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"Who is going to pay for and feed all these chyldryn?" - video.

Posted by Techie 
"Who is going to pay for and feed all these chyldryn?" - video.
January 08, 2013
Check out this video on YouTube:


Link to video

Basically, in this video, mother of 15 kids is living out of a motel room. This mother is damanding that someone needs to pay for her kids. Would not be a news headline if this woman was CF and was in need of medical treatment. We would not hear a peep about it. When chyldryn are affected, oh boy, there we have a case that the whole world needs to know about. No double standard here of any kind.


Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety,
deserve neither liberty nor safety" ..... Ben Franklin

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants, it is the creed of slaves” ..... Paul Revere

“Sometimes the greatest evils are committed by the silence of good people” ..... Edmund Burke

So, if guns kill people, I suppose pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat.
Okay. Ima demand that someone pay for my education (largely reimbursement for the years I've completed), and buy me a pink Mustang with which to cart myself to class.

I don't see any difference in demanding that MY life choices be paid for, except I would eventually be able to contribute more to the rest of the world. Fuck, I already do! In fact, I already pay for bitches like this, every fucking day, just like every other person who has to suck it up and work for what little they have!!
Re: "Who is going to pay for and feed all these chyldryn?" - video.
January 09, 2013
I had cancer when I was 27 years old and even though I had health insurance, nobody offered to pay my deductibles. and other non-covered expenses. I was working, then my employer started giving me a bad time about taking time off, of course they never gave any trouble at all to pregnant women.

I had to move to get another job and nobody offered to pay my expenses to move and get a new apartment. I had a condo before that and when I was sick and forced out of my job, nobody offered to pay my expenses on that. I have no sympathy for this woman at all.

Re: "Who is going to pay for and feed all these chyldryn?" - video.
January 09, 2013
Oooh wee! Are those Youtube comments ripping into her! That's the good part of seeing these types displayed on there, you see how many other people also consider her a human cockroach.

I wonder if she is going to have them taken away at some point? Surely the welfare office isn't going to bend over and hand her a EBT card, is it? Dunce cap
Re: "Who is going to pay for and feed all these chyldryn?" - video.
January 09, 2013
I had cancer when I was 27 years old and even though I had health insurance, nobody offered to pay my deductibles. and other non-covered expenses. I was working, then my employer started giving me a bad time about taking time off, of course they never gave any trouble at all to pregnant women.

I had to move to get another job and nobody offered to pay my expenses to move and get a new apartment. I had a condo before that and when I was sick and forced out of my job, nobody offered to pay my expenses on that. I have no sympathy for this woman at all.


It is very sad to see the direction that we, as a society, are heading in. Every time there is any kind of discussion over any sort of cuts in funding, it seems that things that get cuts first are any sorts of services for those who pay into the system. Retired folks are being squeezed on the Social Security and Medicare. Working people are having their pay cut, their taxes increased, their medical insurance deductibles increased and the list can go on for a very long time. I always do wonder, why is it that the people who pay into the system the most are the ones who get back the least?


Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety,
deserve neither liberty nor safety" ..... Ben Franklin

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants, it is the creed of slaves” ..... Paul Revere

“Sometimes the greatest evils are committed by the silence of good people” ..... Edmund Burke

So, if guns kill people, I suppose pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat.
Re: "Who is going to pay for and feed all these chyldryn?" - video.
January 09, 2013

It is very sad to see the direction that we, as a society, are heading in. Every time there is any kind of discussion over any sort of cuts in funding, it seems that things that get cuts first are any sorts of services for those who pay into the system. Retired folks are being squeezed on the Social Security and Medicare. Working people are having their pay cut, their taxes increased, their medical insurance deductibles increased and the list can go on for a very long time. I always do wonder, why is it that the people who pay into the system the most are the ones who get back the least?

So true. Already there is talk about making Social Security Retirement "need based," which means if you have savings and assets (because you didn't crank out kids you couldn't afford) you're screwed.

And I realize it's all a Ponzi/Pyramid scheme anyway.
Mail her some condoms.
Re: "Who is going to pay for and feed all these chyldryn?" - video.
January 09, 2013
I'll stack on yet ANOTHER story to the pile of how shoddily society treats the UNchilded when they are truly in need. I have told this before, but it's worth repeating and explains WHY I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT NOR do I contribute when the hat is passed for a famblee with a sick kid to help defray their expenses IN ANY WAY. St. Jude's kid hospitals and the Ronald McDonald houses are spread out across The United States for FREE medical care, FREE food and lodging for the parents, and ALL of their needs are met and often exceeded when it's a kid who is sick. I don't actually begrudge anyone getting assistance from "the village", but what I DO resent is how lop sided it ALL is from the free care and everything else INCLUDING paid time from work as well as the donations cans set about town and/or employee/employer and co workers giving up vacation time and pay etc.....when a FAMBLEE WITH KIDS is in need, but let it be an adult and no one gives a shit! angrily flogging with a whip

In October of 1997, while my parents were five hours away from home down in Biloxi celebrating my dad's birthday, he had a massive heart attack. It was so severe and the damage so great, the doctors were talking in terms of a possible heart transplant IF he made it through the night. He was in Cardiac Intensive Care for about a month and it was touch and go if he would even survive. Due to his condition, transporting him back home wasn't an option. So, my mother, me, and both of my sisters had to rent a motel room nearby, which of course in Biloxi is VERY expensive, I think it was close to $100 a day. Then of course we had meals to buy and this was back before cheap cell phone plans. I think my cell bill for that month was in the $400 range, as was my sister's, and people were leaving messages left and right at the front desk for us to call and "update them" every single day. Our hotel phone bill was around $200, A WEEK. Of course we ALL had to take time off from work too, which cost us EACH at LEAST 2-3k and/or vacation time or it's equivalent. :smn

Then, there were the co-pays, payments up front for some of the procedures due to his insurance being an asshole due to his being in another state, among other things, and I recall my mother having to hand them a check for nearly 5k that first week. Did ANYONE at our jobs offer to collect any money? Did the hotel give us a discount? Did the restaurants comp our meals? I think we all know the answer to that. The only reason he went home when he did is because one of his friends chartered a plane with medical staff and flew his ass home. AFTER he got home, he spent ANOTHER month in the hospital. In addition to the initial expenses, dad was out of work from his business for SEVERAL MONTHS. No collection cans, no donations, nothing but a few casseroles here and there and a bunch of empty cards with "best wishes for a speedy recovery". It was a DEVASTATING blow to my parents AND to us financially and it took quite some time for us to recuperate with ZERO help from "the village".:headbrick

So, whenever anyone passes the collection hat, "for the famblee", it is all I can do to not tell them to suck my dick. They ALREADY GET free medical care, lodging, and food, and I'll be damned if I will hand over cash too. People need to realize that ADULTS get very sick TOO and THEIR families are often in need of help. It isn't ONLY the childed who need "the village" to help out.eye rolling smiley.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: "Who is going to pay for and feed all these chyldryn?" - video.
January 09, 2013
I agree with you kim! What a horrible incident...I feel awful for what you and your family had to go through and I hope your father recovered from his heart attack.

Today when I was watching 'Millionaire' which I sometimes watch before I start work, some idiot was trying to raise money for a charity for hungry kyds and kyds who were 'on the verge of hunger'. I can't tell you how pissed that made me feel! When I was hungry, all I had was the food bank and it was too far away for me to travel.

On the 'verge' of being hungry? GMAFB! I'm on the 'verge' of hunger all the time! When are these donations and charities going to wake up and realize that it isn't only kyds who are hungry? Most kyds are overweight because they eat too damned much already.

Not only that, but I think it's just a damned scam. These parents get more than enough money from the government to feed their famblees. They are always the first ones to hold their hands out for freebies, and there are WAAAYYYY too many donation cans and charities going around to feed them already! I can't recall how much they actually won for their charity, but I am not feeling very charitable towards famblees so I hope it wasn't very much.

As for that woman with all those kyds? They should be permanently removed from her custody and she should be forcibly sterilized to prevent having more kyds. Obviously she isn't able to care for them. What a dumb whore.
She acts like she had no idea where all these brats came from. It's like breaking your own stuff, looking at the dog, and going, "Well, aren't you gonna clean it up?"

No, bitch. Bed. Made. Lie.

Also, I'm with you guys. I refuse to donate to any "kids only" charities. I donate to charities who help people in need, regardless of age.

Save the children, fuck the adults, according to our society.

Well, who the fuck is gonna take care of the children?

Who is going to work and make society run? Who's going to build things and invent things and make life better? The kids aren't doing it -- they have the IQ of a squirrel. The parents aren't doing it -- their career fell apart the moment the condom broke, if they even had one.

It's the unchilded adults who are doing all that shit. And now, after a couple decades of treating us like we don't matter, people are running around and asking "Why is everything going to shit!?"

Gee, I wonder.
Like everyone else on here, I refuse to donate to charities that are connected with children, whether it be children with cancer, starving children abroad or hospices for children. When the charity collector shaking the tin looks at me in confusion I say "I don't donate to children's charities because I don't like children. If you didn't like animals you wouldn't donate to animal charities, it's the same thing."
I'm actually a lot more likely to give to an animal charity than a human charity. Two reasons.

1. Big charities are almost ubiquitously badly run and profit-driven (even if they tell you otherwise). You're lucky if 5% of your donation actually gets to anyone in need. Around 80-90% of it is paying for the CEO's brunch.

Animal charities tend to be a lot more localized than human charities. Not just that they have local branches, but that they will give you access to the real operations and where your money is going. They're more communal, which means I feel better about giving them my money.

2. Frankly, animals deserve it more. Almost every bad thing that happens to humans is something we've done to ourselves -- even a lot of natural disasters and diseases. By contrast, virtually everything that that happens to animals is something we did to them. They're real victims. We, quite frankly, aren't.

People say humans have "more value," but how so, exactly? Apparently because we're more intellectual. And what have we used that for? Coming up with creative ways to kill each other, and serving our own selfish desires at the cost of everything else on earth. Lovely.

For that reason, I feel a lot more assured about the positivity of the act of saving this animal, vs. this human.

The overwhelming majority of animals will never do any harm to anything unless they feel they need to in order to survive. The worst thing any animal could EVER do to society is maybe pick off a single weak, slow human.

But a human? The the worst thing a human could ever do to society is murder tens of millions of innocent people within the next hour.

Yeah... kind of a big difference, in terms of risk. I don't want to be the CF equivalent of that school shooting psycho's mom, hoping the fuckhead I saved kills themselves before they can do any more damage.

That isn't to say I don't feel very real, very deep pain when humans suffer, like I do with other animals. I do. But it's more a question of, with the resources I have, I can't help everything, so which is more likely to bring joy to the world: more humans, or more animals? I think the answer is pretty clear.
Re: "Who is going to pay for and feed all these chyldryn?" - video.
January 10, 2013
The first step in any feeding program should be sterilize and release. Otherwise you'll just end up with more of whatever you're feeding, and if you stop feeding the situation will be more dire than it was when you started feeding.
Re: "Who is going to pay for and feed all these chyldryn?" - video.
January 10, 2013
The first step in any feeding program should be sterilize and release. Otherwise you'll just end up with more of whatever you're feeding, and if you stop feeding the situation will be more dire than it was when you started feeding.

Re: "Who is going to pay for and feed all these chyldryn?" - video.
January 10, 2013
Snark Shark
"On the 'verge' of being hungry?"


I'm on the VERGE of having a BONER all the time! No one's givin' me FREE CONDOMS!

waving hellolarious

I miss my little feather baby.
Re: "Who is going to pay for and feed all these chyldryn?" - video.
January 10, 2013
There is a reason why stuff like this and the attitude of this woman are not going away anytime soon. We have extreme Right that does not believe in birth control, so they can have future voters. We have extreme left, who reward excessive breeding, just so they could have future voters.

Regardless of which side says what and who claims to be fiscally responsible, we, the hard working taxpayers, we are going to see our taxes go up higher and higher. How the taxes are increased is not too relevant. Examples are property tax levies, road tax, fuel tax, personal property tax, sales tax, value added tax, use tax, food tax, soda pop tax, local income tax and the list can go on. What is most relevant is that taxes are going up and not the Left or the Right are having any intentions of any kinds of stopping it.

Ladies and Gentlemen, until our country runs out of our money and we the taxpayers are left out in the cold, there is not anything that is going to change.


Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety,
deserve neither liberty nor safety" ..... Ben Franklin

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants, it is the creed of slaves” ..... Paul Revere

“Sometimes the greatest evils are committed by the silence of good people” ..... Edmund Burke

So, if guns kill people, I suppose pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat.
Re: "Who is going to pay for and feed all these chyldryn?" - video.
January 10, 2013
Kim and JD,

I am sorry to hear about those medical woes. It seems like no one gives a damn, a shit or a fuck about adults who get sick. I don't give to chillllldren's charities because they get enough charity. And if their breeders are broke, they get FAMIS or Medicaid until they are 18 or 19 (at least in my state). This country has truly went down the wrong path. I don't know what to do to right it! The people who are truly running things are the ones no one cares about. sad smiley
Re: "Who is going to pay for and feed all these chyldryn?" - video.
January 10, 2013
Kim and JD,

I am sorry to hear about those medical woes. It seems like no one gives a damn, a shit or a fuck about adults who get sick. I don't give to chillllldren's charities because they get enough charity. And if their breeders are broke, they get FAMIS or Medicaid until they are 18 or 19 (at least in my state). This country has truly went down the wrong path. I don't know what to do to right it! The people who are truly running things are the ones no one cares about. sad smiley

Thank you very much. I feel the same way about childrens' charities. The ones that get me are the ones that want to end hunger in third world countries. I've been seeing those ads on TV for literally decades in fact, some of the footage in the ads looks identical to what I was seeing in them 20+ years ago! If they haven't solved the problem in 20 years and millions of donations, will they ever solve it?

The child worship in this country is totally out of hand and needs to stop, but I don't know how to stop it either. We adults need to find a way to take this country back.

Kim and JD,

I am sorry to hear about those medical woes. It seems like no one gives a damn, a shit or a fuck about adults who get sick. I don't give to chillllldren's charities because they get enough charity. And if their breeders are broke, they get FAMIS or Medicaid until they are 18 or 19 (at least in my state). This country has truly went down the wrong path. I don't know what to do to right it! The people who are truly running things are the ones no one cares about. sad smiley

Thank you very much. I feel the same way about childrens' charities. The ones that get me are the ones that want to end hunger in third world countries. I've been seeing those ads on TV for literally decades in fact, some of the footage in the ads looks identical to what I was seeing in them 20+ years ago! If they haven't solved the problem in 20 years and millions of donations, will they ever solve it?

The child worship in this country is totally out of hand and needs to stop, but I don't know how to stop it either. We adults need to find a way to take this country back.


The donations are actually making it worse.

The charities that just throw money at it have 2 problems.

1. Most of them have very high over-head. At the major international charities, 90% or more of the money you donate goes to fatten their CEO's. It's even worse than most for-profit businesses.

2. Throwing money at something is just a temporary fix. If there's no infrastructure, the problem comes back worse than before as soon as the money runs out. Which brings me to...

Charities that throw food at it. These are the worst.

They send subsidized surplus American grains, for the most part. And you know what this does?

It puts their local farmers out of business, because they can't compete with American subsidy prices.

So these people get fed just enough to make it to the next breeding season, but now their local farmers can't survive and feed their own people, so there's MORE people in MORE desperate need of food than there was before.

Their own governments can't run any kinds of programs to build more infrastructure, or subsidize their own farmers, because guess what? They are in austerity agreements with Western countries that prevent them from increasing their budgets.

They entered into these austerity agreements when they took out loans from Western nations to help keep their economies afloat. And they're actually really good about making payments. But the interest rates are so high that even though they've been paying for more than 30 years, they have just as much debt as they started with.

It's basically a scam by the West. They have a steady, never-ending income from the third world. There's no way out for these countries. They can't get ahead of the payments because they aren't allowed to increase their spending.

So these charities kill off their local economies, which they can't afford to bolster because the West won't allow them.

That's why I don't donate to "feed the starving people" charities either. It does nothing but compound the problem.
Re: "Who is going to pay for and feed all these chyldryn?" - video.
January 10, 2013
I've seen that video before and it never fails to piss me off. During a move to California in 2006 I lived in my car for two months. Did I get any kind of public assistance??? NO. When I told the social worker I've paid taxes since I was sixteen I waas asked what my point was. If I had never spawned I didn't need help. I really wish this disgusting waste of space would be forcibly sterilized.
Re: "Who is going to pay for and feed all these chyldryn?" - video.
January 12, 2013
I've seen that video before and it never fails to piss me off. During a move to California in 2006 I lived in my car for two months. Did I get any kind of public assistance??? NO. When I told the social worker I've paid taxes since I was sixteen I waas asked what my point was. If I had never spawned I didn't need help. I really wish this disgusting waste of space would be forcibly sterilized.

I think most people wish that after so many kids and after so many welfare paychecks, sterilization would be in order. But between the 2 sides that run our country, that will not happen. Extreme left wants to keep blowing the money because it keeps government workers, who process welfare payments, employed. Extreme right wants to ban birth control altogether, because they want larger audience. Both sides are pushing for irresponsible breeding.


Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety,
deserve neither liberty nor safety" ..... Ben Franklin

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants, it is the creed of slaves” ..... Paul Revere

“Sometimes the greatest evils are committed by the silence of good people” ..... Edmund Burke

So, if guns kill people, I suppose pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat.
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