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Don't Send Her To Jail! She's A Moo! (GRAPHIC ANIMAL CRULETY)

Posted by satansbitch 
Don't Send Her To Jail! She's A Moo! (GRAPHIC ANIMAL CRULETY)
January 29, 2013

Moo of two not sentenced to jail after letting her dog die horribly.

This showed up on my Facebook feed this morning and I can't describe how sick it makes me. I would be understanding if someone can't afford vet care for a dog. Moo could have taken the dog to a vet and told them she can't pay for treatment. She could have also taken the dog to her local animal shelter. Moo opted for what she thought was the easiest solution. Lock the dog in the bathroom and let it starve to death very slowly and painfully.

The RSPCA issued a statement. "We hope this sends a clear to message to people that neglect or abuse of animals is not acceptable."

The only message I get from this is that a moo can do whatever it wants to. It also makes me wonder how this cunt would have been treated if she hadn't spawned.
Re: Don't Send Her To Jail! She's A Moo! (GRAPHIC ANIMAL CRULETY)
January 29, 2013
I was very upset and saddened by this, but then I read the below -

And then I got MAD!!! angry smiley


'Can you imagine what it would be like if a child went through what Lulu did? As an adult, you would never place a child in that position and you should not place an animal in that position.'

It's bad enough as is, do they have to shove in 'child' at every opportunity? What, you can't 'feel anything' or 'imagine anything' or try to empathize - for an animal? It's diminishing, in a way.

How about this? - I broke my sewing machine the other day. Could you imagine - if that had happened to a child?

Are we going to shove Chyuld into Every. Goddamned. Thing??? (Answer: Yes. Yes we are.)

As for the situation at hand - why not just let the animal run free? Yes, that's abandonment but it would've give the dog a chance, at least.

This is a bad idea where I live - because - Coyotes. They're multiplying rapidly and like to eat dogs. This dog looked big enough to face off against one though. The Coyotes seem to go for more very small to small dogs. Wait for it - (you won't have to wait long) - soon there will be hand wringing and pearl clutching over a potential Coyote vs. Kids thing, mark my words.

One of the good sized hawks around here could probably snatch a loaf or small child, too.

I feel very badly for poor doggie sad smiley

But, with the few shreds of Spiritually left that I have - I know that doggie has gone to Doggie Heaven.

Or, if Reincarnation is true - maybe this awful woman will move to the Northern Latitudes. And Doggie gets reincarnated as a Wolverine. And then bites her face off.
Re: Don't Send Her To Jail! She's A Moo! (GRAPHIC ANIMAL CRULETY)
January 29, 2013
She deserves jail and worse.
Also - the "shove the kid" into every tragic story BS really sets me off as well. Fuck that asshat too.
Those pictures made me fucking cry. Hard.

Fucking druggie pieces of shit.
She shouldn't be sent to jail.

She should be locked in a bathroom to starve to death. Jail is too good for her.
Re: Don't Send Her To Jail! She's A Moo! (GRAPHIC ANIMAL CRULETY)
January 29, 2013
I'm not gonna look...I'm not gonna look...I can't handle this! :scr

Anyone who has the BRASS BALLS to lock an innocent animal in a bathroom to starve should be erradicated from this planet.

Fuck these nasty whoring breeders and their whole goddamned tribes!!! angry smiley
Re: Don't Send Her To Jail! She's A Moo! (GRAPHIC ANIMAL CRULETY)
January 30, 2013
She shouldn't be sent to jail.

She should be locked in a bathroom to starve to death. Jail is too good for her.

Agreed. Sick piece of shit. Obviously had time to do her hair, makeup, and maintain piercings,but I guess feeding the dog was just too inconvenient.
Re: Don't Send Her To Jail! She's A Moo! (GRAPHIC ANIMAL CRULETY)
January 30, 2013
Whatever happened to "she should have thought about her kids before doing this crime" kind of thinking?

Do they think that taking her kids away will make it worse for her? Doesn't sound like they've done her much good so far.

Seems to me she shouldn't be trusted with kids if she thinks it's ok to starve a helpless animal, and one that will never be able to communicate to boot.
Re: Don't Send Her To Jail! She's A Moo! (GRAPHIC ANIMAL CRULETY)
January 30, 2013
The only message I got was "I am a maaawmmmm, I can get away with appalling and disgusting behavior."

She is a fucking drunk...to her kids she is gone all the time anyways. Lock her up and toss the key.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Don't Send Her To Jail! She's A Moo! (GRAPHIC ANIMAL CRULETY)
January 30, 2013
Wow. I come back to over two-thousand new replies and 134 new topics, and this is the one I read first (after visiting kre8ive names)?

This twunt should be locked in a bathroom and left to starve. What a disgusting piece of trash.

It's your hell; you rot in it!
Re: Don't Send Her To Jail! She's A Moo! (GRAPHIC ANIMAL CRULETY)
January 30, 2013
Setting aside the very upsetting issue of animal cruelty, it galls me that the justice system believes that it is right to have much more lenient justice system for the childed that the unchilded.

Squat out a kid and it is a 'get out of jail free card' ?

Would it be acceptable to have any level of punishment in the justice system based on the offender's race or gender ?
Re: Don't Send Her To Jail! She's A Moo! (GRAPHIC ANIMAL CRULETY)
January 30, 2013
I think being locked in a bathroom and left to starve is too good for this cunt. There has to be a more fitting punishment for this waste of skin.

I also got the idea that she wasn't given a harsher sentence simply because she had spawned. What the court system doesn't seem to realize is that if Cunt will do something so atrocious to a dog she'll do it to her spawn.

I've been in animal rescue of some sort for all of my adult life. I've seen and heard about some truly horrible shit but the pictures with this article made even me sick. I sincerely hope karma is a bitch to this cunt and pays her back in spades.
Squat out a kid and it is a 'get out of jail free card' ?

Would it be acceptable to have any level of punishment in the justice system based on the offender's race or gender ?

First: it sure is a Get Out Of Jail Free card.

If anything, having kids should result in a longer jail sentence because (a) it would set an example to the kyd and (b) it might result in a non-criminal raising the kyd for a while, which is a good idea.

Race-based justice is legal in Canada. Look up "Gladue Report".

Re: Don't Send Her To Jail! She's A Moo! (GRAPHIC ANIMAL CRULETY)
January 30, 2013
Squat out a kid and it is a 'get out of jail free card' ?

Would it be acceptable to have any level of punishment in the justice system based on the offender's race or gender ?

First: it sure is a Get Out Of Jail Free card.

If anything, having kids should result in a longer jail sentence because (a) it would set an example to the kyd and (b) it might result in a non-criminal raising the kyd for a while, which is a good idea.

Race-based justice is legal in Canada. Look up "Gladue Report".

Thanks for that information.
I had a very superficial concept of the alternative justice system for aboriginal Canadians.
Re: Don't Send Her To Jail! She's A Moo! (GRAPHIC ANIMAL CRULETY)
January 31, 2013
This has always scared me about owning pets. What if I died and then they couldnt get to their food and I wasnt there to feed them? I would be devastated in my animal died because well.. I died. Even in death, animal neglet is unforgivable. That's why I choose to keep cats. Because If I was to keel over for some reason, Kitty will partake of my supple corpsey goodness if they cant get to their food. I mean its not like I'm using it or anything! LOL! Thats also why I dont really want a dog. My BF wants a dog because theyre loyal. FUCK THAT. I want the most disloyal, coniving, dead-body-eating, sonofabitch cat in the world.

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
This has always scared me about owning pets. What if I died and then they couldnt get to their food and I wasnt there to feed them? I would be devastated in my animal died because well.. I died. Even in death, animal neglet is unforgivable. That's why I choose to keep cats. Because If I was to keel over for some reason, Kitty will partake of my supple corpsey goodness if they cant get to their food. I mean its not like I'm using it or anything! LOL! Thats also why I dont really want a dog. My BF wants a dog because theyre loyal. FUCK THAT. I want the most disloyal, coniving, dead-body-eating, sonofabitch cat in the world.

LOL. And most of them would, too. But like you said, you're not using it. They won't for as long as you are, so what's the problem? :eatu

But that said, you could also make sure your emergency contact has a way to get in to care for the cats. That would cover *most* situations, unless you weren't found for a really long time.

Both my dad and my man are wonderfully doting cat people, so I feel good about my cat getting cared for no matter what. Try to find a cat person you trust and who wouldn't feel it a burden to take on the kitty in the event of death or disability too severe to continue care.

I finally actually read the OP rather than skimming the recent posts.

Holy fuck.

Holy motherfucking fuck.

That woman deserves something far more hellish than anything I can even imagine.

What even makes someone do something like that? What makes someone resign a fucking living, feeling creature to the slowest, most agonizing death possible?

Would it have fucking killed her to go the shelter!?

Oh my fucking god. This is why I hate humanity. What an absolute scumbag. The fact that she's getting off because she managed to shit out some loaves makes me want to fucking crawl up the wall.
Re: Don't Send Her To Jail! She's A Moo! (GRAPHIC ANIMAL CRULETY)
February 01, 2013
I can't think of anything bad enough for this woman!

Also, she will do the same thing to a kid or five before it's all over. All the neighbors and moo friends will be "shocked" because she was such a "nice" or "normal" person.
Re: Don't Send Her To Jail! She's A Moo! (GRAPHIC ANIMAL CRULETY)
February 03, 2013
Let her drown in shit

Funnel it right into her lungs


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
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