with all their WIC-Welfare freebies

Colmes: You think women choose to be single moms…

Grothman: Oh absolutely What other reason could there BE for this single moo epidemic?

Colmes: You think women want to have homes without fathers? You think women look to the opportunity to have to raise kids and not be able to get work because they have to stay home and take care of the kids. Women want to do this?

Grothman: I think a lot of women are adopting the single motherhood lifestyle because the government creates a situation in which it is almost preferred. Absolutely

Colmes: According to data published in USA Today, at least four in ten pregnancies in every state are unwanted or mistimed. According to the analysis that was released last May, more than half of pregnancies in 29 states and the District of Columbia were unintended, 38 to 50 percent were unintended in the remaining states. This mitigates against the argument that women are purposefully wanting to have kids. Their unintended for the most part. They’re unintended pregnancies, which is the argument for health care services and birth control for women.

Grothman: I think you undersell these women.

Colmes: Undersell them?

Grothman: Undersell them. I think when you have an epidemic of this great proportion, people are not so dumb that it’s surprising when they get pregnant. I think people are trained to say that ‘this is a surprise to me,’ because there’s still enough of a stigma that they’re supposed to say this. Yeah "people", meaning SINGLE MOO CUNTS! Of course they aren't surprised, especially after they sluice the 3rd and 4th baby daddyless loaf with as many different men!:BS

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Wisconsin Senator's "Anti-Single Mom" Bill Starts a Stampede:smug
August 31, 2012
WHY is she pretending she doesn't have access to cheap birth control regardless if insurance won't cover it? ALL forms of OTC birth control is inexpensive. I just bought a pack of cootie squares with 9 in the pack for under $10

Kim, WTF is a "cootie square"? drinking coffee


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Wisconsin Senator's "Anti-Single Mom" Bill Starts a Stampede:smug
August 31, 2012
WHY is she pretending she doesn't have access to cheap birth control regardless if insurance won't cover it? ALL forms of OTC birth control is inexpensive. I just bought a pack of cootie squares with 9 in the pack for under $10

Kim, WTF is a "cootie square"? drinking coffee

A square shaped, paper thin, vaginal insertion thingy, with spermicide on it. It's name brand is VCF(vaginal contraceptive film):sx

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Wisconsin Senator's "Anti-Single Mom" Bill Starts a Stampede:smug
August 31, 2012
Single moos don't want to marry the baybee daddy because the govt. makes the ultimate Baybee Daddy. The Govt. Baybee Daddy gives her free rent and food, a nice little welfare check to sit at home and play Farmville, and more money every time she pops out another one. Govt. Baybee Daddy doesn't ask her to clean the house, cook for him, or even take a shower. Govt. Baybee Daddy always has the open wallet and asks nothing in return.

I swear, are people really this obtuse, or are they just playing dumb when they say they can't believe a single moo enjoys sitting on her fat ass all day while tax payers pick up the tab for her truckload of govt. freebies?

Newsflash Colmes, there are plenty of people out there with no work ethic whatsoever. There are people who aspire to nothing more than having someone, anyone else pay the bills. And yes, there are people who think that this is OWED to them, for whatever insane reason.
Re: Wisconsin Senator's "Anti-Single Mom" Bill Starts a Stampede:smug
September 01, 2012
I have to say that I agree with this Senator. I don't believe for a second that most of these single mooos don't realize how babies are born, and when they have unprotected, fertile sex with a man, they can expect to get knocked up. In many cases, I do believe it's intentional. They don't want to marry babbydaddy, because that means they won't get to suck off of the welfare tit.

They know that their lazy lifestyles will be subsidized by the government, giving them an 'out' to participate in the rest of the world. Moos, of course, are going to be mad about it, because GAWDDAMNIT....they are doing TMIJITW all by they poor little selves...meanwhile it is their choice in most cases.

There are very few excuses for single moohood nowadays, especially with BC so handily available. Hell, you can even go to a 7/11 and get a rubber to wrap it up beforehand. NO EXCUSE!!

Not to mention the fact that these cunts are creating an entirely new generation of slack-ass welfare losers, drug abusers, thugs, gang members and delinquents that the rest of society will have to deal with later.
Re: Wisconsin Senator's "Anti-Single Mom" Bill Starts a Stampede:smug
September 01, 2012
I would just like to add about how much this ties into the "Single Moo gives Married Duh Ultimatum" thread. That woman fucked a married man, and went off BC, without his knowledge, with the sole purpose of getting preggers.

When the Senator says not to sell these women short, I agree with him. Replace innocent, naive and unfortunate with manipulative, cunning and opportunistic. That's the majority of single moos out there.
I think if the govt can force gays to NOT marry in the name of holy marriage, and rape victims to carry a fetus to term, then the govt should force all single moos to be married to a man, not necessarily the babee-daddee, but to a male.
Re: Wisconsin Senator's "Anti-Single Mom" Bill Starts a Stampede:smug
September 01, 2012
From what I am understanding here they aren't saying "stay married to your abuser!" It sounds like they are saying, "don't get knocked up if there aren't two parents in the picture." I think that is more than A-OK.
Re: Wisconsin Senator's "Anti-Single Mom" Bill Starts a Stampede:smug
September 01, 2012
There are very few excuses for single moohood nowadays, especially with BC so handily available. Hell, you can even go to a 7/11 and get a rubber to wrap it up beforehand. NO EXCUSE!!

Not to mention the fact that these cunts are creating an entirely new generation of slack-ass welfare losers, drug abusers, thugs, gang members and delinquents that the rest of society will have to deal with later.
Or even if the BC fails, there's always putting it up for adoption. They don't have much of an excuse anymore. thumbs upwink

When the Senator says not to sell these women short, I agree with him. Replace innocent, naive and unfortunate with manipulative, cunning and opportunistic. That's the majority of single moos out there.

Dam I agree with this. It infuriates me when I have to listen to all of the reasons why these hypocritical cunts deserve help. It also pisses me off whenever someone like this Senator tries to be logical/ responsible and the ignorant masses rise up in force.

Growing up the only women I've seen that didn't abuse welfare were the ones with one or two children, worked full time or were going to school and were not on welfare very long. And they were women who felt anger and SHAME at having to receive welfare. You could see their determination to get out.
OK - I will add to my requirement - they have to marry a man, OR put it up for adoption. Sterilization falls in there at #3, kinda like, 3 strikes you're out? After 3 kids, sterile.
Re: Wisconsin Senator's "Anti-Single Mom" Bill Starts a Stampede:smug
September 01, 2012
CFchevygirl: "I swear, are people really this obtuse, or are they just playing dumb when they say they can't believe a single moo enjoys sitting on her fat ass all day while tax payers pick up the tab for her truckload of govt. freebies?"

It may be both. For example - the mayor of Lewiston/Auburn wrote a nasty letter to the editor a while back, bitching about why so few of the local Somalian community have learned English/have gotten jobs. He blamed it all on the local TANF, saying they were not doing their jobs helping these people. It apparently never occured to this asshole that they don't want to learn English or get jobs... why should they when there's welfare? (Scuttlebutt is that they were told to come to our state because of it's generous welfare.) This asshole could have/should have spent some time with some of the workers so he could see what goes down on a regular basis. But I guess that makes too much sense.

What really pisses me off is that this guy is so ignorant, and yet he got elected and is in a position of authority. No wonder our country is fucked.
Re: Wisconsin Senator's "Anti-Single Mom" Bill Starts a Stampede:smug
September 01, 2012
Pro Life Propaganda is part of this problem also.

Whether the person is one who set out to abuse welfare to begin with, was following what they knew (generations of welfare), or if they were some other type of person such as a college student with an unexpected pregnancy.

In the past - all sorts of different people might have chosen abortion. Now they got the Jesus Guilts as well as starry eyed dreams of Happy Famblees and Disney Land.

Some of these who could've gone either way wind up keeping the kid.

I would like to see the generational welfare and moochers go. But I am most concerned about the *deliberate cheats* who *have* alternatives. Especially the types that live as married and *have jobs* but they remain unmarried to milk the system.

I think these could be cut down a great deal by investigation. Hell - they send CPS out for every little thing. Bratleigh farted? ABUSE! Send Social Services!

OK if they can send people out for that they can certainly have people to investigate the cheaters.

They could probably close just a few small loopholes, maybe instead of looking at marital status look at the *total household income* (from other residents work and benes) - doing this alone would probably save $ and deter some from having even more kids.

I don't begrudge people 'welfare' if they need it. Hell I'm in favor of it. I am more in favor of job training, but just in general.

I am NOT in favor of moochers, multi generations on welfare, and I am especially galled by the ones who *do not need it* - but have found ways to get extras.

Where are the men in this, also? How about handing out more free condoms? At the least. How about directing some of your Propaganda "educational programs" - at them also?

I don't think 'welfare' or the over use of or scamming of - is really all that big of a deal in the overall picture. Sure some of the excess and fraud must go. Will it make that much of a difference? Probably not.

It makes me kind of uneasy that this 'plan' is pitched from the angle of morality also. It seems like Traditional Family Propaganda.

I do think in some ways this is *the cause of* some of this problem, rather than the solution. Impressionable people are blasted night and day with celebrity baby bumps, 'family' advertising, "Teen Mom", The Duggers, Pro Life messages, etc.

You gave people Baby Rabies. WTF did you expect to happen? The smart ones don't fall for it. The stupid ones will. The semi stupid who might've been swayed the other way - well ~

Yeah, I'm just rambling here.

I don't see too many men rushing to the alter, either. But then again - from what I see targeted to young men - I don't see too much Marriage and Famblee stuff being tailored *to them*.

The independent thinking and career oriented female is attacked as a Feminazi, also. Even if she wants to open an orphanage or a non profit that makes sammiches for all the mayuns for frees! She is still attacked for her plans.

Notice how most of these types of Conservatives -who both exalt breeding and condemn women for doing so at the same time - often come from rural or mostly rural areas.

Well newsflash PooBahs - there's not much to do in those areas but fuck. And it's not like there's an abortion clinic around every corner, either. Why don't you build these people a roller rink or a bowling alley or gun range or something?

Why are there alot of Single Mothers in WI? Because the state is full of COWS!

Less Cows, more roller rinks. Problem solved!

I can be Prezidents now? grinning smiley

Oh btw - I heard that Roseanne Barr is running for President. Hmmm.........
Re: Wisconsin Senator's "Anti-Single Mom" Bill Starts a Stampede:smug
September 01, 2012
Another thought -

WHY do these people focus so much on BREEDING? Uh - how about *creating some jobs*???

As I recently said elsewhere - The US Great Lakes states are highly polluted. Get your asses on the phone for fed $ and the USACE and clean that damn shit UP!

This would be jobs, money into the local economy, cleaned up areas that attract business - there is fed money out there for this RIGHT NOW.

In IL - Governor Quinn recently pulled in a big new car factory. This is what they are *supposed to be doing*. Get your asses out there and hustle biz's to relocate. I could think of multiple industries I'd be courting.

Are they effin retarded? Why do they do nothing but crank out SHIT that has nothing to do with anything but BREEDING?
Re: Wisconsin Senator's "Anti-Single Mom" Bill Starts a Stampede:smug
September 01, 2012
Pro Life Propaganda is part of this problem also.

Whether the person is one who set out to abuse welfare to begin with, was following what they knew (generations of welfare), or if they were some other type of person such as a college student with an unexpected pregnancy.

In the past - all sorts of different people might have chosen abortion. Now they got the Jesus Guilts as well as starry eyed dreams of Happy Famblees and Disney Land.

Some of these who could've gone either way wind up keeping the kid.

I would like to see the generational welfare and moochers go. But I am most concerned about the *deliberate cheats* who *have* alternatives. Especially the types that live as married and *have jobs* but they remain unmarried to milk the system.

I think these could be cut down a great deal by investigation. Hell - they send CPS out for every little thing. Bratleigh farted? ABUSE! Send Social Services!

OK if they can send people out for that they can certainly have people to investigate the cheaters.

They could probably close just a few small loopholes, maybe instead of looking at marital status look at the *total household income* (from other residents work and benes) - doing this alone would probably save $ and deter some from having even more kids.

I don't begrudge people 'welfare' if they need it. Hell I'm in favor of it. I am more in favor of job training, but just in general.

I am NOT in favor of moochers, multi generations on welfare, and I am especially galled by the ones who *do not need it* - but have found ways to get extras.

Where are the men in this, also? How about handing out more free condoms? At the least. How about directing some of your Propaganda "educational programs" - at them also?

I don't think 'welfare' or the over use of or scamming of - is really all that big of a deal in the overall picture. Sure some of the excess and fraud must go. Will it make that much of a difference? Probably not.

It makes me kind of uneasy that this 'plan' is pitched from the angle of morality also. It seems like Traditional Family Propaganda.

I do think in some ways this is *the cause of* some of this problem, rather than the solution. Impressionable people are blasted night and day with celebrity baby bumps, 'family' advertising, "Teen Mom", The Duggers, Pro Life messages, etc.

You gave people Baby Rabies. WTF did you expect to happen? The smart ones don't fall for it. The stupid ones will. The semi stupid who might've been swayed the other way - well ~

Yeah, I'm just rambling here.

I don't see too many men rushing to the alter, either. But then again - from what I see targeted to young men - I don't see too much Marriage and Famblee stuff being tailored *to them*.

The independent thinking and career oriented female is attacked as a Feminazi, also. Even if she wants to open an orphanage or a non profit that makes sammiches for all the mayuns for frees! She is still attacked for her plans.

Notice how most of these types of Conservatives -who both exalt breeding and condemn women for doing so at the same time - often come from rural or mostly rural areas.

Well newsflash PooBahs - there's not much to do in those areas but fuck. And it's not like there's an abortion clinic around every corner, either. Why don't you build these people a roller rink or a bowling alley or gun range or something?

Why are there alot of Single Mothers in WI? Because the state is full of COWS!

Less Cows, more roller rinks. Problem solved!

I can be Prezidents now? grinning smiley

Oh btw - I heard that Roseanne Barr is running for President. Hmmm.........

Proof of total household income should absolutely be MANDATORY for cunts to get welfare. If monitoring that means social services will come knocking, then so be it. Actually, it did used to be that way and they lost their welfare check when discovered. The single moo brigade won that fight though by saying WHO was "visiting"(even if it was for ten years straight) was an invasion of their privacy if uncovered and they were penalized. Also, the bit about forcing the unemployed baby daddy out of the home and OFF their food stamp and WIC food was the government "forcing fathers" out of the famblee portrait. ALL bullshit of course, but I think that's why no one ever checks any more if there's a man living there and earning 50k a year.:BS

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Wisconsin Senator's "Anti-Single Mom" Bill Starts a Stampede:smug
September 01, 2012
I'm just strolling down Memory Lane here - I seem to remember that *I did have to disclose EVERYTHING* when I was a student - everything. About me and family worth.

I can't remember much from 20 years ago, and then with further schooling I lived alone ~

I am pretty sure though - all that paperwork - you had to disclose everything about the 'entire household' so to speak. I know you did.

In fact - I'm just thinking that I did have to estimate my Grand Parents net worth or income or something - because I did live with my Gram the first time through school as she was close to that school. And in fact I think I do remember parents income was also an issue - I *know* they asked for just about anything imaginable. This would've been early 90s. In MI but I was filling out all sorts of *Federal* paperwork - you have to, even to just get *loans*. You *had to* fill all this crap out - and provide any and all copies of various 'paperwork'.
Your Great Grand Mother's Second Cousin owned stock in a company that was dissolved centuries ago? Yeah, we'll need a copy of that.

angry smiley

If nothing else - they should run various welfare systems *this way*.
Re: Wisconsin Senator's "Anti-Single Mom" Bill Starts a Stampede:smug
September 01, 2012
I'm just strolling down Memory Lane here - I seem to remember that *I did have to disclose EVERYTHING* when I was a student - everything. About me and family worth.

I can't remember much from 20 years ago, and then with further schooling I lived alone ~

I am pretty sure though - all that paperwork - you had to disclose everything about the 'entire household' so to speak. I know you did.

In fact - I'm just thinking that I did have to estimate my Grand Parents net worth or income or something - because I did live with my Gram the first time through school as she was close to that school. And in fact I think I do remember parents income was also an issue - I *know* they asked for just about anything imaginable. This would've been early 90s. In MI but I was filling out all sorts of *Federal* paperwork - you have to, even to just get *loans*. You *had to* fill all this crap out - and provide any and all copies of various 'paperwork'.
Your Great Grand Mother's Second Cousin owned stock in a company that was dissolved centuries ago? Yeah, we'll need a copy of that.

angry smiley

If nothing else - they should run various welfare systems *this way*.

I seem to remember having to provide the last year's income tax return along with current pay stubs, a bank account statement, and some other things like a utility bill and cancelled rent check when I applied for a federal student grant back in 1985 and was DENIED due to "making too much money".angrily flogging with a whip

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
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