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The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!

Posted by blueorchid 
The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!
September 17, 2012

A non-profit fetal alcohol syndrome prevention organization called Healthy Brains for Children have installed one of their pregnancy test machines at Pub 500, a bar in Mankato, Minnesota, and they have plans to put more machines in more bars. The machine is for ladies to make sure there's not an uninvited guest squatting in their womb before they start boozing, so they won't give birth to a kid with Lohan brains. One test costs $3 and all proceeds goes Healthy Brains. One Pub 500 customer embraces this mess of a machine and said this to the NYDN: "If you can buy condoms and whatnot at a bar, it's logical to buy a pregnancy test."

Frankly, I feel the women who suspect they may be pregnant and getting drunk at the bar anyway probably won't take the test because that means no more drinkie-drinkie for the night. I could be wrong. I just don't know why anyone would take a bar pregnancy test for the fun of it. One commenter talks about getting "blackout drunk" while nearly two months pregnant and claiming she would have stopped drinking that night, had she taken the test. You know, 'cause when you're blacked out, you think of these things (also furthering the stereotype that everyone's an irresponsible, bar-hopping lush before they find enlightenment and breed). smile rolling left righteyes2
Anonymous User
Re: The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!
September 17, 2012
I actually knew a bitch who thought she was pregnant, but actually had the audacity to TELL SOMEONE that she was going to booze up for the weekend, and take the test AFTER, to supposedly avoid a guilty conscience if the stick turned pink.

She really was the highest (or lowest, really) order of cunt.
Re: The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!
September 17, 2012
I actually knew a bitch who thought she was pregnant, but actually had the audacity to TELL SOMEONE that she was going to booze up for the weekend, and take the test AFTER, to supposedly avoid a guilty conscience if the stick turned pink.

She really was the highest (or lowest, really) order of cunt.

Oh yeah, absolutely disgusting. I recall being at a bar and this woman who was very obviously pregnant (6-7 months) was sucking back rum & Cokes all night with no apparent guilt. I was appalled that they actually kept serving her.
Anonymous User
Re: The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!
September 17, 2012
What the actual fuck? I think I'm working on another aneurism.

Fucking cunts and the people who enable their obvious cuntery make me sick.
Re: The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!
September 17, 2012
I actually knew a bitch who thought she was pregnant, but actually had the audacity to TELL SOMEONE that she was going to booze up for the weekend, and take the test AFTER, to supposedly avoid a guilty conscience if the stick turned pink.

She really was the highest (or lowest, really) order of cunt.

Oh yeah, absolutely disgusting. I recall being at a bar and this woman who was very obviously pregnant (6-7 months) was sucking back rum & Cokes all night with no apparent guilt. I was appalled that they actually kept serving her.

They had no choice. I work in a bar and you're not allowed to refuse to serve a pregnant woman.
Re: The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!
September 17, 2012
I actually knew a bitch who thought she was pregnant, but actually had the audacity to TELL SOMEONE that she was going to booze up for the weekend, and take the test AFTER, to supposedly avoid a guilty conscience if the stick turned pink.

She really was the highest (or lowest, really) order of cunt.

Oh yeah, absolutely disgusting. I recall being at a bar and this woman who was very obviously pregnant (6-7 months) was sucking back rum & Cokes all night with no apparent guilt. I was appalled that they actually kept serving her.

They had no choice. I work in a bar and you're not allowed to refuse to serve a pregnant woman.

I thought bars and what not had the right to refuse service for any reason? An OB might recommend a SMALL glass of wine to relax a woman in early labor, but that's about it.

What is a home without children? Quiet. ~Henny Youngman

I don't want people who want to dance, I want people who have to dance. ~George Balanchine

"I took the batteries out of my biological clock and put them in my vibrator"
Re: The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!
September 17, 2012
I actually knew a bitch who thought she was pregnant, but actually had the audacity to TELL SOMEONE that she was going to booze up for the weekend, and take the test AFTER, to supposedly avoid a guilty conscience if the stick turned pink.

She really was the highest (or lowest, really) order of cunt.

Oh yeah, absolutely disgusting. I recall being at a bar and this woman who was very obviously pregnant (6-7 months) was sucking back rum & Cokes all night with no apparent guilt. I was appalled that they actually kept serving her.

They had no choice. I work in a bar and you're not allowed to refuse to serve a pregnant woman.

I thought bars and what not had the right to refuse service for any reason? An OB might recommend a SMALL glass of wine to relax a woman in early labor, but that's about it.

No. There are three reasons you can't serve somebody; underage, buying for somebody underaged, and visibly intoxicated.

It's really none of my business what a pregnant woman does anyway. You just open up a big Pandora's Box/can of worms/what have you when you start deciding otherwise. Do I think a woman who chooses to continue a pregnancy has the responsibility to do everything to ensure fetal health? Yes. However that's an ethical issue rather than a legal one. The best analogy I've seen is Plan B distribution. A pharmacist may be opposed to it, but since it's legal, he or she has to dispense it. I believe the same way about alcohol.
Re: The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!
September 17, 2012
A moo I'm no longer friends with used to binge drink until she passed out every weekend until her 3rd month, even after she found out she was pregnant. A pregnancy test in a bar wouldn't have made a difference. Her reasoning behind all the drinking was that she was going to get an abortion anyway, so it didn't matter.

Well, the day of the abortion came and she "couldn't go through with it." Which really made me scratch my head because she had about 5 previous abortions, due to her own stupidity. I stopped being friends with her when the kid was about 2. I've always wondered if the kid ended up with any serious developmental problems or turned out to be an awwtard.
Anonymous User
Re: The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!
September 17, 2012
I find it funny that fundie pharmacists can exercise their right to deny dispensing birth control on the grounds of moral opposition, but that bartenders can't exercise their right to not serve someone who clearly shouldn't be drinking. I do see why they can't, though - the other edge of the sword. They'll make sure you don't walk through the clinic doors, but a bar is just fucking dandy.

It smacks of the viagra vs. birth control thing, too, which is another of my hot buttons.
Re: The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!
September 17, 2012
This thread makes me want to strap on a big fake stomach so that it looks like I'm piggo and stand in the middle of a pro lie protest gulping a bottle of whiskey.
Re: The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!
September 17, 2012
I find it funny that fundie pharmacists can exercise their right to deny dispensing birth control on the grounds of moral opposition, but that bartenders can't exercise their right to not serve someone who clearly shouldn't be drinking. I do see why they can't, though - the other edge of the sword. They'll make sure you don't walk through the clinic doors, but a bar is just fucking dandy.

It smacks of the viagra vs. birth control thing, too, which is another of my hot buttons.

I'd love to refuse to serve fried chicken strips and fries to little kids whose bodies are growing and who should be eating healthy food. I'd love to be able to not serve brownie sundaes to customers who are seriously fat. I would love to able to reprimand the terrible parents who bring autistic kids to our very loud bar.

But I can't do any of that.

Besides, back before sonograms and over the counter pregnancy tests were around, women smoke and drank before they knew they were knocked up. Everyone survived.
Re: The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!
September 17, 2012
If I owned a bar I have FAS flyers behind the bar so when an obvious prego tried to drink I'd hand them out. If I got attitude I'd hand them an alcohol intoxication weight chart http://www.drunkdrivingdefense.com/general/bac.htm

Then I'd tell her we're wacthing the numbers, the minute the chart indicates any sort of immpairment she's cut off and any grief brings the cops.

Of course if I owned a bar it's 21 and over anyway so the sow would boycott me anyway smile rolling left righteyes2

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!
September 17, 2012
Yeah, you can put all the pignancy test dispensers you want in bars, it won't stop women who are in pig or who think they are in pig from tossing back a few. Pigging women seem to fall into two main categories - the ones who believe lifting a finger will cause a miscarriage (the ones who care too much) and the ones who will drink and do drugs while knocked up (the ones who don't care at all). A lot of women just don't care what happens to their clumps because they don't care about themselves at all either. They didn't care enough to use protection (some of them), they don't care that they got pregnant, they don't care what damage they inflict on their clumps via substance use. They just plain don't give a fuck. Of course, most of these women won't abort, but they also won't put down the whiskey.

Besides, if a woman is out drinking (either with friends or looking for a fuck buddy) and she finds out she's pregnant in the bathroom at the bar, the first thing she's most likely going to do is drown out her stresses by having MORE to drink. I know I would be doing that.

I seriously doubt this will solve anything. Pregnancy test dispensers in public restrooms in general isn't too bad of an idea and businesses could make a killing selling $1 tests for $3 a pop, but putting them in a bar to make some kind of statement about saving the clumps from the booze? It's a wasted (no pun intended) effort.
They had no choice. I work in a bar and you're not allowed to refuse to serve a pregnant woman.

Why not? Couldn't they just lie and say that some nameless bar got sued by a mother of a FAS kid FOR serving her alcohol, and they didn't want that to happen to them?
Re: The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!
September 18, 2012
If they really wanted to have some fun they need to put paternity test dispensers in the men's bathroom.

The most I can see happening is a women taking a test, finding out she's pregnant, then getting drunk and exclaiming "no condoms for the lucky man who takes me home tonight!".

I walk the path of life to my own rhythm, my own beat-if you don't like it, step off and find your own damn song!
Re: The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!
September 18, 2012
I would think a better business model would be in the restrooms of maternity shops, since it seems those women buy a lot of pregnancy tests.

Normal women don't take pregnancy tests unless they suspect they are pregnant. If they want to be pregnant, they probably won't be out drinking. If they don't want to be pregnant, it is irrelevant if they drink, but they probably prefer to burst into tears in their own bathrooms rather than in public. Women who are indifferent to pregnancy aren't going to bother to take the test.

It's a stupid idea with no clear model of who their target customer is. If they want to stop infants from being born with fetal alcohol syndrome, they should push for laws which hold a woman responsible for any avoidable damage (from activities which are widely known to cause problems for fetal development) she causes to a fetus she carries to term (hopefully at the same time increasing access to abortion and contraceptives and de-stigmatizing them so that only the wanted ones are carried to term).
Re: The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!
September 18, 2012
If they want to stop infants from being born with fetal alcohol syndrome, they should push for laws which hold a woman responsible for any avoidable damage (from activities which are widely known to cause problems for fetal development)

Oh goodness, do I ever agree. Every time a baby is born with FAS, has marijuana in their system, addicted to crack/meth, etc, the broodmare should be automatically jailed for child neglect, endangerment, and perhaps even abuse. These selfish animals have effectively ruined someone's life and body. There is no special situation I can think of that should negate these charges. If you're old enough to breed, you're old enough to understand that booze and drugs aren't good for an adult, let alone a small, undeveloped human.
Re: The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!
September 18, 2012
Two more things to say on this topic:

1. If I was inpig I wouldn't want to find out in a bar. That would kill the mood.

2. If I was inpig I would be trying to drink myself into a miscarriage.
Re: The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!
September 21, 2012
If they want to stop infants from being born with fetal alcohol syndrome, they should push for laws which hold a woman responsible for any avoidable damage (from activities which are widely known to cause problems for fetal development)

Oh goodness, do I ever agree. Every time a baby is born with FAS, has marijuana in their system, addicted to crack/meth, etc, the broodmare should be automatically jailed for child neglect, endangerment, and perhaps even abuse. These selfish animals have effectively ruined someone's life and body. There is no special situation I can think of that should negate these charges. If you're old enough to breed, you're old enough to understand that booze and drugs aren't good for an adult, let alone a small, undeveloped human.

The point is that there are a lot of drugs and such that are necessary. Think antidepressant. Think medicine. Where is the line? Is a woman a loaf-baking oven?


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
Re: The Bar Bathroom Pregnancy Test Dispenser!
September 21, 2012
The point is that there are a lot of drugs and such that are necessary. Think antidepressant. Think medicine. Where is the line?

An antidepressant (as an example) is prescribed and hopefully the doctor is aware of the pregnancy and provides treatment to the patient as safely and appropriately as possible. I wouldn't know what route would be taken in that situation, as I've never been in that position. In my humble opinion, that's still a far cry from a pregnant addict who'd rather continue druggin' rather than go into treatment or even abort.

Is a woman a loaf-baking oven?

Not if she doesn't want to be.
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