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Child abuse / loud musical performances.

Posted by marco polo 
Child abuse / loud musical performances.
July 29, 2013
Over the past month I've been to a couple of live musical performances at local bars and witnessed children there, who were far too young to have any business being at such a show. It bothers me to see things like that, because while I generally dislike kids, I think it's wrong for parents to subject their kids to conditions (in this case, extremely loud music/noise) that they know or should know are harmful. When I go to live shows, I wear earplugs, always, without exception. If I discover that I don't have my earplugs, I either don't go to the show, or I go home and get them. These shows are LOUD; they hurt my ears. Kids' ears are more sensitive than mine, so I can only imagine how they feel, not to mention the well-studied hearing damage that can and does result from prolonged loud sound exposure.

On top of all that, it was 11pm, it is inappropriate to bring small kids to a bar (or anywhere, really) at that hour. The kids should have been at home, in bed.

IMHO it's child abuse to bring a kid to a loud music show without making them wear earplugs. The idiot moos in these cases are putting their kids at a disadvantage by damaging their kids' hearing early on. But hey, we're the mean and selfish ones, never forget. smiling smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Child abuse / loud musical performances.
July 29, 2013
My parents were at Bruce Springsteen on Saturday night and they were appalled at the amount of soft babies and young children there. They were in seating which were last minute purchase so poor quality being really close to the stage and speakers. My mother was telling me of what looked like a newborn that was sitting close to them without any sort of ear protection. Even forgetting about the obvious hearing damage, WHO THE FUCK BRINGS CHILDREN AND BABIES TO A PLACE LIKE THAT? If you can't get a sitter then don't go. How is it even any fun making sure your toadler doesn't get into trouble or kidnapped? There are many places children don't belong and a concert is one of them.
Re: Child abuse / loud musical performances.
July 30, 2013
And then, those same parents wonder why their kids have problems sleeping through the night or bedtime is such a hassle.smile rolling left righteyes2

I never had an actual bedtime, but that's because I tended to fall asleep on my own before 8:00 or 9:00. Sometimes, my mom would have to make sure I didn't fall asleep for a few moments because I wouldn't have reached my bed.

"Be yourself, no matter what. Some will adore you, and some will hate everything about you, but who cares?

It's your life. Make the most out of it."
Re: Child abuse / loud musical performances.
July 30, 2013
In Texas I have something called the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. I would take cell phone footage of that crap and report it. Having minors in a bar after a certain time is ILLEGAL and I really wish it would be enforced.
Re: Child abuse / loud musical performances.
July 30, 2013
Stunningly cruel to be a parent who appreciates music and live performances and yet also willing to risk their child's chance of enjoying the same due to hearing loss.

If their child care provider was as loud an environment, you can bet they would be up in arms about the danger it posed.
Re: Child abuse / loud musical performances.
July 30, 2013
By the time the kyd's 15 he/she won't be able to hear. But hey, breeder logic! They can't think past their gonads.

All this kinda brings to mind the Woodstock concert in 1969. The hippie idiots were SHITTING LOAVES there and there were kyds all over the place. What a mess. Probably all of those kyds as adults have some kind of hearing impairment today.

Re: Child abuse / loud musical performances.
July 30, 2013
If the, "No One Under 21", laws were enforced where alcohol is sold and/or served this wouldn't even be a problem. I have seen little kids in strollers with their Moos in liquor carry out stores on NUMEROUS occasions when there's a posted sign over the door which says, "No One Under 21-NO EXCEPTIONS!". I don't even think restaurants that have actual bars on the premises, like AppleBees and Ruby Tuesday, among others, should allow anyone under 21 in the bar area, which they clearly do! I have seen famblees seated at the bar in those places with kids digging their grubby little paws into the drink garnish trays all too often. I suppose, "Save the chyldren!" and "Protect the chyyldren!" protests by parents are ONLY valid as long as it's someone other than the parent placing kids in unsafe and/or age inappropriate conditions. shrug

Leave a child in a hot car to die and it's acceptable as long as a sleep deprived parent does it. Let a toddler tumble off a roof top apartment building and as long as a bizzy mom was present when it happened, all is good. Allow a 4 y/o to slip off a muddy embankment into white water rapids and if it's his father who wasn't supervising him properly, then let's drag out the Teddy Bears and candles. A 6 y/o falling into the famblee business wood chipper to become pulverized is a tragedy if it happens on duddy's watch, but it's a crime if it occurred on a construction site of a non relative. Back over their own kid in the driveway and the entire community brings over casseroles, but let a neighbor do it and the pitch forks come out. Let a teen impale himself on a cow statue at 3AM while walking with neighbors and the adults on the scene are interrogated, but let it be the moo who was present and she's, "suffered enough"™. Let a baby smother in it's own bed and it's SIDS, but let that same child die in it's sleep in the NICU ward and a nurse's license is in jeopardy, to name but a few examples of the hypocrisy.thumbs updown

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Child abuse / loud musical performances.
July 30, 2013
I also agree that this is chyld abuse. Not only dragging their kyds to an inappropriate venue, but exposing them to loud noises that will injure their hearing. Breeders claim to love their kyds, but their actions speak louder than their words.

Breeders only seem to love their kyds when it's convenient for them...the rest of the time they really could care less about their health and safety.
Anonymous User
Re: Child abuse / loud musical performances.
July 30, 2013
My town has a local music festival once a month. People hang out in the street and dance and drink. No big deal. I went last Thursday, they had an MJ tribute band playing. I saw a moo there holding a BRAND NEW fucking babby. I mean, probably still had placenta on it. You could tell this thing was a week old at most. And here it was in the midst of this loud party. Like, it wasn't mind-bendingly loud [or else I wouldn't be there, I'm very sensitive to loud noises], but for a babby that tiny it was way too loud. I hate babies, but I become concerned when I see one being mistreated just like anyone else. I know that brand new baybees have very sensitive ears, so it's cruel to take one out to a loud concert like that, even relatively far from the stage. Get you and your stroller the fuck home.

Sorry moo, you can't squat and drop a loaf and just go right back to your normal partying life. Only CF people get to party whenever they want. ;P
Re: Child abuse / loud musical performances.
July 30, 2013
These assholes probably take their newborns to fireworks displays. smile rolling left righteyes2
Then, when the kyd's 5 and can't hear right they'll wonder why.

Re: Child abuse / loud musical performances.
July 30, 2013
While I think children can benefit from going to musical events (provided the children are able to behave during a music event), I think the show should be age appropriate. Dar Williams in the park=family entertainment. Rob Zombie=not so much. Children should always wear hearing protection (unless it is Dar Williams), never be near mosh pits or barriers, should not be even remotely involved in crowd surfing, not be out all hours of the night and never ever near bars or alcohol vendors. If you take a child to a music event and you do not have hearing protection is child abuse.
Re: Child abuse / loud musical performances.
July 30, 2013
If you cannot hear the loaf screaming over the music then it is too fucking loud for the loaf.
Anonymous User
Re: Child abuse / loud musical performances.
July 30, 2013
Hey everyone, I was once a member of the original forum years and years ago. I'm a Golden Snip recipient and just wanted to get back involved with you fine folks and weigh in on this topic. I'm one of the guys you'll find on stage assaulting the senses of the audience as a lead guitarist / vocalist,

I've seen people on the dance floor right in front of the stage with their grubs to their bosom enduring 100 plus decibels of sound coming off not only the live drums and amps themselves but from the PA bins which are even louder than the stage volume so the vocals are loud enough to be heard over the direct sound of the instruments. All I can do is shake my head. Oddly enough, the bands that I'm in will back down on the volume unconsciously when we see this, but the whole performance takes a hit because we are now more concerned with frying the ears of a kid that doesn't have the choice to be there. I can't imagine how terrifying it must be to a baby that has no idea that Bridge of Sighs sounds better if you can feel the sound a little.

Is it child abuse? Not intentionally in my mind. Are the dummies that think they are somehow exposing their child to culture largely ignorant of the damage they may be doing to their child's hearing ignorant? Absolutely. Of course ignorance is bliss. Nobody seems to notice that we all wear ear plugs on stage and that is for a reason.
Re: Child abuse / loud musical performances.
July 30, 2013
Hey everyone, I was once a member of the original forum years and years ago. I'm a Golden Snip recipient and just wanted to get back involved with you fine folks and weigh in on this topic. I'm one of the guys you'll find on stage assaulting the senses of the audience as a lead guitarist / vocalist,

I've seen people on the dance floor right in front of the stage with their grubs to their bosom enduring 100 plus decibels of sound coming off not only the live drums and amps themselves but from the PA bins which are even louder than the stage volume so the vocals are loud enough to be heard over the direct sound of the instruments. All I can do is shake my head. Oddly enough, the bands that I'm in will back down on the volume unconsciously when we see this, but the whole performance takes a hit because we are now more concerned with frying the ears of a kid that doesn't have the choice to be there. I can't imagine how terrifying it must be to a baby that has no idea that Bridge of Sighs sounds better if you can feel the sound a little.

Is it child abuse? Not intentionally in my mind. Are the dummies that think they are somehow exposing their child to culture largely ignorant of the damage they may be doing to their child's hearing ignorant? Absolutely. Of course ignorance is bliss. Nobody seems to notice that we all wear ear plugs on stage and that is for a reason.

So, what you're saying is, in effect, your performance as a musician is hampered when you see a kyd in the crowd out of consideration for the fact that it's ignorant parunts more than likely dragged the poor kyd there against it's will.

You're a good man for having that consideration, but I'm sure you enjoy playing more when you can "let it all out" knowing that no little ears are around to damage.

Breeders screw up everything, including (or maybe especially) art. smile rolling left righteyes2

So sad, for the kyd AND the artist.

Also, :1welcome back!

Anonymous User
Re: Child abuse / loud musical performances.
July 30, 2013
I agree that it is abuse. I'm 30 and have some degree of hearing loss due to numerous heavy metal gigs througout the years. My BF who is 10 years my senior also has some hearing loss due to playing guitar and touring over the course of the last 15 or so years; says the right is worse than the left because the PA was always on his right. Of course I wear earplugs now but I was a bit foolish in my younger years and did not. With that being said, I can only imagine what kind of effect it would have on a young child.
Anonymous User
Re: Child abuse / loud musical performances.
July 31, 2013
Thanks for the welcome! Yeah, it is distracting because you're basically getting baby stalked while you are trying to perform. At least I don't have to listen to a crying loaf in the back of a theater like my acoustic contemporaries anymore. Been there done that and do not want the T shirt.
Re: Child abuse / loud musical performances.
July 31, 2013
Let's pass a law that children under the age of reason and without ear protection are to be denied entrance to concerts which are not specifically targeted at children (with appropriate noise levels for unprotected listening). People who complain will get a visit from CPS with some literature about hearing damage. It's for the children!

I'm sure this must be a law already. It's a simple law, which doesn't require people purchase any extra equipment to follow, and it will have a great positive impact on the health of children. It's a total win! Breeders and childfree alike can agree with these measures, which have no impact on people who are old enough to make their own decision, and which protect our precious chyyyyldren.

spewing water due to laughing Yeah, right. As we know, it's never about the children, it's always about the breeders and their convenience and desires. (Also: 'lap babies'.)
Re: Child abuse / loud musical performances.
July 31, 2013
Snark Shark
. I saw a moo there holding a BRAND NEW fucking babby. I mean, probably still had placenta on it. You could tell this thing was a week old at most.

I picture moo holding the thing up high, like a LIGHTER.

Hopefully she'll DROP it.grinning smiley

I miss my little feather baby.
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