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"Is it okay to bash people on WIC and SNAP?" ("WIC Woes" Blogger Posits)confused smiley

Posted by kidlesskim 

Is it okay to bash people on WIC and SNAP?The cow pondersconfused smiley

I’ve been called many names since starting this blog. I’ve been called a “welfare whore.” I’ve been called lazy, greedy, and rude. I’ve been called a hypocrite and a moocher. I’ve been cursed at, judged, and questioned constantly. I think it’s about time I speak against the hate. She uses the word "hate" as if she is a victim of racism, sexism, or some other minority bashing who, through no faults of their own, are the recipients of unwarranted hatred or bullying. When, in fact, she chooses, by voluntarily not working, to not only be on WIC-SNAP and God only knows what all other government handouts, but she doesn't see anything wrong with continuing to crank out babies she obviously can't afford and THEN shamelessly blogs about it like she's proud of herself!eye rolling smiley

It almost always happens in the comments section by someone who chooses not to be notified of follow-up comments (interesting…), and by someone who decides to remain anonymous (though that’s certainly not always the case). From this, I gather a couple things about people who leave such comments. I can hardly wait to read about her intelligent deductions, based I am certain, on unbiased fact. drinking coffee

They have a strong opinion about taking advantage of programs like WIC and SNAP, and they feel they need to share their opinion. They also feel that their opinion should be the opinion that all people embrace. But they also don’t want their opinion to taint their reputation, else they would leave their name. "Taint their reputation?" What does that even mean, I wonder? I would be willing to guess people post comments to her bullshit blog anonymously for the same reason I used a pen name for my book, I Don't Hate Your Kids, I Hate You!, and the reason we all post under screen names on Bratfree. That is, of course, because we know the WIC-Welfare Whores are now a majority, they enjoy harassing individuals and businesses with their ridiculous stampedes, nurse ins, and other public methods of annoying tactics, when they aren't filling up the email boxes of ANYONE who speaks out against their leeching off the government! Like too, with a small number of rabid pro-lifers, they have been known to be dangerous to those who oppose their belief sets and lifestyles, sometimes criminally so.

Therefore, I can certainly understand WHY so many post anonymously. I'd like her to reveal what action she would take if she knew their identities? WHY would she even WANT to know anyone's identity if not to harass them or make their names public on her shitty little site? Her little slip of the tongue with the "taint their reputation" comment speaks VOLUMES about her intent because, HOW would anyone's reputation be "tainted" by posting comments on her blog if NOT by her, I wonder?

They aren’t usually interested in a discussion about these programs, or else they would want to be notified when someone replies to their comment. They simply want to make it clear that if anyone doesn’t hold their opinion, they are a hypocritical, greedy, lazy welfare whore.Why do people think this is okay? I can certainly understand that people would disagree with my participation in nutritional assistance programs such as WIC and SNAP. These are pretty controversial topics. But where did basic human decency go? And do you really think calling me derogatory names strengthens your argument? What good does that do? Just because they don't give her their email address for "notifications" doesn't mean they don't check back in and make commentary. RARELY do I check the box, "Notify me when comments are made to this topic" on here or anywhere else, but obviously I do continuing reading, discussing, and commenting. Her logic is non existent and her opinions are self serving. As far as what "good does it do" when she gets her peewin's hurt by name calling, well, it makes people feel better to call her out for her mooching off the tax payers.If she wants an answer to where human decency went, I'd guess it flew out the window when lazy cunts like herself started "staying at home" and siging up for WIC-Welfare-SNAP-Medicaid, etc.....and DEMANDING the public support their irresponsible lifestyles. I think it's indecent to crank out babies you can't afford and expect "the village" to pay your fucking bills!angrily flogging with a whip

I’ll tell you exactly what name-calling does. It makes you sound like a raving insensitive uneducated troll.* It doesn’t cause me to rethink my position at all, it causes me to pray for the future of our nation. I’m reminded over and over again that we live in a broken world. Yes, our economy is broken, and our government is broken, but even more than that, people are broken. SO, when people express they are pissed that she and millions others are stealing from the tax payers, that means they are, "raving insensitive uneducated trolls?" What happened to the part about name calling being bad? Oh, it's okay for HER to call people names, but the rest of us are supposed to bow at the alter of the almighty Moo.bowing

It’s not okay to call people names. This is something we learned in Kindergarten. I love to have civil conversations about these programs. That’s part of the reason I started this blog. But please, before you comment, ask yourself if you’d talk that way to your mother. Thanks! No, we wouldn't speak that way to our mothers because THEY didn't spend every waking moment devising ways to steal monies from government programs because they were too fucking lazy to work and too irresponsible to PUT THE DICK DOWN, or to use birth control. I DETEST this condescending tone she has with this,"...ask yourself if you'd talk that way to your mother" shit. You aren't a mother you lazy bitch, YOU are a Moo; BIG difference.angry flipping off

*I wrote the bit about sounding like a “raving insensitive uneducated troll” mostly for comedic effect. I realize that I’m calling people names for calling me names. Please forgive me if you can’t take a joke. Thanks! RIIIIGHT. I'd imagine she got a lot of comments, that of course she deleted, about HER calling people names in the same fucking paragraph she claimed people were a, "raving insensitive uneducated troll" for calling her a welfare whore, which she CLEARLY is. Um, that comment she made doesn't sound like a "joke" to me.SO, she's a LYING WIC-Welfare Whore, what a shocker!:BS

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
I would love an exotic car. But the care and feeding are expensive, off the chain. It is my choice to have a couple of Japanese cars instead. Likewise, kids are a choice. They should be wanted, and they should be born into families who can take care of them. That is my opinion.

Welfare and its ilk are a hand UP, not a handOUT. Too many people breed indiscriminately, then expect the working people to pick up their slack. Back when I was a kid, food stamps were a shame and an embarrassment for our parents and grandparents. Today, it is a badge of honor: now I can afford that new Coach bag and Escalade, but after my mani/pedi.

I know the economic downturn did hurt a lot of people, with and without kids. Those without kids get a big bucket of fuckall in hard times. If welfare were truly welfare, everyone in need would have it available to them.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Well maybe she needs to quit being an attention whore and delete her blog. "Rude people" wouldn't know she was on WIC and SNAP if she wasn't on the WWW telling everybody.
when they aren't filling up the email boxes of ANYONE who speaks out against their leeching off the government

This is 100% true, and about a lot of topics. I sometimes read online news articles and comment the lazy way by logging in through my Facebook account. Sometimes I piss off little bitches so badly they not only respond to me in the article, they also send me a private message through Facebook. These days, FB doesn't have the option of keeping people who aren't your "friends" from sending you a private message. I have mine set up that stranger messages and spam go into an "other" folder. Of course, the messages I'm receiving from the psychos are filled with lousy grammar, poorly spelled words, all-caps and superfluous exclamation points. After I reply to them with a verbal assassination, I have to block them.
Back when I was a kid, food stamps were a shame and an embarrassment for our parents and grandparents.

Not only that, but they were literally fucking stamps! They didn't give people those trendy little debt-looking cards like they have these days. Christ, I remember them being red, green, and blue pieces of paper, and apparently using them resulted in one hell of an ordeal. It wasn't easy, and it was extremely embarrassing (as it should be).

Now people get fucking swipe cards, and are able to get food as easily as those of us who use our damn credit/debit cards. It pisses me off when I swipe my debit card, and I know I've just knocked out well over 100$ of my hard earned money to feed myself, and I see a snap-whore with their link card get fed for free! angry smiley

Turning actual food stamps into easy to use plastic is just another reason why idiots today have no shame about using the system. Not only that, but it's almost like a culture onto itself. Have a kyd, get on Medicaid/snap/WIC etc...this shit is practically encouraged by the general public!
Yes. It is more than OK to bash welfare leeches. They SHOULD be made to feel like the parasites they are and cashiers should be able to shame them at the registers.
If you don't want people to bash you for being a lazy fucking welfare cunt then may I suggest getting off your fat moo ass and getting a damn job?
It’s not okay to call people names. This is something we learned in Kindergarten.

It's not okay to have kids you can't afford, either, though I am guessing she dropped out of school before that lesson was taught.
WIC ho is boo hooing on a blog on her computer while feeding her ass on my tax dollars. Yes, I am hatin' big time. Get off the fucking blog and get a fuckin' job!
It's not so much about "bashing" you, moo. It's about sterilizing your ass. Regardless of whether you are a lazy-assed turd, fact of the matter is you are unable to support even yourself, much less your brood. So, okay, benefit of the doubt, you *were* a good mommy and providing for your chyyldreeen. But then life took a turn and now you are down in the dumps and have no means to do your most important job in the world without the support (read: $$$$) of someone unrelated to your poor planning. Whatevs, GET STERILIZED.
If you are receiving government assistance for a SHORT-TERM because something has happened (as it could to anyone), then no, you shouldn't be shamed. These people, however, are the people who stand in line quietly, have their goods arranged ready to pay and then pay with the cards with no drama. These people get the paying process over and done with as soon as possible so that no-one realises they're in need of assistance.

these people should not be shamed. Likewise the truly disabled (I don't mean kiddie Krazy cheque, I mean actually disabled and unable to work - not 'bad back' or 'depression that's lasted 15 years').

However...if you are standing in line fanning yourself and humphing with the card looking proud of it, buying loads of stuff with your own money as well as the government money, and talking on an iphone...you should be shamed.

When my grandparents needed assistance in the 60s in the UK, a man came to their council flat and told them that after they'd sold their TV they could reapply. A TV is not a necessity, and therefore needed to be sold for cash before they could apply for assistance. The man also audited their clothing - how many outifts each person had, where it had been bought etc. He audited EVERYTHING in their home to see whether they were truly stuck or whether they were living beyond their means. It turned out that my grandfather had been made redundant and it was taking a little longer than expected to get a new job. They got the help in the end.

As soon as my grandfather got a new job, the Man was back - he took away all of their assistance as of the date of Grandad's first pay cheque from the new job. The Man made sure that the kids wouldn't go hungry (only 3 children, which was unusual for that time - Nanny and Grandad couldn't afford any more), and that their rent and bills could and would be paid. He then bid them farewell and told them that next time they applied, it would be the same procedure.

My Mum remembers this to this day, and she rememberd the humiliation that my grandparents went through. They went through it because they were actualy desperate. Luckily, as soon as Grandad got his new job, they were back on their feet pretty quickly, but none of the family ever forgot it. Our family has always felt that signing on is a shameful act.

If more of these leeches were made to feel shame, and were humiliated into scaling down their existences, then maybe there'd be more money in the government pot. The UK for example is empty. There is no money in the pot, yet people seem to think that they can spend their lives taking money from it having never put any in.
OMG, I love it, I wish I could give you a thumbs up, I like that you can cuss here, damn I am gonna be on this computer reading these posts thumbs upwink
Re: "Is it okay to bash people on WIC and SNAP?" ("WIC Woes" Blogger Posits)confused smiley
June 20, 2013
If you are receiving government assistance for a SHORT-TERM because something has happened (as it could to anyone), then no, you shouldn't be shamed. These people, however, are the people who stand in line quietly, have their goods arranged ready to pay and then pay with the cards with no drama. These people get the paying process over and done with as soon as possible so that no-one realises they're in need of assistance.

these people should not be shamed. Likewise the truly disabled (I don't mean kiddie Krazy cheque, I mean actually disabled and unable to work - not 'bad back' or 'depression that's lasted 15 years').

However...if you are standing in line fanning yourself and humphing with the card looking proud of it, buying loads of stuff with your own money as well as the government money, and talking on an iphone...you should be shamed.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Everybody can have a though moment. Those people are something else.

BTW: In the comment there is a rather badass named Stephanie that tears those wic-whores a new one grinning smiley Kudos to her


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
Given that she has posted all of her shit online for others to see then I am not going to cry for her. Hopefully for the sake of the litter of minor children she is sure to have she has maintained some type of anonymity so they aren't stuck with the stigma of her poor choices. My advice to her--stop blogging, turn off the broadband and only use the Interwebs for job hunts. Also, STFU.
If you are receiving government assistance for a SHORT-TERM because something has happened (as it could to anyone), then no, you shouldn't be shamed. These people, however, are the people who stand in line quietly, have their goods arranged ready to pay and then pay with the cards with no drama. These people get the paying process over and done with as soon as possible so that no-one realises they're in need of assistance.

these people should not be shamed. Likewise the truly disabled (I don't mean kiddie Krazy cheque, I mean actually disabled and unable to work - not 'bad back' or 'depression that's lasted 15 years').

However...if you are standing in line fanning yourself and humphing with the card looking proud of it, buying loads of stuff with your own money as well as the government money, and talking on an iphone...you should be shamed.

When my grandparents needed assistance in the 60s in the UK, a man came to their council flat and told them that after they'd sold their TV they could reapply. A TV is not a necessity, and therefore needed to be sold for cash before they could apply for assistance. The man also audited their clothing - how many outifts each person had, where it had been bought etc. He audited EVERYTHING in their home to see whether they were truly stuck or whether they were living beyond their means. It turned out that my grandfather had been made redundant and it was taking a little longer than expected to get a new job. They got the help in the end.

As soon as my grandfather got a new job, the Man was back - he took away all of their assistance as of the date of Grandad's first pay cheque from the new job. The Man made sure that the kids wouldn't go hungry (only 3 children, which was unusual for that time - Nanny and Grandad couldn't afford any more), and that their rent and bills could and would be paid. He then bid them farewell and told them that next time they applied, it would be the same procedure.

My Mum remembers this to this day, and she rememberd the humiliation that my grandparents went through. They went through it because they were actualy desperate. Luckily, as soon as Grandad got his new job, they were back on their feet pretty quickly, but none of the family ever forgot it. Our family has always felt that signing on is a shameful act.

If more of these leeches were made to feel shame, and were humiliated into scaling down their existences, then maybe there'd be more money in the government pot. The UK for example is empty. There is no money in the pot, yet people seem to think that they can spend their lives taking money from it having never put any in.

Damn. Having to sell your stuff and having a home inspection seems a little extreme when we're talking about short-term assistance. I think people are entitled to a bit of dignity when they are trying their best and they're just in a shitty situation. I do think home inspection makes sense for the long-term unemployed, as does checking their assets. But for the short-term unemployed, it's a bad idea to sell things off for a little cash, as you will spend more than you got for them to replace them later - money which you could be using to build up savings against future hard times.
Most people on it are not short termers. I would love this approach. No iPhone, Escalade or flat screen for you, cupcake.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
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