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"Childless Women Would Like Work-Life Balance Too Please" (article)

Posted by kidlesskim 
"Childless Women Would Like Work-Life Balance Too Please" (article)
June 28, 2013

"One of the hazards of framing debates about work-life balance around working moms is that no one but working moms — whether vaunted as feminist superwomen or victimized for their lack of a breadwinner partner — feels entitled to it. It's creating what Marie Claire calls "the newest form of workplace discrimination": a second class of childless women carrying "an undue burden at the office, batting cleanup for their married-with-kids coworkers."

Chalk it up to our national singlism ( à la tax breaks for married couples), Ayana Byrd reports that 61 percent of childless women ages 33 to 47 believe parents get more flexibility at work. The women quoted, and their managers, seem to believe children are the only extra-professional pursuit moral enough to justify working a flexible 40-hour week. Parents lay claim to dinner time (children need structure), weekends (the soccer games), and Christmas (Santa’s for kids) — and adjust their schedules accordingly — while younger or childless women are assumed to be available at all times.

Giving those privileges to moms and not, say, those who signed up for a really expensive, non-refundable spin class, is illegal, and Marie Claire urges you to stand up for yourself, either to your manager (with the help of your more senior, childless female mentor, of course) or H.R. But even the brave Marie Claire sources willing to say, in print, they’d like to work slightly less, will only admit to wanting more free time for self-improvement projects such as going to the gym, spending time with their families, or taking a "religious studies class." It is still totally taboo, it seems, for workers to want to leave the office because they need to know what happens at the end of Gone Girl, or they'd like to have a drink outside while it’s still light out....."

Reader Comments:
1) Ohmygosh, this is absolutely ridiculous. It's not as if working moms and dads are going to get a spray tan. Really? You go to spin class while I raise a human? The writer is suggesting this is the equivalent of going to a workout class? I'm beyond baffled. The investment on children is an investment on society. The last time I worked out I was pregnant. Please. Sorry, but I'm taking care of multiple people and I don't anticipate my career to move up as fast as a non-parent. I expect and accept that, but I work whenever I can--not around my pilates schedule. Taking off work for your spin class doesn't seem like you're placing your career on a very high priority...and isn't that why you didn't have kids in the first place? This just sounds like a whiny post written by a 24-year old who misses college and isn't a hard worker. This cunt crammed as many bingoes as she could into one paragraph.angry flipping off

2)It is absolutely fair to give working moms much more flexibility at work, but I think dads should get this too. Mothering/parenting a child - either your own biological child, or an adopted one, is the only activity that gives back in the most important way to ALL of us. Your cycling and spa treatments do not support retired people, or add to advances in science, or create new businesses. Children are everyone's future, when they work their social security taken from their paychecks pays for you when you are old and haggard. Where would the world be if Bill Gates (HUGE philanthropist by the way), Steve Jobs, and Larry Ellison were not driven to their math & computer club classes or where not otherwise made to feel confident due to the constant care of their mom&dad. The examples are endless. Taking care of ill family members ranks second, but it doesn't give back to society in the same way, and honestly as adults we should plan for our own care/pay for nurses to be less of a burden on others. Sorry, I'm not staying late at work so you can indulge in your vanity projects at your convenience. What to work out? Go to a 24 hr gym after work, even if it's midnight. The only schedule children are on, should be on, and can be on, is their own. saying 'wtf' UNBELIEVABLE.angry smiley

3)This is the kind of attitude that is leading to overpopulation. Thanks for buying into capitalism's myth of eternal growth. I should not be discriminated against because I chose not to bring more people into this world. Oh, and thanks for advocating the abandonment of the elderly. I wonder how you will feel when your children put you in a home and never visit.thumbs upwink

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Wow. Breeders sure get angry when UnChilded people ask for equality, don't they? Spin class? Spray tans? Where DO they come up with this shit?

Just because they did what every alley cat can do behind a garbage bin, shouldn't mean that CF people should get the shaft when it comes to work-life balance. Assholes like these make me glad I work from home. If I were surrounded by smug breeders who constantly took time off for Snotleigh's soccer practise or Brayden's runny nose, I'd be furious! Especially if I wasn't given the same privilege.

That guy who mentioned that caring for ill relatives isn't giving back as much as HIM rearing his HELLSPAWN should go fuck himself sideways with a rusty poker.

Breeders dominate everything nowadays, including the workplace. The article was well-written and well thought out, and it's got the breeders stampeding. Because they know that they're all full of BS. Half the time, they're just using their kyds as an excuse to get off of work early, to take weekends off, etc. etc. That's how effing selfish they are. Selfish, narcissistic, nasty and hateful towards the CF.

They hate us so much because they envy us.
Re: "Childless Women Would Like Work-Life Balance Too Please" (article)
June 28, 2013
I would love to know what these "tax breaks" are because my husband and I just continue to pay and pay and pay. Then when April 15th rolls around we get to pay some more. angry flipping off

sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken
indecision may or may not be my problem
I got a summer job as a cleaner again (which i'm very grateful for) but i do the work of 2 people because of the economical problems (company doesn't afford to hire 2 persons). Meanwhile i still have my part-time job and of course pay taxes from both of them. But some breeders fancy the idea of putting more tax on childless women (i provided here the link in a previous post).
After paying so much without taking any maternity leaves i think i should have the right to some time off especially when taking care of a sick family member. The breeder who said that other family members come on the second place is a selfish cunt...but wait...we were the selfish ones right? Because we do care more about the people who didn't come out of our vaginas. smile rolling left righteyes2
I would like to have a work-life balance even though being CF is just the tip of the iceberg for choices that I have made that would not be socially acceptable and therefor could not be used to argue for consideration if I were to go about it that way. I have learned never to give an explanation or justification about why I need to do what I do.
However, my obligations and commitments should be considered equally valid as someone else's, even if I am unwilling to talk about them, even on an internet forum such as this where I have some degree of anonymity.
Why the hell do breeders get so fucking enraged at the thought that people should be treated equally? Really???
:headbrick I decided not to have kids so I COULD go to the gym, stop off for a mani-pedi after work, pursue educational goals, write a novel, etc etc etc... NOT so I could pick up the fucking slack for MOO.

MOO chose to squirt some out, MOO can deal with being constantly overworked and frazzled. I chose something different.
Re: "Childless Women Would Like Work-Life Balance Too Please" (article)
June 28, 2013
EVERYONE needs work/life balance in order to stay sane. Your kids ARE NOT my future or my problem, sorry. I have cared for both kids and the elderly in my off time while working a full time job. Sorry, breeders, caring for a sick, elderly adult is 10x harder. The only ones among you who could understand what it's like are the parents of seriously ill kids.

The entitlement is unreal. Your brat is not my future and will benefit me in no way, shape or form.
I thought breeding had intrinsic and transcendental benefits like sloppy kisses and hugs from grubby, short people. And they will also have their old, wrinkly asses wiped for free. Why hold so much rage and resentment at the unchilded, pray tell?smile rolling left righteyes2

Taking care of ill family members ranks second, but it doesn't give back to society in the same way, and honestly as adults we should plan for our own care/pay for nurses to be less of a burden on others.

Hmmm, I bet this same jackass will expect their spawn to take care of them in their old age.

Anyway, I'm in the process of requesting flex time at work. I only have to clear it with one person who said I can pretty much do whatever I want because she doesn't want me to ever quit. Another coworker who found out said it was kind of silly for me to change my hours (I'm typical 9-5, want to change to 8-4) because I don't have any responsibilities out of the office. First of all, none of your fucking business. Second of all, this works for ME. I can avoid crazy rush hour a little bit more, I can take the earlier spin class at gym (yeah, it's true and it's valid), and I can accomplish just that much more with an extra hour. I could see if this affects other people in the office but the only two people in my department are me and my boss. I hate most people.
Parunts can go fuck themselves. Their time is not more important than ours is; their lives are not more important than ours are.
This article makes me glad I'm not in the workforce right now. If I was I'd be looking for ways to screw over moos.
The guy who made the comment about old people not being worth anything can kiss my firm childfree ass. As someone else mentioned, taking care of a chyyyld is nothing in comparison. An adult can really fuck things up and they are much harder to manage. Unfortunately it's very common in corporate america for child-related reasons to trump elder issues.

In this comment he really shows his ignorance, in addition to completely plucking my nerves:


Steve Jobs, and Larry Ellison were not driven to their math & computer club classes or where not otherwise made to feel confident due to the constant care of their mom&dad.

Confidence comes from mastery of difficult things, not having Mawmy and Duddy hover over you 24/7 and laud your every achievement, including hitting the potty. Today's kids are not suffering from a confidence problem, if anything they are too confident of their abilities when there is no basis for this confidence. Take the average, white, upper-class over-confident, overly-pampered teen of today and match him/her against your average kid from India or China, and the American kid would get lapped.

Neither Steve Jobs nor Larry Ellison finished college. Steve Jobs was raised by poor parents who couldn't afford to send him to college, at least for more than a year. He showed up in classes anyway and wasn't kicked out, then left to start his own company. Larry Ellison was born to an unwed single mother who gave him to her uncle and aunt to raise, then disappeared from this life.

A little adversity makes some people driven to succeed. Maybe if kids had to work for something, they would appreciate it more.
Really? You go to spin class while I raise a human?

Yah, Moo, while you throw your kids "food" in the microwave to cook (or you drive through McDonalds), pluck the kid in front of the television on his off nights from piano and soccer, where he's going to be ordinary just like 99% of all other kids. It's the teacher's job to deal with him 10 months a year, during summer you get to do the Important Job of whining about how your kids are getting on your nerves.
Re: "Childless Women Would Like Work-Life Balance Too Please" (article)
June 28, 2013
“Taking care of ill family members ranks second, but it doesn't give back to society in the same way, and honestly as adults we should plan for our own care/pay for nurses to be less of a burden on others.”

Yes Duhddykins, I will have enough money to pay for my own care. You, on the other hand, will probably end up relying on your children because you can’t afford home care. You’ll end up being a huge burden on your kids who will have grown up by this time and would rather be living their own lives than changing Duhddy’s diapers or making sure he takes his meds. Hence the reason why most adult kids put their parents in nursing homes. They just can’t or don’t want to care for them.
When that time comes, I hope you remember that quote about caring for ill family members not giving back to society. Boy, are you ever going to wish you never typed that drivel. I gaze into my cf crystal ball and I see a miserable, lonely old man locked in his room, refusing to join the other residents of the nursing home in a game of cards because he's waiting for a phone call from his children. A Phone call that will never come.

“Really? You go to spin class while I raise a human?”

Really? You lie about Snotleigh being sick so you can head on down to the nearest bar and get your drink on while everybody else picks up the slack? How’s about you shove a hot poker up that gaping abyss you call a vagina.
So, let me see if I am understanding this.

Keeping myself and loved ones healthy and active is less important than dropping crotch maggots, and begging off work to have one's life run by them? LOL, this bitch needs to check herself, lest she wreck herself.

I'm going to make sure every manager I have in the future knows that I WILL NOT be discriminated against, because I chose to do other things with my life (bc gee fucking whiz, I think about shit, rather than let shit happen), besides creating more resource suckers. These bitches can kiss my lillywhite ass. I'm the reason they can fuck off an expel a new parasite every year, and get paid for it. I'll be goddamned if I'm ever told, EVER AGAIN, that my life and my time are less important than breeders'. I'll also be quite sure to mention how much more breeders cost the companies they work for. I'll even itemize that shit. It should help to remove the rose-colored glasses the corporate world sees breeders through. Businesses are supposed to make money, not lose it on people who only come to work when they feel like it.
The guy who made the comment about old people not being worth anything can kiss my firm childfree ass. As someone else mentioned, taking care of a chyyyld is nothing in comparison.

It's Moo's choice to breed & look after her tribe of unruly brats but people who have to look after elderly and/or ill relatives don't really have a choice, it's an obligation (whereas Moo is not obliged to have brats)
Most of the time when I leave work early, it's for mundane reasons - like accompanying my mom to court, or going to the bank to fix an issue with my mortgage. But breeders fly into an irrational rage if they see anyone enjoying life, jealous that we have time and resources to relish some simple pleasures. Life sucks, and if going for a workout or a beer makes my head feel better, it's worth it.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
I think you nailed it, Miss Hannigan. Moos know that any time they have outside work, they're going to have to spend with their little hellions, whereas, we have much more variety in what we can/will do, and we can spend our time however we want. Moos think that because they are "punished" by having to spend time working AND taking care of their kyds (whom they chose to have), that CF people should be "tortured" in the same way and forced to give up as much enjoyment as possible; thus working longer hours for the same pay, having to picking up Moo slack, getting screwed on holidays, etc.

They're so miserable with their chosen life outside of work, that they want everyone else to be just as miserable. And since they can't control our outside-work lives, they try to control our work-lives, dumping as much burden and bullshit on us as possible.

Stupid moos think that being a moo is a job -- even though they chose to do it -- thus why we see so many who think that they are entitled to stay home and not have to work. If they do work, they think, "I have 2 jobs!" because they have kyds.
I'd like to add a few personal observations on the subject as well as some anecdotal evidence to support my opinions. I worked among many Moos from my earliest summer job at a dentist clinic at age 13 up until 1998 when I began owning and operating my own businesses, but even up until 2006 I still shared office space with an alleged "childfree" turned accidental breeder who dragged the loaf into work. So. I have worked with the cunts a total of aboutTHIRTY years, making me a Moo-Cunt expert of sorts! While there are many and most aren't positive, my overwhelming observation is when the cows use "flex time" for that famblee-life balance they low about, sick days because Shitford has the sniffles, demand certain vacation dates even though they conflict with busy seasons of the employer or interfere with vacation already scheduled by the unchilded, or they insist on certain holidays off, "for the chyyldren", RARELY, if ever, is that the case, rather they are using the kids as an excuse to do something THEY WANT to do or to make something more convenient for them.angrily flogging with a whip

While occasionally Snotford really is sick, he's rarely THAT sick and often times he isn't even under their care. More often than not they just want a day off and know they can get by with laying out by using the, "My chyyld is sick!" card. Over the years I have had Moos call out with a sick kid only to find out later the following:

My Chyld is Sick!:BS
1)They were in fact, at the beach, on a date, working at a second job, too hung over to come into work, and just about anywhere else imaginable other than at home caring for their sick kid.

2)The child really was sick, but their mother or mother in law took the child to the doctor AND took care of him at her house the entire duration of her absence. This happened on more than one occasion when I managed a restaurant and I'd find out about it when the Grand-Moo would call looking for the cunt to give her updates on Sickford or looking for her because she hadn't bothered to call in two days to see about her alleged sick child.

3)The child wasn't sick at all, but they just wanted a day off to sleep, study, or whatever. I'd find this out when the daycare would call to ask her why the kid wasn't in daycare and no one had called in about the kid, which they are supposed to do but don't because they rolled back over and over slept and the kid isn't even awake yet when they call out.

4)In jobs where I wasn't the boss they'd openly talk about the "My child is sick" lie and laugh about getting one over on the company.

The "flex time" Bullshitmoo with baybeem
That wasn't really a popular thing while I was still working for large companies, but I did see it at the end of my time working alongside a cow in a shared office. After she sluiced she started using that "work from home" lie and would RARELY work from home, which was evident by the fact her remote computer wasn't being used because I could see the main one at the office with a BLANK screen most all fucking day she was supposed to be "working from home". That, and her clients would call the office complaining she wouldn't answer her cell phone and ask ME to make corrections in reports, email documents, schedule appointments, etc.......like I was her fucking secretary. SO, she wasn't answering her phone OR working up reports, so she clearly was NOT "working from home", placing ME in the awkward position of having to pick up the slack for her. It was either that, or get some of our communal-shared clients pissed off at our company.

Vacations and Holidayseye rolling smiley
On numerous occasions over the years I have later learned some of these women didn't even HAVE their kids on the alleged holiday they requested off, but instead the kids were with their father on that particular holiday. No, they wanted that particular day off to spend it with their latest boyfriend and his famblee, which usually included potential step kids she was trying to win over for the future conception of a "one of our own" loaf. As far as famblee vacations, several times I'd find out they didn't even TAKE their kids with them, but left them with Mee-Maw and they and their husbands would fucking go on a cruise or something. Unbelievably, they'd come back all happy and tanned with a bunch of pictures that did NOT include the kids! One time I recall they specifically claimed they had to have THAT week off for "the chyldren", since they were out of school, and literally bumped an unchilded employee's vacation to another week.

FUCK Breedersangry flipping off
EVEN WHEN whatever they want their "famblee-life balance" time off for IS kid related, it is of no more importance than whatever the unchilded have the need for time off or "flex" time too. That asinine comment about fucking the elderly because they don't contribute to society or whatever is WOEFULLY selfish, mean, uncaring, and clearly illustrates just how self centered most breeders are! Who wants to bet when it's time for them to cash in on the bingo, "Who will take care of us in our old age", then they will expect their kids to get time off to take care of them! God, how I LOATHE Moos and Duddys with a purple passion and I am delighted "childless" people are coming forward, along with LEGAL counsel claiming discrimination, in hopes it will rain on their fucking high and mighty parade! It doesn't affect me personally any longer, but it's the damned principle of it. :sbx

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: "Childless Women Would Like Work-Life Balance Too Please" (article)
June 29, 2013

Giving those privileges to moms and not, say, those who signed up for a really expensive, non-refundable spin class, is illegal,

Really? Everywhere? Then why aren't employers being sued? We know the practice of giving moos more benefits happens all the time. No other minority tolerates discrimination like us and we have to stand up against it or it looks like we don't care.

The last company I worked for had earned time. You had to inform in advance but you could use your time for anything. Mostly I took it to leave early to take care of things that needed time to do before 5 pm. If I had left to do something fun I would not have broadcasted it neither did anyone else. So with earned time, no one could complain. Sometimes moos didn't want to use their time for kid related stuff but it was across the board - you aren't there, you use your time. It didn't matter why and that is fair.

I'd like to hear more about how giving moos special treatment is illegal and what steps the CF should take exactly when they are victims of this discrimination that is SO blatant that the idiots in the comments are defending the discrimination.
blondie's system of earned time is the best solution. Everyone has X hours, end of story. That is fair for everyone. And if Mommy misses a soccer game because she's used up her time by June, well, that's life, sweetheart. Adults are responsible for their choices.

Established tiling methods are for unlambent nonbreathers filled with tiny rage.--CrabCake
Re: "Childless Women Would Like Work-Life Balance Too Please" (article)
June 29, 2013
I'm quite glad that at my work we all have equal flexibility with our schedules. Except for scheduled meetings and appointments, we can choose our own hours. Work is largely independent so if one person slacks off it will be obvious and nobody else will be expected to take over. Vacation days are also constrained only by the logistics of getting work done. Ideally all offices would be like this: you have freedom unless you demonstrate that you can't be trusted with it.
I would love to know what these "tax breaks" are because my husband and I just continue to pay and pay and pay. Then when April 15th rolls around we get to pay some more. angry flipping off

Tax breaks? WTF? Parents get way more tax breaks than anybody else. They get baby bonuses, they get to claim expenses for their spawn's activities and sports and get some of that money back. They get to claim their daycare expenses and get some of that back. They get money back just for having kids. What do we get? We get to pay for their schools, their playgrounds, and their tax breaks.
Really? You go to spin class while I raise a human?

Yah, Moo, while you throw your kids "food" in the microwave to cook (or you drive through McDonalds), pluck the kid in front of the television on his off nights from piano and soccer, where he's going to be ordinary just like 99% of all other kids. It's the teacher's job to deal with him 10 months a year, during summer you get to do the Important Job of whining about how your kids are getting on your nerves.

It seems like the ones who do the least work taking care of their kids are the ones who complain the loudest about how hard it is. smile rolling left righteyes2
And since when is wanting to be healthy not a valid reason for wanting flexible hours at work? Some of us have serious diseases that run in our families that can be prevented by staying healthy. And even if you don't, wanting to be healthy isn't selfish. That's a real contribution to society. Adults have already contributed and continue to contribute to society. Children are nothing but a drain on society until they're old enough to get a job and start giving something back. Most of today's kids are so spoiled, lazy and stupid, flipping burgers will likely confuse them too much to be able to do it. Our future, my ass.
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