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Moms secretly envy the child-free.

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013

What say you?
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
Wow, moo tells it lie it is, for once. But then comment-mommes have to chime in and try to slam her for telling the truth.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Anonymous User
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
Here's a nice gem from the comments section. How does this moo respond when asked if she envies our lifestyle?

Lying out of her ass mooo
Never. Being a mother is amazing. The childless lifestyle can never compare.

waving hellolariouswaving hellolariouswaving hellolarious

I love when the moomies make funny jokes, it brightens my day oh so much.smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
As the Moo Lows
"Don't get me wrong, my children are my world and I would rather die than lose one of them. I am neck deep in this whole parenting thing and it's my life and I am living it, mostly happily. But I call BS on moms who go on and on about how "fulfilled" they are by parenting. Is it wonderful and lovely and beautiful? Yes. But it's also hard and soul sucking and highly depressing at times, too. We trade a lot for these (lovely! Fulfilling! Wonderful!) bundles. ..."

Even though this Moo seems to be a PNB and not judgmental about the childfree, she just can not RESIST the oh-so-predictable, "...my children are my WOOORLD" rhetoric. Don't they realize how cliche' that is and that the statement is as transparent as Claude Rains was in one of his most memorable roles? I fail to see how something considered "...soul sucking and highly depressive" could ever be anything to which anyone in their right minds would want to aspire.confused smiley

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Anonymous User
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
Hmm Not so much. I actually feel a little sorry for my friends without kids. They all want them and thought they'd have them by now but havent gotten there yet... the 2 friends I have who openly don't want kids, I feel sorry that they'll never know how wonderful it is and that they're really missing out. However, I would never try talking someone into wanting kids, if that wasnt what they wanted. Honestly, All the things on your list seem kind of trivial. It's all "ME ME ME ME ME" selfishness.

Why on earth do some of the moos feel 'sorry' for us? And we will never know how wonderful it is? Wtf is she on! Please it's them I feel sorry for... I'm glad I don't have some brat to contend with.
Anonymous User
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
I started reading the comments but got bored with the 'I used to party' line.

Why do they think that we party all the time? I'm probably the most boring person I know! I stay in with my dog!
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
My internet connection is too slow to load the comments, which is a pity... I really want to read all the shit I suppose mooos will be throwing at this article... "pity us" must be one of the best I've ever heard waving hellolarious
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
Why do they think that we party all the time? I'm probably the most boring person I know! I stay in with my dog!

I know, right? They're so desperate for an escape that the minute they get a free evening, instead of meditating or reading a book, they pound drugs/alcohol, dance and screw. They've got to fit a lifetime of lost fun into 4 hours, I guess.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Anonymous User
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
Shit, me and my hubby don't drink alcohol, ever. Party? Our idea of partying is a day of fucking all over the house, playing some games, cooking something really good and then laying on the couch like bloated pigs while we watch something fun, with the kitties kneading our faces and tummies.

I don't know where this party girl myth comes from. I am lucky enough to know a few childfree couples and singles and none of them go to bars and get shit-faced as far as I know. To be honest, the people I see posting about getting shit-faced at the end of the day are the breeders. They'll sit there and get drunk on their cheap box wine after the crotchlings have been put to bed.
Anonymous User
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
Shit, me and my hubby don't drink alcohol, ever. Party? Our idea of partying is a day of fucking all over the house, playing some games, cooking something really good and then laying on the couch like bloated pigs while we watch something fun, with the kitties kneading our faces and tummies.

I don't know where this party girl myth comes from. I am lucky enough to know a few childfree couples and singles and none of them go to bars and get shit-faced as far as I know. To be honest, the people I see posting about getting shit-faced at the end of the day are the breeders. They'll sit there and get drunk on their cheap box wine after the crotchlings have been put to bed.

They're ignorant.

I am 25 and, of course, child-free.

I rarely drink -- I have yet to even get drunk -- and I've never so much as smoked a joint.

I am a quiet, non-social woman whose idea of fun is playing a good game.
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
I don't get the feeling sorry for us either. If I wanted to, I could go out tonight and get knocked up. Well, I'd have to cheat on my "fixed" bf, so that wouldn't happen anyways. But, point being I COULD get inpig any time I want, I just DON'T WANT TO!!!!

Why feel sorry for me when I could be just like them, except I aspire to much more and won't saddle myself with a Moo lifestyle.

As for being a boozy party girl? Sure I've been known to have 3-4 beers when I catch my friends' band. That's once every couple of months. At home? I have a bottle of whiskey in the freezer that I bought before Christmas. It's about 80% full.
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
Yes there are plenty of defensive comments including plenty of Bingos smile rolling left righteyes2

Here's a hot one ~

Let's kiss CF ass for free child care!
I think every woman and every family is different and valuable and special in their own way. A single woman, or a woman in a partnership, or a woman with children can all find fulfillment in their lives in their own individual ways. One isn't better or worse than another in the same way that one flavor of ice cream is not more fulfilling than another. If child-free women (by choice or otherwise) are judged as lesser women, then how will they be there to support the mothers. And if the child-free women judge the mothers, how will they enjoy the happiness of being "aunts" or just spending time with their old friends. We can all co-exist together and respect one another's choices. A mother might envy a child-free woman's ability to concentrate more on her career. But in the eyes of a child-free woman, that might mean working longer hours because she's the one that has to stay to finish things up when the moms leave for day care. It's all perspective - and it takes all of us in the spectrum to make it work. We all want to feel valued. So let's support each other's individual choices

Cow: I ain't your support system.

And do you really believe ANY of us are stupid enough to be suckered into your bullshit? And in what universe would (most) CF "enjoy the happiness" of providing free child care? I mean, "being Aunts"? It's also rather presumptuous to assume it would be so.

I see that you *do* realize that Cows be stampedin out of the work place earlier than others. Moment of clarity there, eh? The rest of your herd is going to get you for admitting that though.

You are not Jimmy Carter. We can see right through you.

Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
Shit, me and my hubby don't drink alcohol, ever. Party? Our idea of partying is a day of fucking all over the house, playing some games, cooking something really good and then laying on the couch like bloated pigs while we watch something fun, with the kitties kneading our faces and tummies.

I don't know where this party girl myth comes from. I am lucky enough to know a few childfree couples and singles and none of them go to bars and get shit-faced as far as I know. To be honest, the people I see posting about getting shit-faced at the end of the day are the breeders. They'll sit there and get drunk on their cheap box wine after the crotchlings have been put to bed.

They're ignorant.

I am 25 and, of course, child-free.

I rarely drink -- I have yet to even get drunk -- and I've never so much as smoked a joint.

I am a quiet, non-social woman whose idea of fun is playing a good game.

Same here. I don't drink at all and really only leave the house when it's absolutely necessary. I've only been drunk once in my life and that was just to see what all the fuss was about - I didn't like it, it just made me dizzy and nauseous. I just don't see the appeal in going out and getting trashed, unlike most people 20-30 years old it seems.

And how screamingly funny is it that they feel sorry for us? We all know they're hideously jealous of the CF (and CF women especially), but whatever helps them get through the day, I guess! God knows if they actually stopped and thought about their situation, they'd hang themselves from the nearest lamppost.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Anonymous User
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
I'd be jealous of me too. Lazy morning that started with DH making me a latte, chilling on the couch watching a movie, spending some time outside gee king out about weather (he's a weather and disaster preparedness nut, but it also pays the bills), celebrated getting my official acceptance letter to the University I applied to (yay!) and cuddled with the kitties and its not even 11 yet.

Call me selfish, but I do what I want when I want to do it. I've yet to hear an unselfish reason people wanted to reproduce. I live on the philosophy of do what makes you happy without harming others. I wish more breeders could accept that idea too.
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
In my experience, it's the childless wannabreeds that party it up at bars and clubs, especially the women because they are constantly on the prowl for a mayun. Not that I know any IRL CF people, but I would think that most of us aren't party types because we prefer peace and quiet, one of the many reasons for not breeding.
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
I started reading the comments but got bored with the 'I used to party' line.

Why do they think that we party all the time? I'm probably the most boring person I know! I stay in with my dog!

I think I've sort of figured this out: If you grow up in a wealthy family, you probably don't think much about money because you've never experienced a shortage of it. You don't have much awareness of how difficult it is for some people do get or hold on to. But if you grow up in a financially struggling family, you might get $20 and not be able to spend it fast enough because there's so much stuff you've been wanting and haven't been able to have. Or you might do the opposite and hoard every cent you can get your hands on. The same is probably true of free time.

I work for a government agency that requires most people to go to three-day or four-day training courses few times a year. (I'm a contractor so I've never been to any of them) Most people dread going because of all the work that piles up while they're gone for several days, but some people love going. Who are those people? The mommies, of course.

One of the people I work with, a divorced mawm of three gets excited days in advance of these training events because she gets away from her kids for several days and she can drink every night. Every trip or outing she goes on with her mommy girlfriends also involves heavy drinking. I haven't had a drink since...2008? I've just never been into drinking and don't care about it one way or the other. I'll have a drink or two at a party, but spending money on alcohol at bars (especially since I've worked in the service industry and I know what the mark-up is) doesn't seem worth it at all.

Since I could theoretically paar-taay any time I want, the opportunities to do so are so abundant (every day) that each one isn't particularly valuable. But when your opportunities are very limited (a few times a year) they're like gold, I guess.

I missed my HS reunion last summer (no money to travel), but a CF friend who went told me later that the very few people who got sloppy, stumbling drunk at the thing ALL had kids.

I also think that the mom types who project a partying lifestyle onto the CF maybe were big partiers in when they were younger and they miss it. They think everyone is out having fun but them and it's not faaaaair. But, of course, It's All Worth It.
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
I hate the partying stereotype as well. I'm under 21, so I can't drink, but the only parties I've ever attended were either hosted by my school or hosted by a friend and the latter is always a small gathering for an occasion (birthdays, for example). Today, I participated in a charity walk for cancer that lasted from 7am-3pm (although we left a bit earlier).

My idea of partying is talking to friends for a few hours and lying in bed with my laptop or while watching TV. Yeah, I'm a partier.smile rolling left righteyes2

"Be yourself, no matter what. Some will adore you, and some will hate everything about you, but who cares?

It's your life. Make the most out of it."
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
I just finished reading the whole post and I have to say that this is the most truth I've ever, ever seen on a mommyblog:


So yes, I am a little envious of those who actively choose not to have children and their willingness to take a path I would have been too scared I would regret. I will also admit to encouraging people to procreate maybe for the wrong reasons (One of us! One of us!) and to becoming, perhaps, too elated at the news of a friend's second pregnancy because finally she will know my pain!
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
I just finished reading the whole post and I have to say that this is the most truth I've ever, ever seen on a mommyblog:


So yes, I am a little envious of those who actively choose not to have children and their willingness to take a path I would have been too scared I would regret. I will also admit to encouraging people to procreate maybe for the wrong reasons (One of us! One of us!) and to becoming, perhaps, too elated at the news of a friend's second pregnancy because finally she will know my pain!

I noticed that one too, Spinstar.

Very telling.

And IMO they're not just scared of regrets - they're plenty scared of 'not fitting in' either.
Anonymous User
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
Yup, count me as another who is getting sick and tired of the "childfree people who are just parties who never grew up" bullshit.

Party? I prefer to stay in with a book, my kitty, and something creative to do. I like to make stuff.

If I go out, it tends to be to a cafe with a friend, or just a walk, wandering into a gallery, whatever.

Most of my drinking is a gin and tonic in the evening, maybe once a week or so. I enjoy it in the summer especially. It has a very fresh taste. Sometimes a glass of wine with dinner, if it suits. I rarely go to bars, and I can count on one hand the number of times I've been drunk in the last 3 or 4 years.

I've never met a childfree person who's a huge partier -- at least not over the age of 22 or so. The childfree tend to be cerebral people who would rather stimulate their intellect than get trashed for the whole weekend.

I think some of us do go through a "freedom testing" phase where we do those things more often. I know I did. But most young people go through that, and it loses its appeal quickly for anyone with half a brain. We grow up.

Most of the time, when I see someone who's over 25 and getting trashed every weekend, it tends to be a breeder who's trying to relive their youth (since they fucked up their adulthood, their trashy youth is the only part of their life that didn't completely suck).

When I see someone who's hitting the bottle at noon, it's a breeder who's trying to dull the misery of their childed life. Usually, a SAHMoo. Every SAHMoo I've met drinks like a fish.

The childfree? Most of the ones I've met are educated, interesting people who've got much better things to do than get trashed all the time.
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
This is nothing new - my hubby and I are not partygoers but we do spend lots of time together - quality time, not going to the fucking mall every weekend like these Moos and their crotchfruit do, and we can enjoy doing things together that people with kids can't do. Such as go to museums, art galleries, book readings, etc.
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
I honestly have never met a person without kids who drank heavily. In my own family, the relatives who get drunk or high all have children. One of my small cousins lives a few blocks away from me and her father has been in the hospital for drug abuse at least three times that I know of. A family friend finished rehab weeks ago, after over a decade of drug use. She has three kids and lost custody of all of them before they turned five.

If I meet a childfree person with a drinking problem, I'll probably be thoroughly shocked.

"Be yourself, no matter what. Some will adore you, and some will hate everything about you, but who cares?

It's your life. Make the most out of it."
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
Big drinker/partier/clubber here! grinning smiley Well, I used to be, before I met my current BF, who is not really in to all that. It's cool, though - we make cocktails at home and stuff and listening to dubstep on Internet radio is FREE!!! So I don't really miss it all that much.

What I mostly miss is the desire to get glammed up for outings again: much like moos who are past their prime, I'm starting to get a bit slovenly. blushing I want to return to my hard-partying/drinking days just so I can wear some MAKEUP for once! (Haha.) I guess the problem isn't really my lack of partying lifestyle... smile rolling left rightsmile Don't tell my BF that, though.
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 15, 2013
I go out a fair amount but when I do get drunk it's with a couple of friends at a nice wine bar or at a long dinner that starts with cocktails and includes great wine pairings. I'm not "partier" in the sense that most of the Moomies refer to when they think of the CF tearing it up every night.

I didn't mind this post. I agree with that this statement, for the most part: "Look, having kids is great. But so is not having kids. To each their own."

I am all for choice, but if you're going to choose to have kids, choose to BE A PARENT and not let your kids run wild in public like the world owes it to you.
Re: Moms secretly envy the child-free.
June 16, 2013
Here's a nice gem from the comments section. How does this moo respond when asked if she envies our lifestyle?

Lying out of her ass mooo
Never. Being a mother is amazing. The childless lifestyle can never compare.

waving hellolariouswaving hellolariouswaving hellolarious

I love when the moomies make funny jokes, it brightens my day oh so much.smile rolling left righteyes2

You see Moos as smart enough to actually make a joke? :eh??


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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